ToggleIrish mythology
The mythology pre-Christian Irish has been preserved in oral tradition. This oral tradition is known as “Béaloideas”. With the arrival of Christianity, the first manuscripts were written in Ireland, preserving many of these tales in medieval Irish literature. Although Christian influence is also visible in these manuscripts, this literature represents the most extensive and best preserved of all branches of mythology. Celtic.
Although many manuscripts have not survived, and much more material has probably never been devoted to writing, enough remains to allow the identification of distinct cycles in Irish mythology, even though they are overlap: the mythological cycle, the Ulster cycle, the Fenian cycle and the historical cycle.
There are also a number of extant mythological texts that do not fit into any of the cycles, and many recorded folk tales that have continued while the oral tradition paralleled the manuscript tradition which, although not strictly mythological, presents characters from one or more of these four cycles.
It includes the Cath Maighe Tuireadh, which relates the wars between the Formorians and the Tuatha Dé Danann.
- Cath Maige Tured Conga (The First Battle of Moytura)
- Cath Maige Turedh (The Second Battle of Moytura)
- Do Cath Mhuighe Tuireadh Ann So (The Second Battle of Moytura)
- Aided chloinne Tuireann (The Tragic Death of the Children of Tuireann)
- The Tragic Death of the Children of Lir
- Sinann's Tragic Death
- The Story of Tuan Mac Cairell
- The Dialogue between Fintan and the Achill Falcon
- Bran's Journey
- The Court of Tin
- Food from the Maison des Deux Gobelets
- The Taking of the Sid
- The Dream of Oengus
- The Birth of Mongan
- A story where it is said that Mongan was Finn Mac Cumaill
- Mongan's Story
- The Cause of Mongan's Madness
- The Conception of Mongan and Dub-Lacha's love for him
- Why Mongan was deprived of descendants
- The Domaine de Tara Foundation
- The Vigil of Fingen
It includes the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a compilation of the mythical history of the occupations of Ireland, the Foras Feasa by Erinn and the Annals of the Four Masters.
Related stories
- The coming of Partholon
- The Fomorians
- The legend of Tuan Mac Carell
- The Nemedians
- The coming of the Firbolgs
- The coming of the people of Dana
- The treasures of the Daneans
- The Danes and the Firbolgs
- The first battle of Moytura
- The exile of King Bres
- The tyranny of the Fomorians
- The coming of Lug
- The Quest for Turenn's Sons
- The second battle of Moytura
- Balor's death
- Dagda's harp
- Dagda
- Angus og
- Killarney Lakes
- Lug
- Midir the Proud
- Lir and Mananan
- The goddess Dana
- Morrigan
- Cleena's wave
- The Elder Goddess
- Sinend and the Well of Knowledge
- The coming of the Milesians
- The poet Amergin
- Amergin's judgment
- The defeat of the Daneans
- The Children of Lir
- The tale of Ethne
The Fenian cycle centers on the stories of Finn Mac Cumaill and his troop of warriors, the Fianna. It contains stories about famous members of the Fianna like Diarmuid, Caílte, Osgar or even Goll, Finn's enemy.
- Enumeration of Finn's People
- The Birth of Fin MacCumhaíl
- Finn and Grainné
- The Pursuit of Diarmaid and Grainné
- How Finn got Knowledge
- Death of Fothad Canann
- The Disappearance of Howth Hill
- The Auberge du Gué
- Echtra Fhind i nDerc Ferna (Finn and the Ghosts)
- Fotha catha Cnucha inso (The Cause of the Battle of Cnucha)
- Bruiden Bheag na h-Almhaine (Le Petit Hôtel d'Allen)
- The Quarrel between Finn and Oisin
- Ailill Aulom, Mac Con, and Find ua Báiscne
- A Poem About Finn
- Finn's house burned down
- The childhood exploits of Finn mac Cumhaill
- The Pursuit of the Gilla Decair
- Finn and Lomna the Goblin
- Finn and the Man in the Tree
- Panegyric of Cormac and the Death of Finn
- The Hunt for the Sid of Beautiful Women
- The Death of Finn Mac Cumaill
- The White Mountain Dog
The stories in this cycle are from the reign of King Conchobar Mac Nessa, son of the Druid Cathbad and Queen Ness, who is said to have lived in the time of Christ (30 av. J.-C. to 35 apr. AD). Its capital is Emain Macha. It was during the war he delivered to Queen Medb and King Ailill of Connaught that Cúchulainn's gesture intervened.
