This is the story of the Auberge de Da Choca, the red branch of the mythology Irish.
ToggleDa Choca Hostel
1. After Conchobar's death, the Ulates held an assembly to determine to whom they would hand over royal power. Some said they were in favor of asking Fergus mac Roich to be the king. But they had suffered because of Fergus while he was in exile, and they declared that he would not take him for king. Others said it was Cormac Conlongas, son of Conchobar, who was most suitable to rule over them. Conall Cernach wanted royal power for his foster son, Cuscraid the Stutterer of Masha, (another) son of Conchobar. The Ulates were ready to fight against each other because of this, and Cuscraid refused to fight for fear that the Rudraige clans would exterminate each other. Conall Cernach was not present: he blamed his foster son and reproached him for his refusal.
2. Genann Gruaidhsolus (Bright-cheek), son of Cathbad, said: “Now I know the essential elements of a king in Ireland, namely, Cormac Conlongas, son of Conchobar, the noble youth of Ireland and he is endowed with all the gifts, namely, the gift of physical appearance and courage and hospitality and truth, and so of following. It was to him, moreover, that Conchobar, while awaiting death, ordered choba kingship be given, for Cormac was the oldest of her sons, and it is Fergus' closest foster son who will never rob us if she (kingship) goes to Cormac. "
3. And the Ulates approved of Genann's words.
4. So they sent emissaries to Cormac in the province of Connaught, to bring him back to them to be crowned - Genann Joue-Brillante, son of Cathbad, Amorgen the Poet, Imbrinn son of Cathbad, and Uathechtach son. by Feradach. So the tank troop set off until they reached Cruachan. Ailill and Medb, and Fergus beside them, were present, and they welcomed them. Medb asked for their news. So they announced that they had come for Cormac, to make him king in place of his father.
4. A messenger was sent to Cormac, who was (then) hunting Sid Nenta on the water. Cormac came to Cruachan, and Medb welcomed him. “It would be up to you,” she said, “to answer for our benefit. you asked for the generous profit of our food and our clothes. You are one of our foster children. You were treated with hospitality when you came to us. "
“I'll be of use to you,” Cormac said. “No request will be refused by us. It will be a joy for us to grant it to you. "
5. Genann told Cormac why he had come. So a messenger was sent by Cormac to his people who were stationed in Connaught, and they quickly came to him from Irrus Domnann and outlying areas of Connaught, both women and men and boys.
6. Now here are the prohibitions of Cormac, namely: a geis to listen to Craiphtin's harp: a geis to pursue the birds of Mag da ceo: a geis to put his horses under a yoke of ash, a geis to swim with the birds of Loch Lo: a geis to have an appointment with a woman in Sen-ath Mor: a geis to hunt the beasts of the hills of Mag Sainb: a geis to cross the Shannon on dry foot and visit the Auberge de Da Choca2.
And these were Cormac's interdicts, which Cathbad the druid had placed on him the night he was born.
7. The next day, Cormac left Cruachan to go his way. Three hundred warriors were with him, besides the women and the boys and the dogs and the servants.
8. On leaving Cruachan, Cormac formed his people into three troops. The first of these troops wore blue blouses (?) With split ends, with silver brooches, and short capes, and they had kilts short to the knees, and in each man's hand a spear. powerful. They carried shields adorned with bands and speckled, and swords with pointed hilt.
9. The second troop had laced shirts directly to the skin. They wore beautiful blouses (?) Speckled, with white bronze brooches. They had mane hair. They had shining shields and five barbed javelins, and shining ivory hilted swords.
10. The third troop, then, wore hooded shirts and tunics of satin thread. She wore huge brown shields. Swords with *** on their belts. An eight-edged javelin in the hand of each man. They wore coats of purple, five ply, with brooches of silver and gold. In the very midst of this group was a warrior, blond, with long braids, a strong and powerful guardian, with the noise of a king and the clamor of an army, it was Cormac himself.
11. At the same time, the Druids predicted misfortunes and announced bad omens to Cormac. They said the trip would not be easy or quick. So Cormac's prohibitions were violated on this (same) day, namely, his dogs hunted on Mag Sainb, - and he pursued the birds of Mag da cheo - today (called) Loch na n-en "the Lough of the birds ".
