Nasa Paez spirits

Here is the list of Nasa-Paez spirits from their cosmology.

Nasa-Paez spirits

Ekthe' (Cpi'sh Where Eakathe) Knowledge of space. The Thunder It allows certain individuals to become The'Wala, that is to say traditional doctors. He can become angry and manifest himself through thunder and lightning but he is also calmed by offerings and ritual practices.
You yase Designator of the Earth It establishes the names of people. He is the protector of the territory Nasa, it is responsible for protecting the skin and the clothing that covers the earth.
Weet'ahn The one who leaves sickness in the past
Kl'umn Duende / pixie It takes the form of wind or clouds. It inhabits sacred places, wild or uncultivated, playing a very important role in economic relations guaranteeing respect for community reciprocity between men and towards the environment.
Daat'i Social controller. Guardian of the mountains. Protector of the forest, mountains and páramos. It is he who is responsible for protecting those who inhabit the forest. It is from him that authorization is requested to collect wood, hunt and fish.
Sec or Tay Sun He gives life and protects the Nasa people.
A'te Moon It is associated with cold energy in relation to agricultural cycles. The stars and constellations are her first daughters that she had with the sun.
Wejya or Weh'a Wind
Owner of the atmosphere.
If' Spirit of transformation.
Pxthus or Cytũus Rainbow It lives in waterholes, ponds and even marshy areas. Pxthus becomes angry when "one does not ask permission to use the water, when one cuts down the forest around its source, when one passes through the eyes of water with dead earth or when the woman has her menstruation”.

The list of Nasa-Paez spirits is not exhaustive.