Kava and Moiri Pig

A few years after Tafa'i descends to the Dark Kingdom to retrieve his father, Tafa'i competes in two trials to win the hand of the beautiful princess. hawaiian Te'uraitea'i: Kava and the Moiri pig.

The two tests of Tafa'i: Kava and the Moiri pig

The five cousins of Tafa'i, son of Pua'ari'itahi, decided to seek his hand and prepared a double canoe for this purpose. Tafa'i told his mother that he also intended to go; this one seized a sheath of coconut flowers and posed it on the sea, transformed it into a splendid canoe which they named Niu (Coconut tree) and which was soon ready for the voyage.

His mother announced to him that his ancestral shark Tere-mahia-ma-hiva (fast travel with the fleet) would accompany him and that he should regard it as his protective guardian ancestor (Taura), which he promised to do.

The two canoes left at the same time. The double had a crew of experienced sailors, a pilot and an astrologer. In the simple canoe Tafa'i was alone escorted by the faithful shark, and he was quick to leave his cousins behind. When the five brothers approached the shore of Hawaii, they saw their cousin Tafa'i who was the first to welcome them. The royal family of Southern Havai'i received very kindly the young chiefs who came to offer themselves to the princess.

A few days later it was decided to put the young Tahitians to the test and the young princess was appointed as referee. They were all belted and armed with spears for the occasion.

The first test consisted of pulling out a giant tree by the roots, a kava (intoxicating apple tree) who was possessed by the demon and caused the death of those who disturbed him. Each man had to present himself according to his age.

 Beginning with the eldest, Te'-ura-i-te-ra'i said to him: “Oh! Arihi-nui-apua's Tahiti, come and tear this 'ava and chew it to make the drink that intoxicates Havai'i”.

The young man sprang forward and thrust his spear into the base of the trunk; immediately the tree, becoming a living thing, cast its roots over him piercing him through and through. Then came the second brother Ta-oe-a-pua who suffered the same fate as well as the other three brothers Orooro-i-pua, Te-mata-tauia-ia-ro'o and Te-mata-a'a-ra i.

Seeing that they were all dead, the princess said to her parents: "Perhaps that is enough." But these declared that the latter must also try; it was Tafa'i's turn and the princess said: “O Tafa'i wait! Tafa'i with the skin that caused Hawaii to arise, son of Hema, my sympathies go out to you! Come and snatch this kava and chew it to make drink and intoxicate Hawaii”.

Without being moved the noble giant advanced and plunged his spear into the base of the trunk and at the moment when the roots sought to seize him, he held his spear solidly by the end and the roots came to roll up on it like the tentacles. of an octopus, then he continued to thrust his spear until the whole tree gave way. He then tore it up, lifted it at the end of his spear, beat and bruised the roots so that they lost all power, then put the tree back on the ground. Finally, turning to his cousins who lay lifeless, he brought them back to life to the amazement of the onlookers.

As soon as the Tahitians were ready to prepare the drink with the roots of ava, they asked for a pig and other victuals to complete the festivities. The royal family acceded to their wishes by pointing out the famous Moiri pig, a monster that devoured people and whose reputation had long since reached Tahiti. The putting to death of this plague of humanity was to be the last test to which the young people were to be subjected and, as for the previous test, they were to present themselves according to their age.

The young men stood ready, spear in hand and provided with rope to bind the pig and the princess called: O Moiri, be tied with the rope” and monster leaped out of the woods in a cloud of dust, huffing and growling. The first rushed on the pig to grab its feet and knock it down, but it was immediately swallowed. All the others suffered the same fate, for the spears had no effect on the monster's thick skin.

When it was Tafa'i's turn, he plunged his spear into the pig's mouth just as it was about to swallow it; a terrible struggle ensued, from which Tafa'i emerged victorious. He immediately cut up the pig and took out his cousins who came back to life. Applause without number greeted this achievement and Tafa'i was recognized without question as the greatest hero Havai'i-à had ever seen. The pig was appreciated by all, and the kava that the Tahitians had prepared was considered excellent and gladdened the hearts of the drinkers.

Finally the time came for the hero to claim his princess. The king and queen were ready to accept Tafa'i and the princess who had conceived a great admiration for him was ready to give him her hand.

The astonishment was great when the hero, speaking in his name and in the name of his cousins, said to them: "la ora na ra 'outoa, te ho'i nei matou ito matou fertua " (And now farewell, we will return to our country). It was then that the Hawaiians understood that they had offended the Tahitians by treating them too harshly and despite their protests they could not make them change their minds.

The Tahitians left exactly as they had come. Having returned home after their useless expedition, they gave up looking for famous beauties from other countries and, among their compatriots, found wives who suited them very well. Tafa'i married a beautiful and young chieftain from the North of Tahiti called Hina; she was known for her gorgeous black hair that reached down to her feet. Their attachment to each other was long and lasting.