
Here is the so-called Partholon part of the Book of Invasions.




§30. Now Ireland was deserted thereafter, for a period of three hundred years, or three hundred and twelve, that's correct; until Partholon f. Will be f. Sru came there. He is the first who took Ireland after the Flood, one Tuesday, the fourteenth of the lunar season, at Inber Scene: because three times Ireland was taken at Inber Scene. From the descendants of Magog f. Iafeth was he: in the sixtieth year of the age of Abraham, Partholon conquered Ireland.

§31. Strong of four chiefs was Partholon: himself and his son Laiglinne, eponymous from Loch Laighlinne to Ui Mac Uais of Breg; Slanga and Rudraige, the two other sons of Partholon, eponymous of Sliab Slanga and Loch Rudraige. When Rudraige's tomb was dug, the lake sprang up above the earth.

§32. Partholon was seven years in Ireland before the first man of his people died, namely, Fea, eponymous of Mag Fea, for that is where he was buried, at Mag Fea.

§33. In the third year thereafter, the First Battle of Ireland, which Partholon won at Slemna of Mag Itha against Cichol the lame of Fomoiraig. They were men with one arm and one leg, who joined him in battle.

§34. There were seven lake gushes in Ireland during Partholon's time: Loch Laighlinne in Ui Mac Uais de Breg, Loch Cuan and Loch Rudraige in Ulster, Loch Dechet and Loch Mese and Loch Con in Connachta, and Loch Echtra in Airgíalla because Partholon does not found only three lakes and nine rivers in Ireland before him - Loch Fordremain in Sliab Mis de Mumu, Loch Lumnig on Tir Find, Loch Cera in Irrus; Aba Lifé, Lui, Muad, Slicech, Samer (where Ess Ruaid is located), Find, Modorn, Buas, and Banna between Lé and Ellé. Four years before Partholon's death, Brena's spurt to earth.

§35. Four plains were cleared by Partholon in Ireland: Mag Itha in Leinster, Mag Tuired in Connachta, Mag Li in Ui Mac Uais, Mag Ladrand in Dal nAraide. For Partholon found only one plain in Ireland before him, the Old Plain of Elta of Edar. This is why it is called the "Old Plain": never a branch of a branch of wood grew through it.

§36. And it is there that Partholon died, five thousand men and four thousand women, of a week of plague in the calends of May. One Monday the plague killed them all except one man - Tuan f. Starn f. Will be Partholon's nephew: and God shaped him in many forms, and this man survived alone from the time of Partholon until the time of Findian and Colum Cille. So he told them about the Conquests of Ireland from the time of Cessair, the first to conquer it, until then. And this is Tuan f. Cairell f. Muiredach Muinderg. From him the wise historian sang the following song -

You scholars of the Plain of beautiful and white Conn,
From the land of the men of Fal, as I tell,
What company, after the creation of the world,
First arrived in Ireland?
Ireland before the rapid flood,
As I count its eras, namely,
Pure white warriors have found her,
Including Cessair daughter of Bith.
Bith son of Noah with many troops,
Although he won thanks to a trench,
Died as in the war in Sliab Betha;
Ladra died in Ard Ladrann.
Fintan went on a journey of weakness,
His grave was found, it was a mark of ardor:
He was not hastily buried in the grave of a cemetery,
But in a tomb in Tul Tuinde.
In Dun na mBarc for a separation party
A journey beyond measure brought them
In the tumulus, near a fertile sea
Cessair died in Cul Cessrach.
Forty days barely, the thin one
And graceful troop arrived in his ship,
Before the sound of the Flood, they landed
At a point in the land of Ireland.
He went in search of truth, by the power
Of the King whom he used to adore;
Fintan, who was a messenger for the lords,
The mighty of the earth.
Three hundred years, I brag about it,
I speak through the kingdoms that I number,
The joke Ireland, I proclaim it against
Diviners, was deserted after the Flood.

