Murder of the sons of Usnech

This is the story of the murder of the sons of Usnech, the red branch of the mythology Irish.

The murder of the sons of Usnech

The murder of the sons of Usnech

A very beautiful and very great feast was prepared by Conchobar, son of Fachtna Fathach, and also by the nobles of Ulster, in the sweet and charming town of Emain Macha. And the nobles of the province came to attend this feast. They were given [beer] in such a way that they were all cheerful, cheerful, in a good mood. And the musicians, the jugglers and the storytellers arose to recite before them their verses, their poems, their songs, the genealogies of the families.

Here are the names of the poets who attended this feast. They were: Cathba, son of Gongal with the united nail, and grandson of Rugraidé; Genain with a shining cheek, Genan with a black knee, and Genann Gadh, all three sons of Cathba; Sencha the great, son of Ailill, son of Atgno, son of Fir ***, son of Ros, son of Ruad; Fercertné the poet, son of Oengus with the red mouth, son of F *** the poet, son of Gl ***, son of Ros, son of Ruad.

This is how it was feasted in Emain: [the direction of the meal for] one night, in turn, was assigned to each man of the house of Conchobar. Three hundred and sixty-five men made up this house. Now, on the night of the feast of which we speak, they were all seated at the banquet, when Conchobar lifted up his great and high kingly voice. This is what he says: “I would like to ask you, O warriors! if you have ever seen a band braver than yourselves, in Ireland, in Scotland, or in some other place in the universe?…” — “In truth, we have not seen any, they replied, and we do not know that any exist. " If so," resumed Conchobar, " do you know what is the thing in the world which you miss the most?" — "We are entirely ignorant of it, O great king!" they said. "I know, oh warriors!" he replied, 'the thing we miss the most: the three lights of bravery of the Goidels have gone out from among us; the three sons of Usnech, Noïsé, Annlé and Ardan, are separated from us because of a woman, whoever that woman is. There was, in the bravery and intrepidity of Noise, son of Usnech, the stuff of a supreme king of Ireland; the strength of his arm won him half of Scotland. — "O royal soldier!" they cried, "if we had dared to tell you, we would have done so long ago, for it is known that the sons of Usnech were fathered by the king of a frontier, and only they would defend the province of Ulster against any other province in Ireland, without needing any other Ulate to join them. They are indeed heroes in bravery, lions in strength and courage, these three men. “If so,” answered Conchobar, “let messengers be sent to inquire after them, in the provinces of Scotland, at Loch-Etivé and at the fortress of the sons of Usnech in Scotland. . — "Who will leave to fulfill this mission?" they all asked. “I know,” said Conchobar, “that Noise is forbidden to come to Ireland in time of peace, except with three men: Cuchulainn, son of Subaltam; Conall, son of Aimirgin, Fergus, son of Ros, and I will find out which of these three I am dearest to. »

He brought Conall out of the banquet hall and asked him, "What will happen, O king of the soldiers of the whole world!" "Said Conchobar," if we send you for the sons of Usnech and take their lives despite your high protection, a crime that I would not undertake? - "It wouldn't be just a man's death to follow," Conall replied; "Because if I catch anyone in the Ulates hurting them, he won't have time to run away before I put him to death, kill him, kill him, have massacred. "-" That's good, O Conall! Said Conchobar. "I now understand that I am not dear to you. And he fired Conall. Cuchulainn was brought to him, and he asked him the same question. - "I give you my word," replied Cuchulainn, "that if you tried to mistreat the sons of Usnech, nevertheless you would have to go and look for you in the East, even in India, I would not accept from you. whole earth in present [to redeem your life], but you would succumb in your business. "-" That's good, O Cuchulainn! I see that there is no man for whom you are without hatred. He fired Cuchulainn and had Fergus brought to him. He addressed the same request to the latter, and here is what Fergus replied: - “I do not promise to come to your blood and your flesh; but except you, whoever of the Ulates that I catch hurting the sons of Usnech, he will receive death from my hand. "-" It is you who will go and look for the children of Usnech, O royal soldier! Said Conchobar, "and go tomorrow," he added, "for it is with you that they will come. And when you leave for the eastern countries, go to the fortress of Borrach, son of Cainté, and give me your word not to allow the sons of Usnech to stop on the way as soon as they have reached it. 'Ireland, promise to make it happen that same night to Emain Macha. Then Conchobar and Fergus re-entered the banquet hall. Fergus announced that he was going to leave to save the lives of the children of Usnech, and to his guarantee of their safety was added the guarantee of the nobles of the province. These nobles left that very night. [Each of them returned home.]

