Cycladic mythology

The mythology Cycladic brings together the myths and legends of the Cyclades. The Cycladic culture is an archaeological culture of the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age, which developed in the islands of the Cycladic archipelago (Greece) in the third millennium BC. It is famous for its marble idols worked with obsidian, found as far away as Portugal and at the mouths of the Danube, which proves its dynamism.

Cycladic culture is a bit older than civilization minoan of Crete. The beginnings of the Minoan civilization were influenced by the Cycladic culture: Cycladic statuettes were imported to Crete and local craftsmen imitated Cycladic techniques, the sites of Aghia Photia and Archánes have provided archaeological evidence.. Likewise, the cemetery of Aghios Kosmas in Attica has revealed Cycladic-type tombs containing Cycladic objects that may indicate either the presence of a Cycladic colony, or a high proportion of the population of Cycladic origin, in any case an influence. cycladic certain.

There are traditionally three main periods :

  • Ancient Cycladic I (CA I) (3200 - 2800) also says culture or Grotta-Pelos period;
  • Ancient Cycladic II (CA II) (2800 - 2300) also says culture or Keros-Syros period, often considered as the apogee of Cycladic culture;
  • Ancient Cycladic III (CA III) (2300 - 2000) also says culture or Phylakopi period.

cycladic mythology

Cycladic mythology (texts)