Persian mythology

The mythology persia or mythology iranian is the body of myths originally told by the ancients Persians and other Iranian peoples, the Parthians and Persian empires and a genre of ancient Persian folklore. These stories concern the origin and nature of the world, the lives and activities of deities, heroes and mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the worship and ritual practices of the ancient Persians.

characters from mythology Persian almost always fall into one of two camps. They are good or bad. The resulting discord reflects the nationalist ideals of the early Islamic era as well as the moral and ethical perceptions of the Zoroastrian period, in which the world was seen as locked in a battle between the destroyer Ahriman and his hordes of demonic dews and their one -Iranian supporters, against the Creator Ormuzd, who although not participating in the daily affairs of mankind, was represented in the world by the righteous Iranian izads and ahlav.

Storytelling has an important presence in Iranian culture. In classical Iran, minstrels performed for their audiences in royal courts and in public theaters. A minstrel was called by the Parthians gōsān in Parthian and by the Sasanians as huniyāgar in Middle Persian. Since the days of the Safavid dynasty, storytellers and poetry readers have appeared in cafes.

persian mythology

Persian mythology (texts)

Books on Persian-Caucasian mythology