[But before he left] Conchobar addressed Borrach, son of Cainté: "Have you," he asked, "what to give me a feast?" - "Yes, certainly," replied Borrach, "it is possible for me to prepare it; but I cannot bring it to you at Emain Macha. - "If so," said Conchobar, "give it to Fergus, for one of the magical defenses made to him is to refuse a feast." Borrach promised to invite Fergus, and he left with his companions that night, harmless and harmless.

Fergus got up early the next day; of all the army and the multitude, he took with him only his two sons: Illann the Handsome and Buinné the Roughly Red, plus Fuillend the servant of Iubrach, and Iubrach himself. And with these four companions he went before him to the fortress of the sons of Usnech, at Loch Etive. Now this is how the sons of Usnech were established: they had three large hunting huts; in the hut where they cooked they did not eat and in the hut where they ate they did not sleep. Fergus uttered a loud cry on arriving in the port, so that he was heard to the depths of the neighboring provinces. Now Noïsé and Derdriu were there, having between them the Pretty Head; (that was the name of the checkerboard of Conchobar), and they were playing checkers. Noïsé spoke: "I hear the cry of a Irish,” he said. Derdriu also heard the cry; she recognized it was Fergus' cry, but she did not tell Usnech's sons. Fergus uttered a second cry and Noïse continued: "I hear another cry, and it's the cry of an Irishman." "Certainly," said Derdriu, "there is no resemblance between the cry of an Irishman and that of a Scottish man." Fergus uttered a third cry, and the sons of Usnech recognized that it was Fergus's cry. So Noïsé told Ardan [his brother] to fetch Fergus.

Derdriu, who had recognized Fergus the moment he uttered his first cry, told Noise that she had recognized Fergus' first cry. "Why didn't you tell me, my wife," Noïsé replied. - "Because of a vision I had last night," replied Derdriu, "three birds were coming from Emain Macha towards us; they had three drops of honey in their beaks, they left us these three drops of honey and they took with them three drops of our blood. - "What do you think of this vision, my wife," asked Noise. - "Here it is," she said, "it is because Fergus comes to us from our native land with a message of peace, for honey is not sweeter than the message of peace; but as for the three drops of blood which the birds have taken from us, it is you three who will go with Fergus, and who will be betrayed. The three brothers were saddened by these words of Derdriu, however Noise told Ardan to go and look for Fergus [and his companions.]

Ardan went there and when he had joined them he gave them three friendly and affectionate kisses, then he led them to the fortress of the sons of Usnech where Noïsé and Derdriu were. Noïsé and Derdriu also gave three friendly and loving kisses to Fergus and his sons. Then they inquired about news from Ireland and especially Ulster. - "This is the best news we have," said Fergus, "Conchobar sent me to get you, I pledged and I pledged my guarantee, for I am still your loyal friend, and I gave my word. to keep my guarantee. "-" It is not fitting that you go there, "replied Derdriu," your sovereignty in Scotland is more extensive than Conchobar's sovereignty in Ireland. - "The native land is sweeter than any other good," replied Fergus; “Power and greatness are not pleasing to one who does not see his native land. "-" It is true, "replied Noïsé," Ireland is dearer to me than Scotland, although I may have more possessions in Scotland. - "My word and my guarantee are safe with you," said Fergus. - "Yes really, they are sure," replied Noise, "and we will go with you. But Derdriu did not consent to what they said there, she forbade them [to leave]. So Fergus himself gave them his word that if all the men of Ireland betray them, neither shield nor sword nor helmet could protect the men of Ireland, but that he would defeat them. - "You are telling the truth," replied Noïsé, "we will go with you to Emain Macha. "

[They left that night as soon as the first light of the evil one announced the day. So Noise and Fergus got up and sat in the boat; they went through the sea and the great ocean until they reached the fortress of Borrach son of Cainté. Derdriu glanced behind her towards Scotland: "Hello to you eastern land there," she said, "it is sad for me to leave the shores of your harbors and your bays, your plains of flowers. sweet, charming, amiable, your hills with green, shining slopes. She sang:

Very dear to my heart is the land of the East over there,
Scotland with its wonders.
I would not have left to come here,
If I hadn't accompanied Noïsé.

Kind Fidga Castle and Finn Castle,
Amiable the fortress which crowns them!
Friendly island of Draigen
Lovable also the castle of Suibné!

Cuan wood!
Where Annlé came, alas!
We found time to be short, me
And Noïsé, in the land of Scotland!

Laid Valley!
I slept under a beautiful rock; The fish, the venison and the fatty flesh of the badger
Were my part in the valley of Laid.

