Mem y Zin

Aquí está el texto de Ahmed Khani, Mem y Zin. El texto está traducido de kurdo al inglés por Salah Saadalla en 2008.

Mem y Zin

Mem y Zin

1. En alabanza a Dios

En el libro preescrito está el nombre de Dios
Sin su nombre, está incompleto, por Dios.

Oh, preludio de la belleza de amar
El amado verdadero y metafórico

Es tu nombre que es la tablilla del nombre del amor
Es tu nombre que es la inscripción de la pluma del amor

Sin tu inscripción, la inscripción de la pluma es dócil
Sin tu nombre, incompleto es el nombre

Es tu nombre el que reina en la casa destinada
Y forma el índice de la loable correspondencia

El contenido de los escritos indudables
El testigo de las aberturas invisibles

Amado en el corazón de los que tienen corazón
Los corazones que te convocan

Amada eres, orgullosa y tierna
Amante eres, pero sin deseo

Absolutamente, usted es el beneficioso y el beneficio.
Sin duda, las ganas y las ganas!

Eres la luz en el rostro del amante
¡Eres el fuego en el corazón del pobre amante!

Una vela eres, aunque no de luz y fuego
Un sol eres, pero invisible a los ojos

Un tesoro estás dentro del talismán del mundo.
Un tesoro enterrado visto por la mente del hombre


Este mundo y el hombre y todo lo visible
Este posible y todos los seres existentes

Todos dependen de usted para la economía y la gestión.
El prado abundante de la creación y el mandamiento

Por tu mandato, a través de la palabra ser, dos mundos
Llegó a existir, y el propósito era el hombre.

El hombre mismo es uno de los dos.

Una letra de la orden sea, por lo que vino a ser

Esa carta es la verdad, una cierta
Un comando, con tu poder, también una creación.

El cuerpo se dibuja de la humanidad
El alma está dotada de divinidad.

Este cuerpo y alma por compulsión y coerción
Han estado por mandato de Dios, en convivencia

Si la Humanidad no tuviera dignidad
La divinidad sigue siendo un rayo de belleza.

La carta que dijimos era una pequeña inscripción
Podría tener un profundo significado e intención.

Exteriormente podría parecer menor
Interiormente es la inscripción principal de la pluma.

En ella existe el testimonio y la adivinación.
En ella manifiesta: el dominio y la deserción

El hombre mismo no es más que una oscuridad y también una luz.
Como Adam está tan cerca de ti, pero tan lejos

Por mucho que sea de la especie mundana
Él es pero aparte de la especie humana

De esta manera las órbitas 2 están todas exaltadas.
Tanto los ángeles todos son ensalzados

Este gran taller que está girando

La magnífica sede que se muda

2- La órbita: fatalidad, destino.


Esta mucho la tierra con los elementos
Así lo incidental con lo sustancial

Esto es lo precioso y la bendición.
Así la comida y la ropa

Todo esto reclamado y requerido
Así amado y deseado

Animales, minerales y plantas.
Intenciones, deseos y requerimientos

En general, están en acción para nosotros.
En conjunto, nos son útiles.

Verdaderamente, este orden y brillo
Con razón lo arreglaste para nosotros, muy amable.

Pero nosotros, los inconscientes, los ociosos y los pecadores.
Todavía están encadenados en el alma que es el incitor

Sin pensamientos en nuestros corazones y recuerdos
Nuestras lenguas no pronuncian agradecimiento ni elogio

Khani no tiene corazón que esté recordando
¡Oh Señor! Dale una lengua que sea agradecida


2. Apelando y suplicando a Dios

¡Agradecerte es la esencia del tiempo!

¡Citarte es el pulimento del corazón!

Oh, el único y sin pareja
¡Oh, el buscador incomparable e incomparable!

Oh, lo permanente que no se desvanece y lo eterno
¡Oh, el líder imperecedero y en ascenso!

Oh, creador de la tierra y del cielo
Oh, creador de toda la humanidad y genios

Reinos, ángeles y órbitas, enteramente
En masa hiciste, divinamente

Alabado seas, lo que sea que hayas creado
Bien lo hiciste, sin embargo te fisionaste

Todo lo que hiciste, oh, buen trabajador
Todo en su esfera, era propio

Estas nueve conchas que están llenas de perlas
Las perlas blancas, transparentes y oscuras

los siete que se asemejan a las perlas de Kheltan
Los seis lugares y las cuatro esquinas

Los tres bdys, llenos de descendencia

La tierra y el cielo, junto con las llaves

La pizarra y el bolígrafo, las estrellas estacionarias y el Trono
El animal, la planta, el mineral y la cama.

Produjiste estas muchas obras.
Tú creaste tantas maravillas

Todo lo que creaste de la nada
Todo sin esencia lo inventaste

En total, sea el primero o el último
En resumen, sea creyente o incrédulo


¡Para ti cada uno es un aspecto!

¡En ellos te conviertes en una faceta!

¡Sin tu gracia no tienen existencia!
¡Sin tu luz no tienen vista!

¡La sabiduría es tanto oculta como aparente!
¡El poder es ese tanto ausente como presente!

Ni un espacio que tengas ni un lugar
Sin embargo, en aquellos que estás habitando

¡Como si todos fueran un solo cuerpo, tú eres el alma!

Como si todo fuera una sola ciudad, ¡tú eres la casa!

¡Tu gracia es el ornamento de los amantes!
¡Es vuestra envidia la que es el celo de los vigilantes!

¡Es tu inclinación la que atrae a los amantes!

¡Es vuestra enfermedad la que duele en los corazones!

Shirin 3 que hiciste como azúcar para Perwiz
Ferhad derramó sangre como lágrimas

Layla hiciste una aflicción para Qays
Ramin te enredaste con Caminos

¿Por qué le mostraste a Yousif a Zulaikha?

¿Cómo llevaste a Wamik a Ezra?

El jeque 4, que era viejo y piadoso

enloqueciste por la hija de los impíos

Niluffer la tierna flor!

¡Que también te hiciste amante!

Los cargaste con aflicción
Los encadenaste con la desgracia

¡Ruiseñores que convertisteis en amantes vertiginosos!
¡Rosas rojas que creaste de las espinas!

3- Shirin y Perwiz, Ferhad % Layla y Qays, Ramin y Ways, Yousif y
Amantes famosos de Zulaikha, Wamik y Ezra.

4- Sanaani: el Piadoso que se enamoró de la hija del Rey de Armenia.


Le diste finos colores a la hierba de flores rojas
Le diste una hermosa voz al canto de los ruiseñores

Le diste a la punta de la vela la luz
Saqueando la polilla con una luz tan brillante

¡La amada que hiciste tan atractiva!

La atrajo que hizo tan perplejo!

Este amor y cariño en el corazón
Este ear-lock 5 y el hombro por favor

Me pregunto, ¿no los hiciste opuestos?
Todo el mundo que equiparas con otro

El espejo que hiciste, repetido
Tu gracia en ellos, ilustrada

El espejo que sostenías ante el loro
Una red que sostuviste ante el ciervo

Un espejo que creen que es agua
Un reflejo que imaginan es la luz del sol

Ellos ven tu foto en el agua
No evitan la red y el agua

Labios secos exigen agua fresca

Pero el bloqueo de orejas y el topo son el cebo en su lugar.

Una vez que lo deseado está alrededor
Todos los espectadores darán la vuelta

Los loros mismos ¿qué están haciendo?
Todo lo que oyen lo hacen eco

Ven la intención, en definitiva
Encadenados se vuelven, quedándose mucho tiempo

¡Deseo de corazón y deseado eres el Rey!

¡Y tú guías a quien tomas bajo tu ala!

Cualquiera que desees enredar

Con la cerradura de la oreja y el topo que grilletes

5 – Ear-lock, side lock, mole: se estiman como símbolos de belleza en Kurdistán.


Cualquiera que traigas a la fe
Apoyar, y poner bajo tu cuidado

Ahora tomas el lugar conocido
Si un sirviente, te conviertes en un amo

Sin reverencias, honorable ídolo
Hizo de Adán un nicho de oración y señor

¿Cómo llevaste a Jesús a la cumbre?
¿Qué te hizo querer esa alma?

La lección que le leíste en secreto a Idris
Definitivamente tenía la medida de la santificación.

Los pobres y los inocentes Ibliss 6
Tuvo tanto de tu solicitud

Se sometía mil veces al día.
Así que le permitiste salirse con la suya

No inclinarse ante nadie, excepto su ídolo.
Rechazar su reemplazo como inactivo

No se inclinó ni una vez ante un extraño
Tu pena, ponlo para siempre en el fuego

En resumen conciencia de tu sabiduría
Nadie que vimos, gloria a Dios

Buscador del conocimiento, y también de la comprensión
Decir de ti "no te conocemos"

La ignorancia del derecho de Khani
Puede alienarlo, como derecho.

A menos que Dios lo salve
Mustafa de oro lo guía 7

¡Oh Señor! Por el bien de Mustafa
Khani como tu conocido hacer

6- Iblis Satán.

7 – Mustafá: Mahoma.


3. En alabanza del Profeta

Cosas que se jactan de evidencia y prueba
Importe a cero a menos que sea posible y necesario

La necesidad es una, la esencia del señor
La posibilidad es muchas, la suma total de las otras

La necesidad que hace de lo posible un velo
Y para sí mismo hizo de lo posible un aspecto

Por lo tanto, para tener esto probado

Para que su gracia salga y no se oculte

El tesoro de las joyas a exhibir
Establecer al pintor a partir del cuadro.

Pero la habilidad del autor sabio

La pintura de los capaces y los omnipotentes

Descartado solo tener un dibujo
Eminentemente también tendría un escrito

Como cualquier ser no tenía inscripción
La pluma fue la primera en llegar a la creación.

Fueron los primeros 8, luego el alma y la mente
Estos tres eran diferentes a los anteriores.

Pero, eso no es para distinguir entre ellos.
Mejor aún, considéralos iguales.

Di "Son absolutamente una cosa
Como números y numerales considerando

Primero brilló una luz de la gracia eterna
Una luz que se convierte en la esencia de Mahoma

Esa luz por mandato del Conocedor de lo Invisible
Se convirtió en una fuente abundante del mundo invisible

Del significado del Profeta todas las almas
Se volvió como el árbol y la hierba

8- el primero: el bolígrafo.


Convertirse en la fuente original de todas las almas.
Las almas felices y las almas desafortunadas

Todo se ramificó de él.
Todos alcanzaron la felicidad a través de él.

No había ni la tierra ni los cielos
Él era el jefe de todos los profetas.

Las órbitas fueron creadas para él 9

La reverencia de los ángeles se inició para él.

Él fue una misericordia para el mundo entero.
Adán seguía coagulando como agua y barro.

Él era el Profeta de la suma, parte y todo
Mientras que Adán todavía era agua y tierra

Esa ventana de belleza del Creador
Y el orbitador solar del corazón oscuro

Cuando tomó la forma mundana
Como el Profeta del fin de los tiempos

Ese estrecho entre lo posible y lo necesario
Ese rey en forma de ministro

Religiones y naciones suplantadas
Curando las nociones enfermas y enfermizas

Al ver que el mundo era totalmente infiel
Sacó una espada de su profecía

Personas que habitan la superficie de la tierra.
Todos fueron presionados por los valientes fieles

Un hindú encubierto como el rey de Turkestán
Fakhfur 10, bebiendo una copa de vino como chino

El débil César inadecuado e insignificante
Vagando con cautela con miradas indiscretas

9- él Mahoma.

10- Fakhfur: un emperador chino.


Como el rey árabe levantó la bandera
El persa Chosroes se preguntó dos veces

Los turcos, abisinios, europeos y los tártaros
Cualquiera que fuera a la religión un bar

Inevitablemente muchos perecieron por la espada
Hasta que la religión fue seguida parcialmente

La falsedad que lavaron con fuego
Derribaron muchos templos de fuego

Cuando anunció la religión
sabianos, sabatarios y cristianos

La Torá que más olvidaron

La Biblia y el libro de los salmos a la memoria perdida

Mientras Jesús leía la Biblia
Por inspiración y revelación dio su título

Diciendo: “¡Buenas noticias! para un mensajero más Exaltado
Me seguirán, por el nombre de Ahmed”

Hizo su llamada con la mano y la lengua
Espada en mano y Corán en la lengua

Un semblante fino, un mensajero, también un príncipe
Lleno de sabiduría, con un libro, también una espada

Sin leer antes, pero un maestro público

Sin propiedad y entretenimiento, pero un benefactor

Sin caballos ni asistentes, conquista el mundo entero
Sin tambor ni bandera, pero haciendo eco en todo el mundo

Cualquiera que hayas visto debe haber sido

El ejército estaba formado por soldados “nadie había visto”

Sin tienda, sede y corte
Las nubes haciendo un paraguas del destino.

Estaba tan bien informado del delantero
Como era tan consciente del atraso


Su sombra no abandonó los terrenos.
En total escuchó cien sonidos.

A él los minerales le comunicaban
Con él las plantas asociadas

Ni un solo tipo de la raza de los animales
No creía en su profecía

Sólo unos pocos de los hijos de Adán cayeron
Convertirse en forraje para el fuego del infierno

En resumen: en la tierra y en el cielo
El resultado: en todos los humanos y en los genios

Nada existe sin su gracia
Nadie lo supera como partidario.

Los desventurados en su nación
Avanzó por su resolución

Con su devoción se fortaleció la religión
Con su ley se enderezó el camino

Los científicos son como profetas.
Los adoradores son como santos.

Uno de los grandes compañeros.
Igualó a quinientos valientes infieles

Pero todos juntos

No podía igualar en dignidad una figura

Hay gente que duda de la religión.
Hablando locamente de la religión

El Corán y el Discurso: ¡qué milagros!
Los textos y los capítulos: ¡qué evidencia!

Que buenos amigos son Bubakir y Omar
Que maravillosos compañeros son Osman y Ali 1 1

11- Bubakir, Omar, Osman y Ali los cuatro sabios califas sucesores de


¡Oh, Rey, el alto rango!

¡El sol de la órbita, brillando y sombreando!

Con mi conocimiento, su descripción es desagradable.
Su elogio es poseedor de la gloria

Oh, Rey de Reyes, ¿qué diré?

La palabra de Dios describe el camino

¡Ay, Rey! El tuyo es un buen nombre como Yasin
¡Taha! El tuyo es un talismán como Tasin 12

Esto será suficiente, oh amado elegido
Por tu vida Dios ha jurado

Oh, Generoso, por tu vida cien veces te juro
Si peca doscientas cargas llevamos

Podemos ser malos en cualquier grado
Sin embargo, no desesperaremos de Ti

Hasta llegar al pobre Khani
Atado al infierno, impuro y mezquino

Él demasiado mal y como un perro
Suplica misericordia, como nación

Aparece ese mal trabajador como perro
Oh, Señor, asócialo con los compañeros de la religión.

12- Letras tierras.


4. Pedir al Profeta súplicas y súplicas
Dios por el perdón

0, medios de la existencia de ambos mundos
De pie a una distancia de un tiro de arco del señor

Rey de Reyes de Medina Trono
Nuestra religión es un milagro propio

Caminar órbitas está a un paso de ti

El orgullo de los ángeles es un guiño de madre tuyo

Cortas la luna con un signo
Desvías la luz con una expresión

Oh, Rey del trono de “si no fueras tú”

Levántate y sube al cielo, activamente

Listo para ti está el Pegasus Burak
Bandadas de ángeles estarán a tu lado

Para que ante ti se quite la pantalla
Para que puedas hablar sin pantalla al Señor

Diciéndole “Todopoderoso y majestuoso eres tú”

Diciéndole: “Antiguo y eterno eres tú”

Somos pobres, pereciendo y destinados a la tierra
A menos que guíes, estamos acabados.

Primero, ¿por qué nos mereció este honor?

¿La corona de estimación que pusiste sobre nuestra cabeza?

Honrándonos con la sucesión
Cuando nos confías la fe

Sabías que éramos ignorantes
No vimos la confianza tan importante

Lo que sea que hayas decretado como nuestro destino
No podríamos agregarle un átomo, ni disminuir 13

13- No podía cambiar nuestro destino.


Está más allá de la perfección de tu clemencia.
Y lejos de la majestad de tu misericordia

Para hacer excusas por el pecado y la infidelidad
¿Eres tan digno de esta realeza?

Todo lo mismo para ti es la fe y la infidelidad
Igual a tus ojos son el infierno y la inmortalidad

Debe indicar disponibilidad
El cielo para nosotros será como el fuego

Pero si la abundante nube de misericordia llueva
El infierno para nosotros en el cielo se convertirá

Ya sea pecador o infiel
De todos ustedes tienen esperanza

Cada infiel y bandido
es una faceta de tu aspecto

En tu nombre todopoderoso nos convertimos en incrédulos
Tu nombre absolvedor nos ha hecho pecadores

Si no pudieras perdonar la infidelidad
Si nuestros pecados estás grabando

Satanás se regodeará en nuestra miseria
Y muchos malditos se regocijarán

¡Sería esto justo, oh, refugio del mundo!

¿Sería esto apropiado, oh, pastor del rebaño

Este lobo maldito y malvado al fin
Como las ovejas nos separan

En resumen, haz que el demonio rebelde
Sólo se aloja en el infierno y solo

Para nosotros las personas publicas y privadas en general
El malvado, amotinado y criminal

Intercede misericordiosamente, Señor
Sálvanos a todos del fuego


5. Nuestra difícil situación

¡Ay, copero! ¿Quieres por el amor de Dios?
Por una gota de vino en el rey

Entonces el vidrio puede mostrar la esfera.
Lo que se desee se aclarará

Revelar la situación de cada
Cuando el bienestar está al alcance

Nuestro retiro está completo.
¿Es probable que cese ahora

O seguirá más
¿Hasta que todos nos marchitemos?

¿Es posible en el ciclo de la órbita?
Que nuestra estrella saldrá en el planeta

Que nuestra suerte se vuelva amorosa
Que despertará una vez de su sueño

Que surja un refugio mundial para nosotros
Y aparece un rey para nosotros

El poder de nuestro arte para establecerse
El valor de nuestra pluma por confirmar.

Nuestra situación a ser remediada
Nuestro aprendizaje para ser exigido

Si tuviéramos un líder orgulloso
Generoso y mecenas de la literatura.

Nuestra moneda sería moneda acuñada
Intercambio no tan dudoso y sin valor.

Aunque es puro y distinto
Más preciosa es la moneda de la menta

Si tuviéramos un rey

Dios lo había visto digno de una corona


Un trono, para él, fue establecido
Nuestra fortuna se habría iluminado

Si se hubiera obtenido una corona

La prosperidad ciertamente se habría alcanzado

Él habría cuidado de nosotros, los huérfanos.
Y nos hubiera protegido de los villanos

Los turcos no nos habrían ganado en absoluto.
Nuestra tierra no sería ruina bajo la lechuza

Gobernado y oprimido por la gentuza

Superado y sometido al dictado de los tayikos y los turcos.

Pero Dios desde la eternidad así lo quiso

Estos turcos y persas desatados contra nosotros

Si la subordinación a ellos es tan vergonzosa
Es para los famosos desgraciados

Es vergonzoso para el gobernante y el príncipe.
Someter al pobre y al poeta a la injusticia

Cualquiera que levantó la espada resueltamente
Se apoderaría valientemente del estado

Por eso el mundo es como una novia
Cayendo en la mano dibujando una espada

Escritura, contrato y dote de la novia
Son la bondad, el perdón y la generosidad.

Le pedí sabiamente al mundo

¿Cuál es tu dote? Determinación, dijo

Así el mundo por la espada y la benevolencia
Se rinde a ese tipo de hombre

Me maravillo de la sabiduría del Señor
Los kurdos en el estado del mundo

¿Por qué razón es su privación
¿Con qué propósito es su condenación


Tomaron a espada la ciudad de la fama
Y obligó a un país resuelto a domar

Todos ellos son tan generosos como Hatem 14
Todos ellos son tan valientes como Rustem 15

Note que entre los árabes y los georgianos
es kurdo, volviéndose como las torres

Asediado por estos persas y turcos
En las cuatro esquinas están todos los kurdos

Los dos bandos han hecho de la tribu de los kurdos
Un objetivo a eliminar con sus flechas

Porque en las fronteras son llaves
Y cada comunidad es una fuerte barrera

Estos mares de los turcos y los tayikos
Cada vez que se mueven o revuelven

Los kurdos se tiñen de sangre
Los mantienen separados como un estrecho

Resolución, valentía y generosidad
Coraje, majestuosidad y resistencia.

Ese es el temple de los kurdos
Mostrado por la espada y el fervor justo

Aunque están celosos de la valentía
son tímidos de caridad

Este fervor y sumo celo
Rechazar la caridad en cualquier trato

Por eso están desunidos
Siempre rebelde y dividido

Si pudiéramos tener un acuerdo
Juntos siguiendo un establecimiento líder

14- Hatem al-Tai legendariamente generoso.

15- Rustem: un héroe.


Los turcos, árabes y persas por completo
Todos habrían sido nuestros sirvientes 16

Habríamos completado la religión y el Estado
Habríamos alcanzado el conocimiento y la sabiduría.

Los artículos se habrían distinguido
Lo excelente habría alcanzado la perfección.

16- Literalmente, en lenguaje común respeta nuestro XXX natural.


6. Por qué este libro está escrito en kurdo

De la perfección Khani está desprovisto
El campo de la perfección que vio como vacío

Eso es actuar sin pericia y habilidad.
Quizás debido al tribalismo y la parcialidad.

En resumen: obstinadamente, aunque fuera de la injusticia.
Se embarcó en esta insólita novedad

Verter bebida límpida hasta la escoria
Como la perla de la lengua kurda

Poniéndolo en orden y regularidad.
Sufrir dificultades por el bien del público.

Para que la gente no diga "Los kurdos
No tienen origen, conocimiento y base.

Varias naciones tienen sus propios libros.
Con la única excepción de los kurdos”

Además, los previsores no pueden decir: "Los kurdos
No hagas del amor uno de sus propósitos

Que no son ni queriendo ni deseados
Que no son ni amantes ni amados

Que no tienen parte de amor
Ni real ni metafórico”

A los kurdos no les falta mucha perfección
Son huérfanos sin oportunidades

En general no son tan ignorantes y sin educación
Tal vez son humildes y desprotegidos

¡Si tuviéramos un líder!

De mente alta y un buen orador!

Aprendizaje, arte, prudencia y perfección.
Colección de poesía, amor, libros y versos


Tales asuntos apreciaba
Tales monedas que aceptó

La bandera de la palabra medida
me hubiera levantado en la cima del mundo

hubiera resucitado el alma de mela jiziri 17
Devuélvele la vida a Ali Hariri

Y tan complacido Feqi Teyran
Siempre sería un fan

Sin embargo, el mercado está estancado.
Nadie está comprando nuestra prenda.

Especialmente en esta era cuando el dinero
Es para nosotros el amor y la miel

Donde la codicia por los ingresos y el Dinar
Ha hecho de cada uno de nosotros un idólatra

Cuando vendes conocimiento perfecto por un cobre
Y vender la sabiduría por una suela

Nadie tomaría a Jami como novio
Nadie tomaría a Nizami como sirviente.

Como vi, esta era la señal del tiempo.
Que hubo una guerra por la moneda de diez centavos

Un alquimista que deseaba ser
Como vi que no iba a ser

trabajé bastante durante un tiempo
Refinando las joyas impuras

Mi corazón no podía soportar el engaño
Nunca se convirtió en un medio para ese propósito.

Perder la religión sin ganar el Dinar
Entonces inevitablemente me convertí en calderero

Mi cobre oculto, expuse
Estaba parado, me dolió

1 7 – Mela Jiziri, Ali Hariri, Fequi Teyran Poetas kurdos famosos.


La bendición fue efectiva
Convertirse en un medio para asegurar una necesidad.

Estas monedas pueden no valer nada

Sin embargo, son refinados, puros e invaluables.

Sin defecto, pequeño cambio y bastante perfecto.
Como oferta general son válidas

Kurdo puro, no sospechoso
No oro para decir blanqueado

Nuestro cobre es rojo y fabricado en molino.
No es plata falta de calibre

Así que no digas que nuestra acuñación tiene poco valor
Que no es acuñado por un rey de reyes

Si hubiera sido grabado cuando se acuñó
Seria en moneda no falsificada

Amado en deuda con nadie
Entonces está condenado e incumplido.

La papelería de los no soportados
Si por un rey no autorizado

Unsound por muchos un experto
Aceptable por muchos cautelosos.

Pero el gobernante de la era del aprendizaje
Nunca escuché con entendimiento

El príncipe llamado Mirza
Cuya mirada de madre es alquimia

Limpiando corazones impuros
Refinación de monedas falsas

Cien pesos de cobre rojo
De inmediato los vuelve amarillos con una mirada.

Lo alto que haría bajo, hoscamente
Lo bajo que haría alto, amablemente


Sosteniendo Pashas como prisioneros
Liberándolos como pobres

Todos los días mil mendigos
Cada momento, cien mendigos

Enriquece con actividad

Evitar sabiamente todos los síntomas de la caridad.

Si nos mirara solo una vez
Con ese elixir de rostro bendito

Estas palabras las convertiría en poemas
Estas monedas las cambiaría por dinares

Pero su aspecto es excesivamente general.
Él no nos ve como especiales.

Todavía es una misericordia para el público.
¡Oh Señor! Dale vida eterna.


