Saint Nino

The adoption of Christianity in Georgia is linked to Saint Nino. She was from Cappadocia and her father, Zabilon, was a Roman military commander.



Saint Nino

Nino's parents devotedly believed in Christianity to the point where, when Nino reached 12 years old, they sold all their possessions, gave their money to the poor, and moved to Jerusalem. There, the young girl received her education thanks to old Nianfora. This lady often mentioned to Nino the existence of Iberia (present-day Georgia). At that time, the country was still pagan. The young girl, upon learning that Iberia was not Christian, began to pray day and night for her salvation.

One day, Nino had a dream in which the Virgin gave him a cross woven from the vine, and called him to go to Georgia to preach Christianity. Nino went on a journey and arrived in Mtskheta (the ancient capital of Georgia), where she was taken in by the family of the king's gardener. Nino began to preach Christianity, and many began to follow her. After a while, Queen Nana fell ill and Nino prayed for her. Following this prayer, Queen Nana healed.

Despite the healing of his wife, the king ofIberia ancient, Mirian, did not want to renounce paganism and accept Christianity. However, one day, while the king was hunting, he was struck by lightning and immediately became blind. Following this event, he promised to accept Christianity if he regained his sight thanks to Nino. And as expected, Nino prayed and Nino healed the king who declared Christianity as the state religion in Georgia in the year 337. Nino not only healed kings, but she knew through her prayers where the Holy Tunic was hidden of Jesus, who was transmitted from Jerusalem and buried in Mtskheta.

This is exactly where the first Christian church in Georgia was built, today's Svetitskhoveli Cathedral.