The rich man's tale

The tales of Thought contain the following tales: Tale of love, The jar of gold, The princess of the waters, The property of others, The hat which makes invisible, The tale of the rich man, The king and the barber , The Man and the Devil, The Shirt Adorned with Diamonds, Aslanzate and Zanpolate, The Girl in the Trunk, Brother Lamb, Fear, The Lare Domestic, Laugh Well Who Laughs Last, Talou Orlan, Topal, The Revealing Kite, The Hunter Ahmad, The Dervish and the Daughters, The King's Daughter of China, Pomegranate, Nerso

The Rich Man's Tale

Haro-Karo was a rich man, very rich and very good. He had three sons, two daughters and a wife. The devil was staying away from that man. Haro-Karo ate his fill, his wife fed the children.

One day when he was going to the fields, he saw some urchins who had caught a little snake and were hitting it with stones, torturing it with sticks. His heart sinks, he gives ten sous to each child, he frees the snake, which runs away and goes away.

Le lendemain, deux hommes viennent chez lui et disent :

Notre roi t’appelle, viens, partons !

Sa femme lui dit :

Mon homme, je sais qui t’appelle. S’il te dit :  » que veux-tu ?  » tu diras :  » que ma fortune reste la même, que je puisse manger à ma faim avec ma femme et mes enfants, je ne demande rien d’autre « .

The man leaves. A large gate opens in front of him, he sees the king seated on his throne.

The king said:

Good man, yesterday you saved my son from the hands that tortured him, ask what you want, I will give it to you.

 » Longue vie au roi, je ne veux rien. Que ma fortune reste la même, que je puisse manger avec ma femme et mes enfants ! « 

Ask me something else said the king, I cannot give you that, your goods and your fortune are my wife's domain, if she accepts, she will give them to you.

L’homme se rend auprès de l’épouse du roi. Elle dit :

Your goods and your fortune are in my power. I wouldn't trade him for a hundred sons.

Le fils du roi entend les paroles de sa mère, il s’écrie, en colère :

 " Je pars ! Je me perdrai, on me tuera ! Advienne que pourra ! « 

La mère, inquiète, l’appelle et lui dit :

 " Par amour pour toi, j’accepte que ton sauveur conserve ses biens et sa fortune, qu’il aille boire et manger avec sa femme et ses enfants, qu’ils s’habillent et se réjouissent ! « 

The man returns home, he benefits from his property and his fortune.

There is nothing more to add.