Masân Valley!
Up there was the garlic, white its fruit
We were sleeping a light sleep
On the lawn of the Gulf of Masân.

Vallée d'Etivé! It was there that I raised my first house.
Pretty is its wood as soon as the day breaks;
The Etivé valley is a park of the sun.

Urchân Valley!
Narrow valley, with beautiful hills!
No man of the same age was more proud
That Noise in the valley of Urchân.

Dâ-Rûad Valley!
Hello to any man who inherited you!
Sweet is the voice of the cuckoo on the bent branch,
On the peak above the Dâ-Rùad valley!

Beloved is Draigen at the hard shore!
Beloved its water on pure sand!
I would not have left the land of the East If I had not gone with the one who is very dear to me.

Very dear to my heart is the land of the East over there, etc.

Then they went to visit the fortress of Borrach in company of Derdriu, Borrach gave three kisses to the sons of Usnech; he welcomed Fergus and his sons. Then he spoke thus: "I have a feast for you, O Fergus!" He said, "and one of the magical defenses made to you is [first to decline invitations, then] to leave a feast before it is over." When Fergus heard Borrach, the red rose from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. It is wrong to ask my word to lead the sons of Usnech to Emain when they arrive in Ireland. "-" I am putting you under magical defenses "said Borrach; "They strike you with those magical defenses that true heroes cannot break, you cannot avoid taking part in my feast." "

"What should I do after this invitation?" Fergus asked Noise. - "You will do [whatever Borrach desires]" replied Derdriu, "if you want to abandon the sons of Usnech to take part in the feast; however, it is to buy a feast dearly to buy it by the abandonment of the sons of Usnech. "-" I will not abandon them, "replied Fergus," for I will send with them my two sons: Illann the Beautiful and Buinne the Rough Red up to Emain Macha. Besides, the sons of Usnech are guaranteed my word, ”Fergus added. - "Fergus' good intention is enough for us," said Noise, "because in the event of a battle or a duel, no one has ever defended us but ourselves. "

Noïsé left Borrach in anger; Derdriu followed him, with Annlé, Ardan and the two sons of Fergus, but it was not on Derdriu's advice that this resolution was taken; they left Fergus sad and worried. One thing Fergus was sure, however, was that if the five provinces of Ireland all got together and consulted with each other, they would not attempt to void the guarantee [he had given.]

As for the sons of Usnech, they went ahead of them by the shortest and most beautiful road. So Derdriu said to them, "I could give you some good advice, although it is not my best interest." "-" What is this advice, my wife? »Noïsé said. - “Let’s go tonight to the Isle of Cuilenni, between Ireland and Scotland, and stay there until Fergus has finished his feast; it's keeping Fergus' word and it's prolonging your life. - "These are insulting words for us," said Illann the Beautiful and Buinne the Rough Red. "It is impossible for us to endorse this advice," they added; "Even if you do not have the strength in your arms, with our support and the word that Fergus has given you you will not be betrayed." "-" A misfortune, "replied Derdriu," fell on us when Fergus after giving us his word left us to go to a feast. She was very sad and dismayed to have come to Ireland on Fergus' word. And then she sang verses:

"Woe has come with inane speech
Of Fergus, the foolish son of Roeg;
I will not console myself for it,
Alas! My heart is broken.

My heart, like a bloody clot of pain,
Is that night in great shame.
Alas! my good darlings!
They have come your last days! "

“Do not speak, O prompt Derdriu!
woman more beautiful than the sun!
Fergus will come, - back of courage! -
Towards us, and we will not be killed. "

“Alas! I am saddened for you,
charming sons of Usnech!
To have come from Scotland to the red deer,
Long and lasting will be your misfortune.

Woe has come with inane speech
Of Fergus, the foolish son of Roeg;
I will not console myself for it,
Alas! My heart is broken! "

After this song, they went before them to Finncharn de la Garde on Mount Fuat; Derdriu stayed behind them in the valley and then sleep took hold of her. They left her there without realizing it. Noïsé noticed her absence, immediately came back to fetch her, and arrived at the moment when she was awakening from her sleep: "Why did you stay here, O queen," Noïsé asked. - "I fell asleep in this place," replied Derdriu, "then I had a vision and a dream. "-" What is this dream? "-" I saw each of you without a head, Illann Find without a head, but Buinne the Rough Red with his head, and he was not helping us. Derdriu sang:

"Sad is the sight that dawned on me,
you four so beautiful and so pure!
Each of you without a head,
A man was not helping the other four. "

"Your mouth has only sung evil,
charming and brilliant woman!
Leave far from you, o thin and slow lip,
Mann's Sea Strangers Evil. "

"I would prefer the ailments of any other man,
- Said Derdriu speaking without darkness, -
May your sorrows, O you three so sweet,
With whom I visited the sea and the mainland.