- Compert Conchobuir (The Conception of Conchobar)
- Scéla Conchobuir mac Nessa (Story of Conchobar Mac Nessa)
- Ferchuitred Medba / Cath Bóinde (The Men of Medb / The Battle of The Boyne)
- Compert Con Culainn (The Conception of Cúchulainn)
- Feis Tige Becfoltaig (The Little Rich House Party)
- Tochmarc Emire (The Court of Emer)
- Aided Óenfir Aífe (The Violent Death of Aife's Only Son)
- Ainfer Aife (The murder of Aifé)
- Aided Derbforgaill
- Aided Guill maic Carbada ocus Aided Gairb Glinne Rige
- Scéla Muicce Maic Dathó (Mac Datho's History of Pigs)
- Fled Bricrenn (The Feast of Bricriu)
- Longes mac nDuíl Dermait (The Exile of the Sons of Dóel Dermait)
- The tales of Deirdre and Grania
- Mac nUisnech Lanyards (The Exile of the Sons of Usnech)
- Aided Chloinne Uisnig
- Aislinge Óenguso (The Dream of Oengus)
- Táin Bó Fráich (La Razzia de Fraich)
- Tochmarc Treblainne (The Court of Treblainne)
- Táin Bó Regamain (La Razzia de Regamon)
- Táin Bó Dartada (The Raid of Dartaid)
- Táin Bó Flidaise (La Razzia de Flidais)
- Tochmarc Ferbe (The Courtise of Ferb)
- Echtra Nerae (The Adventures of Nera)
- Táin Bó Regamna (La Razzia de Ragamna)
- Cath Aenaig Macha (The Battle of the Assembly of Macha)
- Noínden Ulad (The Debility of the Ulates)
- De Chophur in Dá Muccida (The Dispute of the Two Pigmen)
- Táin Bó Cuailnge (The Raid of the Cooley cows)
- Macgnimrada Conculaid (The Childhood Feats of Cúchulainn)
- Aided Con Roí (The Death of Con Roi)
- Mesca Ulad (The Drunkenness of the Ulates)
- These Ulad (The Ulate Disease)
- Tochmarc Luaine ocus Aided Athirni
- Togail Bruidne Da Derga (Destruction of Da Derga's Residence)
- Aided Cheltchair maic Uthechair (La Mort de Celtchar mac Uthechair)
- Serglige Con Culainn Óenét Emire (The Story of Cúchulainn and Emer's Jealousy)
- Cath Étair (The Battle of Howth)
- Cath Ruis na Ríg (The Battle of Ros na Rig)
- Aided Con Culainn
- Aided Ceit maic Mágach (The Death of This Mac Mágach)
- Aided Lóegairi Búadaig (The Violent Death of the Victorious Loegaire)
- Aided Conchobair
- Bruiden Da Chocae (The Residence of Da Choca)
- Cath Airtig (The Battle of Airtech)
- Aided Fergusa maic Róig (The Death of Fergus Mac Roeg)
- Goire Conaill Chernaig ocus Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig
- Aided Meidbe (The Death of Medb)
- Siaburcharpat Con Culainn (The Ghost of Cúchulainn's Chariot)
- De Faillsigud Tána Bó Cuailnge (The Rediscovery of the Raid of the Cooley Cows)
- Masha in the Dinnshenchas
- The Battle of Leitir Ruibhe
- Cogadh Ferghusa agus Choncubhair sonn (The War between Fergus and Conchobar)
- Verba Scáthaige (The Prediction of Scáthach)
- Sanas Cormaic (Story of Nédé son of Adnae)
- Serglige Con Culainn Óenét Emire (Cuchulainn's Disease and Emer's unique jealousy)
- Comracc Conchulaind re Senbecc hua n-Ebricc a Segais in so (The Combat of Cuchulainn with Senbecc, grandson of Ebrecc, of Segais)
- Brinna Ferchertne inso triana codlud (Brinna Ferchertne)
- Echtra Laegaire maic Crimthainn (The Loégairé Expedition, Son of Crimthann)
- Echtra Condla (The Expedition of Connle Ruad, Son of Conn Cetchathach)
- Echtra Cormaic i Tír Tairngire (Adventures of Cormac, son of Art)
- Adventures of Cormac in the Land of Promise
- The Madness of Suibhne
- The Death of Eochaid Mac Mairid
- Scél Bailé Binnbérlaig mic Búain (The Story of Bailé in sweet language)
- The Navigation of Mael Duin
- The Navigation of Ui Chorra
- The Navigation of Snedgus and Mac Riagla
- Forbuis Droma Damhghaire (The Siege of Druim Damhghaire)
- Aiged Eoin Baisti 7 Mirbuili a chind andso (The Death of John the Baptist and the miracles of his head)
- Imtheachta Moighi Ruith (Adventures of Mogh Ruith)
- The History of Tlachtga
- The Beheading of John the Baptist by Mog Ruith
- The Executioner by John the Baptist
- Caoilte with long feet
- The Phantom of the Tree
- King of the Black Desert
- King of Salmon
- The red magician and the sword of light
- The eagle with the golden plumage
- Guard of the Golden Plovers
- The old woman and the black bull
- The black pixie and the red giant
- The little boy and the big giant
- Swan women of the sea
- The elf's field
- The colloquy of the two wise men
- The expedition of Loégairé, son of Crimthann
- Trecheng Breth Féne - The Triads of Ireland
- Athirne and Amergin
Books on Celtic Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
- Contes integrales – My most beautiful legends of the Middle Ages
- Medieval legends: Arthur – Perceval – Tristan & Iseult – Mélusine
- Celtic Stories – Legends and Wonderful Tales from Ireland, Scotland, Britain and Wales
- The legend of King Arthur illustrated
- Tales and legends of Ireland
In French :
- Keltoi – Legends of the Early Celts
- The mythology of the Celtic world
- Tales and legends of the Celtic countries
- Celtic Myths: The White Goddess
- On the road to the most beautiful Celtic legends
- The Legend of King Arthur – Complete Version
- The Four Branches of the "Mabinogi" and other medieval Welsh tales
- The Legend of the City of Ys: (from old texts)
- Four Scottish Folk Tales: Four Scottish Folk Tales
- The Gauls: Myths and Legends
- Tales and legends of Ireland
- The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology
Only in English:
- celtic fairy tales
- Cornish Folk Tales
- An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Castle Legends
- Welsh Legends and Myths
- Exploring the Magic of Welsh Legend & Lore
- The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man
- The Mammoth Book of Celtic Myths and Legends
- The Lost Tomb of King Arthur
- Celtic Mythology: Dive Into The Depths Of Ancient Celtic Folklore
- Irish Folk and Fairy Tales
- Celtic Mythology: A Concise Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs
- Ireland's Immortals: A History of the Gods of Irish Myth
- Scottish Myths & Legends
- The Book of Celtic Myths