Lydian Mythology

The mythology lydian describes the myths and legends Lydians, originating from Lydia in Anatolia.

The oldest testimonies on Lydia and the neighboring countries are those of the Egyptians who speak of the struggles supported by them, at the time of the 19th dynasty (The New Empire), against invaders who came by sea, Dardanians, Lycians, Mysians, Carians, Pedasians, Ilians (or Ionians or Meonians); on several occasions the Shardana reappear, whose name seems to have been preserved in that of the city of Sardinians, and the Toursha (Tursenes or Tyrrhenians).

The Lydian people were quite friendly with the cities greek along the coast of Asia Minor. This friendship began in the time of Gyges and continued. THE Greeks occupied its Aegean coasts from the 13th century BC. Lydia thrived on her natural resources. Its position on trade routes between Asia and the Mediterranean also helped.

The Mysians were the inhabitants of Mysia, a region in northwestern Asia Minor.

Herodotus in his Histories wrote that the Mysians were brothers of the Carians and Lydians, originally Lydian settlers in their country, and as such they were entitled to worship alongside their relative nations in the sanctuary dedicated to the Carian Zeus at Mylasa.

Lydian - Mysian mythology (texts)