Partholon the eminent came,
A royal course on the rowed sea:
His quartet of heroes, just and faithful -
Among them, Slanga the freed.
Slanga, Laiglinne the shining,
Solid, noble and strong was his canoe;
Such was his swift trio of leaders,
As well as the noble Rudraige.
Plains were cleared of their great wood,
Through him, to be closer to his dear children;
Mag Itha to the south, a hill of victory,
Mag Li of the ash trees, Mag Lathraind.
Seven lakes sprang up, but gauge them yourselves,
By the fame of their name,
Although you list them, they filled up,
In the enclave of the valleys of the island of Ireland in its time.
Loch Laiglinne, the daring Loch Cuan,
Loch de Rudraige, a lord without legislation.
Loch Techet, Loch Mesc abundant with mead,
Loch Con, Loch Echtra full of swans.
In Ireland of beautiful color,
As I tell every foundation,
On the fortress of Bith
He found no more than three lakes in front of him.
Three lakes, immense and without tide,
And nine rivers full of beauty:
Loch Fordremain, Loch Luimnig,
Findloch beyond the borders of Irrus.
The Lifé river, the Lee, let it be pointed out,
Let every druid who knows diana senga hums;
The story of Ireland's ancient rivers
Demonstrated the true height of the Flood.
Muad, Slicech, Samer, you gotta name them, Buas,
A stream with the same fame as a summit, Modorn,
Find with some kind of sword blade
Banna between Lee and Eille.
He died after the pride, with warriors,
Partholon, of the hundredfold troop:
They were slaughtered with their possessions,
Their treasures, on the Old Plain of Elta of Edar.
That's why it's the happy Old Plain
It was God the Creator who provoked it:
On his land that the estuary separated
There was neither root nor branch of a wood.
His grave is there according to men of truth,
Although he had no power among the saints:
Silent was his sleep under peaceful places
Which are not a place of pilgrimage for our scholars.
Three hundred years, although you know it,
In lands unknown to the exalted,
The troop remained, brilliantly melodious and lasting,
In the secular, noble Ireland.
Men, women, boys and girls,
In the calends of May, a great obstacle,
The plague for Partholon from Mag Breg
Was not an uninterrupted summer truce.
It was thirty thin years
That she remained empty in the face of the heroes,
After the death of his army in a week,
Troops on Mag Elta.
Let us worship the King of the Elements,
The good leader, the Fortress of our people,
Who owns every troop, every generation,
Who owns all head, all knowledge.
I am Ua Flaind, who spread the truths;
A retribution of kings he chose;
That all he says is a speech of grace,
May it be in keeping with holiness, you scholars!

§37. These are the four sons of Partholon who made the first division of Ireland at the beginning, Er, Orba, Fergna, Feron. There were four men, their namesakes, among the sons of Mil, but they were not the same. From Ath Cliath in Leinster to Ailech Neit, is the part of Er. From Ath Cliath to the island of Ard Nemid, is Orba's share. From Ailech to Ath Cliath in Medraige, is Feron's share. From this Ath Cliath to Ailech Neit, is Fergna's share. So it was in this way that they first divided Ireland.

§38. Partholon had four oxen, this was the first cattle in Ireland. Of his company was Brea, son of Senboth, who first made a home, a hearth with a cauldron, and a residence in Ireland. Of his company was Samailiath, who first consumed beer and stood surety in Ireland. Of his company was Beoir, who was the first to set up an inn in Ireland.

As the poet says,
Partholon, where did he come from in Ireland,
Do you believe?
The day he crossed the sea,
What was the land from which Partholon came?
He came from Sicily, from Greece,
A year-long journey, without shameless lies:
A month-long crossing from Greece to the west,
Towards Cappadocia.
From Cappadocia he traveled,
A three-day crossing for Gothia,
A month-long journey through white Gothie,
To Spain at the three points.
After that he reached Inis Fail,
To Ireland from Spain:
Monday, the tenth without blemish
An octad took Ireland.

He is the first man who took a wife
In the time of Partholon without a lie:
Fintan, who took a wife by battle -
Aifé, daughter of Partholon.
Partholon came out one day,
Visit its fertile land:
His wife and his laborer together
He left behind on the island.
As they were in his house,
Both, an incredible miracle,
She made advances to the faithful maneuver,
He made no advance to her.
As he did not respond quickly to the maneuver,
Stubborn against base intention,
She undressed in despair -
Impulsive action for a good woman!
The maneuver rose without uncertainty,
A fragile thing that humanity! -
And came a word without pleasure,
With Delgnat to share his bed.
Insolent was the farce for a pleasant maneuver
That Topa with harmonious muscles committed:
Go, a bad turn, a happiness without pleasure,
With Delgnat, to share his bed.

