Kiowa-Comanche mythology

The mythology Kiowa-Comanche includes the following Native American peoples: Kiowa, Comanche

The Kiowas are a Native American nation that lived primarily on the plains of western Texas, Oklahoma and eastern New Mexico at the time of European settlement. Driven south by invaders cheyennes and sioux, themselves pushed out of their lands in the Great Lakes region by the tribes ojibwe, the Kiowas migrated through the Platte River basin to the Arkansas River area.

There they faced the Comanches, who occupied the place. Around 1790, the two groups agreed on the division of the region. From that moment, the two peoples were very close: they hunted, traveled and waged war together. THE apache of the Plains (also called Kiowa-Apaches) also joined the Kiowas at this time.

Kiowa-Comanche mythology

Kiowa-Comanche mythology (texts)

Aztec-Ute Mythology Books