Choctaw-Chickasaw Mythology

The Mythology Choctaw-Chickasaw includes the following Native American peoples: Chacta, Tchakta, Tchacta, Choctaw, Chickasaw

The Chactas (or Choctaws) are a Native American tribe native to the southeastern United States (Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana). Their historical name during French colonization is Chactas, Chaktas Where Tchactas. According to historian Patricia Galloway, the Chactas did not exist as a unified people until the 17th century.e century. It was during this period that different peoples from the Mississippi civilization came together to form the Chacta people.

The Chicachas (in English Chickasawlisten)) are a Native American people living in the southeastern United States. Their origin is undetermined. When Europeans encountered them, they lived in villages in what is now Mississippi, western Tennessee, and also in smaller numbers in South Carolina. But the Chickasaws were probably immigrants to these lands themselves, and they may not have been descendants of the prehistoric Mississippi culture Indians.

Choctaw-Chickasaw Mythology (texts)

Books on Muskogean Mythology