7. ¡Copero! Para el vino en la copa

copero! en el vaso celestial para
Un vino que se asemeja al alma inmortal

Convirtiendo la mente en un espíritu fresco

Con un vino que enriquece el espíritu por un momento.

copero! en la copa azulada para
Un agua que hace volar el corazón

Que agrada a un corazón que está triste
Y asombra una mente que está loca

copero! en la copa enjoyada para
Ese jarabe del puro lugar de prensado

El rubí disuelto y las perlas que fluyen
La compota refrescante, el licor brumoso

Porque en los granos de tus perlas
El vino, el agua de rosas se parece

De vez en cuando a la mano de los adoradores del vino
A las personas con partes de su corazón en la mano

Para que la copa de corazones sea enjoyada
Y se arregle la fiesta de diversión

El consejo de los bebedores crónicos de vino
Embriagarse de nuevo con vino nuevo

De la abundancia ilimitada tal vez
Una gota me bastaría

Así la alegría de la copa de vino claro

Y delicia de la uva de la vid brillante

Inspira en mi alma, un anhelo
y se excita en mi corazón saboreando

Para infundir en el alma un efecto
Y mueve el corazón con sentimiento


Para que mi alma se descargue
Y mi jaula abierta de par en par

El refinamiento de mi corazón se logre
Mi voz con la del ruiseñor es equiparada

El pájaro del corazón muerto habilitado para volar
Un cantante, sin pantalla, para cantar

Un momento como una curruca gimiendo
El siguiente como un ruiseñor gimiendo

Para suspirar y gemir al amanecer
Cada vez que sopla una brisa fresca

Rompiendo cien capullos de corazón
Hacer que los lirios sean expresivos e informativos

Los capullos para florecer de las espinas
Volviéndose sangriento durante las travesuras

La rosa roja llorará del amor del rocío

el ruiseñor para reírse de las demandas de los contemporáneos

copero! Entrega el vino florido
Sin eco de dulcimer y sonido de pandereta

Para que la policía y el contador no rastren
Deja que la alegría comience a desvanecerse el dolor

La confusión para dejar el corazón entristecido
Así que una vez más para hacer un comienzo feliz

Emborracharse diciendo palabras vacías
Estar intoxicado, ocupado en charlas ociosas

Sin alegría, nada podría decir
O escribir poemas, como perlas, si se me permite

Sería enfermizo, revelando secretos
Estar sin palabras, hablando místicamente

sería como una flauta entonando
O como un loro repitiendo

Para que los milagros pudiera mostrar
Y estaciones por las que podría pasar


Rama de la música de un corazón afinado

Llenando el jardín de rosas con melodías gewesht y shehnaz

Como una flauta tocando desde lo más profundo del corazón
Dando cien sonidos como platillos

Como el rabel sin violín
Sin una pistola sonando nuestra pandereta

Venus escuchando la canción de los amantes
Bailando en la cima de las nueve capas

El corazón infectado, con oro para curar
El amor de Mem y Zin para soportar

Haciendo una leyenda de la trágica explicación
Haciendo de Mem y Zin una justificación

Sacar una melodía tan emocionante de la pantalla
Dando nueva vida a Mem y Zin

El amante enfermo y amado
Hoy como un médico experto

voy a tratar y medicar
Los dos desventurados resucitaré

La enfermedad del corazón dolorido de Mem
El sufrimiento del alma atormentada de Zin

Ella, la doncella casta y honrada
Él, el sin pecado más allá de toda acusación

Haré renombrado en tipo y método
Elevar a la excelencia tanto al amante como al amado.

Así los volveré a dotar de orgullo.
Para que el previsor venga a citar

Sweethearts for Mem estará llorando
Los amantes del dolor de Zin se reirán

Compañeros de sufrimiento para disfrutar de la felicidad.
Los que no sufren se sumergen en la humildad

Personas cuyos corazones y almas son puros.
Quienes son morales, justos y seguros


Generalmente aprobará mi contribución
Diciendo: “Bien ha sido escrito”

Personas que fueron bendecidas por el amor.

Y aquellos que juran eternamente "Dios que amamos"

Puede venir y escuchar la historia
Algunos para usarlo para olvidar solo

Sin embargo, algunos para escuchar con alma

Y algunos para despedirse de todo corazón

Pero ruego a los recolectores

No guardar las cartas a los beneficiarios.

Este libro, sea bueno o malo
Con ella tengo lienzo duro

Una fruta temprana, un niño, recién madurando
Aunque puede que no sea tan sobresaliente

pero no he recogido de ningún huerto
Como ladrones que buscan el fruto

Es un fruto en el jardín del corazón.
Impecable, virtuoso y noble

Una fruta temprana, ya sea dulce o amarga.
Dispuesto en la naturaleza de los niños

Espero que la gente con posición
No afearéis a estos niños.

Incluso si esta vid no fuera suculenta
es kurdo; eso es suficiente

Incluso si este niño no fuera tan bonito
Es el primogénito, para mí lleno de belleza.

Aunque este vino no fuera tan delicioso
Este niño para mí es muy precioso

Amada, con el vestido y el arete
Todo mío, sin pedir prestado


Palabras, significados y expresiones.
Estructuras, referencias y composiciones

Sujeto, historia e intención
Símbolo, virtud y reflejo

Atributo, palabra, significados y método
No he tomado prestado uno

Son enteramente productos de diseño.
Como doncella, nueva novia, virgen

¡Oh Señor! No pongas en manos de impuros
Esta sentida evidencia tierna y pura

Se espera de las personas con pensamientos
No me acusarán de faltas

No injuriarán, por celos
y corregirá cualquier insuficiencia

Los poseedores de la perfección cubren las deficiencias.
Los egoístas están ocupados con descargos de responsabilidad.

Se espera de los poseedores de secretos
No se convertirán en mis burladores

Soy un vendedor ambulante, no un joyero.
Yo soy hecho a mí mismo, no un erudito

¡Al kurdo! Montañero, un hombre de la frontera
Estas pocas palabras del mundo kurdo

Ser recibido con la gracia de la bondad
Y oído por el oído con justicia

Conspiradores con oídos atentos
Si me equivoco no seas vengativo

Ahórrate la vergüenza al poeta

Di, si es posible, una palabra de aliento.

No se sorprenda de los errores y fallas
Y no interpretéis como fanáticos.


8. En alabanza del Príncipe de Botan y sus dos hermanas:
Siti y Zin™

El pintor de la página del cuento.
El reportero de la tablilla de la historia

De esta manera establecer la imagen y el dibujo

Usando este método en el moldeado y embellecimiento

Decir "Un rey en la antigüedad
Rose, en su gobierno magníficamente

Varias naciones se sometieron a él, obedientemente
Un príncipe de los kurdos de ascendencia árabe

Su trono estaba en Jizir 19 y su estrella ascendía
Su suerte era fuerte y su posición era loable

Gobernó sobre los turcos, los árabes y los persas.
Era famoso como el Príncipe de Botan.

Sus grandes antepasados, padre y abuelo.
Donde relacionado y descendiente de Khalid 20

El onbit tiránico se cuidó de su potencia.
Una espada sacada de la vaina del poderoso

Soberano del reino y orgullo de la fe
El nombre del príncipe era Zeynedin.

El título de príncipe le sentaba decorosamente.
La decoración le convenía religiosamente.

Las marcas del coraje de ese rey
Lleno del pez a la luna

Su esfera era la órbita del mundo.
Y su reino fue el emblema del Fin

18- La i en Zin se pronuncia como en “been”.

19- Jizir la capital del principado de Botan. Ahora una ciudad en el sureste

20- Compañero Khalid Ibn Al Waleed.


Hatem necesitaba su generosidad.
Rustem careció de su valentía

De la perfección de su magnanimidad
Hatem dobló el registro de su generosidad.

Inteligencia, arte, generosidad y gallardía
Disciplina, orden, organización y poesía

Estado, religión y piedad
Liderazgo, autoridad y majestad

Un tesoro que era, lleno de cada
Un tesoro enterrado que oculta cada

No se le asignó ninguna dificultad.
Ninguna pérdida para él estaba destinada

Poseer varios tipos de joyas y artículos raros.
Poseer varios tipos de artefactos y objetos de valor.

La suma de todo lo que uno posiblemente desee
Por supuesto, había adquirido

Había logrado lo que otros reclamaban y exigían
Había poseído lo que otros deseaban y adoraban.

La corte del harén con doncellas
Estaba lleno de huríes como los cielos

Tenía muchas huríes como en providencia
Y tenía chicos como ángeles en la asistencia

Pero los pollitos de la familia del estado
Los primeros frutos del huerto de la castidad

Fueron dos princesas con ese rey
Dos soles estaban con esa luna

Así desde ese noble origen
Cam dos chicas despreocupadas

Uno era como el ciprés del jardín realmente
Su nombre era Siti la verdad


El otro más cerca del corazón y el alma del príncipe.
Su nombre deriva de la mitad del nombre del príncipe 21

El narrador así me habló de aquella reina
Decir que el nombre de esa hurí era Zin

Uno era excepcionalmente dulce, absolutamente encantador.
Uno era el alma del corazón, un hurí convertido

Una era morena, la otra rubia.
Una era una hurí, la otra hada

El hurí y el hada eran incomparables.
Porque eran de la esencia de luz eterna

La belleza de sus rostros no se veía
La gracia de su belleza era eterna

Labios como perlas, sienes como jazmines y mejillas como flores.
Eclipsando la belleza de los ídolos de Khulluk

Dos orejeras como las cigüeñas de las espigas
Dos mejillas como las hojas de las rosas rojas

Esas rosas rojas y las espigas de trigo, libres
Brotando en la estatura del ciprés

Las rosas echaban raíces y se abrían

Las orejas se juntaban como un montón y se juntaban

La gracia del templo como la línea del yagot
El hoyuelo del mentón como la magia de Harut

Como si estuvieran hechos del almizcle de las gacelas de los vientres
Y el mago de la órbita los roció con motas.

Los lunares, puntos, blancura y enrojecimiento

La Casa, la Piedra, la Romería y la Visita 22

La ceja como la curva del arco orbital.
La pestaña exactamente como la flecha recta

21- Zin mitad de Zinedin o Zeinedin.

22- La Casa Macca; la Piedra la Piedra Negra; la Visita: Umra,
Romería no programada.


La fuente del enloquecedor desenfreno
Simbolizado en los ojos asombrosos

Sorprendido por el abrir y cerrar de los ojos
Exponiendo la sabiduría del ojo

La frente mostrando el toque de la corona.
Como si fuera el ala de Gabriel en el horizonte.

Vertical siempre de pie
El sol en servicio asistiendo

Cualquiera que vea la cara y el lóbulo de la oreja.
El sentido se rompería de inmediato en pedazos

El cuello en la mano del copero te lo imaginas
Como un frasco lleno de vino eterno

O similar al sorbete de la caña de azúcar
O al pozo de la fuente de vida

Las yemas de los dedos y las uñas pintadas con henna.
Asombrado y dolorido el corazón regocijado

Las personas que vieron la cintura
Fueron golpeados por una vista tan hermosa

Cuando brazos y pulseras

No se mostraron más reproches y quejas.

Aunque ambos eran como los espíritus
Eran, en belleza como gemelos

Aunque Siti era bastante tierna
Sin embargo, Zin se parecía a una hurí

Aunque Siti parecía una estrella a la vista
Sin embargo, Zin a su lado estaba la luna tan brillante

Aunque Siti parecía una luna
Zin estaba caliente como un sol

Los dos eran como dos faroles.

Mientras caminaban por huertas y jardines


Gemían los animales y los minerales
Los humanos y las plantas fueron saqueados.

El manto de la cabeza con joyas fue coronado
El collar con gemas estaba encadenado.

Como ponen las gemas en la frente
Los amantes murieron en la mano del amor

Este adorno de adorno y joyas tan brillantes
Estaban dispuestos hacia adelante, hacia atrás, a la izquierda y a la derecha

Mientras caminaban, las hadas iban
Enamorando a los santos en sus recovecos

Ya sea jeque, mulá o príncipe
Rico, pobre o Derviche

Ninguno no es un buscador de la belleza.
Ninguno no es deseable de la unión.

Algunos buscan la gracia eterna
Y algunos van tras el vano molde

Pero todos son ciertamente después de un verdadero amigo
La diferencia está entre la piel y la mente.


9.Belleza y amor

Todo lo que había en el reino del mundo
Dios reunió en propiedad y riqueza

Los tesoros totales del zar
Incluyendo el espejo de Alejandro

Los diamantes enterrados de Khayan 23
Incluso la perla en el sello de Salomón

Aunque podrían ser excepcionalmente valiosos
A una partícula de belleza no eran ni siquiera comparables

La belleza en los rostros de Siti y Zin
Se convirtió en un mar de amor-fuego

La ola que subió alto y cayó bajo en el mar
El sol pasando el perigeo y el apogeo

Conmovió a cientos de corazones y almas
Y la gente los vio como símbolos.

El sol y la luna juntándose
Haciendo el mundo como comprador en conjunto

El cazador de la belleza de esas gacelas
El llamador del eco de esos amores

Algunos llamadores como cada uno como un león
No podía crecer lo suficiente y gemir

Días y noches estaban gimiendo
Incluso con los ángeles estaban gimiendo

La belleza que no tiene límite ni final
No ahuyentará a un amante hasta el final

Pero los amantes son diferentes de los coqueteos.
Algunos son egoístas y otros son sacrificadores.

Algunas almas desean poco para el alma
Algunas almas son sacrificadas el alma

Algunos logran la unión como Tajdin

Algunos sufren aflicción como Mem y Zin

23- El rey de Turkestán.


1 0. Noticias de Mem y Tajdin

Volvamos a la historia anterior.
A las personas que sufren la agonía del amor

Aunque eran ilimitados e incalculables
Y eran plebeyos, sirvientes y muchos nobles

sino de excelentes servidores

Entre cientos de adolescentes altos y orgullosos

Cada uno en el reino de la gracia un sol
Cada uno en el campo del habla un quemador de corazón

Cada uno en la perfección como una luna llena
Cada uno en majestad como un gran rey

Ellos también eran amantes, exigiendo
Ellos también exigían y deseaban

Pero no por ver y presenciar
Tal vez a través de rumores y oídos

Todos estaban al servicio del príncipe.
Todos estaban en la confianza del otro

El líder del ring de esos que se parecen a las hadas.
La corona superior de aquellos con cualidades de ángeles.

Se llamaba Tajdin, un joven

El héroe épico de la época, un campeón.

De ascendencia noble, pariente y antepasado
El primero de la lista y líder de los chicos

Su padre se llamaba Iskender.
Pero los árabes lo llamaron Ghazanfer 24

Porque con la espada era como un león
El día de la batalla era mil hombres

Tajdin tenía dos hermanos heroicos
Parecido a dos atrevidos halcones

24- Ghazanfer: León.


Siempre llenando el corazón del enemigo con terror
Uno se llamaba Arif y Cheko el otro

Pero de todos los nobles y plebeyos
De hermanos, tíos y padre

Había escogido a un joven como hermano
No, me equivoco, como una antorcha

El día que no pudo ver a ese hermano
Parecía una noche sin luz

El mundo para él se oscurecería.
El sol para él se ennegrecería

Un amigo en la alegría y el dolor, un amigo
Un aliviador de agravios, con el nombre de Mem

Mem también se dedicó a él como un amante perfecto.
No como un padre, un tío y un hermano

Aunque era un hermano en la otra vida
Dirías en esta y en la otra vida

Taj din era hijo del Ministro del Consejo de Estado.
Mem fue descendiente del Secretario del Consejo de Estado

Ambos jóvenes se amaban
Ambos hermanos eran fieles el uno al otro.

Uno era Qays de la época y el otro era Layla
Uno era Wamik de la época y el otro era Azra.

Eran amantes de todo corazón, no sueltos.
Básicamente, eran como Venus y el Sol.

Amor, hermandad y fraternidad
No pudo ser por adulación e hipocresía

El amor no es fácil pero luchó con dificultad
Lo que se requiere de la lealtad amorosa

Si no muestras lealtad hasta el final
No pases por la dificultad al principio.


11. Celebrando Newroz 25 y el Año Nuevo

El Creador del Universo, de la abundancia de cualidad innata.
Los cuerpos de la órbita, a través de la capacidad

Sin molde circunferencia sobre medida
Sin utilizar herramienta, mesa o cortador

Tan magnificado y redondo
De esta manera hecho y repetido

Traído con la exhibición de la existencia
Y dibujado con la escena de la evidencia

La sabiduría es que todos están trabajando
Algunos van a pie y otros a caballo.

Algunos son lentos y otros son rápidos
Algunos son fáciles y otros son difíciles.

Algunos están administrando y otros son administrados
Algunos están próximos y otros están predestinados.

Algunos son empleados, algunos son maestros
Algunos son cantantes, algunos son perchas

Algunos adoran al sol, algunos adoran a la luna
Algunos desvanecen las quejas, algunos atraen la bendición

Algunas son doncellas como Zin
Algunos son clientes como Mem

Son en su totalidad pulidos e iluminadores.
Algunos son reyes y otros son ministros.

Algunos a través del movimiento natural
Ven a la primavera de iniciación

renovando para nosotros el año
A medida que entra en aire moderado

El viejo sabio de antaño
Así nos relató el caso

Diciendo que la costumbre en las edades pasadas
En todos los barrios y lugares


Como el Caballero Supremo del Este 26
Cambiado en el mes de marzo

Cuando el signo zodiacal anunciaba el Año Nuevo
Nunca nadie se quedó en una vivienda o en una casa

todos salieron de sus casas
Incluidos incluso los ancianos y los ancianos.

El día que se convirtió en la fiesta de Newroz
Gloria al tiempo en que el Espíritu resucitó

Convirtieron los desiertos y los prados en viviendas
Convirtieron las praderas y los llanos en parques

Particularmente solteros y muchachas vírgenes.
En resumen, la rareza entre las joyas.

Todos atraídos y decorados.
Todos para divertirse estaban permitidos

Pero no a través de la acusación y la caridad
Tal vez por el camino de la ley y la legalidad

Porque el propósito de su excursión
Su amor de ir al llano

Ya sea por desear o por ser deseado
Para el amante y el amado

Era para que ambos rebaños se vieran
Y adecuadamente para casarse unos con otros

26- El supremo caballero de Oriente el sol.


12. La gente de la ciudad sale a celebrar el Año Nuevo

El ciclo de la órbita del azul de la suerte.
Como de nuevo Newroz apareció de nuevo

Basado en esa bendita costumbre
La población civil y militar

Las ciudades, castillos y casas, desiertas
Que luego parecía saqueada y saqueada

Fila tras fila caminó hacia montañas y llanuras
Grupo tras grupo marcharon a picnics y excursiones.

Todas las naciones pequeñas y grandes
Absolutamente nadie se quedó en las ciudades

Algunos fueron a los jardines, paseando
Algunos iban a los huertos, cabalgando

Algunos acudieron con el público en multitud
Algunos iban con amigos o en soledad

Las damas y las damas como excursionistas
llenaron los prados como flores

Las huríes hacen sus moradas como los cielos
Sin velo, caridad o aburrimiento

Vírgenes, niñas y niños
Doncellas, con orejeras y lunares

Mates y vírgenes redondeados
Chicos sin osos y gacelas adolescentes

Mostrándose unos a otros su belleza como si fuera un trapo
Mientras adivinaba en largo y ancho

Enamorado por el amor en el mercado
Como vendedores de belleza y también como compradores

Niñas vírgenes, niños y Newyearly
Centenarios, jóvenes y mayores

Año Nuevo en la forma y costumbre habitual
Izaba ceremoniosamente su noble estandarte


13. El Príncipe llama a los jóvenes a celebrar Newroz

La lámpara iluminadora de la cúpula azul.
El nicho del Aries volviendo a casa.

Como el Año Nuevo renovó su construcción
El príncipe les dio permiso a los buenos muchachos.

Como la palabra llegó a los jóvenes
Todos procedieron como amantes.

Ir a la subasta de exhibición juntos
Cada uno en el amor y el deseo como amante

Excepto solo Mem y Tajdin
que eran como niñas disfrazándose

Eso es en el momento de la salida.
Estos dos hermanos estaban disfrazados

Vistiendo brocados de oro y sarcenets
Cubierto por algunas prendas finamente cortadas

Convirtiendo los mechones de cabello en anillos en la frente
Y los mechones de cabello en mechones de orejas y trenzas

La razón por la que estaban disfrazados
Fue para evitar cualquier compromiso formal

Ponerse la ropa con encanto
Estaban haciendo un picnic con elegancia.


14. Mem y Tajdin se encuentran con Siti y Zin

Esos dos muchachos, disfrazándose
Mientras atravesaba la ciudad, pasando

De repente vi una vista, una maravilla
por lo que sus mentes se separaron

Se dieron cuenta en cada barrio y calle
En cada callejón, ventana y retiro

Un centenar de jóvenes guapos y de alta estatura.
Vestida de seda pura y tela de lana fina

Quinientos niños, niñas y jóvenes
Que muchos de los viejos y ancianos

Todo tipo de machos y hembras
Algunos desnudos, algunos vestidos

Algunos altos y grandes
Algunos bajos y pequeños

Algunos descalzos, otros con la cabeza descubierta
Pies luchando y cabezas como campanas

Algunos estaban borrachos, algunos todavía borrachos
Algunos sin aliento, algunos todavía cómodos

Algunos conversando, algunos estupefactos
Algunos preguntándose, algunos desconcertados

Algunos estaban sobrios, algunos intoxicados
Algunos autocontrolados, algunos confundidos

Algunos lloraban, otros llamaban
Algunos libres del yugo del sentimiento

Cada uno en una posición, cambiado
Cada uno, desgarrado, alienado

Ambos quedaron perplejos por un tiempo.
Ambos estaban en un mar de pensamientos, ahogados


Tajdin se detuvo y preguntó
Una pregunta a un anciano que le hizo

Diciendo “0, Khizir el guía en el camino
¿Qué es esta aflicción, decís?

Él respondió: “dos muchachos alegres, finos y feroces
Se han convertido en verdugos de multitudes

Cualquiera que vea a los dos borrachos
Inmediatamente se ve arrojado a tal confusión”

Dijeron: "¿No averiguaste de qué tipo son?" »

Respondió “dos muchachos, excepcionalmente guapos, son”

Dijeron: "¿Están sacando espadas de seis hojas?"

¿O simplemente sosteniendo flechas y dagas? »

Él dijo: “con guiños y centelleos
Matan a la gente como los lobos”

Estaban considerando ver a los chicos.
Y para prepararse para un combate gallardo

Ambos estaban en ese estado cuando de repente
Ellos vieron, por la omnipotencia de Dios

Esos dos muchachos que parecen dos estatuas.
Iluminado en las formas del rey de las estrellas

Idéntico en forma, marco y vestido.
Pero desconocido en la ciudad

Se comportaban como ángeles y parecían hadas.
No eran ni vendedores ni compradores.

Como los hermanos vieron a los dos justos
Sus corazones y almas se volvieron tan delirantes

Estaban locamente distraídos

Ya no es consciente de ningún sentido en la mente.

Sin comprensión y celo, sin mente y sentido
Preguntándome en esta tierra en suspenso


En resumen, tenían suficiente de la mente y el alma.
Inmediatamente y de lejos los dos también se sintieron atraídos

Esas dos grandes hadas

Vi dos ángeles extremadamente encantadores

parecido a la luna pero brillante como el sol
Encantador, pero quemando los corazones.

Como la cacería del semi “En el nombre de Dios”
Sin duda llegó al Estado de lo misterioso

Inevitablemente se apresuraron a los juegos.
Y miré las caras de estas formas

Se dieron cuenta que la cacería no andaba suelta
Que ellos eran la vanguardia de la fuerza del amor

Se detuvieron y miraron atentamente
Sus corazones compasivos y tiernos

En resumen: por la gracia de aquellas gacelas
La compasión llenó los corazones de esos chicos.

Los secretos de sus corazones se transmitieron el uno al otro.
Las luces de sus rostros se enamoraron la una de la otra

El camino del conocimiento era transitable.
Y las almas en adelante fueron inseparables

Un tipo puro de un mundo invisible
Mostrando el vínculo sin duda triturar

Atándolos en un problema mutuo
La belleza los envolvió en un deseo, mutuo

Tú dirías: el molde y el invertido
Los cuatro: el deseo y lo deseado

Eran ciertamente uno: carne y espíritu
Estaban completamente unidos en cuerpo y alma

El amor en sus corazones era dulzura
El odio en sus corazones era amargura


Aunque para algunos estos son eventos inexistentes
Sin embargo, en verdad son antiguos

Como soldados, fueron reclutados en esta fuerza brillante.
Y se hizo inmortal en los anales de la Ciencia Correcta

Algunos deben ser unidos, algunos deben ser divididos
Algunos deben estar de acuerdo, algunos deben estar en desacuerdo

Los unidos en armonía
Resuelto a no estar en la ceremonia

Es decir, esos chicos sedientos de sangre
Cuando los vieron sin alegría

Los amaba con cien corazones

Y se sentó para mirarlos a la vista

Mirando un momento las estaturas y las alturas
Mirando un poco las orejeras y los lunares

Preguntando « De quién son hijas, nos preguntamos
O tal vez podrían ser los ángeles de Dios

¿En qué lugar han madurado estas vides?

¿En qué jardín han aparecido estas rosas?

¿En qué valle han estado creciendo estos cipreses?

¿En qué praderas han estado volando estas aves?

El agua de rosas de las lágrimas color de rosa
Enrojecieron sus caras y orejas

El amor los había hecho tan desprevenidos
Que estaban decididamente inconscientes

Por fin escrito por la pluma del amor
Un mensaje en el tablero del corazón.

Querían saber de qué familia eran.
Porque no sabían de quién eran descendientes

Los anillos de esas bellezas

Quitaron de los dedos del dueño


Luego deslizó sus propios anillos de sus dedos.
Y ponlos en los dedos de los demás, como marcadores

Intercambio de rubíes por cuentas.
Y diamantes con copas de cristal

Abandonando el Año Nuevo y divirtiéndonos
Cambiando su vida feliz por el sufrimiento

De repente los extranjeros desmontaron
Se despidieron y partieron

Como dos juegos quedaron los hermanos
Sus pies atados con cadenas y grillos

Se pararon en una noche completamente negra

Después de la desaparición del sol y la luna

Sus almas como el pájaro semi “En el nombre de Dios”
Sin vigor, sin fuerza y sin corazón

Desconcertado, estupefacto, privado y afligido
Enamorado, confundido, enloquecido y borracho

Desviándose cien veces en pliegues
Antes de llegar a sus propios alojamientos

Es cierto que llegaron a su lugar a salvo.
Sin embargo, para estos amargados y desafortunados

Hora, día y noche, mañana y tarde
Tenía absolutamente el mismo significado


15. Mem y Tajdin lidian con el problema

Esos pares de ojos femeninos de ambos halcones
Esos cantaron alas Mem y Tajdin

Oca “y perdiz” persiguiendo con celo
Mirando, a primera vista, como halcones de repente

Una luz se apagó, abruptamente.
Ya no eran capaces de percibir realmente

Pensamiento en la semana de Aries
Eran demasiado salvajes y locos

A medida que transcurría esa semana

El amor inicia leva a una decisión

Y un día procedimos juntos

Para echar un vistazo a la condición de cada uno

El amor había efectuado tal cambio

Al principio, no se reconocieron el uno al otro.

