Mythology Mbuti Pygmy

The Mythology Mbuti Pygmy concerns all the pygmy tibus of Central Africa: Aka, Sua, Efe (or Mbuti), Batwa, Bakas, Kola, Bongo, Koya, Twa

The terms "pygmy", "indigenous populations" or "forest peoples" encompass the different ethnic groups scattered along the equator in many states of present-day Central Africa, ranging from the western part of Cameroon, Gabon, congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, to Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda in the east. These groups of hunter-gatherer-fishermen are today faced with increasing insecurity and their culture is threatened.

The Pygmies are divided into two large groups: a group of western Pygmies and a group of eastern Pygmies. These two groups diverged around 20,000 years ago. Both would have followed a convergent evolution towards a form of insular dwarfism, they are however distinguished by the shape of their respective growth curves. The two groups share common cultural characteristics:

  • Eastern Pygmies, present in Rwanda, eastern DRC and Uganda: this group includes the Aka, Sua, Efe (or Mbuti) and the Batwa
  • Western Pygmies, present in Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville and the DRC: this includes the Bakas, Kola, Bongo, Koya, Aka and Twa.

Books on Niger-Congo mythology