ToggleMythologie Iroquoise

Ils se nomment eux-mêmes Haudenosaunee ( » peuple de la grande maison « ), cinq nations les composaient ; les Français les appelaient Iroquois, tandis que les Anglais les appelaient » Cinq Nations « . La mythologie iroquoise regroupe les peuples amérindiens suivants : Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, Tuscarora
Seneca « Onondowahgah » »Peuple de la Grande Colline. » Gardiens de la porte ouest.
Cayuga « Gayogoho:non » »Le peuple des grands marais »
Onondaga « Onoda’gega » »La ville des montagnes ». Gardiens du feu central.
Oneida « Onyota’a:ka » »Ville de la pierre sur pied »
Mohawk « Kahniakehake » »Le peuple de pierre ». Les gardiens de la porte est.
Tuscarora « cueilleurs de chanvre « ou » personnes portant des chemises «
Mythologie Iroquoise (textes)
- Ahneah The Rose Flower
- Ancient Clan System
- Battle With The Snakes
- Birch Bark Legends Of Niagara
- Boy Who Lived With the Bears
- Chipmunk And Bear
- Creation By Women
- De-Ka-Nah-Wi-Da and Hiawatha
- Dogs Who Saved their Master
- Four Iroquois Hunters
- Hannah The Rose Flower
- Hiawatha The Unifier
- Hodadenon: The Last One Left And The Chestnut Tree
- How Bear Lost His Tail
- How Buzzard Got His Feathers
- How Chipmunks Got Their Stripes
- How Rabbit And Owl Were Created
- How The Four Winds Were Named
- Jowiis And The Eagles
- Raccoon And The Crayfish
- Sayadio In The Land Of The Dead
- Skunny-Wundy And The Stone Giant
- The Boy Who Lived With Bears
- The Creation Story
- The Gifts Of The Little People
- The Girl Who Was Not Satisfied With Simple Things
- Hodadenon: The Last One Left and the Chestnut Tree
- How Bear Lost His Tail
- How Buzzard Got His Feathers
- How Fire Came to the Six Nations
- The Hungry Fox And The Boastful Suitor
- The Hunting Of The Great Bear
- The Huron-Iroquois Nations
- The Origin Of The Iroquois Nations
- The Peacemaker And The Tree Of Peace
- Rabbit and Fox
- Raccoon and the Crayfish
- Skunny-Wundy and the Stone Giant
- The Story of Okteondon or ‘The Workers of Evil’
- Turtle Makes War on Men
- Turtle’s Race With Bear
- The Two Daughters
- The Peace Queen
- Legend Of The Violet
- The Dogs Who Saved Their Master
- The Origin Of The Iroquois Nations
- The Wampum Bird
- The Wife Of The Thunderer
- Turtle Makes War On Men
- Turtle’s Race With Bear
- Wampum Bird
- Wife of the Thunderer
- Why The Owl Has Big Eyes
- Summer Conquers Winter
- Skagédi And The Man-Eater
- Géha Aids A Deserted Boy
- The Adventures of Wolf-Marked
- Okteondon and His Uncle, The Planter, or, Winter Delaying Spring
- A Battle Between Frost and Whirlwind
- Hótho Conquers Shagodyoweg Gowa
- Summer Kills Autumn and is Herself Killed by Winter
- Géha, The Friend of a Deserted Boy
- Whirlwind and Panther
- A Bird in Search of a Mate
- The Origin of Stories
- The Man-Eating Wife, the Little Old Woman and the Morning Star
- Two Young Men Who Went to ”The Blue”, Speaker and Definer
- The Trials and Death of Inchworm
- Gáqga´
- The Thunder Boy
- Grandfather and Grandson and an Eagle Woman
- The Great Spirit Overpowers the Cold and Frost of Winter, Stone Coats
- Man-Eater and his Brother Whirlwind
- Owl and his Jealous Wife
- Okteondon And His Uncle
- Tree Worm and his Mother-In-Law, Barkworm
- Cold and Frost, or Stone Coat Women
- The Ganyo Gowa
- Wolf and the Old Woman’s Grandson
- A Race Between Bear and Turtle
- The Grandmother and Grandson
- Bald Eagle Sends Mud-Turtle to the Edge of the World
- The Boy Who Learned the Songs of Birds
- The Coming of Spring or The Wadyonyondyes Girls
- The Creation of Men (Indians)
- The Buffalo Women
- The Ghost Woman
- Wíshakon and his Friend Visit the Pléthoak (Thunders)
- The Adventures Of Haníshéonon
- Stone Coat, Cold and Frost
- Rain Old Man and the Horned Snake (Lightning)
- Whirlwind and her Husband
- The Bird Medicine
- Hagowane and his Ten Sons
- Coon Deceives Crawfish
- The Deserted Boy
- Dagwanoenyent (Whirlwind)
- Hótho (Cold)
- Flying-Squirrel and the Seasons
- The Adventures of Yellowbird
- The Young Woman and Thunder
- Partridge and Turtle and their Cousins Wolves
- Thousand-Legs and Bright Body his Son
- A Young Man Rescued by a Toad
- A Man Pursued by his Uncle and by his Wife
- A Lazy Man
- Swan’s Daughters Marry Earthquake’s Son
- Hodadeion and his Sister
- A Little Boy and his Dog, Beautiful Ears
