The Babau

The story of the Babau (pronounced “Babaou”) is quite an amazing story. Its setting is the Salanque and more particularly the villages of Rivesaltes, Pia and Ortolanes (today it is only the old hermitage Notre Dame de la Salut).

The Babau 

According to legend, on the night of February 2, 1290 a bloodthirsty monster emerged from the banks of the Agly. Where did he come from? Who was he ? No one knows. Still, it is there, and there. The monster approached the walls of Rivesaltes, but on this calm night everything was locked. Approaching the large wall, he sees a gap and squeezes through it. He is then near the common oven inside the city. The story goes that a real carnage took place: 6 children were devoured, the oldest of whom was only 7 years old. From that day on, the “forat d'al fourn” (oven hole) entered the legend at the same time as the Babau.

The next day the St Blaise procession was canceled and the hole was urgently blocked. But during the night the wall was pierced again and traces of the monster appeared in the sand of the bank. The watchmen swore they had heard hissings in the night and seen the eyes of the beast. According to their descriptions the beast had eyes that shot red flames!

The next evening the lord of Fraisse, present in the city of Rivesaltes, remained awake. As the Babau engulfed the city again, he was able to mortally wound him. The animal fled and ran aground near Ortolanes, where it died. The inhabitants of Rivesaltes, relieved, took the following day a rib of the sinister beast as a relic. The most fantastic thing is that this coast is still visible in Rivesaltes, at the tourist office!

In fact, and too bad for the legend, it is a whale coast, the very one that ran aground in St Cyprien on November 27, 1828 and which was missing a few dimensions when the specialists arrived. This is how bloodthirsty monster ribs can also be found in Arles sur Tech!

On a building in the city center of Rivesaltes is drawn a trompe-l'oeil. We see on the left the lord of Fraisse, crossbow in hand, while the monster approaches the city on the right. At the top, on the right, we can see the citadel of the Salveterra, the castle of Opoul. The drawing on the red sheet stretched on the balcony is the coat of arms of Rivesaltes, a Saint André of complexion and the cross in saltire, called "of Saint André".

You should know that a brotherhood of Babau was created recently, in 1996. It inherited an older commandery, known in the Middle Ages towards the end of the 13th century. As such, she is the guardian of the Babau tradition in Rivesaltes.