12. Further, Craiphtin the harpist came to him, and played his harp to him in order to end his reign and his life for the wife of Craiphtin, Scenb, daughter of Scethern, the druid of the province of Connaught, was Cormac's lover. It was this Scenb who had the three dates with Cormac in Athlone, and it was she who planted Athlone's trees, namely, Pain and Darkness, and Mute. And Olur and Meith and Miscais were their names, of that she said:
The names of the woods - longing for good news - (are) Sadness and Darkness and Mute. Around the
large plain, they lead their race, Olar, Meith and Miscais ("Smoothness, Fat and Hate").
13. Afterwards, they went through the forest. The yoke of Cormac's chariot broke there, so that it is now called "Le Bois du yoke." Then an ash yoke was fitted to his chariot.
14. Subsequently, they advanced through the district of Maine Fer da giall ("the man of two hostages") until they reached Lough Lo. Cormac entered the Lough and swam with the birds of the lake. There it was revealed to Craiphtine that they were on the shore, swimming with the birds of Lough Lo. So Craiphtin transfigured fifty young people three times fifty into birds, with a poisonous spell in their wings, and they came to the surface of Lough Lo, and flapped their wings over the armies. Thereafter, they slept by the lake, waiting for their people, until Scenb came to them in the guise of a hawk, and killed all but one bird.
15. So they went to Druim Airthir, which is now called The Garman, at the edge of Athlone. Then they unhitched their tanks. As they were there, they saw a red woman on the edge of the ford, washing her chariot and cushions and harnesses. When she lowered her hand, the river bed turned red with blood. But when she raised her hand above the bank of the river, not a drop remained there, but she lifted it high, so that they crossed the bed of the river on dry ground.
16. "Very horrible is what the woman is doing!" Said Cormac. "Have one of you go ask her what she's doing." So someone went to ask her what she was doing. And then, standing on one foot, and with one eye closed, she sang to them, saying:
"I wash the harness of a king who will perish" etc.
17. The messenger came to Cormac and told him the bad prophecy that the Badb had made for him. “Apparently that's a cause of great misfortune to come,” Cormac says. Then Cormac went to the edge of the ford to speak with her, and asked her who was this harness she was washing. And then he pronounced the lai:
“O woman. Which harness do you wash? »Etc.
The Badb.
"This harness is yours, O Cormac,
And the harness of your trusted men ”, etc.
18. "Bad are the omens you ask for us". said Cormac. "You sing for us in a sinister way."
19. When they were there, they saw a young woman, beautiful and beautiful in appearance, coming towards them. A light green coat around her. On the coat, a precious brooch on his chest. A shiny hooded blouse, woven in gold, on the skin. Two pointed sandals of white bronze between his feet and the ground. An ornate scarf on the head. She sat down next to Cormac, and Cormac welcomed her.
20. “Have you come to travel with me, O young woman? Said Cormac. "No," replied the young woman, "and I wish you hadn't gone, for the destruction of your life has come." Grim is the man who came to you this morning, Craiphtin the harpist, when he played his harp for you. This is why he came, to violate your prohibitions, so that your life is short, and that we are never reunited again. I came this time, because from now on we will not see each other again. Then she spoke as follows:
If it's you, O Cormac, etc.
21. Then the young woman left them, and bade them farewell, and sang this:
"Prohibitions will come to me", etc.
22. Cormac slept a little while at the end of the ford, and a terrible vision was shown to him. Then Cormac woke up.
23. It was then that a group of Connacians set up camp at Mag Derg after a destructive raid on part of Ulster. Those who were there were Sanb, son of Cet, son of Maga, and Bairenn Brecc, son of Cet, and Dub and Coibden Cuindsclech, two sons of Lamfota and the brothers of Lonfiach and Maine Athremail, sons of Ailill and Medb and Garman Gablec , son of Daman and Buidech, daughter of Forgemen, the warrior, and Eochaid Becc, son of Eochaid Ronn, king of the Fir-craibe, that is to say king of one of the three Connaughts, and an immense army with them.
