Pakistani mythology

The mythology Pakistani brings together the myths and legends of the following peoples: Pakistani, Sindhi, Baloch, Chitrali, Kashmiri, Pashtun, Punjabi, Saraik.

The Indus region was the location of several ancient cultures including Mehrgarh, one of the oldest known cities in the world, and the Indus Valley Civilization (de 2600 BC J.-C. To 1800 BC J.-C.) in Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. The waves of conquerors and migrants, including the Aryans, Persians, Indo-Greeks and Muslims have settled in Pakistan throughout the centuries, influencing the natives. The region is a crossroads of historic trade routes, including the Silk Road.

The Sindis Where Sindhis are an ethnolinguistic group associated with the Pakistani province of Sindh, speaking primarily Sindhi, an Indo-Aryan language. Before the Muslim conquests of India, the Sindis mainly practiced Buddhism and especially Hinduism. Islam then becomes largely the majority following many conversions influenced by Sufi clerics while the region of Sind is integrated into the Sultanate of Delhi then into the Mughal Empire, of which it remains a peripheral region.

The Baloch are a people Iranian who lives mainly (5.6 million in total) in Balochistan (or Balochistan), a province in southwestern Pakistan.

The Pashtuns  Where Pathans  are an Iranian people divided into several large tribes and speak mostly Pashto.

The Punjabis have an ethnolinguistic group associated with the Punjab region, speaking Punjabi, an Indo-Aryan language.

Punjab literally means "land of five waters". This region has been mentioned among the Greeks under the name of Pentapotamia, which was later translated into Persian by the Turkish-Persian conquerors of South Asia and who will be better known during the Mughal Empire. The Punjab is often referred to as the breadbasket of Pakistan and India.

the saraiki, also called seraiki Where siraiki, is a language (often considered a dialect of Punjabi) and is spoken by the Saraiki ethnicity of Pakistan. The language is spoken in central and southern Punjab province.

pakistani mythology

Pakistani mythology (texts)

Books on Persian-Caucasian mythology