I see Buinné with his head;
It is his life that will be the longest.
And see with his head Buinne the Rudely Red,
For me, this night is sad. "

Sad is the sight that dawned on me, etc.

After that, they went ahead of them to Ard-na-Sailech, now called Armagh. It was then that Derdriu said, “Sad is the thing I see now; it is your cloud, O Noise, which is in the air, and it is a cloud of blood; now, I could give you some advice, O son of Usnech! Added Derdriu. - "What is this advice, o queen," asked Noise. - "It is to go to Dundalk where Cuchulainn is and to stay there until Fergus arrives, or to go, under Cuchulainn's safeguard, to Emain." "-" We don't need to follow this advice, "Noïsé replied. Derdriu sang:

"Noise! look at your cloud
That I see there in the air;
I see the green on Emain
A large cloud of red blood.

Terror takes hold of me in front of this cloud
That I see there in the air;
It looks like a blood clot,
This frightening and transparent cloud.

I could give you some advice,
charming sons of Usnech!
Is not to go to Emain tonight,
When danger is upon your heads.

We will go to Dundalk first,
Where is Cuchulainn at the big address.
[To win Emain] tomorrow we will leave the south
Together with the skillful Cuchulainn. "

Noïsé answered in anger
To Derdriu the sage, with red cheeks;
"Since we have no fear,
We will not take your advice. "

"Rarely were we once,
royal grandson of Rugraidé!
Without agreeing,
You and me, O Noise!

The day you took me with you
A. through Assaroe at the oars,
You wouldn't have been against me
I tell you, O Noise!

O Noise! look at your cloud
That I see there in the air;
I see the green on Emain
A large cloud of red blood. "

After singing these stanzas, they went straight ahead, by the shortest route until they saw Emain Macha in front of them. to commit treason or fratricide on your persons. "-" What is this sign? »Noïsé said. - "If you are brought into the house where Conchobar and the Ulster nobles are, Conchobar must not hurt you." But if you are put in the Red Bough house, and if Conchobar stays in his Emain house, betrayal and dishonor threaten you. "

So they went before them to the door of Emain's house, and asked to be opened to them. The porter answered and asked who was there. "They are," they said to him, "the three sons of Usnech; they have with them the two sons of Fergus, and Derdriu. These words were reported to Conchobar; he had the troop of his servants and servants brought in, and he asked them if the house in Red Bough contained food and drink. They told him that if the five Ulster battalions went there, they could get their fill and drink there. - "If so," continued Conchobar, "let the sons of Usnech be led there. These words were reported to the sons of Usnech. Derdriu spoke thus: "Noise, one can say that already the misfortune struck you for not having followed my advice, let us leave and continue our journey. - "We will not do it," replied Illann the Beautiful, son of Fergus; "Really, O Derdriu, it is a great cowardice, a great cowardice that by your words you wanted to inspire us. We will go to the Rameau-Rouge house, ”he added. - "Yes of course, we will go," said Noïsé.

And they went straight to the house of Red Bough; a troop of servants and servants were sent thither with them, and they were served choice and well-prepared meats, sweet and intoxicating beverages, so that the whole troop of servants were drunk and singing joyously in their voices. But, let us note it well, the sons of Usnech took nothing, neither food nor drink, so great was the fatigue which their journey had caused them; in fact, they had not stopped or stayed anywhere from the moment they had left the fort of Borrach, son of Andert, until their arrival at Emain Macha. Then Noïsé said: "Bring us the Tete-Jolie (name of the Conchobar checkerboard), and we will play a game." The Tete-Jolie was brought in, they placed the coins there; Noïsé and Derdriu began to play together.

It was at this hour and at that moment that Conchobar said: - "Who among you warriors, would I take to inquire whether Derdriu has kept his beauty and his attractions." If she kept them, there are no daughters of Adam whose charms are superior to hers. "-" I will go myself, "replied Leborcham," and I will bring you news. Now, Leborcham had more affection for Noise than for any other man in the world; she had often gone through the provinces of the earth to seek Noise to give him news [from Ireland] and to bring back some from him.

