ToggleOhlone-Miwok-Yokuts Mythology
The mythology Ohlone-Miwok-Yokuts includes the following Native American peoples: Ohlone, Costanoan, Miwok, Yokut, Mariposan.
The Ohlones, sometimes named Costanoans, are a Native American people of northern California, in the San Francisco Bay Area (the term Ohlone signifying People of the west).
The Ohlone settlement extended over the San Francisco Peninsula, the Santa Clara Valley, the Orient Bay, the Santa Cruz Mountains, Monterey Bay, and the Salinas Valley.
The Miwoks are a people who lived in the north of present-day California, in the western United States. Word Miwok means "people. There are three miwok groups:
- the Miwok of the plains and western Sierra Nevada
- the Miwok of the Pacific Coast
- the Miwok of Lake Miwok.
The Yokut, formerly called Mariposans, are a Native American ethnicity living in central California.
According to the first immigrants and settlers of European origin, the Yokuts were made up of about sixty tribes speaking a single language.
Ohlone-Miwok-Yokuts mythology (texts)
- Bear And The Fawns
- Bridal Veil Falls
- Creation Of Man
- Historic Tradition Of The Upper Tuolumne
- How El Capitan Grew
- How Tol-le-loo Stole Fire
- Legend Of Tis-Se'-Yak (South Dome & North Dome)
- Legend Of Tu-Tok-A-Nu'-La (El Capitan)
- Lizard And Fox
- The Bear And Deer Children
- The Beginning Of The World
- The Beginning Of Thunder
- The Origin Of Death
- The Origin Of Yosemite
- The Theft Of Fire
- Yellokin The Man-Eating Giant
- Yosemite Valley
- California creation lore
- Coyote, The Hawk, And The Condor
- Coyote's Adventures And The Prairie Falcon's Blindness
- Mikit
- Origin Of The Sierra Nevadas And Coast Range
- The Bald Eagle And The Prairie Falcon
- The Beginning Of The World [Gashowu Yokut]
- The Beginning Of The World [Truhohi Yokut]
- The Beginning Of The World [Wükchamni Yokut]
- The Beginning Of The World [Yauelmani Yokut]
- The Eagle And The Condor
- The Eagle's Son
- The Man And The Owls
- The Origin Of Death [Gashowu Yokut]
- The Origin Of Death [Truhohi Yokut]
- The Origin Of Death [Yauelmani Yokut]
- The Origin Of Fire
- The Owl Doctor
- The Owners Of The Sun
- The Pleiades
- The Prairie Falcon Fights
- The Prairie Falcon Loses [Yaudanchi Yokut]
- The Prairie Falcon Loses [Yauelmani Yokut]
- The Prairie Falcon's Wife
- The Lizard-Hand
- The Race Of The Antelope And Deer
- The Theft Of Fire
- The thunder twins
- The Visit To The Dead [Tachi Yokut]
- The Visit To The Dead [Yaudanchi Yokut]
- The Wolf And The Crane
- Thunder and whirlwind
- War Of The Foothill And Plains People
Books on Penutian Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Heroes and Heroines in Tlingit Haida Legend
- Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narratives
- How a Mountain Was Made: Stories
- Two Bear Cubs: A Miwok Legend from California's Yosemite Valley
- The Ohlone Way: Indian Life in the San Francisco-Monterey Bay Area
- Hear Me, My Chiefs! Nez Perce History and Legend