The poem in praise of Šeiḫ 'Adî

the Book black Yazidi (here the poem in praise of Šeiḫ 'Adî) is one of two books written in the style of a sacred book of Yazidis in their native language Kurmanji (northern Kurdish), the other being the Yezidi Book of Revelations (or Revelation).


The poem in praise of Šeiḫ 'Adî

may peace be on him

My understanding surrounds the truth of things,
And my truth is mixed in me,
And the truth of my progeny is self-exposed,
And when we found out, it was totally in me.
And everything in the universe is beneath me,
And all the habitable and deserted parts,
And all that is created is under me,
And I am the dominating power that precedes all that exists.
And I'm the one who spoke a true word,
And I am the righteous judge and ruler of the earth.
And I am he whom men adore in my glory,
Come to me and kiss my feet.
And I am he who spread their height on the heavens.
And I'm the one who cried in the beginning.
And I am the one who reveals all things by myself,
And I'm the one to whom came the book of good tidings
From my Lord, who burns the mountains.
And I'm the one to whom all created men come
In obedience to kiss my feet.
I produce fruits of the first juice of the first youth
By my presence, and turn to me, ray disciples.
And before this light the darkness of the morning dissipated.
I guide those who seek advice.
I am the one who made Adam dwell in heaven
And Nimrod to inhabit a burning fire.
And I am the one who guided Ahmed the righteous,
And let him come my way and my way.
And I am the one to whom all creatures
Come for my good ends and my gifts.
And I am the one who has visited all the heights,
And kindness and charity proceed from my mercy.
And I'm the one who made all hearts fear
My purpose, and they magnify the majesty and power of my horror.
And I'm the one to whom the destructive lion came
Raging, and I yelled at him. and he became stone.
And I'm the one the serpent came to,
And by my will I made it dust.
And I'm the one who hit the rock and made it shake,
And causes the sweetest of waters to spring from its sides.
And I am the one who sent down the certain truth;
For me is the book that comforts the oppressed.
And I am he who judged righteously,
And when I judged it was my right
And I am the one who made the springs to give water,
Sweeter and more agreeable than all waters.
And it was I who made it appear in my mercy,
And by my power I called him pure.
And I am he to whom the Lord of heaven said:
You are the just judge and Ruler of the earth.
And I'm the one who revealed some of my wonders,
And some of my virtues are manifested in what exists.
And I'm the one who made the mountains bend,
Move under me and as I please.
And I am he before whose majesty the wild beasts cried;
They turned to me worshiping and kissed my feet.
And I am 'Adî aš-Šâmî, the son of Musâfir.
Verily the All-Merciful has assigned names to me,
The heavenly throne, and the seat, and the (seven) heavens, and the earth.
In the secret of my knowledge, there is no other God than me.
These things are subject to my power.
O my enemies, why do you deny me?
O men, do not deny me, but submit yourselves.
On the day of judgment, you will be happy to meet me.
Who dies in my love, I will throw it away
In the midst of Paradise, by my will and my pleasure;
But the one who dies without caring about me
Will be tormented in misery and affliction.
I say that I am the only one and the exalted;
I create and enrich those I want.
Praise him myself, for all is by my will,
And the universe is enlightened by some of my gifts.
I am the king who magnifies himself,
And all the riches of creation are at my auction.
I have made known to you, O people, some of my ways.
Who desires me must abandon the world.
And I can also say the true saying,
And the upper garden is for those who give me pleasure.
I sought the truth and I became a confirming truth;
And by the same truth, they will occupy, like me, the highest place.