So Leborcham went to the place where Noise and Derdriu were. Now, this is what they were doing: they had the checkerboard called Tete-Jolie between them and they were playing. Leborcham embraced the son of Usnech and Derdriu with friendship, ardor and cordiality; she shed streams of tears, such that her breast and throat were wet. At the end she spoke and said: "It is not good for you, O my dear children, if Conchobar has allowed you [to return to Ireland], this apparent advantage, so hardly granted, has put you in his to be able to. I have been sent to inquire about you, "added Leborcham," and to see if Derdriu has retained her beauty and her attractions. And I am saddened by the work that is done tonight in Emain, for it is a work of betrayal, dishonor and disloyalty to you, O dear friends, ”she continued; "But until the end of the world there will never be a better night for Emain than this!" "

And she sang:

My heart saddens at the shameful act
Who will be fulfilled tonight in Emain;
By the effect of this shameful act,
Emain will be filled with battles.

Three brothers, the best that exist under the sky,
- After their travels on solid earth! -
It's hard for me to know
That they will be killed because of a woman.

Noïsé and Ardan equally glorious,
Annlé with the white palm!
Betrayal will strike all three as quickly as possible;
There is only pain left for my heart.

My heart saddens at the shameful act
Who will be fulfilled tonight in Emain;
By the effect of this shameful act,
Emain will be filled with battles.

After that, Leborcham told Fergus' sons to close the doors and windows of the Redbough house. “If you are attacked,” she added, “victory and blessing over you! Defend yourself well, protect yourselves and may yourselves be protected by Fergus! Then she left, gloomy, sad, worried, to go find Conchobar, and Conchobar asked her for news. It was then that Leborcham replied: "I have bad news for you, and I have good news. " - " What are they? Said the King of Ulster. - "Here is the good news," said Leborcham: "The three men, the best by beauty and talent, by strength and boldness, by exploits, deeds and valor in Ireland, in Scotland, in the wide whole world, have come to you. Driving back the men of Ireland will be as easy as chasing a flock of birds before you, since the sons of Usnech will go with you. This is the good news that I bring to you. And here is the bad news I have: There is a woman whose beauty and attractions were the first in the world when she left Emain and when she left us; but this woman has lost her beauty and her attractions. "

When Conchobar heard these words, his jealousy and bitterness left him. With that, we drank a drink or two all around. And Conchobar asked again, "Who would want to go and find out if Derdriu has retained her good looks, her beauty and her attractions?" And he repeated his question three times before he got an answer. Then he spoke to Trèn-Dorn Dolann: “Trèn-Dorn,” said Conchobar, “do you know who killed your father? "-" I know, "replied Trèn-Dorn," that it was Noise, son of Usnech, who killed him. "-" If so, "continued Conchobar," go and see if Derdriu has retained her beauty and her attractions. "

And Trèn-Dorn departed; he arrived at the Rameau-Rouge palace; he found the doors and windows closed. Fear and terror seized him, and this is what he said: "There is no way to approach the sons of Usnech, for they are angry." Thereupon he found a window in the palace which was not closed, and he began to look through this window at Derdriu and Noïsé. Derdriu saw it, for she was turning her head quickly. She warns Noïsé. Noise looked in the direction Derdriu had looked, and he saw Trèn-Dorn's eye. Now, what was Noïsé doing? In his hand he held a pawn from the game of drafts, and he threw it in such a terribly dexterous fashion, that it reached Trén-Dorn's eye: the eye fell on Trèn-Dorn's cheek.

Trèn-Dorn went to find Conchobar; he only had one eye. He told the king the story from beginning to end: “Over there,” he added, “[at the Red Bough house], is a woman who is the first in the world for beauty, and Noïsé will be king of the world if we leave her to him. So Conchobar and the Ulates stood up. They surrounded the palace; they uttered many clamors and threw flaming embers against the palace. Derdriu and Fergus' two sons heard them and asked, "Who is under the walls of the palace?" - "Conchobar and the Ulates," replied the attackers. - "Is there a Fergus guarantee against them?" Cried Illann the handsome [Fergus' son]. - "By my faith," said Conchobar, "it is a shame for you and for the sons of Usnech that my wife is with you. "-" It is therefore true, "said Derdriu," that Fergus betrayed you, O Noise. "-" No, "replied Buinne the Rude [, son of Fergus], my father did not betray and we will not betray. Then Buinne the Rude went out; he killed three times fifty men without a single shock, he extinguished the flaming embers and put disorder in the troop with cries of last judgment. Conchobar said, "Who is causing this mess in my troops?" "-" It is I, Buinne the Rude, son of Fergus. "-" I will give you presents, "said Conchobar; “Abandons the children of Usnech. "-" What are these presents? Asked Buinne. - "One of the provinces of my kingdom," said Conchobar; "Moreover, you will be my friend and my advisor." - "I accept," said Buinne. And Buinne received these presents. However, it happened by a miracle of God, that that very night the province became a mountain [uncultivated]: it is called the Mountain of the Partage of Buinné.

