Natchez-Tunica-Biloxi mythology

The Mythology Natchez-Tunica-Biloxi brings together the mythology of the Natchez, the Tunicas and the Biloxis.

The Natchez are a Native American people who lived in the area of what is now Natchez, Mississippi. Around 1730, after several wars against the French, the Natchez were defeated and dispersed. Most survivors were either enslaved by the French or found refuge among other tribes, such as the Chicachas, the Creeks and the Cherokees. Today, most of their descendants are found in Oklahoma, among the members of the nations Cherokee and Creek.

The Tunica-Biloxi form a Nation made up of two main tribes, the Tunica and the Biloxi. The Tunicas living more on the west bank of the Mississippi in the present-day territory of Arkansas and the Biloxi living more on the east bank of the Mississippi in the present-day state of Mississippi. Many of them descend from the Yazoo (Tunica), Ofogoulas, Sioux, Avoyelles (Natchez) and Muskogean (Choctaw).

The Chitimachas are from the east of Texas. They then migrated to the Natchez area, before settling in their historic homeland, the southern coast of Louisiana French, where they lived for 2,500 years.

Natchez-Tunica-Biloxi mythology (texts)

Books on Muskogean Mythology