24. The Ulates said to Cormac: “It is not good for us,” they said, “that the Ulate women and their cows are taken by strangers in our presence, without our fighting for them. "
25. “We must not,” replied Cormac, “outraged Medb or his people, for the country was not destroyed in an attack on us. "
"Woe," said Dubthach, "to him who goes before the Ulates to take their kingship, and who lets them be destroyed by natural enemies!" because the Connaught tribes are not really friends. "
"Okay, let's go! Said the wicked and the ravagers.
"We are going," said the wicked, "whether Cormac comes against us or with us. "
26. So the Ulates arose and raised their battle banners, and marched towards Mag Deirg against the demolishers of the Derg plain, namely Derg Dolair of the Fomore, who fell there by the hand of the Tuatha De Danann to meet the battle of Mag Tuired: this is why, from him, it was called Mag Deirg. Here are the warlords who were with Cormac, namely Illann the Beautiful and Fiachra the One-eyed, two sons of Fergus: Amorgen the poet: Uathechtach, son of Feradach: three sons of Traiglethan, namely Siduath, Cuirrech and Carman: nine sons of Scel, namely, three Flanns, three Finds, three Conns, three Faelans: three sons of Niall: three Collas: three sons of Sithgal, Luan and Iliach and Eochaid: two sons of Suamach, son of Samguba, two of the brothers- Cormac milk. Nine of Cormac's comrades were there, namely, three Dunguses, three Doelguses, three Donnguses, and Dubthach the Dung beetle of the Ulates and his two sons, namely, the two Ons. And nine sons of Ler son of Etirscél. Find, Eochaid, Illann, the three bagpipers. Two Aeds and two Fergnes, the four horn players. Drec and Drobel and Athirne, the three druids. Find and Eruath and Faithemain, the three stewards. Three uchletechs, Uait and Muit and Aislinge. Aed and Eochaid, two sons of Bricriu. And Ilgablach. And Caindlech, daughter of Gaimgelta, foster mother of Cormac. And Caindlech, daughter of Sarba, wife of Dubthach. Cacht le Sanglant, son of Ilguine.
27. They marched on dry foot by the Ford of Luan (Athlone) straight east against the other force, and the two armies meet, they engage in a fierce and severe fight. Each of them starts cutting and hurting and hitting the other. This fight was a… of unknown people and an attack of enemies against enemies. In the end, by dint of killing and beating each other the battle was won on Connaught's men.
28. There fell from the hand of Dubthach and Illann, sons of Fergus, Dub and Coibden Cuindsclech, two sons of Lamfota, two brothers from Lonfiach to Cruach Duib, that is why he is (now) called Duib-thir and Coibden shot. Bairenn Brecc, son of Cet, was killed by Fiacha, son of Fer Febe, in Mag Bairenn, which is why the plain is called by this name. Then Garman G weakech, son of Daman, butler of Medb and Ailill, was killed by Cormac Conlongas in the angle below the ford, from where he is called Garman angle: His name had been Druim n-Airthir until then. Then Ercail, son of Condair, was killed by the eldest of the Flanns, from where it (the road on which he was killed) is called Slige Ercail, and Flann died on Tulach Flainn ("Flann's Hill"). Uathechtach, son of Feradach, was killed in the riposte by Sanb, son of Cet, son of Maga, and by Maine Athremail son of Ailill and Medb: hence the plain (on which he fell) is called Mag n- Uatha. “Mag nDeirg” was his name from the battle of Mag Tuired and from the time of the Tuatha Dé Danann until this battle. Mag n-Uatha was his name from this battle until the time of Columb Cille. "Mag n-Ura" was its name when Columb Cille destroyed the mold there (to go) of Saint Ciaran mac in tsair, to expel the demons who were there. Caindlech, daughter of Gaimgelta, the warrior, foster mother of Cormac, fell to Caindlech Brake, by the hand of Maine, the son of Ailill and Medb. Luan, son of Suanach, was killed in Ath Luain (Athlone), so that from him comes the name of the ford. Buidech daughter of Forgemen, killed Luan. Likewise Illann le Blond and Illann le Brun, twins that Camall, daughter of Maga, gave to Eochaid Ronn, were killed on the ford. This is why the river is called na hEmain (the Twins), because "the Twins" is the name by which they were named.