- Quail Kills Cold Weather and the Thunder Family
- Gáqga´ and Skagédi
- The Man-Eater and his Younger Brother
- The Rabbit Brothers
- Mink and his Uncle
- The Fox and Rabbit
- A Warrior Cared for by Wolves
- Dogs Save Their Master
- The Deserted Village
- War Between Senecas and Cherokees
- Turtle on the War-Path
- The Great Snake Battle
- The Hunter Who Became A Fish
- Two Seneca Women Escape From Cherokee Captivity
- A Dead Man Speaks Through Fire
- The Feast of the Whirlwinds
- Thunder Destroys Horned Snake
- The Friendship of an Otter
- How Chipmunks Got Their Stripes
- Child Fed and Cared for by a Porcupine and a Bear
- A Brother and Sister Pursued by a Man-Eater
- A Racoon Story
- The Moose Woman
- The Adventures Of Gányage Gowa
- Turkey’s Brother goes in Search of a Wife
- The Twelve Brothers and Their Uncle, Dagwanoenyent
- Uncle and Nephew
- A Man Chased by the Ancient of Lizards
- The Great Bear and the Six Hunters, or, The Seven Stars of the Dipper
- The Chipmunk and the Bear
- The Wren
- The Twelve Stars
- The Woman and Dog in the Moon
- A Man Conquers Stone Coat (Ice and Cold)
- A Battle Between Frost And Whirlwind
- A Bird In Search Of A Mate
- A Brother And Sister Pursued By A Man-Eater
- A Dead Man Speaks Through Fire
- A Little Boy And His Dog, Beautiful Ears
- A Lazy Man
- A Man Chased By The Ancient Of Lizards
- A Man Conquers Stone Coat
- A Man Pursued By His Uncle And By His Wife
- A Warrior Cared For By Wolves
- A Wife For Knowledge
- A Raccoon Story
- A Race Between Bear And Turtle
- A Young Man Rescued By A Toad
- Bald Eagle Sends Mud-Turtle To The Edge Of The World
- Bear’s Race With Turtle
- Child Fed And Cared For By A Porcupine And A Bear
- Cold And Frost, Or Stone Coat Women
- Coon Deceives Crawfish
- Dagwanoenyent (Whirlwind)
- Dogs Save Their Master
- Flying-Squirrel And The Seasons
- Gáqga´
- Gáqga´ And Skagédi
- Géha Aids A Deserted Boy
- Géha, The Friend Of A Deserted Boy
- Grandfather And Grandson And An Eagle Woman
- Godasiyo The Woman Chief
- Hagowane And His Ten Sons
- Hodadeion And His Sister
- Hótho (Cold)
- Hótho Conquers Shagodyoweg Gowa
- How Chipmunks Got Their Stripes – See Iroquois
- How The Conifers Show The Promise Of Spring
- Man-Eater And His Brother Whirlwind
- Mink And His Uncle
- Okteondon And His Uncle
- Okteondon And His Uncle, The Planter. Or, Winter Delaying Spring
- Owl And His Jealous Wife
- Partridge And Turtle And Their Cousins Wolves
- Quail Kills Cold Weather And The Thunder Family
- Rain Old Man And The Horned Snake (Lightning)
- Seek Your Father
- Skagédi And The Man-Eater
- Stone Coat, Cold And Frost
- Summer Conquers Winter
- Summer Kills Autumn And Is Herself Killed By Winter
- Swan’s Daughters Marry Earthquake’s Son
- The Adventures Of Gányage Gowa
- The Adventures Of Haníshéonon
- The Adventures Of Wolf-Marked
- The Adventures Of Yellowbird
- The Bird Medicine
- The Boy Who Learned The Songs Of Birds
- The Chipmunk And The Bear
- The Coming Of Spring Or The Wadyonyondyes Girls
- The Deserted Boy
- The Deserted Village
- The Feast Of The Whirlwinds
- The Fox And Rabbit
- The Friendship Of An Otter
- The Ganyo Gowa
- The Ghost Woman
- The Grandmother And Grandson
- The Great Bear And The Six Hunters. Or, The Seven Stars Of The Dipper
- The Great Snake Battle
- The Great Spirit Overpowers The Cold And Frost Of Winter, Stone Coats
- The Hunter Who Became A Fish
- The Man-Eater And His Younger Brother
- The Mischief Maker. A Tradition Of The Origin Of The Mythology Of The Senecas
- The Moose Woman
- The Origin Of Stories
- The Rabbit Brothers
- The Thunder Boy
- The Trials And Death Of Inchworm
- The Twelve Brothers and Their Uncle, Dagwanoenyent
- The Twelve Stars
- The Woman And Dog In The Moon
- The Woman Who Fell From The Sky
- The Wren
- The Young Woman And Thunder
- Thousand-Legs And Bright Body His Son
- Thunder Destroys Horned Snake
- Tree Worm And His Mother-In-Law, Barkworm
- Turkey’s Brother Goes In Search Of A Wife
- Turtle On The War-Path
- Two Seneca Women Escape From Cherokee Captivity
- Two Young Men Who Went To ”The Blue”, Speaker And Definer
- Uncle And Nephew
- War Between Senecas And Cherokees
- Whirlwind And Her Husband
- Whirlwind And Panther
- Wolf And The Old Woman’s Grandson
Livres sur la mythologie Iroquois
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