The beautiful and lazy girl

There once was a mother who had a beautiful daughter. The mother always did a lot of work, but the daughter didn't want to do anything. She beat her so hard that she would sit on a flat stone and cry. One day the young gentleman from the castle was passing by. He asked him;
“What makes such a beautiful girl cry like that?”

The beautiful and lazy girl

The woman replied:
“She is too beautiful to work. »

The young gentleman asked if she knew how to sew.

She replied, “Yes, if she wanted she could make seven shirts in one day. »

The young gentleman was very much in love with the beautiful girl. He went home and brought back a piece of canvas and said to him:
“Here is enough to make seven shirts and if you finish them before such a date we will marry together.”

She remained pensive without doing anything, tears in her eyes.
Then an old woman came to her, she was a witch, and she said to her:
“What’s wrong with you to be so sad?” »

She replied: “Such and such a gentleman brought me seven shirts to sew, but I don’t know how to make them. I stay here, thinking. »

The old woman said to him:
“Do you know how to sew?
-I know how to thread the thread through the needle, (that's all). »

The woman said to him:
“I will make your shirts for the said date, if you remember my name in a year and a day. And she added: "If you don't remember, I will do with you what I want." Maria Kirikitoun, no one will remember my name. »

And she accepted. She made him all seven shirts in the allotted time. When the young man arrived, the shirts were done; it was with joy that he took the young girl and they were married.

But the beautiful young girl became more and more sad; although her husband threw big parties for her, she never laughed. One day they had a huge party. At that moment an old woman came to the door and asked the servant:
“Why do you give such big parties? »

She replied: “Our lady never laughs and Monsieur gives these great parties to cheer her up. »

The old woman replied:
“If she had seen what I heard today she would definitely laugh. »
The maid said to her: "Stay there, I'll tell her right away." »

The old woman was brought in and she told them that she had seen an old woman jumping from one side of a ditch to the other, saying all the time:
“Hupa! whoop! Maria Kirikitoun, no one will remember my name. »

When the young lady heard this, she immediately became happy and wrote down the name immediately. She rewarded the old woman well and she was very happy and when the other old woman came she knew her name.