29. After that the Ulates gathered in one place. “Bad are your actions against Ailill and Medb,” said Lonfiach, son of Lamfota, “to kill their people! The acts you have committed against them will be committed against you. "" These (are) threats from you, slave! Dubthach said, hitting him with his spear. So Lonfiach withdrew from them, in anger and hostility, to Ailill and Medb.
30. Thus, the Ulates, after their victory, continued in the direction of their country. They were discussing where they should sleep because it was the end of the day, and they were exhausted and hurt.
“Let us stay here,” they said, “in the house of Da Choca the blacksmith and his wife Luath, daughter of Lumm Lond, in Sliab Malonn. "
“We will not stay,” said Amorgen, “close to our enemies after (them) having done harm,” because the district in which Da Choca resided belonged to Medb and Ailill, namely, the district of Fir Malonn. “We will move forward and go to our own district. "
"We don't care whether it's at night. They are powerful, the acts of Medb. None of her enemies should neglect her. "
“We are not afraid,” Dubthach said, “that she will come to us without warning, while Fergus is in the west, behind us. "
"It is easy to escape the man you mention," said Illann son of Fergus, "for his discernment is weak. "
31. So they decided to stop at Da Choca's house. There, therefore, they went. It was one of the six Royal Inns of Erin in its time, namely Bruiden Da Choca on Sliab Malonn. Each Inn was generally at the crossroads (?) of four roads. Whoever was there was only given one stroke of their meat fork (into the cauldron), and each person received only their own suitable food. Each Inn was an asylum for “red hands” [see Welsh llawrudd, murderer].
32. Da Choca entered the house, accompanied by his fifty apprentices, and his wife, Luath herself, daughter of Lumm Lond. They welcomed Cormac and his army. So they (all) took their seats in the house.
33. Now, while they were there, they saw a sooty woman coming towards the Inn, with a big mouth, swarthy, nimble, and she was limping and squinting with her left eye. She wore a grated (?) And very dark coat. As dark as the back of a kite were all of its joints from head to toe. Her gray hair, covered with a net, was thrown back over her shoulder. She leaned her shoulder against the doorframe, and began to prophesy doom on the army, and murmur wicked words, so she said this:
Sad they will be at the Inn: the bodies will be dismembered in the blood,
Bodies will be headless on the land of the Inn of Da Choca.
34. Then the Badb left them, and ...
35. There was news from the Ulates in the north. They thought their envoys were delayed, while Cormac was away from them. So they sent large groups south to Cruachu to meet Cormac and urge him to come and be made king. They are told that Cormac and his people had gone the opposite way to Sen-oth mor ("the great old ford"). So they followed them at full speed to Sen-Ath and Mag Deirge. There they saw the battlefield. “Really,” they said, “this is Cormac's sword point trail. Then they went straight ahead to the Inn.
36. Now let's talk about Cormac and his people in the Auberge.
They hadn't been there long after the Badb prophecy of misfortunes for them, and they were gloomy, in tears, sad, when they heard Genann speak to them from the entrance of the Inn: “I see warriors come straight on Mag Deirg, from the west, and it seems to me that these are all Ulates. Pride and joy rose in the minds of Cormac and his people when they saw their heroes and their warriors coming towards them at the door of the Inn.
37. Then the Ulates entered the Inn, and each took his place on the beds, according to their custom, ie no inferior instead of a superior. Amorgen sat in the champion's seat to Cormac's right. Cacht sat down at the foot of the doorframe across from him on the other side. Fiacha, son of Iron aba, sat down on the champion's seat, on the side of the king's beautiful left hand. Fiacha Caech, son of Fergus, sat down near the other doorframe. Illand the beautiful, son of Fergus, to the right of Cormac, and Dubthach to his left. Each man afterwards sat down as he was allowed to do because of his father and grandfather.