Derdriu overheard these talks. - "By my faith," cried Derdriu, "Buinne has abandoned you, O son of Usnech; this son is worthy of Fergus, his father. "-" On my word, "replied Illann the handsome, Fergus' other son," I will not abandon you as long as this strong sword is in my hand. "And with that, Illann went out, walked around the palace three times quickly and killed three hundred Ulates outside, then went back into the house where Noïsé was, playing checkers with Anllé the violent. Illann circled around them and took a shot. He took a lighted lamp outside into the park and began to strike the troops of the Ulates; they no longer dared to approach the palace.

The young man who was there, Illann le Beau, son of Fergus, was a fine fellow. He had never refused anyone a valuable object or even great treasures, he had never received a salary from any king, and he had never accepted any precious object from anyone except his own. father.

Then Conchobar spoke: "Where is my son Fiacha?" Asked Conchobar. - "Here," Fiacha replied. - "By my faith, it is on the same night that you were born, you and Illann le Beau; he has his father's arms; take my weapons with you: [my shield called] the Beau-Doré, [my spear called] the Victorious, my javelin nicknamed the Fendu; also take my sword and use it valiantly. Then Illann and Fiacha approached each other; Fiacha came straight to Illann, and Illann asked Fiacha: "What does that mean, O Fiacha?" "-" I want a meeting and a fight with you, "said Fiacha. - "It's wrong what you're doing here," Illann replied, "because the sons of Usnech are under my safeguard. They attacked each other and engaged in a violent, heroic, daring, daring, swift fight. Illann had the advantage over Fiacha, Fiacha fell under his shield. Then the shield uttered a magical cry because of the greatness of the danger in which Fiacha was, and in response to this cry, the three main waves of Ireland uttered another magical cry (these waves were those of Clidna, Tuad and Rugraidé. ).

Conall the Triumphant, son of Amergin, was at this time in Dunseverick, and he heard like a thunderous rumble, it was the sound of the Rugraide wave. “In truth,” said Conall, “Conchobar is in peril, and it would be unfair not to come to his aid. And he took up his arms; he went straight to Emain; he found Fiacha, son of Conchobar, overthrown; the shield said Beau-Doré roared and howled… and the Ulates did not dare to help Fiacha. Conall came up to Illann passing behind him and pierced him with his sword (it was Conall's Culghlas) - "Who hit me?" Illann asked. - "It's me, Conall," replied the assailant. "And who are you?" - "I am Illann the Beautiful, son of Fergus," replied the injured man, "it is a bad deed that you have done there, for the sons of Usnech are under my safeguard. . "-" Is that true? "Asked Conall. -" Yes, it is. "

“Alas! miserable that I am, ”cried Conall; “But, on my word, Conchobar will not see his son again until he is dead, and that, thanks to me; it will be the reparation of the crime which by mistake I have just committed. And with that Conall, giving Fiacha the Beautiful a sword, tore his head from the body; then Conall walked away.

Then Illann, son of Fergus, felt the first symptoms of approaching death; he threw down his weapons inside the palace and told Noise to act bravely. “Conall the Triumphant,” he added, “inadvertently killed me. "

Then the Ulates surrounded the palace and threw flaming embers. Ardan went out, put out the fire, put to death three hundred men of the attacking army, and, after being outside for a long time, re-entered the house. At another hour of the night, Annle made an exit to defend the palace, and he killed an innumerable quantity of Ulates; the Ulates moved away from the palace, having suffered great losses.

Then Conchobar began to raise the courage of his army. But finally Noïsé made an exit; and we cannot enumerate those who fell under his blows. In the morning, the Ulates offered the battle to Noïsé. And Noise alone routed them for three hours. Thereupon, Derdriu came to him and said to him: "He is victorious, the fight which" you and your two brothers have fought. Continue to fight valiantly. But you had a bad thought when you gave your trust to Conchobar and the Ulates, and it's sad that you didn't do what I told you to do. So the sons of Usnech made a rampart of their shields, the edges of which they pressed against each other. They placed Derdriu between them; the three of them turned their faces to the enemy army and killed three hundred men.

So Conchobar went to the house of the druid Cathba, and spoke to him thus: "Cathba," he said, "stop the children of Usnech and make druidic conjurations against them, for they will destroy this province forever, if this time, despite the efforts of the Ulates, they escape them. I give you my word that there will be no danger for the sons of Usnech to fear from me. Cathba believed these words of Conchobar; he came to put a spell on the sons of Usnech; he uttered druidic incantations against them. He caused a sea to come with great waves along the plain before the sons of Usnech, and he set the men of Ulster on dry land two feet behind them. It was very sad to see the children of Usnech overcome by the great sea. Noise took Derdriu on his shoulder to prevent her from being drowned.

