Conte Cheyenne : Mouse Road

Les Cheyennes sont une nation amérindienne des Grandes Plaines, proches alliés des Arapahos et généralement alliés des Lakotas (Sioux). Ils sont l’une des plus célèbres et importantes tribus des Plaines. Voici leur conte : Mouse Road the Great Warrior (en).

Mouse Road the Great Warrior

Mouse Road the Great Warrior

When the battle was finally almost over, All of the Cheyenne brothers lay dead. But Mouse has fought with such
skill and courage the his Crow enemies sent a word bringer to his
to his rifle pit.

« We will not kill you, » they said, « for you are
a brave and honorable man, a worthy enemy. In you we see the same
traits we admire in our men. We will draw off now while you ride
away in peace. Go, brave one. »

« I will not thank you for you praise » Mouse replied,
« for your words are only truth and I have earned them. I also
trust your words. But, there around me lie my comrades, dead as
stones. I trained for war with them, learned the secrets of the
hunt with them and bounced their children on my knee. How will I
return to my village without them? »

« Why would I want to? Come and finish this sport. I am for you. »

And three more mouse enemies were sent under that day before the
last Cheyenne brave was slain.