Inicialmente, su reacción común fue el distanciamiento.
Luego, cuando restablecieron el acercamiento

Se encontraron atados de pies y manos
Así volar se volvió imposible por así decirlo.

Sobre ellos había una nube de oscuridad.
Ante ellos había una pantalla de familiaridad.

Sin comida, bebida y placer
Sin amor, deseo y ocio

Embriagado por la mirada a los ojos de la amada
Borracho, somnoliento, enfermo y desanimado

Sus corazones como la boca de los ídolos deprimidos
Gimiendo desde el fondo del corazón y angustiado

Diciendo: “¿Cómo es que nos hemos enfermado tanto?

¿En qué guerra fuimos heridos?


Si no, ¿por qué somos tan impotentes?
¿Herido, débil y sin corazón? »

Así es como estaban examinando
La naturaleza de sus condiciones sintiendo

Tajdin vio en el dedo del hermano
Una joya que brilla como una antorcha

Un rubí como semilla de granada
Como una lámpara en una noche oscura

Como una chispa estaba brillando

Con el nombre de Zin escrito en grabado

Movió la mano para tomarlo.
Para mirar con atención y verlo

Mem también se notó en la mano de Tajdin
Un diamante invaluable e invaluable

Pero con el nombre de Siti tallado
Por un maestro que posee habilidad

Si un cambista se convirtiera en Hipócrates
Fueron para estimar estos pesos y quilates

Y era argumentar como Platón
Negociar por el tesoro de Creso

El valor y el valor de esos anillos.
Superaría todo lo estimado

Encerrado en un dilema y preguntándose
Inmerso en una gran cantidad de pensamiento

Sabían que los dueños de los anillos
Y los hacedores de las obras, fueron Siti y Zin

El día que se anunció la fiesta de alteración
Ellos también se habían disfrazado

Si bien se habían atraído como niñas
Esos dos se habían disfrazado de niños.


Ellos fueron aquellos de los que se dijo el día de Newroz
Como el sol y la luna iluminan el camino

Eran los dos con las manos anilladas
Ellos fueron los dos que mataron a la gente.

Ellos eran los que en el pueblo estaban colgando
Ellos fueron los que causaron el llanto de la gente.

Ellos eran los que amaban profundamente.
Ellos fueron los que marcaron sus corazones.

Los dos hermanos, con pensamiento y razonamiento
Reconoció sus opuestos sin dudar

Taj din tuvo un presentimiento
El amor lo tenía tambaleándose

Él dijo: “¡Levántate hermano! fuera de la cama
Deja de gemir y sufrir

Nosotros somos leones, ellos son gacelas

Es vergonzoso que estemos gimiendo en sus manos”

Mem era la quintaesencia de amante total
Él dijo: “¡Puede que estés un poco preocupado, hermano!

Pero en cuanto a mí, hecho pedazos, ¿soy
Roto de la cabeza a los pies, ¿estoy

Este cuerpo mío ha sido vivido
Todas estas líneas han sido detectadas

El efecto de tal amor y pasión.
En detalle, es larga, amplia y profunda emoción

No hay un lugar libre de dolor

¿Vale la pena que preguntes por qué estoy gimiendo?

El corazón es ahora el hogar de la pasión
En esta condición, en esta posición vacía

Puedo ser suplantado, no es de extrañar

Y tienen la forma, no la esencia, de la materia.


El principe del amor vino casualmente
Ocultando su verdadero propósito cuando llegó

Y este estado, lugar, cuerpo y sustancia
El amor operaba por sí mismo como conveniencia

Alma, hígado, corazón e intestinos
Manos, cabeza, pies, espalda y ojos.

Por Dios ninguno tiene descanso
Por dios ninguno tiene gusto

Han ahuyentado a conocidos
Decir generalmente: “Estamos enamorados”

No preguntas por mi condición, opresor
Dignamente me pides que no sea un gemido

Como se quejó de esta manera
Tajdin no pudo responder de ninguna manera.

Mientras estos dos se quedaron con estas heridas
Dirigimos nuestra atención a Siti y Zin.


16. Siti y Zin regresan de la celebración del Año Nuevo y
relatar sus experiencias a su abuela

Ellos también regresaron, todavía disfrazados.

Inmediatamente se desnudó para no ser reconocido

Aunque cambiaron sus vestidos
No podían olvidar sus experiencias.

El amor había efectuado tal transformación
Ya no tenían el control de sus emociones.

Nadie habría pensado que eran Siti y Zin.
La gente habría deducido que eran extranjeros.

Tenían una abuela mundana 27
Como el diablo astuto

El poder de la órbita ante ella estaba inclinado
El nombre de la anciana era Hayzabon

Ella se encontró con ellos de repente
Vi que se vestían a toda prisa.

Sentado sin gusto y sabor
mentón caído sin sabor

Que está en un dilema y una posición cansada
Las dos lunas estaban en pésimas condiciones.

Las bonitas flores parecían marchitas
Sus rostros rubicundos eran blancos como el jazmín

El cambio de color rojo fino
La rosa roja girando en azafrán

Se dio cuenta de que las hadas estaban desnudas.
Amado por el amor de los hombres

Ella dijo: "Oh, pasiones de las mentes y los corazones
Cada uno de ustedes es la luz de mis dos ojos

Que Dios te salve

O mi alma sea sacrificada por ti

Tan encadenado estás, con grilletes
Sólo hoy fuiste a cazar

27- Literalmente nodriza.


¿Por qué abandonaste tan rápidamente el Año Nuevo?
Di con sinceridad, ¿cómo sucedió esto?

Di para empezar, ¿cuál es la posición?

¿Es esto mi imaginación o mera confusión?

¿Por qué eres, oh, de alta estatura, tan afligido
para cada efecto hay una causa

Cual fue la causa, dime
Como ningún secreto puede escapar de mí

Ahora a la nigromancia recurriré
Los nombres y secretos que descubriré

O poner mi vaso y mi pañuelo
Para descubrir la naturaleza de la travesura.

Así que le contaron el secreto a la abuela:

“En la mañana cuando salimos

Cualquiera que vimos o conocimos por casualidad
Volviéndome loco y mareado de amor a la vez

Entonces sucedió una injusticia que pasó el límite
Y nuestra opresión parecía ser recurrente

Y volvimos dolidos y entristecidos
Volviendo mareado y enloquecido

La abuela, con deliberación y planificación
Se sentó junto a ellos y comenzó a tranquilizarlos.

Decir que cada uno de ustedes es un Shahriyar en términos de belleza
Cada una de ustedes es una reina y una majestad

¿Quién es el que no es obediente y necesitado
Quien es el que no esta pagando el impuesto libremente

Cualquiera que hayas amado a las princesas de hadas.
sera atraido por tu belleza

Sobre todo si tus amaneceres vienen de esta ciudad
Ahora los consideraré como pretendientes.


¿Decir quién? Así que voy a ir a ver
Hágales una oferta y tráigalos a usted

Le dijeron a Hayzabon el mago
“Para nuestra aflicción, oh, médico hábil

Sin duda podrías encontrar la cura.
Si pudiéramos decirte algo

Declarar y volver a contar son inútiles
Todos los intentos de tratamiento son inútiles.

Entre todos los niños y niñas de Botan
Tal vez entre todos los de alta estatura, en Botan

Cualquiera que sobresalga en elegancia y gracia.
Inevitablemente en nuestro libro se nota

Es decir, nos hemos encontrado cara a cara.
Con toda la gente en este lugar

Hoy, dos chicas como si estuvieran iluminadas por la luz.
De la cabeza a los pies en pura seda vestida

Luciendo similar al rey del este 28
Irradiando como lunas de aluminio

De repente apareció ante nosotros
cautivándonos desde lejos

Fuimos a ver quiénes eran.
No parecían ser mortales.

Seguramente eran ángeles o hadas

Porque no estaban hechos de agua y arcilla, ciertamente

Como vimos esas princesas de hadas
Nosotros también perdimos nuestros sentidos

Parecían dos vasos de Jemshid
Como nos parecíamos al sol y a la luna

A medida que nos acercamos a ellos y estábamos al tanto de ellos
Parecía que la lámpara y el vaso eran iguales.

28 – el sol.


La linterna reflejaba la estrella.
Una luz que nuestros corazones adquirieron

Y si de ellos viniera el farol y la mecha
Parecía el fuego de nuestras caras cam

Otra vez nuestro aceite y nuestro fuego
Nos atrapó quemando nuestros corazones

Nadie conoce el estado de autocombustión.
¿Es un sueño, una imaginación o un despertar? »


17. La abuela nota los anillos que pertenecen a Mem
y Tajdín

La abuela estaba desconcertada por hechos tan misteriosos.
Ella dijo "Oh, alma y molde de la abuela

Ambos fueron a ver chicos
Desprovisto del amor de las gacelas

La imagen que viste no es factible.
Tu inclinación a la secta femenina es imposible.

La inclinación de una mujer es hacia un hombre.
Y ustedes chicas desean chicos

¿Alguna vez una chica compra una chica?

Sin una acuñación válida el negocio es imposible

El niño es un espejo para la belleza propia.
La niña es el aspecto de la calidad de la luz.

Sin yo y sin calidad, es un ejemplo incidental
Sin esencia, lo incidental es fútil

Lo incidental se establece por la esencia.
¿Puede la luna ser luminosa sin el sol?

La inclinación cortó la cara del niño.
Incluso de las huríes y de la raza del ángel

La inclinación que podría enamorarte
Esos Laylas que podrían convertirte en Majnun

Si Majnun no fuera opuesto a Layla
¿Cómo podría Layla inclinarse por Layla?

¿Estaría una flor enamorada de una flor?
¿Podría Azra 30 convertirse en Wamik?

Si Khosroes no hubiera sido el Caballero de Shebdiz
¿Shirin se habría convertido en azúcar para Perwiz?

29- Majnun amante de Layla. También significa loco.

30- Azra: una chica enamorada del chico Wamik.


Ferhad no hubiera derramado un torrente de lágrimas sangrientas
No habría visto al jinete color de rosa.

Por eso en el mundo de los hombres
Chicos, nobles y sencillos

El corazón nunca inclinado a nadie
Tan bajo que eres depravado y vertiginoso

Sin nombre y dirección conocida

¿Cómo podrían sus corazones ser atraídos por ellos?

No puedo creer que esto sea posible por completo
¿Es esto un sueño, o simplemente estás imaginando?

Cuando Zin escuchó la retórica

Ella emitió esta melodía desde la pantalla

Y así le respondí a la vieja abuelita
Ya no eres sensible ni astuto

Decías “por invitaciones y cenas
Descubriríamos el verdadero secreto

Las formas que vimos no eran inviables
No estábamos soñando ni imaginando

Ya sea ángel o humano

Ya sea niño o el género de una mujer

Aquí tenemos sus anillos.
Los hemos traído como signos

Si realmente haces nigromancia

Estos son los anillos, identifique claramente a los propietarios.

La bruja astuta y de ojos amarillos
Dijo: "Dame los anillos sin problemas

Así que esta noche a la nigromancia recurro
Y mañana los dueños voy a manchar »

Siti se quitó el anillo inmediatamente.
A la anciana le entregó rápidamente


Zin le dijo esto a Hayzabon

Mi corazón se ha convertido en un lodazal de sangre.

A medida que el lodazal llega a hervir
Cuando está lleno a rebosar

Este anillo calma el corazón miserable
De vez en cuando lo pongo ante los ojos que sufren

¡Tener cuidado! ¿Deberías tomar los anillos?
Tráelos de vuelta rápido, para nosotros corazones tristes

Porque con ellos somos pacientes y perdurables
Para mí es el anillo de Salomón.


18. La abuela va a la adivina

Ese viejo bolso sin forma y astuto
Llegué al adivino por la mañana.

Pagar una pieza de oro a los ancianos
Ella relató muy seriamente

Diciendo: “Tengo dos hijos impecables
Pero pobres, privados y huérfanos

En el Año Nuevo y el día de la fiesta
Ellos también se comportaron de una manera infantil.

Ambos se levantaron y fueron al picnic.
Los amigos en el prado los engañaron.

Volviendo a casa hoy

Loco, sin sentido, loco y amoroso

Volviendo desnudo sin ropa
A veces llorando y a veces gimiendo

Caer inconsciente, actuando terriblemente
Al llegar a, mirando loco

Estos anillos que tenían en sus dedos
Parece que están intoxicados.

O, descifrador de códigos y descifrador secreto
Ruego una solución, tú eres el buscador de soluciones.

Hazlo por caridad, míralo bien
¿Qué está lastimando a mis hijos tan horriblemente?

¿es locura, epilepsia o pasión?

¿Cuál es la enfermedad, cuál es su medicina?

O, instructor y guía a través del futuro
Desatando los nudos, resolviendo los problemas

¿Puede haber un secreto en un ring?

¿Lo sabes tú, clarividente?

Dime, ¿quiénes son los dueños de los anillos?

¿Son genios, elfos o criaturas humanas?


19. El adivino realiza la tarea

Ese heredero del aprendizaje de Daniel
Mientras miraba la fortuna formándose

Podía ver en los úteros de las madres.
Podía decir quién daría a luz a hijas

El que podía ver todos los lados juntos
Ahora vio a Tajdin y Siti juntos.

Vio la imagen de la alegría y la del dolor.
Vio a Mem y Zin como si estuvieran frente a él.

Así habló con el viejo mensajero
El mentiroso, engañador y falsificador deliberado

¿Alguna vez te ha pasado?

¿Que sin la verdad la Mansión 31 es inalcanzable?

Decías que Mis hijos han estado locos
No me digas que son Siti y Zin

El día que fueron al picnic y a la excursión.
Vieron en el camino dos fotos demasiado buenas para ser verdad

Vieron a dos muchachos, cada uno de gran estatura.
Vieron a los chicos soportando una tortura infernal

Ahora esos dos soles
Fueron atraídos por las dos lunas.

Los que por su amor se volvieron descerebrados
Estos por su belleza se volvieron sin sentido

Ese es el atributo de la aflicción de amor.
Esa es la sed de la fuente de la pasión.

A esos chicos pertenecen los anillos
Ellos también en sus dedos tienen tus anillos

Así como esos fueron inventados cuando eran niños
Estos estaban disfrazados de niñas.

31- La mansión: el cielo.


La anciana le dijo al maestro Adivino
Sabiendo la verdad, ya no soy un escéptico

Pero di: ¿de qué familia son?

Descubrir bien ¿de quién son los descendientes?

¿Son nobles y altos?

¿Son de elite o parentescos comunes?

El maestro dijo: “En la religión de amar
Hay una venta basada en el consentimiento mutuo.

Es admisible en ausencia de igualdad de posición.
Que el mero consentimiento sea condición del contratista

Particularmente en el caso de muchachos tan nobles
Una es una perla, la otra una joya solitaria

Uno es un noble, descendiente de una familia principesca.
Uno es por parentesco el hijo del Secretario de Estado

Esa bruja, como prueba

De nuevo habló una palabra como pretexto

Diciendo 'Los amantes, locos y afligidos
Con Siti y Zin enamorados

No están sujetos a cuentas

No figuran en registros y libretas

Maestro, sabes que esta es la ciudad de Jizir
Todo es principesco-kurdo y nobleza

Levantar el velo caritativamente

Amablemente díganos la identidad de los dos ángeles.

Mi promesa es que una vez que sepa
Te traeré cuarenta piezas de oro”.

El maestro dijo: "Ve y mira varios barrios
Inspeccionar lugares y cámaras del consejo.

Si alguien está tan enfermo como dices que está
La enfermedad es una pista para encontrarlo.


Disfrazado con la forma de un médico.
Podías ver a los amantes sin sospechar

Como ves esos personajes angelicales
Como prendas que revelan a los compradores

Especialmente como los anillos que llevan
Cada uno tiene el grabado de Siti y Zin.

La anciana procedió como Lokman el médico.
Cargado de pies a cabeza con drogas y medicinas

El matraz y el tintero, las bolsas y la lanceta
Fueron llevados por uno con ropa tortuosa

Algunos libros en el bolsillo de su pecho mostrando
Como un médico extraño que aparece

Llegó a los cuartos de los sirvientes ahora

Y se convirtió en el confidente de los amantes de inmediato

Dijeron: “¿De dónde vienes, dinos quién eres
Es muy probable que seas un experto en una ciencia”.

Ella dijo: "Pensé que podría parecer un médico
Realmente soy especialista en dos alimentos.

Elimino radicalmente dos tipos de pan
El dolor físico y el dolor espiritual”.

Dijeron: "Cuéntanos a todos

Qué clases de enfermedades le suceden al alma”.

Ella dijo: "Espero que no lo atrapes
Esta enfermedad tiene síntomas ocultos.

Esa es una enfermedad excepcionalmente incurable.
La recuperación de esa enfermedad es imposible.

¡Oh, muchachos! Espero que se mantenga alejado de ti
Es un relámpago en forma de lo bello.

Como un rayo golpea
Sin llama, luz o chispas


Sin lesiones, llagas o heridas.
El nombre de la enfermedad es Amor.

Pero quema tanto las entrañas

La sangre del corazón brota de los ojos.

Le dijeron: “¡Buen augurio!

Dos amigos nuestros han caído

Trátalos a ambos, con caridad.
Medicar, curarlos de alguna manera, amablemente.

Digas lo que digas, obedeceremos
Lo que pidas, te lo pagamos

La anciana alcanzó a los pacientes.
Y mientras miraba a los dos queridos

Les dijo a los compañeros y guías
“Déjame solo con los pacientes

Para diagnosticar su enfermedad.

Y preparar después esencia médica”.

Todos los compañeros dejaron a los dos jóvenes.
Y dejó a la anciana sola con ellos.


20. La abuela habla con Mem y Tajdin

Los pacientes que padecen la enfermedad del amor.
De repente se dio cuenta de que sus amigos se habían ido

Frente a ellos estaba sentada una mujer siniestra
Con una figura rizada, una media luna que se asemeja

Hablando con calma algunas palabras
Mientras las lágrimas caían por sus mejillas

Dijeron: "Oh, corazón paciente, dinos quién eres
¿Por qué estás derramando lágrimas sin esperanza?»

Ella dijo: "Por las cabezas de Siti y Zin
Es por ti que estoy llorando solo

Enviado por Siti y Zin especialmente
vine a curar tu enfermedad

Aquí están tus anillos
Los traje como señales

Tómalos y devuélveme los otros anillos.
No le des mala fama a Siti y Zin

Yo soy el mensajero y para mí estás destinado.
Mi mensaje, oh amados, no debe ser rechazado

Cuando escucharon las buenas noticias

Estaban tan encantados que perdieron el sentido.

No esperaron ni un minuto para recuperarse
Sobre sus manos y pies flotaban

Le alcanzaron las manos, los pies y la ropa repetidamente.
Cientos de besos se daban agradecidos los dos jóvenes

La abuela se conmovió por su anhelo.
En simpatía, ella comenzó a llorar.

Diciendo “¡No te preocupes, oh deseo y deseado!”

Traigo buenas nuevas en verdad de parte de los dos adorados


El éxito vendrá del Señor.
Así lo arreglaré mágicamente

que juntos te retiras

Los cuatro serán felices como tú deseas.

Declarad vuestros nombres y los de vuestras familias.
Aclaradme los secretos de vuestro corazón.

Por eso con estos anillos volveré
Y a Siti y Zin los convenceré

Date prisa para obtener tu recompensa
Vuelve rápidamente con la respuesta »

Taj Din se quitó el anillo del dedo.
Y entregado a la vieja criatura del Tiempo

Mem pensó que sin el anillo
¿Cómo se las arreglaría para vivir?

Él dijo "¡Abuela!" me disculparas
Pero ¿cómo puedo permitir que el alma me abandone?

Este anillo es un nombre, no un talismán.
Es mi alma, con el cuerpo como molde.

¡Ay, abuela! Eres el mensajero del amado, de verdad.
El médico de mi enfermedad, sin duda.

Como olmos para Zin, el poseedor de la belleza.
No me quites este anillo del dedo

Ella es mi Rey 32, yo soy simplemente un mendigo
Los favores de la realeza son generales.

soy un eslavo no apto para la conexión
Un parásito en el camino de la imaginación.

Satisfecho estoy con tanta belleza.
Llevándome al receso de las imágenes

Mientras ella piensa en la aflicción del corazón
De vez en cuando ella podría preguntarme sobre mi condición. »

32- el término utilizado es rey, no reina.


21. La abuela regresa con Siti y Zin.

Las dos bonitas ramas de enebro.
Sentados como brotes impacientes

Doblado, perplejo y deteriorándose

Esperando cada momento a la abuela y esperando

Totalmente ebrio de amor
Anhelando con impaciencia las buenas mareas

De repente vieron al médico.
Llegando en una condición extraña

El amor desconcertó a Siti y Zin
Aceptó rápidamente a la abuela.

Diciendo: “Por Dios, oh corazón paciente
¿Localizaste de alguna manera a esos ángeles?

¿Qué dice la nigromancia? ¿Conocías a las hadas?
¿Y los viste en la bola de cristal?

La flecha que ha traspasado nuestros corazones
¿No descubriste quién lo lanzó? »

Ella dijo: "Por vuestras benditas cabezas
Lo juro no una sino cien veces

De ellos acabo de regresar

Ay, con los chicos nos hemos equivocado. »

Todo el tiempo Siti y Zin decían

Y cien clases de lágrimas estaban derramando

Que yo sea tu sacrificio por tal perfección.
Esos dos seres humanos, con tanta belleza.

Que tan dignos has elegido

Esos orgullosos son adornos para cualquier matrimonio.

Por Dios, lo juro por todo lo que es santo
Esas dos perlas que has seleccionado


No se encuentran en ninguna tierra, pozo u océano.
No existen tales ángeles ni siquiera en el cielo.

Ambos son buenos partidos para ti.
Son principescos, pero mendigos para vosotros. »

El viejo se convirtió en un agente matrimonial incondicional
Ella notó que los amantes se quedaron sin palabras por un momento.

Zin y Siti al enterarse de esta noticia.
Perdió todo sentido del razonamiento.

En resumen: la secuencia de los acontecimientos.
Relatado atentamente por la abuela

Era como echar aceite al fuego.

Las llamas ahora alcanzaron el séptimo cielo.

Mientras el cuerpo es el Monte Tauro, el amor es fuego.
Y el corazón es ese árbol con luz y fuego.

La jaula es un nicho, la chispa es una antorcha.
El espíritu es aceite, su mecha es dolor.

El corazón es un vaso, la llama arde por dentro.
El secreto es una parte, repartida por el Todo.

De pies a cabeza completamente
Ardiendo con un fuego reconfortante

Dijeron: “Para nosotros eres el corazón más ligero
¡Ay, abuela! Para nosotros tú eres el solucionador de problemas

Jardinero eres, nosotros somos ramas madre.
Lengua que eres, nosotros mismos somos tontos.

Si por un momento dejas de conversar
Si por una hora dejas de preocuparte

Seremos como el desperdicio, como la espina y la escoria
Y seremos como las hojas, arrastradas por el viento.

Oh, conocedor de los acontecimientos antiguos
Sin ti somos secretos prohibidos


Dijiste eso Mem con Tajdin
Han estado ardiendo valientemente

Ellos también esperan ahora con impaciencia
Quizás estén aún más desesperados

Levántate, ve rápido y díselo a Tajdin.
Si quieres a Siti y Mem quiere a Zin

Buenas noticias entonces, te aceptamos.
Incluso somos infelices sin ti.

Tu amor es un cabestro que no podemos sostener
El velo de la timidez guía nuestro comportamiento

Sin embargo, ese velo es para ti inexistente.
Develarse es para ti una costumbre tan antigua

Los casamenteros con medios y arbitrios
Cualquiera de ustedes, estaremos bienvenidos.

Así que habla con esos amantes
Y todos los amigos y pretendientes

Algunos para interceder en tu nombre
Algunos para orar por nosotros

Quizás Dios haya ordenado
Que nuestra unión se logre. »


22. El Príncipe entrega a Siti a Tajdin.

Es un buen momento para los pacientes anhelantes.
Particularmente para la tribu de los amantes.

Un medicamento para la recuperación y la salud.
Buenas noticias y mareas de fe.

Llegando de repente la angustia
Y liberándolos del sufrimiento

Esa abuela, haciendo el papel de Aristóteles.
Y disfrazado de pies a cabeza

Apareció nuevamente en forma de médico.
Y pronto llegó a las víctimas de la pasión.

Buenas noticias, como decíamos, transmitió
Esos ardiendo, como nunca antes quemados

Pero con ese fuego se iluminaron

Se recuperaron, se podría decir, de su enfermedad.

Como de la mano de Platón.

Seguramente tomando la medicina y la pasta

Se levantaron y fueron con sus amigos.
Algunos compañeros y familiares

Informarles de lo sucedido
Estos respondieron con aprobación y celo.

Cuando escucharon las muy buenas noticias

Se pasó la voz al público y a los casamenteros.

Algunos eruditos y algunos jueces.
Algunos ignorantes y algunos príncipes.

Todos se levantaron y fueron juntos hacia el príncipe.
Y así plantearon el asunto.

Diciendo Oh, gobernante del reino, la propiedad y la nación
Oh, protector de la justicia. ¡Estado y religión!


La sombra de la gracia de Dios, eres
Hoy nuestro rey y soberano, eres

Un sol eres y la alquimia es tu vista.
Una luna eres, tu efecto es lámina de luz

Cualquiera que invites es excepcional.
Cualquiera que ignores no es excepcional.

