Basque tales 19

Basque tales

Here are various tales Basque : the lord of Muntxaraz, the good and the bad, the Jentils of Leizadi

Basque tales

The Lord of Muntxaraz

A king of Navarre said:

"I will give my daughter in marriage to the one who will fight and overcome a black of my court".

The Lord of Muntxaraz came forward and triumphed over the dark. So he married the Infanta and the couple moved to his palace in Abadiano.

They had sons and daughters. The eldest was called Ibon and the last child was Marriuka. The first was going to inherit the house, that's why Marriuka hated him. She organized an excursion to Anboto with, among others, Ibon.

Up there they ate and Marriuka arranged for her older brother to be served plenty of wine. The latter was shot down by the drink and fell asleep in the countryside.

Helped by a maid, Marriuka grabbed him and threw him off the rocks. So died Ibon.
Marriuka returned to Muntxaraz and told her father that Ibon had died in Anboto, following a fall in the rocky massif. But his conscience accused him.

That night the ximelgorri or diabolical geniuses appeared in Muntxaraz. Marriuka disappeared. Since she lives in Anboto or Sarrimendi, it depends on the time.

When she goes to Oiz she is seen crossing the air like a jet of fire.

The good guys and the bad guys

Lightning one day fell on a village, and the good Saint Peter asked the Lord Jesus:
- "Lord, why did lightning fall on the good and the bad?" Why not just on the bad guys? ".

At the time, Jesus did not answer. But, further on, the Lord Jesus said to Saint Peter:
- "Pierre, take this swarm of bees."
- "We don't have a beehive, lord. "
-" Is equal; put it against your chest. "

Saint Peter therefore places the swarm against his chest, and immediately he begins to cry:
- "Ouch! they are all biting me! Ouch!…. "

A little further, then, the Lord Jesus:
- "Give me the bee swarm, that I make it enter the hive here"
- "Lord, but it is of course that I crushed them all!" "
-" Why ? "
- "Because they stung me." "
- "They stung? All? Why then crush them all, the good and the bad? ".

The Jentils of Leizadi

The Jentils, who lived in the cave of Leizadi, went down to the place called Aizgerriko to the houses Begiriztain and Ayorre.

By their songs they made people happy. Every day one of them went to see a shepherd who was standing in the lower cave of Leizadi, he asked him for milk. The shepherd gave him some until, tired of being so often bothered, he warmed the stone which served as the seat of the Jentil during the visits during which he drank milk.

When he came, he sat down as usual but had to get up quickly having burned his buttocks.
He left this place forever.