Then Conchobar asked for a man who wanted to kill the sons of Usnech, and all the men of Ulster refused to kill them, for there was not a man in Ulster who had not been in the pay of Noise. But at Conchobar's was a young man named Mané à la Main rouge, son of the King of Norway, whose father and two brothers Noïsé had killed. He said that, to avenge this murder, he himself would behead the sons of Usnech. - "If it is so," said Ardan, "kill me first, for it is I who am younger than my brothers. "-" That is not what must be done, "resumed Annlé," but it is I who must be killed first. "-" It is not justice, "replied Noise. "But I have a sword that Manannan, son of the Ocean gave me, and which never misses its mark. Let all three of us be struck with this sword at the same time, so that none of us may see his brother beheaded. Then these three noble men craned their necks on a single block; Mané gave them a blow with his sword, and immediately detached their three heads from the trunk at the same time. Each of the Ulates, seeing this deplorable death, uttered three long cries of pain.

As for Derdriu, while each looked after their neighbor, she walked through Emain Park, going right to left and man to man, until she met Cuchulainn. She put herself under his safeguard, she told him, from beginning to end, the story of the sons of Usnech, and how they had been betrayed. - "This news saddens me," said Cuchulainn, "and do you know who killed them? - "This is Mané à la Hand rouge, the son of the King of Norway," she said.

Cuchulainn and Derdriu went to where the children of Usnech were. Derdriu untied his hair; she began to drink the blood of Noise; her cheeks took on the color of hot coals, and she sang these verses:

Great outrage are these crimes accomplished in Emain,
Shame on those who committed them!
Having killed the loyal children of Usnech,
These supporters of the honor of Ireland!

Ardan, with blond hair,
Deserved to be Supreme King of Ireland;
Ireland and Scotland do not fear
To compare Annlé to him.

The whole world, from sunset to sunrise,
Noise with great strength,
Would have belonged to you entirely, without lying,
If you had not been inflicted on you the supreme outrage.

Let them bury me in his grave!
Let them cover my bed with stones!
It's to watch them that I die,
Since we inflicted this great outrage on them.

Great outrage are these crimes accomplished in Emain,
Shame on those who committed them!
Having killed the loyal children of Usnech,
These supporters of the honor of Ireland!

After this song, Derdriu said: “Let me kiss my husband. »Then she began to kiss Noise and drink his blood, finally she sang the following poem:

Long would be the day without the sons of Usnech,
It was so sweet for me to be in their company!
They were the sons of a king who was generous to foreigners,
Those three lions of the cavernous hill!

Three dragons from Dun Monaidh!
Three heroes of Red Palm!
When they die I cannot survive.
Three men who repelled any assault!

Three men loved by the women of Brittany,
Three falcons from Mount Cullion,
Son of a king with valiant servants
To which the warriors paid homage!

Three heroes who were not made to pay homage;
It is their death that causes my pain.
Three sons of Cathba's daughter,
Three supporters of Cualngé's troop!

Three vigorous bears;
Three lions from Una Castle,
Three heroes who loved glory,
Three beloved sons of the Ulates!

Three men brought up by Aïffé,
Who had a province under his rule!
Three pillars of the fight,
Three Scathach Infants!

Three men raised by Bogmain,
And who knew all the tricks of skill!
Three famous sons of Usnech!
It is very painful to be deprived of them.

Me, live after Noïsé!
Let no one in the world suppose it!
After Ardan and Annlé,
My life will not be long.

The Supreme King of Ulster, my first husband,
I abandoned him for the love of Noïsé;
Short will be my life after them;
I will pay them the funeral honors.

After them I will not stay alive.
Three men who took part in all battles!
Three men so good at taking the pain!
Three heroes who never refused the fight!

Curse on you, O Druid Cathba,
Who killed Noïsé because of a woman!
It is unfortunate that he had no one to help him,
He is the only king who would have satisfied the world.

O man who digs the grave.
And who separate my beloved from me,
Don't make the pit too narrow,
I will stand next to these noble warriors.

[I would endure the greatest pain
Beside these three heroes;
I would endure being without a house, without a fire,
And I wouldn't be sad about it.

Their three shields and their javelins
Used me as a bed very often.
Place their three strong swords
Above the grave, O servant!

Their three dogs and their three hawks
Will now be without hunters,
Without the three men who supported all the fights,
Without the three students of Conall the Triumphant.