Cualquiera que quisieras, hiciste una linterna y la encendiste.
Incluso si estuviera mal, lo hiciste encajar.

Aunque Taj Din es un principito
Para ti él no es más que un esclavo, un mendigo

Hemos venido a orar profundamente.
Ante ti todos estamos rogando

Tajdin pide la mano de Siti
Ese gigante se refina con esa lámpara.

Es un esclavo, por favor libérenlo.

Es digno de que un cuñado lo haga.

El príncipe dijo: “Todo lo que consideres adecuado
Es para nosotros perfectamente aceptable.

¿Quién es el apoderado? Que venga y se siente
¿Quién es el mulá? Que lea el sermón.

Vamos a casar a Siti con Tajdin.
Esta es la respuesta, “Aceptado”… Amén.

Cheko inmediatamente corrió a la mano del príncipe.
Y lo besó, reconociendo así la aceptación.

Todos los príncipes, los jeques 33 y los mulás
Los pobres, los jefes y los Aghas

Juntos expresaron elogios.
Todos orando de todo corazón por bendiciones.

El príncipe dijo: "Tocad panderos y rebabs".
Trae todos los sorbetes y vinos.

T3- Un jeque, entre los kurdos, es una figura religiosa.


Tengamos una fiesta alegre

Hoy estamos seguros, pero no del mañana.

¿Será tan feliz como esto?
¿O traerá muerte y tristeza?

Embarazadas están las noches, oh seguidores.
¿Qué llevan como sucesores?

Este luto y este banquete son gemelos.
Esta rueda y órbita no son confiables.

En un momento está claro, al siguiente se oscurece.
En un momento es alegría, al siguiente es luto.

Cuando encuentras tiempo para el compañerismo
No te pierdas el momento ventajoso.

Porque el tiempo es como la espada

No diferencia entre un mullah y un señor

Hoy para la satisfacción de Tajdin
Cuenta conmigo como igualador

Durante mucho tiempo ha sido un sirviente.
Siempre en el servicio ha sido excelente.

Tanto tiempo ha estado a nuestro servicio.
Que pasó su vida asistiendo

Es una norma dentro de la ley de la lealtad.

Que nosotros también llevamos alguna carga en una dificultad

Hoy tenemos que prestarle un servicio.
Específicamente para estar a su servicio.

Un hombre de tan buena calidad.

¿Quién no sería recompensado con magnanimidad?

Si tengo mil una oveja
Todo reservado en un día.

Si no los sacrifico por completo

Que mi principesca pase sin bendición”


Taj din estuvo en presencia del príncipe.

Su felicidad estaba cerca, pero ocultaba el deleite.

En resumen: el príncipe, a pesar de su poder
Rose y él mismo se convirtieron en dispensadores de deleite.

Llevó al consejo una bandeja de comida.
Como si fuera una capa de cielo

Panes redondos y planos como la luna y el sol en el cielo.
Fueron traídos para servir como pan.

Estas placas de plata y oro
Eran como las órbitas superior e inferior.

Cada plato grande era como una torre.
Con una concha de perla encima como cubierta.

Cada plato y taza de porcelana
Era una estrella brillante llena de luz

Los Capricornio y los Aries en los cielos
Convertido en biryani y kebab para los invitados.

Cada taza y plato como una tienda.

Lleno, para desbordar como incitando al alma.

Diversos tipos de alimentos, untados con mantequilla y endulzados.
Diferentes tipos de alimentación y postres coloridos.

Las finas tazas y jarras de agua de porcelana
Estamos dando vueltas delicadamente

El movimiento continuo se parece a un picnic.
Cualquiera que fue testigo quedó bastante asombrado.

Granadas, limones, naranjas y limón.
Los primeros frutos de los árboles del cielo.

Bebida, verdura, caramelos y azúcar blanca.
Almizcle aromático Zibad, ámbar y agua de rosas

Algunos estaban tomando una segunda ración.
algunos todavía bebían modestamente


Los portainciensos andaban con madera de áloe y ámbar.
Para empapar y perfumar plenamente las almas

Buena música, buenas melodías y voces dignas.
Buena ropa, colores brillantes y elecciones justas.

Algunos con el sonido de una música armoniosa.
Algunos sonoros con el orgullo y la timidez.

Violín, laúd y guitarra con cantantes.
Platillo, pandero, trompeta y dulcimers

Soprano, Amantes, Iraquí y Apogeo
Juntos estaban correctamente emparejados

Sintonías, canciones y secciones.
No proyectado, milagroso y adivinación.

Surgió aparentemente del sonido de la flauta.
Invadiendo la religión, la fe y la mente

Los coperos estaban confundidos por el agua de uva.
Los cantantes fueron aplastados por el sonido del dulcimer.

Cantantes, poetas líricos y maestros de la comedia.
Intoxicado, borracho, melancólico y mareado.

En resumen: a pesar de la órbita tiránica

La boda fue así celebrada por los invitados.

Del planificador de la órbita cayó la pluma.
Y el verdugo actuó mientras caía la pluma.

Venus en la Tierra fue sorprendente

La luna en el trópico de cáncer se escondía

Saturno en Acuario se ocultaba
Júpiter en Piscis estaba desapareciendo

El mundo se vuelve enteramente sociable y alegre.
La órbita cruel era tan afligida y odiosa

Estaba indefenso y permaneció impotente.
Inevitablemente “la anciana se convirtió en ladrona de heno


La senilidad de la órbita azul
Hizo el espacio para el espíritu festivo

Todo el mundo era un enclave alegre.
Urbano y rural, hombre libre y esclavo.

Absorto en placer y bendición.
Absorto en celebrar y jugar

Y a los compañeros de mesa los coperos
Una vez más andaba con vasos y vasos

El Príncipe visitó a Mem y Tajdin.

Diciendo: “Los gastos los pago yo, Mem encabeza la boda

Los atrajo a ambos completamente.
Se levantaron y besaron cortésmente su prenda.

Luego se sentaron y bebieron juntos.
Pasando ese día juntos


23. El banquete de bodas de Siti y Tajdin

El tiempo de la nueva novia, luciendo como un sol.
Con nueve cúpulas como el cristal de Jem 34.

Su rostro completamente maquillado
Como si estuviera recubierto de oro

La peluquera, la abuela y las criadas.
Como el amor en general calentó el bazar

Fui a decorar a Siti y Zin.
Para hacer coquetas a las dos amadas.

Primero miraron las orejas y los lunares.
Se dieron cuenta que saquearon las almas.

Como pensaban mejorar las curvas de las cejas.
Se sonrojaron de vergüenza

Cuando miraron sus caras bonitas
Estaban avergonzados por los rasgos refinados.

Descubrieron que no podían usar el rímel negro.
Porque podría estropear la belleza de las gacelas Kheten.

Peine de colores desde la cabeza hasta los pies.
Se esforzaron por encontrar una excusa.

Pero en ninguna de las dos gacelas
Podrían encontrar incluso un solo defecto.

Excepto la cabellera, privada y no revelada.
Pero ese también fue un ejemplo ni físico ni espiritual.

Por miedo a romperse

Ningún cinturón había ceñido jamás sus cinturas

Nadie consideró siquiera el uso de los sujetadores.
Porque podrían herir los delicados rasgos

¿Y se podría teñir una mano o incluso un dedo?
Con Henna 35 de forma dura

34- Jems hace caso.

35- La henna es un tinte para el cuerpo, derivado de los brotes de una planta de la misma


Un cuadro considerado elegido por el Señor.
¿Quién puede modificarlo?

Al final se dieron por vencidos desesperadamente.
Un vano intento de dorar el lirio

La belleza en el rostro de cada amante.
Fue un regalo mundano como el platino y la plata.

Afortunados fueron, con sus cabezas coronadas
Brillante, con joyas adornadas

La placa frontal de la hoja fabricada.

Estaba decorado con plata y repujado con joyas.

Así se realzó el resplandor de su belleza.
Como la luna creciente reflejando la luz

Diamantes, esmeraldas y perlas.
Monogramas, líneas y lunares oscuros.

Dispuestos a la manera de versos.
Comparable a un libro de poemas.

El parecido no fue intencionado, sino involuntario.
Un esplendor a la vez milagroso y mágico.

Los versos al coleccionarlos se convierten en diwan 36.
Los textos redactados convirtiéndose en un Corán

Ese es el oficio del Maestro Absoluto.
Cualquiera que lo vea dice: “Él tiene razón”

Como la decoración de la novia estaba completa.
La fiesta se trasladó al mercado y a la calle.

Diversos tipos de adornos y prendas.
Diferentes tipos de joyas y objetos de valor.

Cien sirvientas y cien eslavos fue
Todos con ropa bordada y dorada iban

Camellos por trenes y diamantes por cantars
Rubíes por cargas y oro por sacos

36- Diwan: una colección de poemas.


Más allá del cálculo múltiple
Extraordinario, superando el límite de reserva.

Este ajuar estaba más allá de todo razonamiento.
Los camellos estaban sobrecargados.

Este lujo convirtió a los decorosos en amantes.
Como un terremoto que despierta a la criatura

Civiles, hombres y mujeres.
Bien maquillada y atraída.

Como las olas del mar moviéndose
La gente empujaba para ver

El monte Judi se abrió repentinamente
Como el Arca de Noé, derramando generosidad

Y cuando vieron llegar los muebles de Siti
El palacio de las hadas se hizo realidad

Cada pieza de la ropa de cama principal era de sándalo.
Una estructura de cama incluso estaba hecha de ébano.

Un trono coronado con joyas.
Belkis 37 sentado cómodamente

Precedido por sirvientes tomados de la mano

Llevando fajines dorados y pendientes de joyas.

Como cien Asef Barkhiya 38, tan ligeros como el aire.
Estaban llevando el trono como lo hicieron

llevando sobre sus cabezas esa cuna
Pasarlo de mano en mano sin esfuerzo

Esa fina cama era como la de un comerciante.
El mar por el que navegaba era humano.

Un mar de amor que hervía
Fue inevitablemente generar pasión.

3 7 – Belkis Reina de Saba.

38- Asef Barkhiya: ministro del rey Salomón.


Los habitantes del lugar se volvieron amantes por completo.
Las polillas y las velas estaban conectadas entre sí.

Sufíes y mulás, pobres y bajás
Juntos como observadores y espectadores

Incluso las personas que lloraban de pena
Ninguno quedó infeliz

Mientras la procesión pasaba por puertas malévolas
Incluso los hipócritas y los insinceros

La novia causó la misma impresión en todos.
No hubo nadie a quien no le agradara.

La música resucitó a los muertos como la corneta.
El tambor, la pandereta, Kerranu y Nakor.

La aclamación, el eco y el llamado.
Enriqueció a los oyentes con armonías.

Un sonido común se hinchó y rodó
A través del palacio de la órbita y los cielos.

Tal vida, esplendor y actividad

Que nunca más sea presenciado por la posteridad.

El reino orbital en el que habitaban los ángeles.
Las olas que con el tiempo se desvanecieron para siempre

Esta pompa, emblema y banquete

Avanzó y actualmente llegó a Tajdin.

El propio Taj Din, radiante como un sol.
Mem junto a él, como una luna.

Se sentaron en la mansión alta
Rodeado de tantos caciques

El se puso de pie para mirar
Sostener las bandejas con ambas manos

Tan grande como el firmamento de los cielos.
Con rubíes y esmeraldas de todas las minas.


Esparcieron el contenido de esas bandejas.
Sobre el pintoresco palanquín

Y como esas bandejas estaban llenas
Con oro, plata, perla y joya.

Los felices saqueadores consiguieron el deseo de sus corazones.
Los pobres se convirtieron en príncipes y bajás.

Más allá incluso de las esperanzas de un pincher codicioso
Fuera de la capacidad del coleccionista más malo

Mucho mejor que la generosidad de los generosos.
Más que la posesividad del villano

Tan ricos se volvieron los indigentes y los mendigos
Que los pobres se volvieron lujuriosos y adoradores de mujeres

El mendigo y el pobre, el rico y el rico
Los tristes y los alegres, los tristes y los felices.

Ya no se podía distinguir de las apariencias.
Dirías que todos eran príncipes con licencia.

Todo apropiado y de acuerdo

Todos dándose la mano y abrazándose

En resumen, intoxicado por el deseo de la mente.
Aquellos lugares, tejados y casonas quedaron encantados

Algunos adictos y algunos borrachos.
Cantantes, comediantes y platillos.

Todos los adictos a Botan y borrachos que existen
Estaba jugando y saltando en un tiovivo

Bailando y cantando al son de la música.
Dulces, labios de azúcar y dulces.

Virgen e imberbe, muchachas y muchachos
Houris y ángeles, hadas y niños.

Ancianos rosados y vestidores opulentos
Habladores dulces y con la boca azucarada


Con tocados inclinados y fajas doradas
Caras de luna y líneas oscuras.

Cuerpos vírgenes y pieles plateadas
Barbillas de manzana y pechugas de granada

Un cabello tan suave y serpenteante agrada.

Esas cejas de catorce años y de novia.

Juvenil imberbe y desnudo
Juventud recta y fina como el rubí

Algunos con voces agradables, otros con complexión fina.
Algunas carreras y otras cojeando.

A pesar de “la vieja” 39
A diferencia del jorobado

Chicas que podrían describirse como tan atractivas.
Como estrellas en las Pléyades o como la luna

Algunos círculos se forman, otros giran
Algunos enrollados en cadenas, otros moviéndose

Sus masas brillantes aparecieron como galaxias aparecieron estrellas.
Siete días completos y siete noches.

Celebración de la boda de Siti y Tajdin
Continuó de esta manera decorada y encantadora.

39 – La anciana: la temporada.


24. Las velas de Tajdin y Siti arden.

El horizonte, como el dobladillo de una novia.
Se sonrojó y luego se volvió dorado con el sol naciente.

Que disipó con su luz las tinieblas
Y desterró todo dolor junto con la noche

Así, al amanecer del séptimo día
El fuego llegó al petróleo, se podría decir

El calor ardiente de la vecindad deseada.
Quitó la niebla de la vida del amante.

El contacto cerrado entre el amor y la pasión
Lleva a una persona al frenesí absoluto.

El amor y la pasión se vuelven compañeros.
Uniendo el corazón y el alma en enlace

Paciencia consumida por la separación

Todas las longitudes para matrimonio y consumo.

Asalto a la puerta de la pasión

Haciendo caso omiso de las instrucciones “ten paciencia y espera”

La pasión del amante y amada era tan intensa
Que casi se morían de añoranza

La peluquera, la abuela y la enfermera.
Familiares cercanos y amigos de Tajdin.

Fueron requeridos para satisfacer todas las rimas habituales.
De acuerdo con el horario de reunión religiosa.

Por eso trajeron los perfumes y el incienso.
Varios animando las mezclas y los estupefacientes.

El vaso, la copa y la petaca de vino.
Áloe-madera, zibad, ambrosio y almizcle.

Agua de rosas, esencia floral y perfumes para la noche.
En resumen: de luna a luz de luna


Todo para la vida, la energía y la sociedad.
Artículos de compañerismo, gusto y felicidad.

Todo fue ensamblado en preparación.
Habría asegurado la resurrección de los muertos.

Todo estaba decorado para la novia y el señor.
Las paredes, las puertas, las camas y la casa.

Todos los nobles y los sirvientes procedieron
Junto con algunos familiares y estrechamente relacionados.

Los bailarines cargaron a la novia sobre sus cabezas.
Llevándola a la cámara nupcial

Y la colocó allí, como una vela.
Perfecta, pura y hermosa.

La vela, parpadeando y ardiendo.
Parecía estar diciéndole a alguien que se había quedado sin palabras.

“Oh, amante indeciso y no reformado
Si eres como yo arrepentido

Levántate, ve a la cámara nupcial.
Y a través del beso quedar encadenado

La novia, como una vela arde.
Como tú, su cuerpo y su alma están furiosos.

Cuando la vela deja de arder

Unlike me your tears should cease pouring

If a lover rises as a moth

spreads the gift and gives away your soul

O, long awaited Pilgrim

O, traveller, at the end of your journey

Your intended prayer-niche, the Kaaba
is within your reach, as decreed by the Adored


The House, the Stone, the Place and the Hijra

The Endeavour, the Demand, the Pilgrimage and the Umra 40

The Lord has determined for you
Here have been made available for you

Water you are, flow to the cypress
Lion you are, go to your den »

Tajdin, from the candle’s illustration
The meaning of the beautiful’s passion

Knew, through contemplation and realisation
Thus he moved with energy and acceleration

His friend in joy and sorrow, the poor Mem
Accompanied him as companion and an armed guard

Hand in hand and a heartening pal as ever
Acted as the janitor, with sword at his shoulder

As Tajdin entered the chamber
Mem stayed at the door with a prayer

The moment was frought with danger
For lovers have many a hater

Whether lover or beloved
Each has his enemies and censors

Some are demons and some are fairies
Some are human hypocrites and some are fair

40- The House, the Stone, the Place and the Hijra, the Endeavour, the Demand,
the pilgrimage and the Umra Mecca and the ritual acts.


25. The meeting of the bride and the bride-groom

Politely, the bride-groom entered the chamber
The bride, a candle screened behind a veil

Stood-up to receive him delicately
Picking up the hem from the floor, gently

Gracefully tucked up her ear-locks
Removed the veil with her hands

The face shining like the Aqsa Mosque
Was revealed and illuminated like the moon

The bride-groom, suffering the separation and affliction
Longed for the intimacy with that pretty soul

And as a first step in permissible behaviour
He laid his hands on the decanter

From a sugar-lipped decanter sipping
Raising the cup to his lips, imbibing

Thus intoxicated, warmed by the limpid wine
He smelled the ear-locks and the face so fine

One moment, a narcissus, a tulip or a red-rose
Another, a basil, a violet or a com-ear

Embroiled together, together embracing
Sometimes kissing and sometimes biting

They were kissing so much
They could, not kiss in turn

And teeth as diamonds and jewels
Changed into coral and pearls

The sea of love wad boiling over

Hand on the neck, Hp on lip and embracing

they were so delirious with that wine
Rising unconsciously arid falling down


They were unable to continue sitting
They rolled over for prostrating

After rising from prostration
Both feeling the exhilaration

They snatched sugar from each other’s lips
Gathering red roses from each other’s cheeks

Making for themselves sugar and flower sherbets
Their two hearts entwined together

For three days and nights together in time
Those thirsty lips were sipping from the wine

Drinking the syrup of the excellent spirit
Yet their longing was still not satisfied

This was a new type of intoxication
And drew them into perfect confusion

And with flushed faces and transparent bodies
They were really enjoying their nuptial feast

Delirious and in each other’s arms gathered
United on the floor and disordered

At times entwining and at times separating
At times swinging together and at times trembling

At times they were two, and at times one
At times a pair and together and at times separate

The ivory arrow was right on target
The target was like a refined shell

As the target was receiving the arrow
Pearls were exchanged with coral

Though the arrow returned, the seed stayed inside
He was giving her his seed with heart and soul

Continuing through the days and nights
They entwined in the act of love


The two the rebellious drunkards together
Were giving love to each other

Whether in the light of the day or in the darkness of the night
These two angels were enjoying their delight

You would say they were two alchemists
Busying themselves with necklaces and jewels

As their bodies and souls united
Two spirits together were amalgamated

The bowl lowering the ewer descending
The alembic lifting with beating

The mixture, like milk and sugar
The combination, like the life and water

They had neither nourishment nor quencher
Forgetting all about bread and water

That week was spent wholly in the nuptial chamber
They had forgotten the existence of everyone

Good health had overcome their malady
Sorrow had vanished, eclipsed by unity

Inevitably, on the dawn of the eighth day
Rizwan 41 left paradise and walked away

Mem was still at the door, guarding
His head was always on the stone, leaning

His home was still the courtyard
Day and night he had been on guard

As Tajdin appeared from the nuptial chamber
You could say a sun rose for Mem

At once he was with joy overwhelmed
Elated, as if he were on top of the world

41- Rizwan the gardener or gatekeeper of the paradise, meaning the
bridegroom Tajdin.


Should you have a friend like that, let him be
if he were not like that, then let him not be

For a friend who stands by you
A hundred treacherous and hypocritical relatives

Sacrifice, and do not say who ever
Useless is even a malevolent brother

A friend is a brother to you

He is like your eye, and a torch, too


26. Bekir incites the Prince against Mem and Tajdin

When God from nought created the existence
And newly founded this universe

The sum of the world’s constituants
Even the essence of human species

Things in accordance with qualities and actions
Were brought into existence in various conditions

He created together and thus had prescribed
That a thing by its opposite was known

This earth and heaven, the slow and rotating
This realm and reign, fixed and moving

The light and dark, infidelity and faith
The immortality and fire, heaven and hell

Cold and hot, wet and dry
Prince and slave, rich and poor

Soil and air, fire and water
Night and day, shade and sunshine

Separation and connection, delight and sorrow
Life and death, joy and grief

Some resemble the light, and some resemble the fire
Some are clement, and some are violent

Those truthful, straight and charitable
Those crooked, liars and shamefaced

Those people of hell and suffering
Those worthy of heaven and rewarding

Don’t you see they are all opposites

Where lies the wisdom ? Why are they inter-connected

Because if there were no contradiction
Distinction is impossible as well as recognition


In short, fulfilling this requirement of creation
The Prince, possessor of glory, dignity and perfection

Had appointed for himself a doorkeeper
A « son of a bitch », a notorious mischief-maker

Always at his service as door-keeper
A cunning castle-gatekeeper, and coffee house keeper

By ancestory he was not a Botan man
Perhaps he was bom of Sin

It was said that he came from Mergevir
A sheer evil man and a malicious instigator

The name of that hypocrite was Bekir
Perhaps he was worse than Belukiya 42

Evil, unstable and falsifier
An informer, a framer and deceiver

The devil was a pupil of his portent
Botan was shamed of his intent

He was as ugly as a nightmare demon
An evil doer, wicked and dissembler

Tajdin was telling the Prince, ever :

My Prince ! Sack this doorkeeper

He is not worthy of your door

He is a dog, secret-leaker and vindictive

Although dogs and doorkeepers are brothers
At least most dogs are affectionate and loyal

The Prince used to reply in this way to Tajdin
Do you suppose we are unaware of Bekir’ s work

We Princes resemble the mills

Full of moves and twists, advances and retreats

Inevitably we need a miller
Unavoidably we require a doorkeeper

42- Belukiya : a notorious trickster.


While we run the government,

Sometimes we practise justice , other times tyranny

Although Bekir is a bastard

Our mill through him turns and prospers

This clique of the wicked and oppressors
Consists of the bailifs, police and doorkeepers

They turn the mills of oppressors
And grind the grains of grievances

Though our mills are public endowment
The throat is full of forbidden millet

That millet is planted by a ploughman

And shall be harvested by the same ploughman

This custom is practised only by princes
You do not find it in the domain of the poor

All the guards are like dogs

They also form the clique of doorkeepers

The unwilling Lord on the Throne
Is not seen managing the work

However much he created sultans
He created ten as many satans

In short : the prince does not abandon his dog
The explanation is that it is simply a necessity

There are princes who would not exchange
One of these bare dogs with ten Arab horses »

That spiteful and wicked schemer
That is Bekir, the willful forger

Was secretly afraid of Tajdin
Always hateful he had been

As this feast started happily

And proceeded formally and customarily


Concealed from the people as the devil
His purpose just as lying and evil

He said to the prince, confidentially :

« My Prince ! You wasted Siti, certainly

That jewel of the crown and the crown jewel
That silver star and the star silver

So much worthy of the throne, so much learned
So much wise, graceful and adorned

Chosroes fell for her maddeningly
Fakhfor 43 loved her deeply

The Czar had wanted her for his son

And Khaqan 44 would have come along begging

It was unworthy to be satisfied so cheaply
And give her to one so loosely

The prince said : « Would I exchange, O, bad star
Tajdin and Mem with a throne and a Czar ?

The day war broke out and in the battle dash
Tajdin and Mem captured two hundred Qizilbash 45

With armour, arm and shield

Bringing them before us with the sword, the six-leaved

Who is Khaqan ? What do I do with Fakhfor ?

I will not exchange them with a, quarter of the world »

The cursed, sensing that his words made no impression
Resorted to willful misrepresentation

Saying : « Fine indeed is the truly noble
Compared with the friendship of the servant

The day they drink the wine of calamity
As they eat kebab and honey

43- Fakhfor Emperor of China.

44- Khaqan King of Turkistan.

45- Qizilbash : Religious sect.


What they display at feast and serenity
They will also do in crisis and difficulty

If nothing were to change them incidentally
And if they were not to alter manifestly

And if they did not carry out any disloyal action
And never abated in their resolution

Then this tact and harshness must be equalised
And the sincerity and loyalty must be equated

Indeed the benevolence of the generous is wasteful
If directed at the unworthy and the evil

Nobody is against the youthful or the wealthy
However the Nouveau riche is not fit for glory

The perceptible for the nouveau riche is wine
For unpleasant is the drunkards intoxication

It requires a lot of wisdom and a lot of toleration
Lest the Nouveau rich is changed by intoxication

My prince ! You did not notice the son of Iskander 46
Looking at you and crossing the border

The day you gave away Siti to Tajdin
He, on his part, to Mem gave away Zin

The prince commented « How come he did not ask me ?
Or no, is he no longer afraid of me ? »

He said « Don’t you know the scion
Noble, young and a champion

He has been in the arena, with a loose halter
Anything he may do seems proper

I fear he may be arrogant and mean
He may exceed the bounds with Zin

And claim to be Khalid’s relation

The purpose of ancestral claim is promotion

46- The son of Iskander : Mem.


The prince said « At heart we had a desire
To ennoble Zin with Mem, the esquire

I swear by the soul of my father
All the way to Khalid, the ancestor

To no male descendant of Adam’s
Shall I even give Zin in matrimony

Anyone who is bored with his head
Here is Zin ! Let him go ahead

The brave, fed up with his body and soul

Should be so fearless as to make Zin his wedding goal.

