The ancient gods of pre-Christian Europe survived. There is still a world where we still know the powers of charms and amulets, secret gestures, invoking protection or attracting energy. Incantations are learned like an art, signs and oracles are read in the clouds, in the flight of a bird. The future can be revealed by drops of olive oil floating on the surface of consecrated water and visions can appear if one looks through a crystal.
Togglethe old gods
The Crescent Moon Goddess and the Horned God have been worshiped for moons under several names: Fana and Faunus, Jana and Janus, Tana and Tanus, but the names most commonly used in Italian witchcraft are Diana and Dianus. Their oldest names however were Uni and Tagni.
Nature is seen as the manifestation of spiritual forces and laws. Magic is the art of grasping and understanding the interplay between these forces and the ways in which they can be influenced. The hidden "mechanism" behind the physical world (dimension) is animated and guarded by a horde of spirits and deities.
Ancient techniques have been preserved and demonstrated that one can acquire the favor of these beings, that personal wishes and desires can be granted by them. To do this, however, required a variety of offerings and rites established with the aim of attracting the entity that influences the desired aspects.
In the north of Italy appears the region of Tuscany. On these lands are the descendants of an ancient people: the Etruscans. This is where the Old Religion of Italy was preserved by Witches and Wizards who passed on their knowledge from generation to generation. Traditional High Art in Tuscany is quite unique, despite influences from other regions of Italy. We can see there the remains of religious beliefs from the beginnings of civilization Etruscan.
Tuscan witches believe that their knowledge of this Art is the inheritance that should be given to at least one person before dying. If this was not accomplished, then it was believed that it would harm the progress and advancement of the future life. It is also said that a witch is reborn several times in human form, becoming more and more powerful. Eventually, she may become a spirit guide or even a demi-goddess.
This religion is mainly centered on the Tagni God and the United Goddess. The universe they govern has sixteen (16) “mansions”, four for each of the four cardinal points. The gods of destiny stand in the North. To the East are the major gods, to the South are the astral entities and to the West are the spirits of the World Below (underworld).
Tagni and Uni thus govern a hierarchy of powerful spirits who exert significant influence on Earth. The following list will reveal some of these Tuscan spirits and gods/goddesses along with those to which they currently correspond.
Tuscan / Greek or Roman
Teramo Mercury
Nortia Fortune
Apollo Apollo
Losna Diane (Moon)
Turanna Venus
Pan Pan
Maso Mars
Silviano Silvanus
Esta Vesta
Faflon Bacchus
Tesana Aurora
Spulviero Aeolus
Fanio Faunus
Alpena Flora
Tituno Vulcan
Verbio Verbius
Jano Janus
Meana Fata – Destiny
Dusio Eros
These spirits and gods/goddesses are invoked for many purposes and take part in daily life in Tuscany more than other similar gods from other regions.
Teramo is the messenger invoked to carry requests to the gods and helps in casting spells. Losna is the spirit of the Moon and is invoked for all magical works. Turanna influences emotional relationships. In the Old Religion, everything is the result of the action of a spirit or a god, or even a witch. This is why everyday life is linked to Great Art.
As in most pagan traditions, elemental forces are revered and living entities are associated with the magical properties of the elements. Likewise, Nature is filled with spirits dwelling even in objects or places. This is the principle of animism. The Fauns (Fauni) and the Sylphs (Silvani) are the spirits of the woods. The Monachetto are like Gnomes while the Linchetto are part of the Elf family.
In Tuscan sorcery, the North is a place of great powers. The elemental beings of the North are called Palace, spirits of the Earth. To the south stand the Settiano, who are the spirits of fire. To the West are the Manii, the water spirits. To the East are the Bellarie, Air elementals. The first ones myths report that the Lasa were associated with the Underworld. Through the interaction of these beings, vegetation blooms, rain falls, the cycle of life continues. These spirits are the inner forces of Nature.
Very linked to this belief, there is a tradition of magical cures, incantations, rites to attract love, to repel evil spirits or negativity, ensuring physical comfort. Even if this knowledge was once known even to non-practitioners, the secrets of the practice of this magical Art were mainly kept and taught in a “hereditary” way in witch families.
The Strega/Stregone believe in a clan of spirits known as the Lare, who protected their homes and families. They also preserved family lines and traditions. The Lare assisted the Strega to help them be reborn among those they had known and loved in the previous life.
They were venerated in front of a small altar or a small “dwelling” built for them in the family home, located in the West or the East. Offerings were made there for them, especially on special occasions when the whole family could be gathered, such as weddings, births, birthdays or funeral rites, etc.
Traditionally, candles are lit, offerings of bread, wine, milk, honey are made to them, placed in separate bowls in front of their dwelling (altar). In earlier times, these spirits were called Lasa and were considered the first spirits on Earth.
There are several types of spirits in Italian folklore. One of the most common and best known is the Folletto. All Follettos travel, moving with the wind, causing swirls in the dust. They are said to look like butterflies and are always on the move. They are generally friendly towards humans but can be mischievous and annoying at times.
It is not uncommon for a Folletto to lift a woman's skirt in a gust of wind or for them to hit an object in a sudden gust. As they are magical beings, they act positively to promote sexual relations. In northern Italy, some Folletto are called Basadone, known for stealing a kiss from women in a breeze, hence their name. The wife of this spirit is called Folletti, which is also the name given to a group of Follettos (plural).
The Linchetto belong to the Elf race and are also nocturnal elves. They are natives of Tuscany or what was once called the Etruscan Kingdom. These elves are sometimes the source of our nightmares and often make frightening screams during the night. They hate disorder and can't stand it. It is said that to chase Linchetto out of your home, you need to scatter grass (twigs) around the bed. The night elf would come, try to pick them up, but end up leaving, angry.
The Fata (fairies, in Italian) are the spirits of the woods and water. They often change shape, whether that of a human or that of an animal or even that of a plant. It is said that those who stopped to help an animal or an old person could discover a fairy, in disguise, and were always greatly rewarded. On the other hand, those who are cruel to a Fata can be in serious danger.
The Lauru are Follettos with sparkling black eyes, long curly hair and the most prestigious velvet clothing. They are quite mischievous but if treated with respect, they can reveal hidden treasures or the winning lottery numbers!
Italian folkore also extends to inanimate objects because everything has a certain power, a key made of gold or silver, pearls, coral (especially red), are good examples. Other objects, such as a clove of garlic or a pinch of salt, have the power to protect.