Hittite mythology

The mythology Hittite includes the following peoples and empires: Hittites

The Hittites were an ancient group of Indo-Europeans who settled in Asia Minor and formed an empire in Hattusa in Anatolia (modern Turkey) circa 1600 BCE.

The Hittite Empire reached great heights in the mid-1300s BCE, when it spread across Asia Minor, into the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia.

Like many Indo-Europeans, the Hittites were able to travel long distances and migrate to other lands through the domestication of horses. The spread of technologies such as the wheel and chariot, which were also used in ancient Mesopotamia and other ancient civilizations in the region, also helped pastoralists and agrarian civilizations.

After about 1180 BCE, the empire ended and split into several independent Neo-Hittite – New Hittite – city-states, some of which survived into the 8th century BCE.

The Hattis are an extinct people, having inhabited central Anatolia. They must be distinguished from the Hittite people, a contemporary people who subjugated the Hatti people.

The Hatti people remain very little known. It is generally considered that they have occupied Anatolia for longer than certain Indo-European populations, firstly the Hittites but also the Palaites, because the latter borrowed part of their vocabulary, their gods and their religion. .

Hittite mythology (texts)