Rulers visibly and secretly
Are like fire, undoubtedly

They seem fine and divine, visibly
Yet they are barely managing, invisibly

When merciful, they resemble the sun
When coercive, they bum the world

Beware, do not trust them, ever

Even if they were a father, a cousin or a brother

Particularly if bad associates
Come near them, may God protect us.


27. Zin in love

As Tajdin and Siti were enjoying their happiness
The marriage freeing them from loneliness

Mem alone stayed in the lonely comer
With no friend, co-sufferer and co-habiter

Unable now to spend time together

Deprived from sharing his sorrow, with a co-sufferer

How could the sufferer endure ?

How could he entreat the happy ?

Both the glad and sad require partnering
The plights and afflictions require healing

The fellowship of the lovers is calmness
The food of loneliness is madness

They comfort each other and converse
Especially those with a common problem to face

Siti and Zin, Mem and Tajdin
Managed together and were comforted

When Zin was crying of affliction
Siti’s voice was soothing as medicine

As Mem was heartily moaning
Tajdin nearly became as a physician

Now these two separated from the other two
Happy with their desire they went their way

Mem and Zin remaining unfulfilled
Aimless, desireless and hopeless

For forty days Zin stopped eating and drinking
She never ceased crying

The heart blood becoming food and nourishment
The tears themselves becoming water and sherbet


During the day and when the night came
Her separation suffering was just the same

She cried in the daytime and moaned in the night time
So changed that moon and so weakened

The fullness of her face turned into a crescent, merely
Her appearance was an image, only

The friends, companions and guests
The graceful, the trusted and confidants

Were always telling her gently :

« O, the cypress of the lofty orchard

O, green vine-leaf of the valley !

Why are you pouring down so many tears ?

If it is the elder sister’s separation from you
She went well, and happy with her friend too

She opted for patience and seized opportunity
There she is glad, here you are sad

Henceforth, put away sorrow from your heart
Become like the ear-lock before the wind

Turn the dark hair into ringlets

As a flower open the rose-coloured face

Open up the ear-locks and let them free
With a wreath as a crown on the forehead

Separate the side-locks from the red hair
Comb the ear-locks, expose them to the air

So that the wheat-ear and the red-rose be acquainted
The basil and the violet singly be threaded

Stir the side-locks over the crescent
Enamouring in Mecca the Bilals 47

Pour again refreshing wine into the glass
Open the hair knots that veil Kaaba in black

47- the Bilal : the prayer caller of the Prophet Mohammed.


So that people from the east and west as far as Damascus
As pilgrims can see the shrine

So connect together your side-lock with the mole
And ribbon your beauty book with the cord

Let the beauty of the face be enhanced
Allow the verses of God be ordered

So that both the communities of infidel and Islam
May believe in the texts of Koran

These winks and blood-boiling looks
These daggers and sharp knives

Beware, do not give them any licence or permission
They have no mercy for anybody or compassion

Allow the murderous hair ringlets
To rule over the kings and sultans

Remove the veil that screens the flowers
Look at the impatience of warblers

Let your smile be as a bud

So as to plunder the epic nightingale

Intoxicate the ear-lock with the neck
Stun the mad, the crazy and the insane

Excite the Mullahs with dalliance and coyness
Goad the Sheikhs before the swines

Permit the side-lock, the ear-lock and the mole
To spread word amongst the people of the states

So the pathless and perplexed guide
May not be giddy as the beast

To deny the absolute perversion
And to believe in the true way

Deprived of the revelation of glory
Satisfied with the image of beauty


Annihilating that existence
Everlasting with that evidence

This advice they were offering
But Zin would not be soothling

On the contrary, perhaps due to this advice and counsel
She fell totally under grief and bondage

Love is fire, advice is a breeze

Discretion is a veil and scandal is blameworthy

yet although they were reproachful
She felt even more regretful

Tears did not give a rest to the eyes
Moaning did not give a respite to the mouth

This would have spoken a word
Or that would have looked at a place

The advisers found that talking and preaching
Were in no way helping

They were perplexed by that moon
Why did she moan so much ?

They thought that Zin
Was only crying for Siti

When they saw that words were mere air
They shut their mouths and left in despair


28. Zin addresses the sorrow

Zin stayed alone, nay, with sorrow for company
The sorrow gathered around her and she said :

« O, friend of the hopeless
Helper of the alienated

Malady of the suffering heart
A veil that hides the secret of the miserable

Confidant of the wounded heart !

Slumbering companion of my sad memory !

The dining colleague who joins me at an empty table !

Drinking pal when I take even a drop of bitter wine !

Through you lovers attain beauty
Through you wayfarers achieve glory

The ruined heart has remained so deserted
No one but you has cared and visited

Like those claiming the world’s possession
We give you our absolute permission

Thanks to you for any luck in this world
And for dignity at the palace of the End

That is why we like sorrows, they are loyal
They don’t say, this is bitter or even lethal

They are on a dark day friends of the soul
Friends also in happiness and joy

Both worlds of the « sooner or later »

Without sorrow would they materialise ever ?

In short : my heart is gladdened by sorrows

And what becomes of the heart without the treasury of sorrows ? »


29. Zin reproaches Siti

Sometimes she addressed Siti
This is how she reproached that angel

« O, the soul and the heart throb of Zin !

The light of the clear sight and mad

The friend in joy and alienation
Of the same flesh, bone, blood and skin

Sister with common wings and common minds
And common wombs, nest and leaves !

O, disposition which coincides with mine !
Except in fortunes that undermine !

A thousand thanks that luck befriended you
What you desired, the Giver gave you

A thousand thanks that luck was helping
Your fortune started ascending

If my luck has turned bad excessively
This fate is fine with me exceedingly

The sorrow was alloted to me definitely
Thus ruled Eternal Destiny surely

The joy was for you, the sorrow was for me
Tajdin was for you, Mem himself was for me

Because Mem takes the shape of sorrow
So sorrow comes for me on the top of sorrow. »


30. Zin addresses the candle

At times, she considered the candle a companion
Saying : « O, friend, associate and confidant

Though you are like me in burning
You are unlike me in talking

If like me you too were talking
I would not be so much lamenting

Between my suffering and yours there is a difference
From the West to the East extends this difference

You are as the East, your fire is visible
I am as the West, my fire is invisible

Burning the nerves of my soul continuously
But burning you only occasionally

The flame in my heart is a brand
Yet my soul is at war with the brand

Over the top your flash is showing
As passion loosely appearing

That flash is for you a tongue
But the flame is for me damaging

Yet the flame in my heart is sacred
It even rules over the shrill wind

Though at night awake you are staying

In the morning till the evening you are sleeping

At night, at dawn and in the evening
I always go on burning


31. Zin talks to the moth

Occasionally, owing to the heart injury
Her soul was inevitably weary

She was not dismayed by her deep sorrow
She would talk to the moth as companion

Saying « O, bird of the nest of separation !
O, nightingale of the orchard of combustion

O, proof of the true lost lovers !

O, banisher of the false claims !

You forgive the cheap soul nobly
A pity you tremble at death

You don’t tarry a while for passion
Immaturely you demand annihilation

That haste is for you a defect
That tremble is for you a weakness

You are impatient, restless and weary
Because you exhaust yourself quickly

Immaturity is a shame really

The cooking is said to be raw actually

The ripe they bum, but do they ever
Vanish with light and fire ?

The remaining wander like the salamander
The body spiritually, turns lighter

That body, as luminous as the soul
That blinding while of the pre-revelation

Not one atom on earth and in heaven
Would she leave out of conversation

With people who were self-interested
She was cautious or avoided


She neither meddled with the humans nor with j inns
She entrusted her secrets only to those tongueless

She was drowned in sorrow completely

Engraved on her heart and soul was Mem’s image only


32. Mem’s misery

Mem too ached for the face of the beloved
Out of his desire to see her

Becoming mad, heart-broken and dizzi
Love sick, quite insane really

The serene mind often bewildered
Genial, yet lonely at heart

Unable to stand the agony and affliction
Incapable of walking through the rose garden

In short : without attaining union with Zin
He felt wounded and became restless

Because two thirsty lips
Were longing for a sip of water

To rain down from heaven, suddenly
As the water of life and timely

For a thirsty one attained the heart’s desire
And a burning one remained on fire

One gaining eternal life

The other going through extended death

As Tajdin attained the union
Mem became truly depressed

He did not recover from the affliction
He refused to be consoled by any person

He could not stay in any place calmly
He had no one for solace really

Whenever he went to the prince

You could say both his feet were in chains

Suffering every moment and groaning
Spreading fire to the surrounding


Whenever he stood before Tajdin
Miserable, with his heart moaning

He could not associate and converse
He could not relax or fraternise


33. Mem addresses the Tigris River

Unavoidably he began to wander
As a fellow sufferer, to the deep river

Saying « O, the analogue of my love, flowing !
Impatient, restless and loving

Intolerant, unsettled and restless
Or are you also, like me, mindless ?

There is no rest for you, absolutely
There is a lover in your heart, presumably

What is it you always remember ?

As through Jizir you wander

If this city were your beloved
Then it has returned to you as required

Home is always on your mind

The neck, with your arm, you surround 48

Still you do not think of God

Daily, a thousand times, you forget to give Thanks

You cry so much and call

Then what do you aspire as your goal

Why vainly for assistance you are calling
Why to the land of Baghdad you are migrating ?

Whether I cry or ache
Whether I die or age

Anything I may do is rightful
For only annihilation is truthful

Look at my heart and wander

And to the depth of my soul and ponder

Why is the suffering of my heart incurable ?

Why are the tears of my eyes inexhaustable ?

48- The neck with your arm you surround the Tigris is going around the town.


Insane I am, I released the fairy
Tigris I am, I abandoned Zenber

Westan, Nergis and Saqlan
Derwez, Omeri and Meydan 49

As these picnic sites you are touring

Alone in the prairies and the deserts I am roaming

49- Zenber, Westan, Nergis, Saqlan, Derwez, Omeri and Meydan : fine places
the Tigris is passing through.


34. Mem addresses the wind

Sometimes to the Eastern wind he was talking
Telling the gentle breeze his heart’s suffering

Saying : « O, fair matter resembling the spirit
The gate of the body is open for you

I beg that you proceed without interruption
Huriy up without hesitation

Once to « the gate of happiness 50 » go
One moment to the « Tree of the End 51 » go

First kiss the courtyard
Then go to the heart-land

But, modestly, and with veneration
Quite respectfully and honourably

Pray for her quietly
Address her praisingly

Show your respect unsparingly
Greet her, standing, with folded hands

Move forward purposefully
Do not slow down disdainfully

This letter written with my heart’s blood
The page black like the pupil of my eye

Don’t move the veil for beauty’s sake
Just the petition to her take

Beware ! Don’t disturb her veil
As she reads the letter

Address her, from me : « My king 52 ! »

« The source of my life and my prayer niche ! »

50- the gate of happiness Zin ‘s apartment.

51- The tree of the End where the Prophet Mohammed talked to God : Zin ‘s

52- The term used is again the King and not the Queen.


You are the manifestation of the light of the Lord
You are the source of the clear river

The divine visage and aspect
Slave are we, you are King

Distinguish yourself, by being just
With respect to us be fair and equitable

With that inner eye

That reveals the truth to the heart

That is an old prerogative of kings
That reveals the truth to the heart

That is an old prerogative of kings
That they look after the sinful commoners

By God, I know not of what sin I am guilty
But that I had a heart, of that I am sure

That heart the fairy kidnapped from me
For some time it has been separate from me

While it was with me in unison

It was possessed by infatuation and passion

Perhaps due to error or insubordination
A man is bom with defects and omissions

He has sinned a hundred times and more
But thanks to your ear-locks he is safe, for sure

Your sadness is for him punishment
But your forgiveness is a wonderful gift

Talk in this manner, O, sharp Eastern wind
Then kiss the earth and rise

O, Eastern wind !For the sake of the adored
As you leave the presence of the intended

Beware ! Some of the soil of the door
Bring for me as fellow traveller

The dust that looks like tutty
Bring with you as alchemy


35. Mem reproaches his heart

Sometimes he was fighting with his poor heart
Saying : « O, traiterous, shameless and perfidious

Where is the word, decision, promise and bond ?

The oath, swear, faith and pledge ?

You were saying « Truthful I am with you »

You were saying : « United I am with you »

You were saying : « One heart I am with you »

You were saying : « Patient I am with you »

A pity ! That you are disloyal excessively
Alas ! That you are alienated impossibly

A spurious heart, at heart an enemy !

Full of twists, bad, crooked and greedy !

O, parrot that is sweet but can only imitate !

O, child that is but and immature babe !

Were you a friend in the joyful days merely ?

Or were you a heart of darkness only ?

O, heart ! How lonely is the self
Is it fair to leave the lonely alone ?

This nightingale of the soul caught in the prison of the body
Has remained alone resembling a sieve

Is it fair to maltreat the soul ?

And bar the door to the goal ?

The soul’s secret which you are keeping
Like the light in the world, is a gift of heaven

O, heart ! Without the soul’s torch don’t go away
It is dark and as blind, you shall lose the way

If a lover is for you intended
Your lover is already part of your soul


Because you are self-exemplar of the soul
A mirror of the image of the attribute

Beware ! Do not go after the by-gone story
Don’t let the soul disown the body

Your going resembles dissentien
Your departure is like rejection

Do not dissent, to ensure entering
Do not depart, to ensure arriving

Do not reject to be a good Sunni

What is the matter with you ? Woe to you, you are of me

Be firm, keep your place in the queue

In order to cognise the secret of « Who knew ? »

Though you knocked on the door of a kin
Yet the kin is with me « in the skin »

The figure you have loved is but a gallow

The ear-lock attracting you is the rope of the gallow

The attraction snatching you is the soul’s keeper
The secret you are sacrifizing is itself the owner

Do not trust ear-locks and moles
Do not let our property be plundered

Don’t be fettered with the ringlets or plaits
Don’t be giddy with the curves of the eye-brows

Though a bosom you are, o afflicted Sire !

May your flower garden be on fire

A hundred thousand nightingales like you
Wailing hundred times and crying too

And like the moth before the roses
Always burning and suffering with plights

O, heart ! You have opted for infatuation
Your purpose is to attain felicitation


But from the true love physician
I know what is good for your condition

Abstinence in the realms of desire
Piety in the field of pleasure

That disagrees with the fancy
That itself is for you the remedy

I have enquired from Lokman without doubt
About the properties of the sherbet and Turkish delight

Anything sweet is the illness exactly
Anything bitter is the proper medicine

Thus he talked to his heart
Unavoidably the heart responded with pity

Smoke caused by the heat of the heart
Rose, filling the melancholic part

The smoke and the fume went up again
Darkening the head, the nose and the brain

The image in the mirror became distorted
The picture in the mind was altered

You would think a cloud from the earth was rising
Ascending in the sky and gathering

That cloud started so severely
Raining down tears very heavily

So much was the torrent raging
As if it were a lake overflowing

In short : from the illness in his heart
A torrent was jostling Mem about

Shat Al-Arab, Euphrates and Ceyhun
As if all three flooded in unison

Although from poor Mem’s tears
Poplars grew by the rivers


All the desert blossomed as a meadow in an orchard
And the shore became a rose garden and a flower bed

There, he who lost heart settled down
There, the nightingale soul built its nest

Though the nightingale was full of infatuation
Its body was but a prison, nay a cage

The feathers and wings drooping
The sinews and body were shrinking

His figure, looking like a pine tree
Turned with sorrow to juniper

His face that was always fresh
Became as the hyacinth, but yellowish

An accident happened, tarnishing the mirror
From the Erjeng painting, vanishing the splendour

Infatuation so much sickened that afflicted one
Love so much weakened that bewildered one

That his face had no more colour or water
He lost his speech and could not answer

In the beginning he fell sick by the river
Fully forty days he dropped to wither

The wisdom, /.cal and the feeling of the human
The sense, movement and the strength of the animal

All traces of these totally disappeared

Not one particle in the wounded Mem remained


36. The Prince goes to hunt

The hunter of the worthy news and chaser 53
Told us of the journal of the time recorder

Saying : « One fine day in the season and days
On the late cycle of the perishing orbit ways

He who furnished destiny with the capability of creation
Had made the earth like the heaven

The quality comber had made up
The old world like a picturesque bride

Every valley, mountain and plain
Had become as a comer of heaven

Every meadow, as the great Eternal garden
Every water stream as the Kawsar river

Every mountain as Mount Sinai of Moses
Sparking with the light of revelation

Every river was like a mighty snake

Every green was like a miracle of the rod of Moses

Every tree as the abundance of the new spring
All radiating with the light of the Lord

Every flower was as the Tur fire
A faultless torch, much brighter

Every bird was an orator at dawn
Every parrot with turtle-dove as companion

Every palm calling out every moment
As the Tree saying : « I am the God »

The hares and gazelles, wolves and deer
The duck and goose, partridge and pheasant

Herd after herd feeding in the mountains and plains
Flock after flock flying in the heavens

53- The hunter of the worthy news and chaser the historian.


In short as required by the time

It was the chance for fine living and enjoyment

To devote the season to rambles and picnics
And to hunt the beasts and birds

The Prince, whose command the orbit obeyed

Ordered : « Before the daybreak, the people of Botan must rise

And carry arms, iron, clubs and swords
To come with us for hunts

Anyone absenting from hunting
Shall die in the prison, and fettering

People even before the actual daybreak
Had prepared food and rugs

When the dawn appeared

The city resembled the day of doom

The princes released the falcons and the eagles
As lions taking tigers and greyhounds

Men, animals and beasts
No one stayed in the town at all

Wild and domestic, human and animal
Child and juvenile, miller and gardener

In short : all the tribe of Adam
In the whole : nobody stayed home

It looked like the Day of Judgement in he hunting ground
No one showed mercy to the innocent creatures

So many beasts they killed

That it was said no wild life survived

Beasts of prey, flying and wild birds
Were killed or entrapped and collected

Moving fast and youthfully
Those knights, Kurds and champions


Cut down the beasts with their swords
Annihilated birds with arrows

Popular as youthful heroes

Riders of Arab horses, possessors of halters

Holding sticks and bent rods in their hands
Hooking the necks of the gazelles

Those lion-like riders and warriors
Had shed the blood of the white tiger

So many gazelles they had hunted
So many tigers they had captured

That they could not bring them home
Perhaps they could carry no more

The poor took the ones which had been killed
The princes took the ones which had been captured


37. The garden of the Prince

Prince Zeydin had a garden

The Garden of Irem considered as a good omen

Each of its lofty trees and each bird
Was like a palace in the heavens and a houri

As for washing hands, feet and the face
Rizwan had channelled the Kawsar River

Friendly like the Sidre cypress
Every owl looking as an angel

Like Mem, true as the heart of the Pine
Embodying the love of a juniper

Oranges and lemons resembling Zin
Ailing of love and paling

Apples and dates, pomegranates and melons
Lips, chins cheeks and nipples

The Oriental plane-tree and the Shimshad
Provided shade and were quite comforting

Basils and violets newly opening
Golden cups, lips with wine dripping

The flow of the nectars and rivers

the whole variety of vegetables and flowers

The court of the orchard was generally like a book
Every part and piece looked like a section and chapter

As if a learned astrologer had politely
While going through the garden as a calendar

Had outlined brooks as molten silver
The ginger shades and delicate flowers

The wild tulips and basils lined the periphery
Green colours outlined against a musk background

Each manifesting a judgement
Showing the bad luck and the good luck


38. Zin goes to the Garden

That gazelle 54 of the wild hunt
That lady of the palace of amity

The crown gazelle of the plain of suffering

The bewildered one in the valley of the orchards and the roses

Shackled by the chain of the blood-thirsty love
The game that Mem had wounded

Saw that the town and the quarter were empty
The streets and surroundings were deserted

Deserted and unoccupied too, were the gardens and the orchards
With no humans or fairies in the squares or courtyards

She knew that treacherous was the time
Saying « Get up, heart ! It is a strange age

it is such a good chance to go to the picnic
To look at the beasts and the birds

Is there among them anyone co-sufferer
Because these humans don’t know suffering

We have heard that there is a bird in the garden
Its luck is black, as the colour of the crow

And it is poor, weak and helpless.

Like the miserable face of the paling red rose

During the day it wails and cries

During the dark night on its own blood it feeds

it always weeps and screams

Its voice is like mine and nightingale is its name

A good friend, who suffers from the same affliction
Possesses a medicine for my apprehension

O, heart ! come along, we shall go secretly
Truly, we still have our life

54- The gazelle :Zin.


Perhaps advice and wisdom

Shall free us from the shackle and the boredom »

Thus she talked, and without hesitation
And without formalities Zin came to the garden

No one was aware of her sojourn

Neither the granny, nor the servant or companion

Her intention was not to seek company
She merely desired to be alone

So that fairy princess came to the garden
To seek justice for her affliction

Every tulip seemed to pierce the bosom
Every bud resembled a burning torch

No tree offered a comfort but seemed to oppress
The pomegranate blossoms scorched the heart

She found that she had a stone in her hand
A weight like the tongue of a bell

She sought warmth even from the cold marble occasionally
The heart of the stone was breaking from pity undoubtedly

When she looked at the flowing water
Tears of blood poured down her cheeks

Watering with the colourful water

The yard of the orchard for the nightingale’s desire

The figure that was like a pine tree
with a face luminous like the sun

So treated the soil and the ground
pacing a while along the dusty land

So the earth cried « Ah » and the stones moaned
So the trees cried « Ah » and the leaves groaned

Whenever she exclaimed « O God » with suffering
Even the orbit mirror was grieving


The colour of the red rose brought her grief
The nightingale’s song saddened her

Her own voice was nightingale’s equal

Her rosy cheeks could make the red rose jealous

She gazed at the garden

With yellow flowers she made conversation

Saying « Oh like all lovers you are mad !

Like myself you are yellow and pallid

Your leaves are not one hundred but one thousand
Why are you yellow, weak and miserable ?

Are you like me, so sad

and full of sorrow like me without Mem ?

The nightingale is busy with the red rose
But, like myself, you have become a recluse

Like me you are ill and afflicted
Like me you are sad and good hearted

You are a fine indication

You and I are in a similar position

You had a sister as the red rose
For herself she chose a nightingale

For me she left a warbler
Orphan, deprived and unlucky

Full of regrets and unfortunate am I
Forsaken by that warbler, wilted have I

My face that was a puiple-red flower
Turned sallow the shade of saffron

Oh if just once I could see my heart’s desire
By God never would I utter « ah » again.


39. Mem too goes to the garden

Anything done, good or evil
without a propagator may not prevail

Be it woven of invisible threads or of a visible cloth
If it is not justifiable it will never be marketable

Justification can cover a number of symbols and situations
Perhaps sanctioned by the grace of the Possessor of Glory

Arise ! Your heart may be urging suddenly
Now is the hour, this is the moment exactly

That dignified mountain, that calm sea
Love may make light with lunacy

Thus it came to pass that Mem, patient and unlucky
Who was weakened excessively, his health poorly

The day people left the town

He found himself overwhelmed by his own passion

The patient was ill with love intoxication
Without a cure he reached a critical condition

The heart was sad and disturbed
At home he was perturbed

He found himself going out
With Khizir serving as his guide

What was Khizir, but the longing of the heart
What was longing but the loving of the heart

His heart had oppressed him
to the garden it goaded him

Ono dark nights Zin found herself brooding
Always sad, weeping and groaning

Praying to God ceaselessly
If Mem would visit her only

When suddenly she noticed Mem coming
The patient saw the Saviour arriving


Zin being in love and so happy
At once lost all her vitality

And fell unconscious in the garden like a flower
Her heart broke into pieces for her nightingale lover

Mem came and gazed at the flowers
he looked at the basils and corn-ears

Saying « O flower ! even as delicate as you are
When could you hope to be like Zin’s face ?

O corn-ear ! your scent may be pretty
and may make the basils dark with envy

But you do not compare to the love-lock of my beloved
You are in fact officious and insensible

O nightingale, should you be of common state
The moth of the candle and the red rose

Compared with your red rose my Zin is brighter
Yet compared with your fortune my luck is darker

Nightingale I am, O well destined !

Impeccable, why should your name be decried ?

The flower garden produces not one flower only
But a hundred thousand in a spring yearly

Suppose there were many equal to by beloved
Though they may be houris and angers

There would never be suffering on their accounts
Even if they were to exist in many places

One exists or not, unique and exemplar
Like Zin and the Griffon, pure and honourable

How then could a lover manage ?

Without patience or death, can a cure be possible

Thus he talked to himself, unconsciously
When suddenly, Mem saw ahead of him


The muse that had troubled him
Zin, attended by two hundred fairies

That treasure lying on the earth
Whom the love drug had deprived of mirth

As soon as the heart-wounded Mem saw the girl
Zin resembling a sparkling pearl

He dropped instantly at her feet

As if the water had reached the cypress root

The bud 55 awakened from its dawn slumber
With its nightingale, it united

Saying « Is this a dream or an image ?

Is this dream real or false ?

In short : after a hundred imaginings

Ear-locks and moles possessor had appeared as reality

As Zin lured him with her scent
Like the hunter following his game

He found himself standing within reach of Zin’s hand
And saw his two hands in Zin’s hand

Both stood opposite each other, dumbfounded
Speechless, wordless, not even exchanging idle talk

First they made notions with their hands
Then as their tongues regained speech

They exchanged so much talk, together
Longing so much for each other

Tasting together so much sugar

Their lips sucking so much from each other

So many cups together the consumed
So many omitted prayers they consummated

Eyes, chest, neck, breast and lips
Face, chin, bosom and ears

55- The bud : Zin.