38. Now concerning Lonfiach. Here is what it says here
He went to where Ailill and Medb were, and told them (his) news. So they consulted the Connacians in an assembly as to what they should do. Medb said, "Fergus will be coaxed by me, and he will be held here, and the Connacians will pursue Cormac and bring the house down on him, no matter where he sleeps tonight." "
39. Then Medb began to drive Cormac away from Fergus, saying: "It would be easy for you to crown the son of the man who banished you from your country, (and to see the son) whom he begot, in your place, with Nes [Cormac was the son of Nes, once the wife of Fergus, by his own son Conchobar.] crowned in your presence! "
40. So Fergus consented to attack Cormac.
41. The sons of Maga le [Cormac] continued, including Cet, and Aille Ard-agach, and Eochaid Becc, son of Eochaid Ronn, and Maine Intogaid, son of Maine Morgar, and Maine, son of Cet, and Mog Corb , son of Conor Sourcils-Rouges, son of Find mac Rosa. Ten hundred heroes were their number. Lonfiach also preceded them to guide them. None of them was without a shield, nor a hand without a lance, nor a belt without a sword.
42. Then Suamach son of Samguba, the shanachi and nurturer of Cormac Conlongas, sang these verses, prophesying to them all that would happen to them, for he was a soothsayer and a man of great learning. And he says this:
Woe to those who trust ... afterwards
after Loinfiach son of Lamfota, etc.
43. So therefore the armies came up to the Inn, and sat down beside it, waiting. Then they sent spies, Mog Corb, namely, and Corb Gaille, to the Inn, and afterwards, these returned to their people, and gave them their news, what kind of people and what behaviors they had observed.
44. “We have reached,” Mog Corb explained, “a huge palace with angry, furious people inside wearing various and wonderful clothes, and beautiful foreign shields, sharp javelins and heavy *** swords. . Some of the men have blond hair in a disheveled mane backwards, others have their hair tied tightly, and others have their hair pulled back in the round. "
“We know these,” said Lonfiach: “the king's suite and his warriors. Woe to him who attacks them! Woe to him who must attack them! They will leave many warriors in a litter of blood, defending their lord. "
45. “Then we came to another house on the top of the hill. Women with shiny limbs and hyacinth eyes are found in this house, wearing various clothes, in various colors, red and blue and green. Noble crowned boys are there, and dogs on a leash, and musicians and singers and players (?). From all the roads, a multitude comes to find the house. We did not see any warriors or soldiers near. "
“These also we know,” says Lonfiach: “namely, the following of the king and the queen, Nem, daughter of Celtchar, son of Uthechar. And their blood would be boldly defended in this house, ”says Lonfiach.
46. “We have reached another house,” explained Mog Corb, “which is below that one on the slope of the hill. It is occupied by lords and strong men and sons of kings and great princes and beautiful and brilliant nobles. Although there is not a large light or royal torches inside, there is enough sparkle from the various garments and the multiple decorated brooches, and golden shields, and swords encrusted with thread. of gold, and groups of princes and great lords that are in the house. I couldn't recognize Cormac himself, unless it was the one at the center post of the house, namely, a tall, noble-faced man with a shining eye in his head. he has regular teeth. A face wide at the top, narrow at the bottom. He has blonde hair, long, of golden linen. He has a long, double-pointed beard, ***. He wears a purple robe with a silver brooch. A hilted sword is in his hand. Royal is his allure, and he possesses the exuberance of a great king. "
“This one, then,” said Loinfiach, “is Cormac, according to his portrait. "
47. So the pests sat down, waiting for the end of the night to sack, that is to destroy the Inn.
48. While the people of the Inn were pensive, Amorgen slept a little while. Here is what dawned on her in her sleep - the Connacians destroying the Inn on them, and each slaughtering the others around her. His sleep interrupted, he awoke in horror. “Be silent for a moment,” said Cormac: “What's wrong? Then Amorgen declared, "The low rumble of hero battles etc."
49. “Arise, O men! Said Amorgen. "Each of you have your weapons ready, for enemies are coming to attack you. They were not long in these reflections until the army came outside and made three circuits around the house. They utter their war cry. “What we dreaded has happened,” Amorgen said. “They will receive their answer here among us,” said Cormac, “We have warriors for them. "
50. Then Suamach, son of Samguba, came eastward seeking the expedition, in order to warn his foster son (Cormac), and he reached Tulach Dér ("the hill of tears"), that is, tell of the tears of blood that the Dagda had shed there, on hearing the news (of the death) of his son Cermait: this is why it is called "Hill of Tears". Now, when Suamach saw the flame of destruction inflicted on his foster son, he did not endure it, and his heart broke. This is why from that time until now this hill is called Druim Suamaig ("The Crest of Suamach").