The sight of the three leashes of these three dogs
Drew sighs from my chest;
I was in charge of their care,
And their sight is a cause of pain to me.]

I've never been alone before
This day when your grave is being dug;
Although often I have been
With you in a desert.

A sigh escaped from my chest
At the sight of Noïsé's tomb;
Soon life will abandon me
Since they are no longer the ones I cry.

It was because of me that they were betrayed
And what three great waves rose up against them!
It's sad that I haven't been in the dirt
Before the murder of the Usnech children.

Sad was my trip with Fergus
Until the betrayal of Rameau-Rouge.
With his sweet words,
He lost me along with them.

I fled the delights of Ulster,
The crowd of heroes and friends;
Now that I'm left alone after the sons of Usnech,
My life will not be long.

Long would be the day without the sons of Usnech,
It was so sweet for me to be in their company!
They were the sons of a king who was generous to foreigners,
Those three lions of the cavernous hill!

So Derdriu lay down in the grave; she had given Noïsé three kisses before going down into the pit. Cuchulainn returned to Dundalk, full of sadness and pain. Then the druid Cathba curses Emain Macha, to avenge this great crime: he says that after this treason, neither Conchobar, nor any other of his race would ever occupy this city.

As for Fergus, son of Ross the Red, he arrived at Emain Macha, the day after the murder of the children of Usnech. He saw that they had been killed, despite the safeguard he had given. Then Fergus, Cormac Conloïngès, son of Conchobar, and Dubthach Daelultach, with their troops, give battle to the people of Conchobar. Mané, son of Conchobar, fell under their blows and three hundred of the people of Conchobar with him. Emain Macha is burnt and destroyed; the women of Conchobar are killed by them.

This is the number of their army: three thousand warriors. From there they proceeded to Connaught, to Ailill the Great, who was king of Connaught, and to Medb of Cruachan, where they found welcome and security.

When Fergus and Cormac Conloïngès with their warriors had reached Connaught, they did not pass a night without sending marauders to destroy and burn Ulster…, so that the district of Cualngé was subjected by them, event which was the cause of many damage and looting between the two provinces. And this war lasted seven years or, according to some others, ten years, without there being a truce, even of an hour, between the two parties.

It was during this time that Fergus had intercourse with Medb and made her pregnant; she gave birth to him three twin sons: Ciar, Corc and Conmac, as the poet says in a stanza:

Medb grew fat in Cruachan the beautiful,
Works by Fergus without reproach;
She gave birth to three flawless sons:
Ciar, Core and Conmac.

It is from this Ciar that Ciarraige [or Kerry], in Munster, takes its name, and it is to his race that 0 ′ Conchubair Ciarraig belongs. From Corc comes 0 ′ Conchubair Chorcomruadh. And from Conmac come all the Conmaicne who are in Connaught. And whoever reads the poem beginning with the words, "Race of Fergus, race superior to all," will see clearly what great superiority these three sons of Medb had achieved in Connaught and Munster. The proof is also in the names of places of these two provinces which come from them.

Fergus and the Black Exiles, that is, the army of strangers who had accompanied him to Connaught, long continued to mistreat and destroy the Ulates to avenge the death of the sons of Usnech. For their part, the Ulates also began to retaliate against them and the men of Connaught, after the removal of the cows that Fergus had taken from them: the ruins and the damage caused on both sides were in so great number that it is tedious to read the books written on this subject.

As for Derdriu, as this war rolled on, she stayed with Conchobar for a whole year after the murder of Usnech's children. And though it was little for her to lift her head or put a smile on his lips, she never did in all this time. Seeing that neither play nor gentleness produced any effect on her and that neither jokes nor exhortations raised her courage, Conchobar sent for Eogan, son of Durthacht, prince of Farney; however, some historians report that it was this Eogan who had killed Noïsé at Emain Macha. And when Eogan was in Conchobar's presence, Conchobar told Derdriu that since he had not been able to get her out of her grief, Eogan would replace him with her. Thereupon, they put her in the chariot behind Eogan: Conchobar had come to give her to Eogan. As the chariot moved forward, she glared at Eogan, who was in front of her, then at Conchobar, who was behind her, for there weren't two men in the world that she hated more than these two. . But when Conchobar saw her throw glances at him and at Eogan, he said jokingly: "Derdriu, it is the look of a sheep between two rams, the look that you throw at us at Eogan and at me." When Derdriu heard these insulting words, she shuddered, jumped out of the chariot, hit her head on the rocks in front of her, and broke her head, so that immediately her brains burst out. This is how Derdriu died.