
The tales of Thought contain the following tales: Tale of love, The jar of gold, The princess of the waters, The property of others, The hat which makes invisible, The tale of the rich man, The king and the barber , The Man and the Devil, The Shirt Adorned with Diamonds, Aslanzate and Zanpolate, The Girl in the Trunk, Brother Lamb, Fear, The Lare Domestic, Laugh Well Who Laughs Last, Talou Orlan, Topal, The Revealing Kite, The Hunter Ahmad, The Dervish and the Daughters, The King's Daughter of China, Pomegranate, Nerso




There was a very cunning king who sucked his people to the bone. When the state coffers were empty, he summoned his collectors and told them:

- Come on ! manage, bring me some money; and try to know the state of mind of the people!

The collectors went to people's homes, collected royalties and returned to the palace loaded with gold and silver which they deposited before the king. The king asked them:

 » What mood are the people in? “ 

The collectors responded:

 “Sire, your subjects are very sad and dejected.”

  • No importance. We don't trust it; they have a lot of money, even if they are sad and dejected, go and bring me some money!

But one day, the king learns that the people are singing and dancing. Young and old, young and old, everyone celebrates day and night; they eat, drink, have fun, play the trumpet and the drum.

 » Ah! said the king, now I see that the people are completely ratified. Collectors, stop taking samples!

But make sure that no misfortune happens to us!…