Partholon, who was a man of knowledge,
Had a barrel of the sweetest beer:
That no one could drink
Except by a pipe of red gold.
Thirst seizes them after the act,
Topa and Delgnat, according to the truth:
So that both their mouths drank
Their two gulps down the pipe.
When they did, a couple without remorse,
A very great thirst came upon them;
Soon they drank the shining refreshment,
Through the golden pipe.
Partholon came outside,
After running the uninhabited countryside:
They brought him, it was a slight stir,
His barrel and his pipe.
When he took the right pipe,
He perceived it immediately,
The taste of Topa's mouth so far,
And the taste of Delgnat's mouth.
A black, surly demon revealed
The bad, wrong and unpleasant action:
"This is the taste of Topa's mouth" he said,
"And the taste of Delmat's mouth"
So said the loyal son of Sera,
The man called Partholon:
"As short was the time we spent outside,
We have the right to complain about you. "
The man hit the woman's dog
It had no effect - he killed the dog,
It was a very fragile treasure;
So this is Ireland's first jealousy.
Delgnat replied to her husband:
"The fault is not on us,
As bitter as my words are,
Really, but it's on you.
Although you think my words are bad,
Partholon, his right will be mine:
I am one on one here,
I'm innocent, compensation is owed to me

Honey with a woman, milk with a cat,
Food with the generous, meat with a child,
An interior craftsman and a sharp tool
One on one is a big risk.
The woman will taste the thick honey,
The cat will drink the milk,
The generous will give pure food,
The child will eat the meat.
The craftsman will grab the tool,
One and one will go together:
That's why it's fair to keep them
Good from the start.
This is the first known adultery
Who was originally committed here:
Partholon's wife, a man of rank,
Alley with a badly born maneuver.

He pursued the henchman
And killed him angrily:
No help from God came to him
To prevent homicide.
The place where it was done,
After its occurrence certainly,
Great was his sweetness
One day in the land of Inis Saimera.
And this, without deception,
Is the first judgment in Ireland, and from there,
By a very noble judgment,
Comes "the right of his wife against Partholon".
Seventeen years passed then
Until the death of this man;
The battle of Mag Itha fighting
Was one of Partholon's exploits.

Further on in Partholon's epic -
Good was the great troop
What did Partholon have;
Energetic young women and men,
Chefs and champions.
Totacht and Fort Tarba,
Eochar and Aithechbel,
Cuaille, Dorcha, Dam,
The Seven Master Plowmen of Partholon
Liac and Lecmag the colorful,
Imar and Etrigi,
The four oxen, a suitable group,
Who plowed the land of Partholon.
Beoir was the man's name,
With his nobles and his people,
Who accepted a guest into his solid house,
The first in the island of Ireland.
By this Brea son of Senboth
A house was the first, a cauldron on the fire;
A feat that the pleasant Gael did not desert,
A residence in Ireland.
By Samaliliath were known
Beer consumption and guarantee:
By him were brought later
Worship, prayer, questioning.
The three druids of Partholon of the ports,
Fiss, Eolas, Fochmarc:
The names of his three champions in addition,
Milchu, Meran, Muinechan.
The names of the ten noble daughters
That Partholon had,
And the names of his ten sons-in-law
I put them aside, it's a complete list.
Aife, Aine, the noble Adnad,
Macha, Mucha, Melepard,
Glas and Grenach,
Auach and Achanach.
Aidbli, Bomnad and Ban,
Caertin, Echtach, Athchosan,
Lucraid, Ligair, Lugaid the warrior,
Gerber, who was not speaking in vain.
Beothach, Iarbonel, Fergus,
Art, Corb, who followed without sin,
Sobairche, the energetic Dobairche,
Were the five chiefs of Nemed, of good strength.
Bacorb Ladra, who was a renowned sage,
He was Partholon's scientist;
He is the first man, without uncertainty,
Who offered hospitality at first.

Where they plowed in the west is in Dun Finntain,
Although it was very far:
And they grazed the resting grass
East of Mag Sanais.
Bibal and Babal the white,
Were two Partholon merchants:
Bibal brought the gold here,
Babal brought in the cattle.
The first building in Ireland, without difficulty,
Was made by Partholon:
The first brewing, the churning, the beer, a graceful journey,
In the beginning, in good and noble Ireland.
Rimad was the farm laborer in the back,
Tairle the head general plowman;
Fodbach was the ploughshare, it's not a fiction,
And Fetain the coulter.
Broken was the man's name, it was perfect,
Who was the first to foment secret scandals:
It was destroyed and scattered, which was not bad.
Partholon thought it was good.

So this is the news of Ireland's first capture after the Flood.