51. The men besieged the house where Cormac was staying, and fires were kindled against the palace. When Lonfiach saw this, he repented of bringing in enemies to attack his foster brother. So he entered the palace thinking of leading the battle with Cormac. But Dubthach struck him with his sword [W. Stokes says claymore], and cut off his head. So, this was the first fatal blow to the Inn.
52. Then fires were lit in various places of the Inn. Fergna, son of Finnchonna, rushed forward and killed about fifty men, armed, prepared for battle, and put out the fires, and threw the army back over the ridges, and returned to the Inn uninjured.
But the army returned to the Inn, and lit the fires. So Fiacha, son of Iron aba, arose and choked the hearths, and killed a hundred warriors, and drove the army away.
Once again the troops returned, and lit four huge fires against the Inn, one in different places and on either side of it. So Dubthach went out and extinguished the fires, and fiercely and mercilessly drove out the troops, and killed a hundred of them, then returned to the Inn.
In five places of the Inn the enemies lit fires. So Illann the Beautiful, son of Fergus, sprang up and extinguished the fires, and killed a hundred warriors, and brought them back to the ridges. [§ in H.1.17]
53. But Lugaid Redhand came, and took a great battle stone over his shoulder, and hurled it at Illann son of Fergus, and left him lifeless. Fiacha, son of Iron Feibe, took the stone on his shoulder. “It's a bundle of heroes! Said Amorgen, "and shame will fall on them. Fiacha threw the stone at Lugaid, so that he… lifeless. So Ce took the stone and threw it into the Inn, and killed a man with it. But Fiachra Caech, son of Fergus, grabbed the stone and with it he killed a man outside.
54. However, seven [men] were killed by her outside and seven inside. Dubthach threw it out over the Inn, so that it is the stone that is now in the well of Cell Lasra - this Royal Inn is now Cell Lasra - for at that time there was no inn. royal without water [to pass] through it or water beside it.
55. It was from this stone that Amorgen sang these words:
The bundle of Fiachna, the shame of a hero, etc.
From her it was also sung:
The stone at the bottom of the Inn
is a stone that left troops (lifeless).
Lugaid Redhand threw it at Illann, son of Fergus.
Fiachna threw it at Lugaid,
he ... the hero in a litter of blood:
two heptads of heroes… were killed by this stone.
56. Then one of the troops attacked the other outside. "Better to get us out, O warriors!" Cormac said, "so we can lead the fray outside. Whereupon he said these words as he went into battle:
"A terrible cry is the cry of the Inn, etc."
57. Then they sprang out of the Inn, and smashed before them its sides and its heroic doors; they formed strong phalanges in battle, after the gathering of their people from all sides. And they fought a bitter and hard fight, so that there were death layers of heroes in the middle, and the blood reached their girdles on each of the two sides.
58. Cormac found a piece of stone under his feet, and struck Mog Corb with it, so that he broke his shield, and threw him to the ground - and this is the stone that is now in the well in the middle. of the Auberge. he had not finished getting up when Cormac and Cacht, son of Ilguine, came to him and killed him. So wherever a worthy champion entered, he breached the brilliant and vehement battle, so that afterwards they were all scattered and scattered one by one. Each of them followed his ... into battle on both sides.
59. Eochaid Becc, son of Eochaid Ronn, king of Fir Craibe and Maine Antacaid, son of Maine Morgor found themselves far from the fight, and they fell on the hill of the Triumph at the hand of Cacht son of Ilguine, and that of Cormac Conlongas, because of the weariness of the fight. So their graves are still on the hill, and it is called Becc Hill, named after Eochaid Becc, son of Eochaid Ronn.