One after another, from each other were demanding
Sometimes giving out kisses and sometimes biting

They kissed with thirsty lips
They smelt each other’s neck

Zin’s face was that was as a candle burning
Was bright, luminous and longing

Mem, in a similar manner resembled a moth
Throwing himself, body and soul, at the fire

The fire of love was glowing
Zin was no longer in turmoil

Both were in a vulnerable condition
With no screen and no shelter

They saw in the garden a mansion
The mirror of a world in itself

They went and explored the halls
Sometimes sitting down, both graceful souls

Retelling the story of their separation
Recounting a tale with full emotion

Sometimes they were as a cloud, sad and crying
Sometimes they were as buds, nice and laughing

They adhered to every time honoured commandment
Be it a precept or a king act

Although formalities had been removed
They were reserved in their behaviour

Though they were hopeful of each other exceedingly
Yet they were not descending down excessively

The love in their hearts had no limit
But the limit of the grace was the waist

The love that had no limit in perfection
Like water that was pure at the source


Guarded itself absolutely
Would not admit any impurity

Beauty, spring, garden and beloved
What else in the world is desired ?

Especially when the love exists to conquer
And both sides have passion-thirsty lips

What else should I say ? I do not know
My tongue does not know what to say


40. The Prince returns from the hunt and surprises
Mem y Zin

Cupbearer ! Leave me alone as I am still handy
Drunk, wine-drinking and tipsy

As Mem and Zin drank
The wounded heart talked

We lovers may worship the wine

Yet we are already drunk with divine wine

It is not red as your wine
It is the grace of God

It is also the love of the beloved pure-self
A channel of the garden of qualities

Cupbearer ! For God’s sake give me right away
A cup of wine that you served yesterday

To taste on sip only

Providing joy enough till the end, truly

It has high quality, a pure pleasure
A secret without a shadow or a spectre

Thus, one should put aside the past night’s hangover
And wake up from sweet slumber

And not be caught like Mem inadvertently

To whom the Prince of Doom descends upon presently

Though I may be at the end of my life
I would not wish to be so unaware of my surroundings

Obliging me to put a beloved Zin
Between me and the cloak

The Prince came, accompanied by some troops
The zuma, the trumpet, the drum and the band

Led by the drum-beaters and the band players
A sargeant, an echoer and the caller of commands

Both lovers engrossed by the love trauma
Sick, opposite each other, in dilemma

Never comprehended the situation
Never paid the sound any attention


The Prince said : « Untie these gazelles
Do not shackle these beautifuls

Leave them in the garden as the birds at bay
So as we may watch them every day »

People carrying gazelles, wolves and hares
On their shoulders and their arms

Brought all and the prince filled the orchard
Like a shepherd filling the pen with sheep

The prince told the high ranking and the great :

« Advise your companions and acquaintances

To go and sit a while in the garden
Because we are so tired and worn »

They came to the gate of the high mansion
Noticing outside it and on its roofs no occupation

But as they opened the small door
Seeming a kind of fate’s board of lot

Presently his eyes caught an image
And he knew something was the matter

The prince, dignified, wise and learned
Attended by Tajdin and Bekir

Entering the mansion where Mem and Zin were together
Listening to a voice that was coming as gold and silver

The prince came over and saw Mem, the poor fellow
Reclining on the yellow-threaded pillow

Pulling over his head a cloak

On an evening without a candle or torch

The prince said « Who is here at this time
And without my permission, at this place ? »

As Zin heard this, she recognised the voice
At once she hid under the cloth

Mem, not rising from his place, said :

« Your hunt burnt out my heart


My prince ! You knew I was sick
Until yesterday I was quite unconscious

Today we heard that the prince and the people
Went to the hunt together

I became impatient in bed
I got up despite these wounds

And left the house unavoidably
Finding myself in this place suddenly »

The prince said « On patients there is no restriction
So what did you hunt in this garden ? »

Mem replied « If I tell you, please believe me
For the almighty was generous to me

And in this garden I saw a gazelle
Really not a gazelle but a beauty

A white gazelle with black eyes
With black side-locks and a fine scent

Every moment a hundred loads of Tartar musks
Were raining down from the hair ringlets

If the Kheten desert were full of musk

It could not surpass that of her ear-lock and side- lock

Though she was white with black eyes
To me she was an angel

Before your arrival she was visible
But as you came she became invisible

Tajdin realised from the oratory
That Zin had secretly come to Mem

He said « Don’t pay attention to Mem, he is insane
Afflicted, he has no brain

On hearing that talk, they turned away
All those present gathered together

Asking for a cupbearer, the wine and the candle
And held a princely council.


41. To save Mem and Zin, Tajdin sets his house on

Tajdin saw that the council was lively
Full of taste, pleasure and delight

Yet Mem was excessively downcast and perturbed

He went over to him and said: « Brother ! Are you disturbed ? ».

But he conveyed the query using signs
And Mem replied likewise using symbols

With his hand pointing at the sleeve of the cloak
Lifting it slightly, revealing a wonder

Tajdin could see two Tartar plaits
Like two heads of giant purple serpientes

Crouching in Mem’s bosom

Mem, himself, in awe and grief waiting

Recognising that the situation was desperate
He proceeded quickly and ran home

As he went through the door suddenly and angrily
Siti talked to him understanding^

Saying : « What is troubling you, O champion !

What is your hurry, who is your enemy ?

He said : « Get up, Siti ! It is already late
Today we are at war with this house

Save your child, this house will have to go
This house is for me, and here : the child is for you

Although this house represents he capital of my years
Mem and Zin are with heavy hearts

They are entangled in an awkward position
And I intend to ensure their salvation

Though people extinguish fire with water
I shall extinguish fire with fire


So in the manner of the nation of Zoroaster
he set his house on fire

As the house and possessions caught fire
He started calling and crying for help

Nations, tribes and clans
En masse hurried up to fight the fire

When the prince and his companions became aware
They deserted the palace and the orchard

As they also ran in response to the appeal
The accused 56 thus told his beloved :

do you see how Taj din performed the task ?

Moses has for us dried the sea of sorrows

Rise and go to the Harem palace

So that I may respond to the fire and the calls

Zin rose and went to the private retreat
Tajdin had no more clothes, no more mats

Garments, ornaments and buried valuables
Possessions jewels and buried treasures

All he burnt for the sake of his brother
That is why his name lives on for ever

The property we possess, O Good Name !

Love of it gives the person a bad name

Beware, do not become the keeper of property
Because you will create inheritors merely

Its accumulation is a burden
Abandonment of it is a regret

The day you go before the Lord
With no property or treasure to hold

This heaven, and this visible shroud, cloth and face
O, bankrupt purchaser of the other life

56- The accused : Mem.


When will they be available to you

They will tell you « Get out », you are bankrupt

That is how it is in this perishing world
They don’t give up one slice of bread

Do not leave property to your heirs freely
Because though you suffered to amass your wealth

The heirs would consider even a shroud too costly
So that not to buy and take the share only

Thus it is better to spend money to enjoy life
Better still to give it up for good deeds

Qr spend it like Taj din
To gain immortal fame

Or to exchange it for a good friend
These all are better than a thousand treasures


42. Bekir complains to the prince about Mem and Zin

The sultan of the land of Love

The chief knight of the province of bonhomie

As the source of purity
Sitting on the throne of hearts

When does he comdan the veil
Even if he does not display the flag

Emblem of the king of stars
Eventually lights from the fourth heavens

From many layers of the heavens
From those many places and distances

From those many elements and clouds
From those many obstacles and screens

Inevitably exerts influence, daily
And enlightens the world decidedly

This king, whose name is love
The day is his perfect measure

He also never conceals

And unavoidably tears down the screens

The secret in Mem’s and Zin’s hearts
The tune within the veil of love

As long as it was not mumbled by the tongues
It could not do any harm to the lovers

The torrent flowing from the tongues of unseemly people
Was unleashed and sung without harmony

Zin the sinless and Mem the faultless
Were denounced to the young and old

Bells in their mouths and bells in their ear-lobes
And Twisted fingers, made of cork


The lovers were sad and exhausted
People were as thirsty as Hussain of Kerbala

The councils were full of whispers

Going around on the passion of Mem and Zin

As if the burden of the camel were not enough
Winking amounted to bell ringing

That is the news of the two lovers

The gossipers, the jealous and the tricksters

Took every bit around the councils
Spreading it to so many prattlers

Until Bekir, a kind of devil
Grinding an axe, devious and evil

Was informed too of the situation
And that malicious rose from his position

Alone, he reached the retreat of the prince
In short : he presented a report on the case

The prince spoke rashly and with piety

And was drowned in a sea of thought and anxiety

He talked to that wicked hypocrite
Saying : « this news violates all honour

How shall we get to the bottom of the truth.

And elucidate the reality of the charge ?

He replied : « Order that Mem be recalled
As you both sit in seclusion

play with him a game of chess
Mem is a true lover, know that well

So stipulate « The heart desire » as the bet of the game
Then the truth of the secret shall be discovered

When you defeat him

Say : « Tell the truth, whom do you want ? »


Mem is proficient, a champion and a knight
Especially with you, he shall be forthright

He will not deny the love of his heart
He will reveal his secret, no doubt

His heart is fixed on this love
So he will say : « I love Zin »

Then you are the master of subtlety
You would see what is the right policy

Rulers belong to the race of the king of snakes
Possessing poisons and keeping seals

When they seal, know it is poison
When they like, know it is hate

The wise are cautious with the snakes
The inadvertent become lovers and beloved

No matter now greatly esteemed and valued you are
No matter how intimate and playful you are

Should you change partially
They turn their backs to you totally

Particularly if there were wicked provocators
Malevolent and miserable incitors

They are certainly worse than Satan
O, Lord ! Do not put them near the sultan


43. The chess tournament

The Commander of the procession of the stars 57
The chief of the rising and setting stars

The sultan of the throne of the fourth cycle
At the time of rising from the east

Opened up the game of chess on the green carpet
Between the moon and the soldiers of star

Using the light pawn to checkmate the king
Its beams striking like concealed arrows

the prince’s heart was filled with fury
The lion had been wounded by zealotry

He did not sleep the whole night long
He would not lie still, like the flowing river

At the daybreak, as the light appeared
Separating the horizon from the darkness

The prince rose and came to the council
Near the palace of the delicate

He sat down and spoke thus with the attendants
Round up the companions and the friends

But for me, you should call only Mem
Tajdin and brothers do not call

Today I will show Mem my anger
He has offended, I shall teach him manners

You should heed this carefully

You should carry out orders immediately

Then he sent out an attendant to call Mem
The rose-water and rose candy were ready

So much wine, sherbet and sugar
So much ambergis, musk and rose-water

5 7 – The Commander of the procession of the stars the Sun.
58- The delicate : Zin.


Were brought in and taken around the council
The audience becoming merry and joyful

Resulting in talk and conversation
Fetching chess and backgammon

The prince told Mem, with malice and anger
Today, we have a battle and a war with you

Stand up presently and come and seat yourself opposite
Against you I am the combatant certainly

Our bet with you, o proud one !

Is that the winner can have his heart’s desire

But the prince had a son
At a lovely age, full of fun

He shamed Joseph with his beauty
he surpassed Rustam with his bravery

He was a friend and a companion of Mem
In « weal and woe » he was with Mem

This leader of the boys, named Girgin
Immediately sent a word to Taj din

When that hero stood up in response
Cheko and Arif too stood up

The lions broke off every chain and fetter
The three went to the prince together

As Tajdin came along with the brothers
The dice for Mem was « double six »

As the Bishop, the Rook and the Knight 59 arrived
Prince Din and his teacher were mated

They knew that Mem was playing artfully
The prince told Mem : « Two more games »

Mem beat the prince in three games soundly
The mischief-maker 60 then looked out cunningly

59- The Bishop, the Rook and the Knight : the three brothers.


He noticed Zin appearing at the window
The sun was looking at the moon

See what trick the malevolent
This kind of pretext he invented :

Saying : « Alternate are the games, playing and seating
You two now exchange places

This time, Mem shall be defeated
And what you desire shall be achieved

The prince rose and took the place of poor Mem
Mem took the place opposite the beloved

As the eyes of Mem sighted Zin

He lost for nothing the bishop and the queen

His mind was fixed on the window
He was giving away his knight for a pawn

The prince beat Mem decisively in six games
Mem had become drunk with the wine opposite

The prince told Mem « We have won « the of the heart »
He replied « Say it, what is your demand ? »

The prince said : « our aim is not « money making »

What is required of you is « truth revealing »

The purpose of playing , the game and tournament
Was nothing other than the uncovering of a secret

My condition is this « That you make a confession
Who in this world is your obsession ?

Any fairy attracting your heart
Of houri quality, an exemplary angel

Should I find her worthy
I shall give my money for you to marry

The malevolent at the opportunate time
Stabbed with a kind of absolving charge

60- The mischief-maker : Bekir.


Saying « I have seen the one Mem loves
She is an Arab girl, lip-spotted

From head to foot is black as tar

For the prince to mention and propose in not on par

Mem was so much hurt by that stabbing
That he lost his sense absolutely

the sea of the loving heart heaved
suddenly it boiled and thundered

He said « She is never as said

My prince ! the fairy that has captured my heart

Is a princess, residing in the court
A fabulous bird, high nested

She is princely, a pedigree offspring
Divine, not of water and soil mixing

The head of the houris and a delicate dame
Although an angle, Zin is her name

The prince considered this information as offensive
As he heard it he became quite angry

He told the group of the servants
Why don’t you, ungracefuls !

Seize this nobody and humble
So that to kill him as an example

Two hundred lions jumped at Mem
Mem stood on his feet holding he dagger

Tajdin and Cheko joined with the brother
Standing up in unity and fervour

Saying « O soldiers ! halt
You are not drunk or intoxicated

You know too well who we are
Possessors of the art and champions we are


If five hundreds of you were to charge, raging
We shall not afford you the chance of striking

If your death be not in our hands
Nevertheless you shall see a lot from these hands

By the time you have Mem troubled
Three hundreds of you would be wounded

Unless you cut the Three of us down
How could you touch Mem, even ?

However anything our ruler has ordered
Without hindrance, shall be obeyed

Our hands are tied before the prince

Here are our necks, hands, feet and the chains »

The prince rose and tied Mem’s hands and feet
Tajdin, at that moment wished to be dead

Yet what could he do ? It did not shame him
for the executioner was not a man but a prince

The prince seized Mem and sent for the commander
Saying « Jail him in the narrow dungeon »

They carried him and put him near a thief
He was imprisoned in the dark dungeon

People in the Diwan and council dispersed
They were all distressed for Mem

The council was moaning and groaning
They were all wailing for Mem.


44, Mem in the prison

fhe orbit’s 61 love is never nil
fhe orbit’s hate is eternally still

anything that it picks from the earth
\Vill certainly be returned to the earth

fhe glory it openly seeks for itself

fhe abyss it secretly demands for ourselves

you do not see, every day that the sun
\Vhich shines over the cave of the earth

particularly with the tribe of lovers
f very traitor and a crook, as well as a hypocrite

Conquering our lovers’ hearts most definitely
first with coquetry then with prudery

leaking one at the end weary and despondent
f ike Mem, humbled and imprisoned

f brown suddenly in jail hopelessly
^tid put in a terminal bed 62

f }iat unfortunate who is tittles Mem
^ith no friend, news or chum

f brown into a screaming pit
4s narrow and dark as a grave

fateful as the giant’s mouth
pearful as Nekir and Munkir 63

gjtting there like a worshipper

fbe prison seeming a forty-day repentance cell

fbat place for him became a Nakhsheb river
-fb at full moon turned into a one-night crescent

61 or bit destiny.

62- A terminal bed earth.

63- rfekir and Munkir : the two interrogating angels.


When the Sifi 64 reached the secluded cell
The devotion reached the solitude level

Sometimes he had a fit of passion like a lover
Sometimes he had fits of hope like a worshipper

Every moment deeply crying
And talking to Zin saying

That : « O, you, who radiates instinctive warmth !
Today, as in Egypt, you are dear like Aziz 65

Daily, a hundred times in my sad heart
In this pit you fortify my endurance

Yet, now and then, is it possible as Zulaikha
To ask of me ? You, O suger-lipped one ?

Layla you are, to you I am Majnun
Rose-coloured with full-blooded tears

Farhad I am, and to me you are Shirin
A torrent of tears flows from the sweet origin

If the world has become a prison
Then today I alone am a Muslim

Because from the mouth of the messenger prophet
This new is true and inspired

That the world is the heaven of the infidel
And the affliction home of the faithful

And tough I am confused profoundly
I am deeply happy in this confusion

If you were to keep me a hundred years in prison
Would I ever despair of the union ?

I swear by the Text of the Light 66
The face that is the written book

64- The Sifi devout Mem.

65- Aziz ancient king of Egypt.

66- The Text of the Light : the Koran.


I swear the times by the truth of the figure and stature
And forty times by the truth of the ear-lock and the mole

I swear by the sun of the face, rightly
And by the visible crescent, truthfully

By the prayer-niche of the brows assuredly
By the kneeling-place, the magnificent plaits

I swear hundred times by the two eyes
My pledge with them is this

To the last spark of my soul
Beloved ! You are lodged in the soul

As much as I am restless with separation
That much more I am hopeful of our union

Although the prince was angry with me
He has not left me to grieve without reason

Although to Bekir’s word he paid attention
He only carried out an act of predetermination

Because you are a king, I am a beggar
I was neither your equal nor your match

You have the sun’s beauty and the moon’s forehead
So delicate and so full of grace

I am cast down, humiliated and degraded
So weak and with a heart wounded

I am a moth, and have given my body to fire
I am burnt out visibly and invisibly

My heart is a water-lily, you are the sun
My body is like the hemp, you are the moonlight

If the body decomposes or bums out
And if the heart sinks in a sea of sorrow

I deserve it, as it is just, not unjust
This is peculiar to the fire of love


Though this pit id deep excessively
It is not far from justice actually

I am a Sufi residing in my hermitage
Seeking the light of the face of Zin

In short, people of the « Die » station
In accordance with the dictum : « before you die »

The commendation of the self has been completed
The refining of the heart has been attained

The picture of the soul has been clarified
The self, the heart and the spirit together purified

Though the secluded one in his prison cell
Has may not yet completed the year’s cycle

Or perhaps of the days he has not completed forty
Yet any doubts in his heart are replaced by certainty

The light in his heart is evident
The secrets before him are uncovered

So the mirror of the heart is now polished
The picture with the meaning is altered

That structure of the metaphoric desire

Has outgrown the playground of the youthful lover

This possible state with any other
Has become just a part of the total aspect

These trees, stones, beasts and humans
These minerals, plants and animals

Anything he looked at carefully favourably
Anything he imagined unfavourably

In each and everything he saw Zin

In each and everything he was certain and keen

As if he were residing in the observatory
And the pit for him was the binocular


45. Zin loses hope and blames the orbit

Zin who was saddened by the separation
Was impatient, nervous, listless and exhausted

Before Mem’s jail affliction
She had not despaired of their union

When Mem reached the pit

She had no more hope for connection

The picnic, the palace and the courtyard

Were for her now the siege, the prison and the dungeon

As for the sherbets and the foods
You might say they were all prohibited

The soul was sleepless and restless
The body was listless and powerless

She became so miserable and frail
As if her body were a single hair

That hair had turned as yellow as the saffron
Changing into the colour of Khani’s face

Night to dawn and dawn to night

She never ceased remembering the Lord !

Every morning saying to the turning wheel 67
« O, untrustful and blood-thirsty oppressor

Against you I have no grudge or complaint
Then why do you show me such a hatred ?

You never gave me a chance

And you marked only one Mem for malice

At our door you lit a fire
With it you burnt Mem’s heart

You kindled a light in Mem’s face
That inflamed and burnt my heart

67- The turning wheel : the day.


What interest do you have in me, I wonder
You displayed to me a wholesome soldier

First, why did you let me see him ?

Why then did you hide him from me ?

You burnt with the fire of separation
You killed with the longing affliction

All the world is happy and enjoying
Yet to me and Mem you gave mourning

Tell me about your own plight
Pour the poison out of your heart

You sent Joseph away to the well
Leaving me in this damned house

As Jacob I am always sad and suffering

The patience of my heart and my soul you are plundering

Only as Zulaikha I am staying
Without Joseph, desire or sheltering

Sometimes complaining to the poor Mem
Saying : « O sinless and troubled Joseph ! »

So as not to think I am comfortable
Do not suspect that I am able

By God, I swear by the Lord

In the sunny days and in the dark nights

I am neither touching food nor sleeping
Only the two eyes are always weeping

And while the eyes remain wakeful
The heart feeds but on blood

O, prayer-niche of my heart ! by the desire of the heart
O, the Kaaba of my soul ! by the Kaaba of the God

Every moment of suffering at the hand of your separation
Every time of aching at the hand of your alienation


A hundred « Ah »s and two hundred moans and wails
Go out from the heart and soul at all times

This is how it is with me, day and night
How are you faring, O, dear heart ?

My prisoner ! Who is your companion ?

My beloved ! Who is your friend ?

O, heart ! Do leave my heart
O, soul ! You too suffer the same fate

Go both to see Mem

And bring back one news item

O, heart ! After making the passage
Soon bring back the message

To know the condition of the troubled
And what occupies the mind of the perturbed

Is he reconciled with me, or is he offended ?

Is it spring or autumn in his orchard ?

Nice, and nicely coloured as the red rose.

Or miserable and weary as the nightingale ?

The court has become the home of tribulation
The prison has become the Garden of Eden

I wish the prince were angry with me
and fettered and chained me like Mem

And sent me to that pit, there
Opening it one day a year

So I could once see that troubled one
and could treat that wounded one

If in my life were only one last spark
Death would then be really right


46. Tajdin and his brothers discuss how to free Mem

The parts of the book of love
The binder of the metaphoric volume

The head-band, part, quire and combination
So they arranged in system and regulation

Saying Mem and Zin were gracefully educated
Then their suffering started

And that suffering became a sea of fire
And that fire of sorrow became rebellious

People who had an inkling of love
Were affected so much by that fire

Those who had become sick with suffering
Come out to the open grumbling

Particularly those old associates who had been
Their friends, namely Siti and Tajdin

Their suffering raised its head, restarted
So much it could no longer be tolerated

Although they were how separated
Again they were with suffering afflicted

Zin’s image was haunting Siti

Mem’s grief was driving Tajdin to insanity

Fighting every moment with his brothers
On his mind were these matters

Either to stand up and go before the Prince, angrily
Demanding the release of offending Mem immediately

Or going at once and beg for Mem
To forgive Mem’s offence and sin

In order that the prince may release the brother
Or else this life and property be sacrificed together


so spoke Arif : « Mighty Rustam »

This task is impossible without a fight

Without a struggle, a charge and a war
Do not try to tackle this affair

This battle cannot be waged with counselling
Here we are now, and at the battle field to-morrow

Or it would be best to ride to-morrow
We three well armed and prepared

Wearing the shields and the armours
Adding the wrist sets and the helmets

Brandishing the maces, playing with spears

And in this manner demand from the prince to release Mem

Either we free our Mem forcibly
Or we lose our heads courageously

Should he release Mem in this way
We cure the suffering in his heart right away

But if he insists on his disdain
We shall wage a holy campaign

First we shall cut down Bekir to pieces
To remove that intriguer from the way

Then if there were a wolf on every door-step
We shall handle the enemy one by one

If the prince were to remain adamant
And rise to overwhelm us

The mill of death shall turn earnestly
Crushing the heads, not grinding grains

All Botan shall be dancing and singing
Sweet maidens will come to watch

Observing the blows lovingly
As we start the battle candidly


Every moment these fairy-like damsels
Shall say well done, O Mem and nobles

Some will cry, others praise
Some will laugh, others pray

Lovers shall look from their towers
As the pearls peaking out of shells

Princes shall watch from their windows
And tear off their rose-coloured shirts

One shall hear from those delicate ones
A hundred praises and a thousand « bravo »

Tajdin listened to the advice of his brother
And agreed with it wholeheartedly


47. Tajdin sends a word to the prince demanding the
release of Mem

At daybreak, dawn came riding the chief charger
Replacing the grey horse with the white ones 68

Concealing the dark horse in the stable
Saddling up the white one

Getting out its fiercy mace
Armed with its golden sword

Making the world yellow with apprehension
Cutting the curves and belts of all mountains

Tajdin with his brothers as wall as allies
Choosing legitimately and voluntarily

Accompanied with dancing and playing
Riding Arab thoroughbreds and bare mares

Armed with maces, surprisingly
Charged and awakened the enemy

Raising the dense dust in the field
As if digging the enemy’s graves

Tajdin selected an old follower

And despatched him quickly to the prince

Saying « Go and tell the prince and the chieftains
The wise do not extinguish their torches

Though our prince is known for his foresight
Today there is no light in his eyesight

We were four trusted brothers
All four in his service as lovers

Is it fair that for more than a year,

Mem has remained in the pit without care ?

68- The chief charger : the sun ; the grey horse the night ; the white ones : the


So the enemy is happy and the friends are sad
Cheko and Tajdin to die they are obliged

Though Mem is a sinner
He is a lover and love is a king

One does not sentence a king

And one should not oppress the innocent

We beg you to release Mem
And cure the suffering of his heart

We are four brothers as strong as a wall
Pillars for his happiness, we are all

Should he desire, let our for heads
Be as balls for his cudgels

Either to fix the matter for us
Or send Bekir to us

so we could tell him a few words
and pour our to him our suffering

With the public we have lost face
Therefore we should emigrate to Damascus


48. Bekir is afraid and draws another plot

The messenger presented a foil report
He returned aware of the reaper’s retort

Knew that for himself this boded no good
And he said : « Amnesty for Mem is only right

My prince ! Did we not advise you previously
Do not antagonise Taj din and his brothers entirely

either give them Zin or kill me alternatively
Otherwise they will turn into arch enemies rightly

The best thing is not to say anything at all
Taj din does not suspect you

Say that we have ransomed Mem and Zin

That we have married them off and given them to Tajdin

Do not show any obstinacy
Put out the fire of sedition

Then postpone the matter to a suitable opportunity

Beware ! Do not give him a chance or show him magnanimity

If you could not defy an opponent

Then the only remedy is the use of poisonous sherbet

That is why rulers require two cups
One is for the bad and one is for the good

One cures the sickly
The other sickens the healthy

One is to separate the soul from the enemy
The other is to resurrect the dead

Do not show your anger
The right thing is to maneuver

There are jobs which cannot be done with indignation
Because they cannot be performed with force and coercion


They require mastery and contemplation
Surprise, endurance and discretion

The time itself changes colour periodically
The Lord himself provided that as an example

Namely night and day, morning and evening
Some matters are light and some are dark

We too have nights and days
In order to act secretly or openly

We do some acts openly and some secretly
Promoting some and destroying others

That atheist 69 so much hardened the sword
With a lying tongue like a razor’s edge

Right and wrong, consistency and contradiction
He was like a hoop, a sheath, a bag and a scabbaro

He fabricated so many slanders
Fastened on the sword as ornaments

He put that sword under the pillow
So hidden that no body knew

The prince whose rage was smouldering
And believing what Bekir was fabricating

Thus answered the brave messenger :

« Old man ! Do not think as an evil-doer

Even if I were to forget my duties completely
Would I lose Tajdin so cheaply

My power and authority stem from him
This fame and realm too are derived from him

Vain is this title, position and high rank
God forbid, I enjoy them without his blessing

He is a Rustam, a champion
I maybe a treasure, he is a bastion

69- That atheist : Bekir.


