
A man named Cansab was taking honey from a tree. By dint of looking further and further, he fell into the hole in the tree. He lands in a cave where Shahmeran lived. She agreed to let him go on the condition that he didn't reveal anything he knew about her. He came back to earth and was silent.



One day the sultan fell ill. The doctors told him that the only remedy was Shahmeran's flesh. So they summoned all the men of the country and examined them to see which of them had scales on their backs, proof that he had met Shahmeran. Cansab was then recognized: he at first refused to say where Shahmeran's lair was, but, under torture, soon had to confess.

Shahmeran was found and brought to the palace, where she was cut up and fed to the Sultan and Cansab. After Şahmeran's death, Camsab went into mourning but remained inconsolable. Feeling guilty for the fate that had been reserved for the Queen of Serpents, Şahmaran, he decided to go to the cave where he had met her to ask the serpent people to punish him.

At the entrance to the cave, Camsab met The Old Serpent and explained his intention to him, but the sage asked him to desist: "If the serpent people learn of Şahmeran's death, it will be the end of mankind. Neither I nor you could stop the snakes, they would come out of the cave and wage war on the humans until their end came. Camsab then agreed to remain silent and left to greet the snakes. But before he resumed his journey, the wise old snake whispered to him, “Şahmeran sacrificed herself for you, her soul, her healing power and her knowledge will be in you.

Go, go on the paths, all nature, flowers, shrubs, plants, even the smallest grass will help you and give you their secrets. You will return these secrets to men by healing them. ". Became Lokman Hekim, (hekim means doctor), Camsab went on the roads to bring healing and, since that day, two snakes are the symbol of pharmacy and medicine.