Hesiodic mythology and Greek cosmogony

The cosmogony Greek, branch of the mythology Greek explanation of the creation of the universe, was greatly described by Hesiod. Peasant boeotian from the end of viiie century BC, contemporary with the first wave of colonization which pushed the Greeks to seek new lands, Hesiod of Ascra, poet, theologian, prophet, is located at the junction of two worlds and two systems of thought.

Over there Theogony which prolongs a poetic and religious condition more archaic than the epic of Homer, Hesiod is the privileged witness of a form of mythical thought which obeys a type of logic different from ours. Through The Works and the Days, on the contrary, he is seen as the precursor of Solon: the theologian who recounts the advent of the sovereignty of Zeus and develops the myth races.

greek cosmogony

Greek Cosmogony according to Hesiod (texts)