Tell him concerning Mem and Zin
I have given them legally to Tajdin

You were wild with me, unjustifiably

Did you ask for anything that was not granted fully ?

Tajdin and Cheko are respectable and honourable
What they want, is quite acceptable

The messenger quickly left the audience of the prince
He returned and fully presented his report

The lions 70 on the war path were reconciled
Saying « May his rule and state be perpetuated

70- The lions : Tajdin and brothers.


49. Bekir shows the Prince a way out

In the evening, as the sky set up the braziers
Concealing from them the torch 71

Extinguishing the yellow lantern
Wearing a new colourful garment

The prince who was usually happy and merry
Had sunk into gloom and worry

That cursed, shame-faced hypocrite 72
Noticing the sadness of the Prince

Said : « Do not worry, O torch of the state
Should life give us a chance

And you don’t relish this anger and pain
Throw Mem and Zin out of your brain

They are the source of corruption
They are the pretext for sedition

If the prince would just give me permission
I would kill Mem with some machination

You could also subdue with poisonous sherbet
Taj din and brothers for a while

This task is easy to carry out

If people and acquaintances are kept out

My prince ! Go and tell Zin
Mem with the fire of love is burning

Mem is thirsty, you are the water of life
Mem is dying, you are the eternal spirit

Tell her that : « Go and deliver Mem
I have given him to you, marry him

71- The braziers the stars ; the torch the sun.

72- That cursed, shame-faced hypocrite Bekir.


I know Mem’s condition is dire
He is a moth, his aim is fire

If he looks at Zin momentarily
He would cease to live certainly

Once he sees her actually
Do not expect him to stay alive

If Mem were thus to perish

The confusion and strife would vanish

There are princes who are wise and strong
Yet they may be naive and undisceming

This naivete derives from idiocy and inadequacy
It does not give due weight to the source reliability

Their hearts are their ears, the ears are not receptive to the heart
Their eye sights are black, their pupils are white

Anything the malicious say
They believe, though at bay

They don’t say : this is good of this is bad
They don’t say : this is right or this is wrong

Short-sighted, with no reflection
Quick tempered, with no toleration

Most of them have conceited minds
The majority are allergic to advice

The malevolent, the miser and the unscrupulous
The bad ancestral, the stupid and the wicked

They befriend, promote or harbour

And make many an infamous minister and commander

They handover power to such people
it would cause defects to appear in the State

The prince who is intelligent as well as a statesmen
Who is charitable and possesses a policy


Does not bring up a person
Unless that person is tested

And testing one forty times tested it thoroughly
Before selecting one for promotion

This prince and the worldly ministry
The chief and the temporary stewardship

Both are players in the same way
Both are unreal and undistinguished

Not until you become the Right and proper
How could you become an absolute minister


50. The Prince permits Zin to see Mem : Zin muses

The old wise and able manager
Thus talked as if recounting a tale

Saying : The prince after advice and deliberation
Went to the Harem pavilion

He called Zin and seated her next to him
Ignoring formality he spoke frankly to her

And said Mem’s travail I have ended
His ill-treatment I have banned

Though I subjected him to oppression and injustice
That oppression you inflicted and he did the injustice

Your love took away his mind

Leaving him love-giddy, insane and afflicted

We knew the cure from a physician
That the insane can be cured by the chain

That is why angrily I put him in the pit
The imprisonment has lasted a year

So that love might attain perfection

And your love would not vanish with the union

Now that I am convinced with my heart and soul
I know the degree of your emotion

That you have both attained the rank of perfection
Acceptable and worthy of being united

Indeed Mem is a true lover
We believe in him wholeheartedly

He is commanded by the order of the king
He is sanctioned by the excuse of the innocence

Anyone who dares to reproach him
Shall surely be met with punishment


Yet it is your beauty that has troubled him
It is your love that has wounded him

The arrow that has hit his heart you struck

The drug that made him unconscious you dispensed

That shadow under his eyes you drew
Not until he saw you did his heart ach XXXX

With ear-locks you tied his hands and feet
And as a scorpion they stung his heart

You put the collar around his neck
You set the trap for his heart and soul

How you unleashed the two gazelles 73
And enchanted the pauper with their beauty

So go and talk to him again

Untie the chains and release him for yourself

O, unopened bud of the red rose !

Break the cage, free the nightingale

Thirsty he is, you are the Euphrates spring
111 he is, you are the source of living

He is dry, you are the water of life
He is dead, you are the immortal soul

The loving heart that was full of passion
Hid correctly behind the veil of reservation

But as the brother raised that veil

The blood gushed from her mouth and nose

Zin with two hundred wounds in her heart
Was in a critical condition, yet happy with death

The waves of the see of passion
Are calmed by the veil of grace

As the barrier to passion was removed

The strait of shyness between the two seas vanished

73- The two gazelles : the eyes.


The sea of sorrow boiled so violently
That the cover of the pot could not contain it

A wave of blood from the heart of that fairy
Spouted like the Euphrates and the Ceyhun rivers

She was trembling as if a thousand oaks were shaking
Her tears were freely flowing from a heart burning

The prince smiled soothingly at Zin
So the waves of weeping ceased

Then instead of the faked concern
Tears of magnanimity rose in his eyes

A wave of compassion engulfed him suddenly
And his eyes filled with tears instantly

Thus the brother cried with the sister
Staying with her until the morning

Zin was drowning in tears as a flower
The prince was crying for her as a warbler

All the close relatives gathered around the two

All running to kiss the hand of the prince and his hem, too

Saying : « O, defender of right and dispenser of justice
Why did you unjustly become a murderer

Zin was the flower of the garden of impeccability
Zin was the cypress of the orchard of purity

Pure, untainted like a pearl in a shell
It was unworthy of you to touch the shell

Nice, with a delicate body and impeccable
Sinless, yet you deprive her of life

How could you raise so much dust and shed so much blood
Innocent she is, yet you separate her body from her soul

The prince said : « We suspected vainly

Yet I have not become a killer, she has fainted only


Would I kill Zin deliberately ?

She is a beautitude XXX in the Harem of heaven

The Harem people ran to the princess
The canals flowed to the cypress

Then mourning wails swept the inns and lodges
Cries of distress reached the heavens

Suddenly, someone from outside came
Saying : « Mem died, he gave you his life »

Zin heard the news of Mem’s death
Although on the bring of death she revived

She stoop up and looked at the four comers
She saw the prince was tearful as the rain

And the people in the Harem, publicly and privately
Were in mourning completely

She said to him : « O, source of my happiness !

Do not be unhappy at my wedding feast

O, King ! You gave freedom to the soul
Which only saw in death its release

The soul went and joined up with the soul
That spirit passed away in the spirit

Until your declaration came at last
It was in the prison of the body

As Mem, the soul was sad and in chains

To ensure satisfaction and uphold the name and honour

The reason it didn’t depart until today
Was its waiting for your consent to go away

My soul ! As you heartily gave your consent
My King ! As you blessed the realm of the body

Although my exhausted body has become heavy
Yet my weakened soul has come alive


At once it left its mould
Receiving a spark from Mem’s soul

Both left this perishing palace
And passed on to the lasting world

Anyone who does not accept a place
Would only end up at nowhere

Do not misinterpret this travelling

The evidence for us is still somewhere nearby

As the soul was free of the body

The souls saw that, thus the soul regained its soul

In short : After this communion
That pulsation and the torch of beauty

Tarried a while and felt easy
As together they were safe

Those drops in the sea of the attributes
Those atoms in the sea of perishings

One time they came to the shore of lose extinction
One time they reached the limits of existence

In short : from the centre of the earth
Those atoms rose to the sun

Absolutely not through union or supplantation
Definitely not through separation or transformation

Since they stayed true to the self
The atoms lodged immortally in the self

This news does not surprise me
Do not extol this as a feat for me

The Sheikh 74 to whom I am a novice, ardently
Is the free soul and I am merely the flesh

Though his name among you was Mem
He was a highly determined king

74- The Sheikh : Mem.


He was worthy of the king’s majesty
Acceptable for divine favour

His heart is a hallowed valley
His soul is branded with the true light

He took me and lifted me to Mount Sinai
Endowing me, like himself, with insight

He took me out of this screen
Conveying this atom to the sun

When I made this journey with my soul
This soul I borrowed from the soul seller

Although he said « Go away, apparently
He meant « Come back » presently

That is why I came so that you may all be satisfied
So that to be satisfactory before the Final Judge

In order to say farewell to you

So that you might come to bid farewell at our funeral

As I leave you I am once more dancing

For I shall be satisfied in heaven most certainly


51. Zin makes her will

After showing such miraculous disposition
With so much high rank and high station

Zin sat down to make her will to the prince
This is how the clarified and worded the will

She said : « O, King of souls and hearts
May this maid be your sacrifice and ransom

May two hundred Zin be sacrificed for you daily
I beg not to grieve personally

The day I chose Mem for myself
It seems I chose sorrow for myself

I was a victor in the realm of sorrows
All sorrows were me as axioms

Mem is mine and yours’ is the compassionate
The sorrow is mine and yours’ is the sultanate

My King ! do not become my adversary
I am satisfied with my destiny

Like Chorsroe sitting on the throne
Tilt aside your golden crown

And arrange a musical entertainment
Combine taste with enjoyment

Intoxicate the simple and the youthful
Rejuvenate the old and the infirm

With the means of happiness and activity
The manners of living and serenity

Prepare the foods and the sherbets
Free the concubines and the servants

Fill the trays for scattering

So as the poor may respond to appealing

Add that which is cheering
Mix that which is perfuming


So the council may once again glitter
And congratulations may again be in order

So the sugar candies may meet
With shaking, dancing and beat

Various incenses, aloes-wood and ambergris
Rose-water, Zibad scent and yellow musk

These types to be more than the blessings
These kinds exceed the limits

Our animalism has been banished
Our spiritualism has been accomplished

If our bodies have to go to the pit
Our souls shall attain the union

A wedding that is attended by the angels
Should have many kinds of incense

Because Mem and I have angelic qualities
We are inclined to the scents and the dainties

At a marriage where angels are dancers
the bride and bride-groom deserve heaven

As on the day you gave Siti to Tajdin
The way you held parties in this city

So order the shops and the markets
To be decorated like the brides

Order the Botan to ride

Order the soldiers to put on a display

To be hot-headed as on feast days
As they play games of javelins

The day you gave away that fairy 75
The soldier you made so merry

I beg you to show the same concern
Any pay the law the same attention

75 – That fairy Siti.


Give me twice that much today

Again be happy and generous in the same way

Donate the materials and trousseau
Prepare the singers and the musicians

To be like the fleet of Siti

Similar also to the palanquin of that fairy

A casket that is colourful and golden
A bow which is polished and glittering

Its cover should be coated
Its sunshade should be burnished

Beware ! The bride and bride-groom equally
Must be spared public indignity

So that when we enter the tomb
People may not say with sharp tongues

« What a fine day Siti’s wedding
But Zin’s was ever unfortunate

Let Siti come to my funeral
Let Tajdin be with Mem heartily

As Mem acted so should Tajdin

Tajdin is to replace him as bride-groom’s brother

To be bridegroom’s brother to my Mem
And to be happy with my sorrow

O, good and no reward seeker
O, granter of desires and aims

For one complete year
All the food that you dump

All the clothes you wear and give away
All the people, public and private, you invite

All the Clothes you tailor
All the salaries you pay


Any day you intend to fight
All you give away to charity

Whenever you sit on the throne
Whenever you invite the soldiers

However you fill up your treasury
However you please the unhappy

However you enrich the poor
However you free the prisoners

However you talk in the government
However you release the jailed

Whatever you spend on yourself
Whatever you add to the treasury

As you repel the aggression of the enemy
And remove the oppression of the tyranny

Saving the oppressed from the oppressor
With the justice that you dedicate to God

Singing a song during the battle
Shedding the blood of the mutineers

Even food for the hunting dogs
And fodder for the pack of donkeys

Do spend them for my sake
My king ! This is my will

Do not dwell on what is real and what is metaphor
Enter all in the book of the trousseau

so that I may boast before my bridegroom
And may not be ashamed now and in ages to come

Although I have talked too much
Prattling and causing you a headache

May I be your sacrifice, my aim is far fetching
God save you, my grave is deep


Therefore I am beseeching you with such care
To be kind, compassionate and fair

Do not shame me and Mem
At the death of the wounded Mem

His funeral procession I shall accompany
And shall follow him to the cemetery

And when I die, give permission
To bury me with him

Do not keep me away from him
And let me lie in death next to him »

When Zin’s will finished
Any lingering suffering vanished

The prince said : « Go and see Mem
If he is dead resurrect him

Believe me, truly and sincerely
About you and Mem, I am sorry

Whether you die or live
You and Mem shall never part »>.


52. Zin visits Mem

As Zin heard this declaration
This love, loyalty and compassion

She rose and made up from head to foot
An embodiment of beauty drowned in a sea of jewels

Siti, the granny and one hundred maids
The sun, the moon and the moving planets

Together left the towers

As the pearl grains leaving the shells

One hundred maids, Siti and the granny
Carried her off with celebration and ceremony

Knowing that her desire would not be fulfilled
Without a private meeting with the perfect Sheikh

That Venus 76 , like a dancing atom

Became the forbidden secret of the private seclusion

As they arrived at the secluded-house
The gate of the prison was opened

They proceeded together with torches and lanterns
The granny and Siti somehow going ahead

They saw at the share of the shell dwelling
The condemned drowning in the sea of love

That priceless pearl of the soul
Had been wasted cheaply

The lantern of the cage had no more power
The rose garden of the body had no more water

They asked the prison people

Regarding the condition of that miserable inmate

People who were with Mem in the prison
Said « We saw from the top of the wall

76- That Venus Zin.


A strange lightning hit Mem, at the head
A flash went out of his head

One like the sun, one as the moon
One like gold, one as the silver

As the sun and the moon joined together
At once they vanished in each other

As together the were alight
Both were reflected in the light

They became so luminous and bright
That they made the prison a rose garden yard

Then we heard no more of Mem
The blood of his heart poured out »

O, the heart sight, unopened yet

Do not deny the manifestation of the soul

So you may not think this is incarnation
Or leaving or entering supplantion

So as not to suspect it as a tale
Or a trivial talk and vain

The dream you see, is the station
Some of the sight, is yet incomplete

Some of the companions of respected Mem
Informed the friends and colleagues

That guide 77 looked at them carefully
His heart affected their hearts positively

The seclusion site of the afflicted Mem
Became the curtain raiser, for friends and foes

As the granny and Siti went over to him
However much they talked to him

Saying « O, Mem ! Stand up, Zin has come
As your soul, no doubt, in truth she has come »

77 – That guide : Mem.


That lip-thirsty for fresh pure water

Was not delighted by the beloved’s nomenclature

However much they worked on the heart desire
However much they sprinkled him with rose-water

They did not notice any life in his body
Only some smoke was leaving the head

The torch had suddenly extinguished

The smoke that rose from the head reached the rood

Zin came and stood overlooking
The full moon eclipsing the halo

As the veil was removed before the beauty
The sun appearing with the crescent

Zin thus addressed him intuitively :

« Rise O body that I have breathed into ! »

The flashing word from the mouth of the beautiful
Alighted the top of the candle’s smoke

That smoke caught a spark of the flash
And the spark illuminated the lantern cage

The soul paused in the deepest recess of seclusion
Then rose with the intention of pilgrimage

First he faithfully rinsed his mouth

Renewing the ablution ritual with the Zemzem water

Standing in the prayer niche and the station
Directing his forehead towards Reception

Touring once, twice, around the House
The moth coming close to the oil

During the scorching of the feather
They said a few words to each other

The moth 78 said : « You are a good guide »

The candle 79 answered « You are a good friend »

78- The moth : Mem.


The moth said : « You are a sign on the road »

The candle answered : « You are a gift of life »

The moth said « You are the light of the heart »

The candle answered : « You are the fire in my bosom »

The moth said : « You are the right cure »

The candle answered « You are a tender heart »

The moth said « You are the King »

The candle answered « You are the prayer niche »

The moth said « You are the houri of the self »

The candle answered « You are the light of the self »

Those lip-thirsty ones, without impropriety
Those passionate ones, without erring

Thus conversed with each other
In perfect harmony with one another

79- The candle : Zin.


53. Mem’s fate

Thanks to granny, Siti and the maids
That bonded, imprisoned and afflicted

Slowly warmed up to the conversation
And intoxicated with the smell and scents

They said to Mem « O, bleeding heart !

We have come so you may not go mad

Zin was the cause of your insanity
The prince was the cause of your misery

At last the prince shows mercy to you
Zin has come to talk to you

If you have been thirsty, here is the life water
If you have been sick, Lokman has come over

If you are a Majnun, Layla herself has come to you
If you are Wamik, here is Azra for you

If you are a nightingale, a rose is ready for you
If you be a water-lily, both are eyeing you

If you be a moth, the candle is flaring bright
If you be dead, Jesus has come to revive you

Do not go insane from this passion
Do not be a stranger, you are well known

The houri with your heart and soul in her hand
Zin, whom you have always fancied

Has come to you as you so often desired
Life is only coming, going and perishing

Do not sell this vanishing life cheaply
And do not sell the soul eagerly

Not until you drink from the cup of death
Can you dispose so readily with your soul

Again acquaint yourself with prudence
Discard the chains of this madness


Since we have removed your fetters and chains
Rise and come with us to see the prince

The soul of generosity and giver of all gifts
His is the shade cast by the tree of state

He has gathered for you friends and acquaintances
Prepared the carpets and other requisites

He is firmly in favour of your wedding
And he is helping your luck and fortune

As soon as you reach his audience chamber
He will fulfil your desire

Granting whatever you wish
Making you so proud

When Mem heard this advice

The artist in him responded in this way

« I shall not go to see any prince

Nor shall I become the slave to any prisoner

This prince and the metaphoric ministry
This magic and this imaginary game

Are wholly vain and temporary
They are aimless and perishable

A prince who may die is not a prince
Being deposable, the himself is a prisoner

I am going to the presence of the prince of princes
The ruler of the rulers and the paupers

The king of kings, of princes and kings
The forgiver of all charges and sins

Who has created the mirror of beauty
Showing in the ear-lock and mole his glory

The lantern polishing the body
Therein revealing for us

That he is the wise prince, possessor of splendour
Who can’t be deposed, does not vanish or alter


He has married us off in the invisible world
He has supported us with the undoubted word

We are the first fruit of the orchard of glory and grace
We can say thankfully that we are virgins and proud

God forbid that in this perishing mansion
Outside the immortal Garden of Eden

We commit adultery like animals
So foolish in this temporary world

And as adulterers go before the Almighty
Cowardly, shamed and rejected

With houris and boys the Lord
Has ornamented Rizwan’s orchard 80

They are waiting for our compassion
They are proud with our invitation

But the heaven of lovers is a separate place
The date of the meeting is set by the Almighty

It is much higher than Rizwan’s Garden
There is no place in it for houris and boys

This is the fate we await from the Almighty
He is our succour and our hope »

As he voiced his final wish,

The door opened for him readily

the bird which had been locked in the cage
Thus left it as if it had never been there

He stepped out of his earthem fetter
His heart ceased to flutter

The falcon, unchained from the earth’s centre
Flew and reached the throne of the Possessor

80- Rizwan ‘s orchard : Heaven.


54. Mem is mourned and Bekir is killed

A mourner who knew the facts
Told the story like this

« As the soul separated from the prison of the body
Wailing and crying rose out in the city

Screaming, lamenting and weeping
Noise-making and distress-calling

The people of Botan, old and children
Women and girls, bride and maiden

Personalities, great and high ranking
Clerks, boys and uncaring

Not one individual was happy in the city
Everyone was confused and dizzy.

All hurried to Mem’s wake
Adding sadness to suffering

Tajdin and Bekir by accident
Met together in some point

Tajdin said : « O cause of the world corruption
You devilish creature in the shape of man

O, source of intrigue and sedition
O, defeater of desire and ambition

O, separator of Mem and Zin
O, torturer of the wounded body

Wicked, evil and remorseful jay

What more ? You have made it like the Last Day

You talked falsely of Mem
Until you destroyed him

What hypocrite you are and what an enemy
And still you show up with your infamy

Should Mem die and you survive ?

Should you live on happily in this world ?


He threw Bekir on the ground

And separated his calamitous body from the soul

But as he went to see his brother

He saw no spark of life in that source of light

Then Taj din threw his diadem and the head-roll
Over the body of the poor Mem

He was grief-stricken and enraged
And anyone whom that giant engaged

he at once sought to decimate
And bury, in line with Bekir’s fate

No one dared to oppose him absolutely

Since this would have made him a killer undoubtedly

Unavoidably they informed the prince of this matter
And the prince came and tied him up in chains

As they carried the casket

Taking the martyr from the battle field

They saw a clear sign

As if it were the Judgement Day

The demon 81 they had tied so cleverly
Did not fear the chain and the shackle

He proceeded to break the chain and halter
And remove the gate and screen

And as the giant left the cavern
He ran and embraced the coffin

He carried over his heat the coffin
His wailing reached the heaven

The city inhabitants entirely
Appeared in mourning garments totally

All the famous people in the city
Including women, veiled in dignity

81- The demon powerful Tajdin.


Loosening the hair in their plaits
Dressing from head to foot in black

Even discarding head-kerchiefs and face veils openly
And mourning Mem, freely

The lamenters, the old woman and the granny were groaning
All were as a night bird moaming

They sang dirges harmoniously
Zin walked in the procession elegantly

As if Venus were listening to the sound of a musical
Like a dancer she preceded the funeral

Humans and ants, domestic and wild animals
Trees and stones, birds and minerals

All these were mourning
Everybody was tunefully lamenting

The dark sight of that black mass
Looked like a dense cloud

From many of the rose coloured faces
Poured down tears full of blood

As if it were a new spring season

And over the garden flowers the rain was pouring down

This mourning and these black mourning clothes
This dress with the veil, this wrapper and the black veil

Ever since have been made a custom by the Botan people
And remain a tradition until the Day of Judgement


55. Zin speaks well of Bekir

When they went to the cemetery
They saw a dead body between to poles

It had been thrown on the ground like litter
With no mourner, caretaker or lamenter

They asked : « Who is this one neglected so miserably ? »
They said : « It is Bekir, punished deservedly

Whom Taj din had banished from the face of the Earth
And pleased the world by vanishing

The narrator the told this tale
As Zin heard the story

She addressed the prince and Tajdin this manner
O, King and minister of glory and power

I beg you to discard obstinacy
Concerning this source of corruption

Because the possessor of both mankind and the jinn
That creator of earth and heaven

The day he gave love to the lovers
He gave hate to the censors

When he created us from nothing
He made us all needing and being needed

We are the red roses, for us thorns were created
We are the treasures, for us snakes were created

Roses are protected by thorns
Treasures are guarded by snakes

Though at the beginning he alienated us
At the end he was loyal to us

Although he openly opposed us
Yet he secretly agreed with us

If he had not become for us a barrier

Our love would have been vain and perishable


Though he harmed himself terribly
Regarding us he acted correctly

He was the reason we found our truth
Inwardly he returned to our way

He too is the martyr for the cause
And he too is happy with no remorse

Beware ! of this assembly in which we are
And of the cemetery we are standing in

When we go to the lofty fold
He shall be our dog at the threshold

Would it be fair if the possessor of charity

Who is a lens perceiving everything with utter clarity

Who is a perfect mirror like the water
Would thus not accept a rancour ?

God forbid that he should lack compassion for rancour
For never having experienced a burning passion

This much is said of the alienated person
This way one fulfils one’s obligation

Such people are merciful by nature
They too are deserving of heaven’s blessing


56. Zin dies too

In short the martyr executed for loving
The victim of oppression unjustly killed

Who was murdered for a sinless crime
As if by order of the king

Was eulogised as the light of purity
And was interred in the earthly cemetery

That pearl 82 was buried like a treasure


And that snake was buried below his feet

At his head they put a sign

That this is the leader on the day of Resurrection

the Chief Knight of the tribe of true players
The commander of all proud spirits

As Zin approached, slender as a pine
She resembled a cypress, bending low

Without veil, moaning like a flute
Her tears pouring unceasingly

You would say it were the April season
A sea pouring from the clouds incessantly

As the rain was falling on the soil
Each drop turning into ten pearls

Every time moaning « Ah » from the depth of suffering
The mourners, may God preserve them

Were lamenting in harmony with her
All the nine planets echoed with one voice

Princes, officers and soldiers
Citizens, dervishes and paupers

82- That pearl Mem.

83- That snake : Zin.


The graceful, the pretty and the lovers
The houris, the fairies and the entertainers

All were mourning in unison

The wailing reached to the peaks of Atlas

Zin had no more strength for standing
She fell, exhausted, and ceased moaning

She sat down at the head of poor Mem
And imagined that Mem was aware of talking

She said : « O, my body and soul owner
I am the garden and you are the gardener

The garden that you tilled has an owner no more
Without your presence of what use is it anymore ?