60. They returned victorious to the Inn. But few were present, after their massacre, on the meadow of the Inn. The two Ons, that is to say the two sons of Dubthach, were at the ford. Each of them had killed nine men in the massacre. This is why it is called “le ford des Ons” to the east of the Auberge. Clartha Cloen fell from the hand of Cet, son of Maga, to Clartha - and from him comes the name of the hill. Boccan was killed by Amorgen - and from him comes the name of Ard mBoccain to Crich Malonn. Len died in Loch Lein at Bodamair. In addition Crech Soindim and Crech Doindim were shot down on "the Hauts des Crechs". Giabach Cetroeach fell from the hand of Dubthach - hence the "Cliabach Ridge" is named. En, son of Maga, fell at the "Ford of En" at the hand of Fiachu, son of Iron Febe. Fidach, son of En, fell at the "Ford of the Reduced of Fidach". Caindlech, daughter of Uarb, wife of Dubthach, fell to Caindlech. Buidech, daughter of Forgemen, fell on the "Lawn of Buidech".
61. Then a fight arose, namely, Cormac Conlongas, and Dubthach, and Amorgen and Cacht, sons of Ilguine, on the one side, against Cet and Ailill Ardagach his brother, and Maine, son of Cet, and Buanann, son of Daman, on the other side. Buanann perishes by the hand of Dubthach. Maine fell before Amorgen. Together fell (in a duel) Cacht, son of Ilguine, and Ailill Ardagach. Corb Gaillne approached Cormac Conlongas in the fight, and Cormac fell from his and Cet's hand. Here is what the book of Druim Snechta declares: that he beheaded Cormac, and that Anlon, son of Doiche, son of Maga, took the head to Athlone; of this it was said:
When the two Ons were killed in the Inn by the troops, etc.
62. Others state that Amorgen prevented the beheading, and took Cet away from Cormac, and wounded him three times. However, it is the other version which is found in the books.
63. Then Da Choca was killed in the Inn. But his wife Luath, daughter of Lumm Lond, went to Lough Luath, and
a stream of blood gushed from his heart into his chest, so that Loch Luatha was named after him.
64. Moreover, then of the thousand Connacians who came, only five escaped. Of the three hundred Ulates, only three escaped - Amorgen the poet, and Dubthach, and Fiacha, son of Fer Febe. Imrind, son of Cathbad, had fled before evening, before the massacre.
65. Amorgen made the king's grave and mound: therefore the place is called Cluain Duma "The Lawn of the Tertre". Amorgen was in great sorrow for the king, and proclaimed his qualities, and he said:
Great is the pain of the Ulates
after the destruction of their royal champion
in unfair combat, etc.
66. Of these tragic deaths at the Inn, the following was sung:
Cormac was killed in the Auberge,
and Illann the Beautiful in the blood, etc.
67. Regarding Fergus, this is what is told.
While he remained there, in Cruachu behind everyone, his servant, Ergarb, came to him and told him about the march of the Maine and the sons of Maga in pursuit of Cormac and his people, in order to destroy their house. on them, wherever they would sleep. Fergus, then, grabbed his horses and harnessed his chariot, and he advanced after the army, to stop the slaughter.
68. In this he had no profit, for he found no survivors before him at the Inn except Amorgen and Dubthach and Fiacha, and they were red with blood and wounds.
69. Then Fergus wept and made a great lamentation over his (dead) foster-son, and smote his palms together, and it was tears of blood that he shed. After that, he made a quick tour of the battlefield, and there found the bodies of his household and his friends and his comrades and his foster children. There was enough misfortune watching him, because of the pain he was showing (going) from one corpse to another. As he gazed at Cormac in his litter of blood, he did not sense the death of his (own) sons. And he says:
Sad it was to my red blood, etc.
70. Then Fergus, after going around the field of battle, came to the place where Amorgen and Dubthach and Fiacha were, and he appeased them and praised them, for (seeing them bloody and mutilated) fear and fear l 'had seized in front of them. That's why he said that - and he was sad, miserable, plaintive while conversing with them, and Amorgen answered him.
Fergus: Ah! My heart is a prison of blood:
my fire and my strength have deserted it, etc.
71. Amorgen says:
"Me and Cacht in valiant deeds
We struck a daring blow
in bloody combat ”, etc.
72. So far, these are some of their deeds and gestures. And The Auberge de Da Choca is that tale above.