The Conchobar Design

Here is a version of the story Conchobar's conception of the Red Branch of the mythology Irish.

Conchobar's design

There was an illustrious king in Ulster, Eochaid the Yellow-Heeled, son of Loeg, and a daughter was born to him. Twelve guardians were commissioned to bring her up. Her name was Easy, because she was easy and gentle to raise.

At that time there came from the South a champion named Cathba. He was originally from Ulster, although he lived in the South. Besides being a warrior and a champion, he was also a man of great wisdom, a druid and a man of great learning. He had three men's novenas on his expedition. In a desert, he met another champion with three other novenas, too.

They attacked first; then they made peace, for they did not succumb because they were of equal number. Cathba went before them, for he knew the country, and the twelve guardians of the maiden are slain by him, as they were gathered to feast. No one escaped except the girl. We don't know who killed them.

The girl will complain to her father. He said he couldn't avenge them, since he didn't know who had killed them. So she got angry and went on an expedition with three novenas of men to avenge her guardians. It struck and successively devastated all countries. Until then it was called Easy. From then on Difficult was his name in the tribes because of the roughness of his weapons and his bravery. She used to ask every stranger she met for the champion's story to see if they knew of the misfortune that had befallen them.

One time she was in another desert; his people were preparing their food. She goes off alone then; she saw in front of her beautiful pure water; she takes off her weapons and clothes and bathes in them. Then came another expedition; it was Cathba and her people. He put himself between her and her weapons and drew his sword against her.

 Give me my life, said the girl.

“Grant me my three requests,” said Cathba.

"You will get them," she said. What is your choice ?

“Safety for me, your friendship, and that you be my wife as long as I live.

“Of course,” she said.

“Now our alliance is over. said the other champion to Cathba, and he went his way.

Cathba went with her to her father. They were welcomed and given Cathba a land in Ulster: Cathba Fort in Cremthinne, near Conor Stream which is in Ross territory. One night, Cathba was very thirsty. His wife went to get him a drink. She found none in the castle.

So she went to the Conor, filtered the water through her veil in the cup and brought it to him. Light us up, he said, to see if there are any animals in the water. A light was brought to them and they saw two worms in it. He drew his sword against the woman: “Drink, then, you,” he said, “what you have offered me. The woman took two sips and with each sip she swallowed a worm. She got fat...

Cathba then went with his wife to talk with Eochaid in the yellow heel. They were in the plain of Murthemne. The pains took the woman on her way. If it is in your power, said Cathba, to bring your child into the world only tonight, your son will be king and his name will be among the men of Ireland. There will be born this night in the east of the earth a child who will be above the men of the world, Jesus Christ.

“I will,” said the woman, “unless he comes out by my side. Let's go to the Plaine-Ile”.

She stood on a flat stone at the Plaine-ile, in front of the Green-side Fortress…; this is where Conor was born. The stone on which he was born and the grave are still there, and when he was born he had a worm in each fist, the ones his mother had drunk from the water of the Conor. He was given the name Conor after the Conor stream, but it was in Plaine-Ile that he was born, as we have said.

He obtained the kingship of the province because of his mother's rank, his father's art and science, and because of his own great bravery and skill in arms, so that he was an illustrious king. . The victory over Ailill and Mève was won by him at the Razzia de Cualngé.

And yet this is not how it is told in others books the birth of Conor, but in this manner: Nessa, daughter of Eochaid Salbuide, was on her throne outside in Emain and her royal daughters around her. The druid Cathba passed near her. He was from Plaine-Ile, according to others. The girl said to him: “What good is this moment? she says

– He is good at making a king out of a queen. » said the druid. The girl asked if it was true. The druid swore to his gods that it was true; the name of the son who would be made at that time would live in Ireland until the Judgment. Then the girl invited him to approach her, because she did not see any other man in her neighborhood. Then Nessa became pregnant and the child was in her womb three years and three months. It was at the Feast of Uthar son of Fordub that she became pregnant.