Story of Nédé son of Adnae

This is the story of Nede son of Adnae, of the red branch of the mythology Irish.

Nédé son of & #039; Adnae

Born son of Adnae

Nédé had an uncle, his father's brother: it was Caier, king of Connaught. Caier, having no children, considered Nédé as his son; but he had a wife; the latter fell in love with Nédé and gave him, as a token of her passion, a silver apple. Nédé, however, refused to comply with his wishes. She promised to give him the kingdom of Connaught, if he agreed to marry her afterwards.

"How could you get me to the throne?" »Said Nédé son of Adnae. "It's not difficult," replied the young woman. "Satire against Caier, so that a deformity occurs to him which renders him incapable of retaining the kingship." "It is very hard," replied Nédé, "to compose a satire against such an excellent man: I will never receive a refusal from him. He has nothing in his possession in the world that he is not willing to give to me. "I know very well," the woman continued, "one thing he won't give you: it's the dagger he brought back from Britain." He will not give it to you, for he is forbidden to part with it. "

Nédé asked Caier to give him the dagger. “It's a pity for me,” said Caier, “I have no right to part with it. Nede pronounced a satire on him which caused three enormous buttons to appear on the unhappy king's cheeks. Here is the satire:

“Male dead, short life in Caier;
that the spears of battle wound Caier;
death in Caier; that Caier be underground;
let Caier be under walls, under stones. "

The next morning Caier got up and went to the spring to wash himself. He put his hand to his face; there he felt the three buttons that satire had produced; he caught sight of them as he stepped into the water. The first was red, the second green, the third white. They were called stain, blemish and shame. In order not to let anyone see his misfortune, he fled and took refuge in Dun-Cermnai, with Cacher, son of Etarscel.

Nede son of Adnae became king of Connaught; it was for a year. Thinking of Caier's misfortune, he was in great pain. One day, wanting to see him, he left for Dun-Cermnai. He was mounted on Caier's chariot; he had Caier's wife and dog beside him. How handsome Nédé was, driving the chariot himself and approaching Dun-Cermnai! Royal dignity was painted on his features.

"Who is this man so handsome?" Everyone cried. Caier said: “In the past, it was us in this chariot who occupied the warrior's seat next to the coachman's seat. "It is a king's word," cried Cacher, son of Etarscel. Until then we had not recognized Caier. "No, I'm not a king," said Caier; and he fled. He went to hide behind the fort.

Meanwhile, Nédé, on the cart, was entering Dun-Cermnai. The dogs followed Caier's trail, and found him in the asylum where he had taken refuge; Caier died there of shame and of the emotion that the sight of Nédé had caused him. At the same time the rock burst, a fragment hit Nédé in the head, who died of it and thus suffered, as he deserved, the punishment for his ingratitude.