This mole, this temple, this face
This garden of beauty and grace

The black almond, and the light brown eye

The pomegranate, the quince, the apple and the lofty shoot

Finely coloured, delicious and tasteful
Forbidden to other than you, of that you can be sure

Shaking my palm body and quiver
And rocking this vine tree altogether

These bright ears, these enticing tulips
These eyes like basils and refreshing violets

This temple, this ear-lock, this mole
The best thing is to plunder them all

Cutting the grown like the flowers

And over my head heaping the dust and sand

Pulling out all the ear-locks, hair by hair
It is my right to ache, spot by spot

This garden, spring, vines and fruits
Lights, buds an all the flowers


Were made for your eyes entirely
And blessed by your eyes only

I shall pluck them completely

So that no one may share them absolutely

But perhaps I am imagining
That you maybe changing

Perhaps to you this grief is not acceptable
Perhaps you might hold me responsible

This existence is a combination of the soul and the body
They are yours, not to be disposed of lightly

If that grace were wanting even one hair
Perhaps you might become enraged

Were you ever to reproach me
I know I could not muster a reply

Soon, like you, I shall be overwhelmed
It is time, as your twin, I rejoined

It is time to unroll the rug 84
To cleanse myself from mixing

The right thing is that endowed with this beauty
I must not damage either ear-lock or mole, absolutely

The true trust, I must surrender

And submit to you with decorum, and splendour »

She dealt in this way with the facts
Frightening the relatives out o their wits

She looked at her twin soul in the grave
The body separating from the soul

Giving up the soul eagerly

As if it were a candle extinguishing suddenly

She surrendered her soul to the Lord
And her body was lowered into the grave

84- To unroll the rug to pray.


Those heart-wounded mourners
Sent out new distressing cries

Weils from the souls of those present
Joined the high calls of the onlookers

For three days and three nights from the ground below
Rose continuously to the Throne on High

Until Zin was prepared ceremoniously and traditionally
As had been always the custom

The grave containing angelic Mem
Like a shell holding a pearl

So much they cried over and wailed
The tears poured like the rain

Loading it so much with pearls
Once more the casket was opened

Both pearls were placed in one mother of the shell
The sun and the moon in one constellation

Without intermediaries they put them together
Entrusting them, without separation, to each other

In short : « The casket the re-opened

The prince saying : « Mem ! Here is your beloved

Three times an echo from the mould did come
The tune was in the form of welcome

All heard that sound clearly
So all believed in love sincerely

Good for them and well done, one would say
They were not meant for this world anyway

They were not spoilt by their rank and property
Such was the pure effect of love

They left them pure and clean
They went proud and virgin


Lip- thirsty and hungry for each other’s fruit
With unfulfilled desires going before the Lord

They lived well, enjoying love, by God
They died well, blessed by God

Anyone as beautiful as Zin
Exchanging her life for love

Or like Mem sacrificing everything for love
And forgetting life and enjoyment

Shall attain all their desires
And shall achieve all their wishes

O, Lord ! by the word of true love
O, Lord ! by the perfection of true lover

O, Lord ! by the sweetness of beauty
O, Lord ! by the love of glory

O, my Lord ! by the pain of the beloved’s separation
O, my Lord ! by the taste of the desired union

O, Lord ! by the sweetness of the beloved
O, Lord ! by the enmity of the wicked

O, my Lord ! by the delicacy of the beautiful
O, Lord ! by the hopes of the sorrowful

O, my Lord ! by the tears in the nightingale’s eye
O, Lord ! by the dew within the red rose

O, my Lord ! by the love of the majnun
O, Lord ! by the rose coloured face of Layla

O, Lord ! by Mem and that love
O, Lord ! by the bereavement of Zin

When you separate Khani from the living
Do not deprive him of loving

that is of the rule of Muhammed
O, Lord ! Do not deprive Ahmed 85

85- Ahmed : Khani.


However much he says about the prophethood
What he seeks of the rule is absolution

He always discourses on the rule
But it is such a struggle and agony

His words may appear irresponsible
And his work maybe disputable

His words may seem eloquent, visibly
His action maybe wicked, invisibly

Like Mem, sacrificing his life
Like Bekir, forgiving the good


57. Each grass has its own odour

The wisdom is that on leaving this world
They went to look at the palace of the End

They did so without abandoning their nature
For Everyone was created in one’s own image

Thus it was that over Mem’s and Zin’s grave
Grew with the cultivation of love of the two

Two rebellious shoots proceeded to bloom
And rise with the drunken passion

One of lofty cypress and one of slender pine
Green, pretty and highly shading

And at least put their arms around each other
Standing as a stature side by side together

But the one who had been devoid of honour
Brew into a twisted and bitter juniper

That tree never experiencing a moment’s peace
As one who is covered completely by thorns

It rose and managed to reach the other two trees
Becoming and obstacle to the union of the two lovers

It was devoid of tranquillity
And showed its hostility

Once again reaching these two lovers
Once again spying on them censoriously

In short : In the branches and roots
It managed to entwine itself around like a weed

People who are originally bad-natured
Can their nature ever be re-structured ?

If you grow colocynth for forty years
Water it a hundred times with honey


Nourish it with sunshine
Sprinkle it always with rose-water

Dissect its roots every day
Feed the plant with sugar

Repeat this service many times over
Will it ever turn into a water-melon ?

Therefore do not be surprised when it finally bears
Nothing other that bitter fruit, it rears


58. The end of the story

Those acquainted with the cycle of the day
Told me the end of the story this way :

Saying: An old man who was also a compassionate lover to the lover
Whose word resembled the true dawn colour

As he wend through life observing
His soul was gaining victory over his body

Before him the secrets were revealed
He stayed close to the Throne of the Lord

As he departed from the earthem world
Scoring victory in the world of the heart

And while faring over the Table of Heaven
He was blessed with new discoveries every day

He appeared to be showing miraculous signs
He used to warn owners of the station

That old man, following a dream or an inspiration
this way announced the truth’s revelation

Saying « I went to the garden of the heavens
Where I saw two thousand boys and maidens

All were working in a palace

The palace was made of precious pearls

One was like Bekir with a crown and an armour
Standing in front of an appointed door

Holding a bamboo cudgel
He was beyond recognising

I told him « O, rank possessor
Are you the owner or the doorkeeper ?

He said Sheikh ! Do you not recognise me ?

I am Bekir, the doorkeeper


I am Mem and Zin’s partner
So here I am, sitting on the threshold

This palace consists of eight visible storeys
One is mine, seven are theirs

I, rod in hand, keep security
And also hold a share in the property

Though I appear as a keeper

But regarding the place I am a partner

I told him : « O, malicious perpetrator
Clarify the position so I may understand

Although the generosity of the Generous is boundless
Still why did the Lord give you this place ?

He said : « Sheikh ! You still have much to learn
Though in the world you were well acquainted

Although I was with my words their censor
I always looked at them as their lover

Thus I pulled them from the world’s corruption
By making them familiar with pain and affliction

Although in the world I deprived them of joyful living
Guided them through the hell of suffering

I endowed them with so much policy
That they could have the presidency

Thus I advised against their interests
Until in this way I too lost my head

These two worlds are like fellow-wives

And the fellow-wives stab each other with knives

Not until you divorce one

Shall you be able to see charm in one

That dualism we had them abandon
When we pulled them up from earth to heaven


I have given them an entire garden
They have given me a straw in the garden

The Sheikh listened carefully to his words
And said : O, culprit with the good end

How did Taj din kill you without committing a crime ?
How did the Lord take care of your predicament ?

He said : « The Lord forgave him, I could tell
So he went to heaven, not to hell

The creator has forgiven the evil and wickedness
And he has thus inscribed the heaven

With my evilness and depravity
The world had become angry

I was killed for the sake of the system of the World
For the comfort of the people of the World

Perhaps his action seemed an abomination, visibly
But that abomination was a blessing, invisibly

There are deeds which are wrong, apparently
There are acts which are right, formally

One is justice in the form of alienation
One is oppression in the form of loyalty

But if Veil Keeper 86 of the signs and the wisdom
Did not reveal the secret of that treasure and fate

It is not readily distributed to just anyone generally
It is only given to companions and friends, particularly

He did not inform me of that secret
Some are prohibited and others are deprived

Praise God that I the evil one and Taj din
Thanks to the affection of Mem and Zin

Were not punished for so many a sin

And became an aspect of the divine compassion

86- Veil Keeper God


O, friend ! Be either a hearty lover of the good
Or else become a real foe of the good

Both are good and recognise the good
And other than the goodness they know naught

However much you alienate them
They will behave loyally consistently

Beware ! Do not associate the mischievous
Neither be friend or enemy of dogs

For if their friends, you shall be contaminated
If their enemy, you shall be wounded

This is a fate reserved for lovers
This is the road traversed by the truthful

Observe Bekir who was a criminal
And whose actions were totally immoral

Or Tajdin that brave giant
Both killer and combatant

Both were pardoned for their consideration
Both were forgiven for their resolution

Which in one case was the source of re-enforcement
In the other the cause of punishment

This nice truth is symbolism

So try to appreciate this fine witticism

Understand the question, teacher !

And try to estimate the full area, engineer

Is a foe were to share in love
Then would not a friend be regarded ?

And if this affection were extended to the censors
Then how much greater is the superiority of the lovers ?

Especially if the lover was beloved
And demander of truth was demanded

The truth that only He knows is the truth
Absolutely no one but He knows the truth


59. True love

0, exemplary and enticing listener !

O, the measuring and interpreting expounder !

Khani, maddened with the love wine
Sweet to him was that sour wine

He had drunk so much without noticing
That he was no longer aware of talking

Tipsy he was, charged with joy
Insane he was, by custom excused

Bad-drinker, drunken and intoxicated
Hence a bad seller and confused

Anything that he says, attribute to passion
It is the tune of the flute, if you listen

That flute is neither permitted nor forbidden
It is not without a tune, but has no curtain

The tune is in Kurdish, Arabic, Deri and Tazi 87
It is combined in plays and comedy

Some are from the Botan legends
Some are excuses and some are calumnies

The Boti, Mihemmedi and Silivi 88
Some are pearls, some are gold and silver

Donkey-beads, beads and pearls
Some are transparent and some are dark

Ornamented like children

Brought to the markets and the bazaars

Some are stories and some are anecdotes
Some are forbidden and some are permitted

87- Deri and Tazi Persian and Arabic dialects respectively.

88- Boti, Mihemmedi and Silivi Kurdish dialects.


Each story has a share of feeling though
Each anecdote has wisdom, if you know

But the purpose of talking and arguing
The aim of discussing and searching

Is to proclaim the beauty of love
And to confirm the perfection of love

Love is a facet of God’s mirror
A sun trait, a light possessor

Do not forget true love

O, traveller seeking the shortest way !

It is a fine jewel, a kind of chemistry
Appreciate its value , it is very costly

To a nature that is like unbumished brass
To a heart that is false or calcified

It is a jewel, that will make it to shine
It is a varnish that will make them polished

Anyone who is desired by someone
Either is a love-novice or the loved one

Unique is the reflecting mirror
And never ending is the secret treasure

No one is free from the love effect
Unless one is devoid of taste

Everyone in accordance with one’s resolution
Shall expend one’s determination

But the majority of the commoners are not acknowledgeable
They do not know what is profitable

Immature, foolish and unwise
Or ascetics, Sufis and Faqis

They are ignorant, illiterate and pauper
Without a guide, a leader or director


Unavoidably becoming sellers of love
Giving their coin for the soiled beauty

Some spending on the worldly living
Some buy with it the End Mansion 89

Both types become harmful
And deprived of perceptible joy

89- The End Mansion : the Paradise.


60. A dream or an image ?

Cupbearer ! Come and tell me, how is it ?

Is this world an image or is it a dream ?

Do not consider it insignificant
Do not picture it as unreal

If the start has the flavour of life
Then the consequence of life is death

In other words this existence has no existence
A fine creation, a pity it is not immortal !

The planets, elements and nature
People, affairs and characters

Together are happily participating
Together are quickly disengaging

The head-threads of these jewels of survival
The capital of the reason of extinction

Some are heavy and some are light
Some are subtle and some are gentle

Though they are the origins and roots
Sometimes they are groans and moans

If the fire extinguishes, the air becomes merely air
If water dries up, the dust still becomes dust

The orbits are like the mills
Permanently in rotation and revolution

The grain in these mills is the human being
The ones who are interred in the soft fine soil

This grain, alternately and in series
Always pours out on the gaping sacks

Anything pouring becomes particles
It breaks up and is ground like flour


They releaven it anew

The mould of the combustible heart

Suffering so much from that policy

Having to be satisfied with the rank of impurity

Being generally neither dead nor alive
According to the dictum « Neither die nor live »

Except for the precious and of pure origin
That is the soul with a good reputation

Whom the farmer raised with special care
The grain he planted particularly

Not until it rots, does it become perishable
Only if it ripens does it become good and pure

But if it ripens and become a cluster
Then it is destined to be threshed for an eater

Going through the mill of the mouth and the chattering of the tongue
Through the saliva of the mouth and the stones of the teeth

So much they are pounded and ground
So much in the city of the body they go round

So much they are beaten by that worker 90
That they become minute as the flour

In short : After that tormentation
It is subject to the forces’ action

One moment gravitating and thro the stomach descending
If costive the contracting force squeezing till aching

Another time, the digestive force digesting
Another time, subjected to the force of swallowing

Then thrown in the stomach oven to bake
Where anything bad is rejected

Also anything soft is raised
And anything hard is lowered

90- That worker : the Body.


Then the soft parts separate from the hard
The parts become distinct and spread

cocinero of this instinctive oven
This discemer and perfector of cleanliness

Distributes to the body and the organs
Supplying all the comers and places

Then the liver and the glassy heart
Distil the adulterated wine

In short : the wine of life
Becomes distilled as plant

Until, judging from the appearance of these matters
Becoming pleasing to the world of humans

For a time it feeds submerged in a sea of water
Colouring momentarily the blood

Another moment it lines up for combination
it appears in order and regulation

As it is combined like the coral
It becomes the mirror of the ray of soul

What is that soul but the heart of the plant
That heart which is the source of life

While it inhabits the body
Is dumb, and its food is blood

First the seed lies concealed in the farm
Then the fresh plant picks through

And time after time after its conception
That plant shall be watered by blood

If rain does not come down as the munificent’s bounty
That grain will become a fruitless palm

The greenery develops from the death of the Righteous
But if rain does come down with abundance


That greenery shall grow rebellious branches
Which presently will bear delicious fruit

When the fruit reaches perfection

It becomes a testimony to Beauty’s manifestation

If it is worthy of the glory of the prince
Or as a food in the Almighty’s presence

They pick it as a gift
Taking it directly to destination

As it goes it becomes beloved
By the name it has attracted

Such a tree has many a branching
It is very rarely breaking

Should it stay like that, subject to the wind
It will go to the mill of torment

Where it is closely observed
And must be carefully cultured

One time it ripens under the sun of the religion
One time it bums beneath the moon of piety

And it matures, reaching perfection
Until the fruit falls down from the tree

Not until it falls from the summit of glory
Not until it reaches the land of indignity

It shall not become the road traveller
It shall not go to the real squeezer

Following the others unto the road
Hand in hand, rank following rank

That fruit feeds on the perfect nourishment
That delicious morsel thus becomes the sherbet

That fruit, if sweet, is ripe
If bitter and sour, is unripe


Not until it is squeezed and fermented in the great boiler
By the hand of the old wine drinker

Not until it boils in that fermenter
and leaves that great boiler

That is from the manifold qualities
Folding up the manifestations

The story : from the intensity of beauty
In short : with the power of glory

As the essence completely vanishes
Like the incidental, stripping away

The intensity of these manifestations
That burning and that nourishing

As the dust falls
As the steam rises

Purified through rising

Still going to the station divesting

As the essence is stripped of the incidental
It is once more put in the crucible

That crucible maybe narrow

The perishing desert of the mind-opener

It takes the colour of the decanter and tumbler
Though it looks red, it is still not crimson in colour

A sealed nectar that has not reached yet
And to the known place, has not gone yet

As long as it is aware of its existence
It will not feel God’s presence

Without the goblet of the Kingly faith
It cannot reach the divine drinking fountain

If it does not perish absolutely
It will not survive truly


Perishing for you means surviving
Surviving for you means meeting

But not by communion and attaching
Perhaps through separation and deliverance

This is the way desire is attained
This is the way a novice, arrives at last

O, Lord ! Would it matter if, just once you removed the veils
And curtains, for those of us who are blind

Enabling us, the impotent, to see
Without a screen, curtain or barrier

That the sea of certainty be waving
We too for a while ca be watching

That this suspicion and doubt, learning and copying
Be replaced by the unclouded perception

That reasons and means vanish absolutely
To be allowed to see you once clearly

In the self-existent God, we have faith
Yet our ability has become a barrier

Again save us from ourselves

O, Lord ! Let us for your sake, know ourselves

As this life and behaviour and abode fold
Are reserved for the novice and the coming

How can we hope for life prospering

If the creator has not destined it from he beginning

Because the evil and its acceptance

Cannot co-exist with the merit and moral excellence

The worshipper who is a hypocrite, shall perish
But the sinner if blessed, shall be absolved

The world is but a shadow of a spectre
The Maker alone is our guide and shader


He casts light so we maybe seeing
He puts on it the veil of struggling

But he has given us the voluntary part
Our self, the impure and the cheap

If that too is unavoidably taken away
We remain to be saved by the graceful truth

Yet it is well for us commoners
It is sufficient for us sinners

To know God rightly through the beauty
Regardless of our defects, illusions and inadequacy

We should fear him in our hearts
Ask the learned to explain our religion

Whatever they say, we should be
Until we vanish and not be

And depend on the mercy of the creator
To spare us in the end from the fire


61. Epilogue and musing with the pen

0, rider who is really a walker !

O, plain page lover !

O, humble and submissive poet !

P, sarcastic and mythical magician !

O, wanderer in the valley of perversion
O, fancier of the call of perfection

O, head-shaven pen of poor colour

Only your name comes of good stock and good character

You darken the face in the name of writing and dotting
Make it a bad name with Bs and Ds lettering

When the writing is Ghubar 91 and fine
It is likely to turn out rather nice

When the writing is a kind of Mashq 92 closely spaced
Or big as in the Neskh and the Thulth, lettering

It represents only an attempt to simulate beauty
Without glitter, light of perfection

It is better if simple lovers
Avoid too many lines like necklaces

Lining can enhance the beauty of a face

But it should not be the main feature in this case

O, pen ! You too have gone on long enough
This letter suffices, you have been defiling

Even if the speech were preciously expressive
It would be worthless if it were excessive

Don’t you see that jewels are valuable
Because they are rare and unobtainable ?

Errors, mistakes, faults and omissions

And the totally unmentionable insubordinations

91- Ghubar : a type of calligraphy.

92- Mashq, Neskh, Thulth : other types of calligraphy.


You have written without meditation
Who could endure this disposition

Your work no one is welcoming
The appreciation is quite wanting

O, bad, shameless and impudent
Unjust, sinful and insolent

However much your head is sharpened
Nevertheless you wrote faultily

However much your head I shaved
Despite this you behaved sinfully

You passed the limit as Khani
You also attempted to paint as Mani 93

Stop wasting time, playing and loitering
Show your repentance for forgetting and erring

Just once repent of your way
Before it is your turn to go away

That gallant, brave and strong hero
The first that learned to bridle its rashness

By releasing it through the finger tips
At once launched a rejoinder

Drawing a sword from the tongue
Arming itself as an opposing chief knight

Disliking reproach, it became petulant
And explored the tongue to voice its retort

Saying : Ahmed 94 you are but wicked
I only wrote what you said

Without regard if it was good or bad
Whether your instructions were right or wrong

You know too well, imperfect worker
That you are the sayer, the actor and the owner

93- Mani Chinese painter.

94- Ahmed : Khani.


I was a flute, in the world of fluteland
I was a wine, never in the worshipper’s hand

When among the reed you picked me
There was neither a sound nor a call in me

You removed me from my fellows
Deprived me of properties and possessions

You stripped me of my top joints and limbs
First you pierced with the order to be

Then you made me a tanner of love

And finally you pierced my heart with the brand of love

Into my young body you were blowing
Setting my heart moaning and groaning

Blowing pained my heart and head
Anything you blew, that I said

I have no tongue, I am dumb and numb
As a read I have neither soul nor breath

Though I am apparently existing

You are the musician, I am as the flute, nothing

Can the flute say any thing by itself?

Can the pen spill any ink by itself ?

The writer can transform the pen into a wicked worker
And the musician can make the flute a loud crier

The flute and the pen, the book and the mark
The arrow and the target, the bow and the marksman

Were indicated and doomed by destiny
Before the inscription of the name of Sin

O, Lord ! You know that poor Khani
Resembling the troubled pen

His heart is in your hand, as it should be
His hand has not really been free

Ever since you endowed him with writing ability
Anything you willed, he wrote in entirety


You are the commander, he only obeys the order
And one always excuses the Comelier

Even if you had given him a choice, barely
He would still have submitted to you completely

And with both his knowledge and his writing
He would place himself in your hand, yielding

He knows neither his advantages nor disadvantages
How can he know what is good for him ?

In any case, what you deem pleasing
Being a flute, he must play that way

Both when praising or criticising, O, Lord
You are his entire purpose and desire, O, Lord

But with so repulsive ink
He has blackened entire pages

It is your inscription that is the source of this writing
For thirty years the writing of writings he is lining

Because when he entered this world
The date was one thousand and sixty one 95

He became forty four this year
That vanguard of the sinner

He is credited with plenty of sins

But not with a penny worth of good deeds

Since your love gave him light at the start
Please give him your blessing at the end


95- 1061 hijra = 1650A.D.



1. Now ‘Cizre’, the « C » is pronounced « J » as in « James ».

2. The orbit : fate, destiny.

3. Shirin and Perwiz, Ferhad and Layla, Qays, Ramin and Ways,
Yousif and Zulaikha, Wamik and Ezra : famous lovers.

4. Sanaani the Pious who fell in love with the daughter of the
King of Armenia.

5. Ear-lock, side lock, mole are esteemed as beauty symbols in

6. Iblis Satan.

7. Mustapha : Mohammed.

8. The first : the pen.

9. The first (existence).

10. Him : Mohammed.

11. Fakhfur : a Chinese Emperor.

12. Bubakir, Omar, Osman and Ali : the four wise Califs successors
to Mohammed.

13. Letters tands.

14. The agency of God entrusted to the pious.

15. Could not change our fate.

16. Hatem al-Tai : legendarily generous.

17. Rustem : a hero.

18. Literally, in common idiom : respect our natural Rights

19. Mela Jiziri, Ali Hariri, Fequi Teyran : Famous Kurdish poets.

20. The i in Zin is pronounced as in « been ».


21. Jizir the capital of the principality of Botan. Now a town in
South East Turkey.

22. Companion Khalid Ibn A1 Waleed.

23. Zin half of Zinedin or Zeinedin.

24. The House Macca ; the Stone the Black Stone ; the Visit
Umra, unscheduled Pilgrimage.

25. Ghazanfer : Lion.

26. Newroz Kurdish National Day, beginning of the New Year,
21st of March.

27. The paramount knight of the East : the sun.

28. Literally : wet-nurse.

29. Majnun : lover of Layla. It also means mad.

30. Azra : a girl in love with boy Wamik.

31. The mansion : heaven.

32. The term used is king, not queen.

33. A sheikh, among the Kurds, is a religious figure.

34. Henna is a dye for the body, derived from the shoots of a plant
by the same name.

35. Diwan : a collection of poems.

36. Belkis : Queen of Sheba.

37. Asef Barkhiya : King Solomon’s minister.

38. The old woman : the season.

39. The House, the Stone, the Place and the Hijra, the Endeavour,
the Demand, the pilgrimage and the Umra : Mecca and the ritual

40. Rizwan the gardener or gatekeeper of the paradise, meaning
the bridegroom : Tajdin.

41. Belukiya : a notorious trickster.

42. Fakhfor : Emperor of China .

43. Khaqan : King of Turkistan.

44. Qizilbash : Religious sect.


45. The son of Iskander : Mem.

46. The Bilal : the prayer caller of the Prophet Mohammed.

47. The neck with your arm you surround the Tigris is going
around the town.

48. Zenber, Westan, Nergis, Saqfan, Derwez, Omeri and
Meydan : fine places the Tigris is passing through

49. The gate of happiness : Zin’s appartment.

50. The tree of the End where the Prophet Mohammed talked to
God : Zin’s room.

5 1 . The term used is again the King and not the Queen.

52. The hunter of the worthy news and chaser : the historian.

53. The gazelle : Zin.

54. The bud : Zin.

55. The accused : Mem.

56. The Commander of the procession of the stars : the Sun.

57. The delicate : Zin.

58. The Bishop, the Rook and the Knight : the three brothers.

59. The mischief-maker : Bekir.

60. The orbit destiny.

6 1 . A terminal bed earth.

62. Nekir and Munkir : the two interrogating angels.

63. The Sifi : devout Mem.

64. Aziz : ancient king of Egypt.

65. The Text of the Light : the Koran.

66. The turning wheel : the day.

67. The chief charger the sun ; the grey horse the night ; the
white ones the day.

68. That atheist : Bekir.

69. The lions Tajdin and brothers.

70. The braziers : the stars ; the torch : the sun.


71. That cursed, shame-faced hypocrite : Bekir.

72. The two gazelles : the eyes.

73. The Sheikh : Mem.

74. That fairy : Siti.

75. That Venus : Zin.

76. That guide : Mem.

77. The moth : Mem.

78. The candle : Zin.

79. Rizwan’s orchard : Heaven.

80. The demon : powerful Tajdin.

81. That pearl : Mem.

82. That snake : Zin.

83. To unroll the rug : to pray.

84. Ahmed : Khani.

85. Veil Keeper : God.

86. Deri and Tazi Persian and Arabic dialects respectively.

87. Boti, Mihemmedi and Silivi : Kurdish dialects.

88. The End Mansion : the Paradise.

89. That worker : the Body.

90. Ghubar : a type of calligraphy.

91. Mashq, Neskh, Thulth : other types of calligraphy.

92. Mani Chinese painter.

93. Ahmed : Khani.

94. Hijra = 1650 A.D.