Atarrabi and the devil

Atarrabi, son of Mari, with his brother, Mikelatz, the youngest, both attended the devil's school, a cave. At the end of their schooling one of the schoolchildren was to remain forever in the service of the devil. They drew lots and it was his brother who fell to stay. However, he took pity on his brother, in fact the latter was tormented, he remained there, in his corner, as if he were already the slave of his infernal master.



The devil forced Atarrabi to sift the flour he had in his well-stocked reserves. It was endless work because bran, like flour, passed through the mesh.
The devil, who surely did not have excessive confidence in his disciple, continually asked him:

Atarrabi, nun aiz? (Where are you ?)
And Atarrabi had to answer:
Emen nago (I'm here)

Atarrabi learned through a sieve to answer himself: emen nago, whenever the devil asked his question. One day, the devil was far away in a corner of his den. Atarrabi began to walk out of this place backwards, as the sieve responded to the classic emen nago. No sooner had he stepped outside than the devil saw him. He took a leap, but too late: Atarrabi was already outside, beyond the reach of his master's jurisdiction. Only her shadow still stretched out in the cave, it was her that the devil captured.

Atarrabi became a priest.
He was deprived of shade, the devil had taken it from him. This shadow only joined him during mass, at the time of the consecration.
However, deprived of shade, it was not possible for him to be saved. It was therefore necessary that he die at this precise moment of the consecration.
Feeling already old and seeing his near death, one day he asked his sacristan to kill him during mass the next day, at the time of the consecration.

The sacristan promised to satisfy his desire and so he came to church armed with a stick, determined to keep his word. But, when the time came, he had no desire to shoot him down on Atarrabi. It was the same the next day. On the third day he killed him.

Atarrabi had asked his sacristan to put him, after his death, on a rock near the church, and to observe the type of bird that would carry his body. If it was wood pigeons it was the signal that Atarrabi had been saved; on the other hand, if they were crows, it was because he had been condemned.

The sacristan did according to his master's desire and he soon saw a flight of wood pigeons which carried away the body of his parish priest.