Basque tales 2

Basque tales

Here are various tales Basque : Anxo and the cowherds, God sees everything, The master marshal

Basque tales

Anxo and the cowherds

After eating, the cowherds from the village of Ezterenzubi left a piece of bread for Anxo, the genius of the region. They came every night, once the cowherds were asleep. On one occasion, only one of them, the youngest, left him his share of bread, the others left him nothing. Anxo took the clothes of those who had not left the offering.

The young man's comrades asked him to go see Anxo in his cave and claim the clothes he had stolen from him. As a reward for this service, they promised him a heifer.

The young man introduced himself to Anxo and asked him for the clothes. Anxo gave them to him, asking him to give the heifer 101 hits with a stick. What the cowherd did, and the heifer gave him a herd of 101 head of cows.

God sees everything

One day Jesus was walking and Saint Peter followed him, carrying a loaf under his arm. As they passed by a pond, the frogs began to sing in their own way.

Saint Peter says:
- "It seems that these frogs are hungry.
- "Yes, give them the bread you are carrying," answered Jesus.

But Peter, instead of bread, threw a stone into the pool, and the frogs were silent. A little further on, Jesus said to Saint Peter:
- "Let's stop here, so that you comb my hair".

Pierre obeyed, then suddenly, seized with terror, he cried:
- "Lord! what is this? You have an eye on the occiput ”.
- " Without a doubt. With that eye I saw that earlier, instead of bread, you threw a stone in the frog pond ”.

The master marshal

A blacksmith had this sign painted above his door: HABITE LE MAITRE MARECHAL

Jesus passing by there one day, saw the sign and entered the forge.
- "Master," said Jesus, "I am a humble blacksmith, eager to profit from your knowledge. So allow me to shoe one of the horses which is waiting their turn at the door ”.

- "Try your skills on this one, which is not convenient," said the blacksmith.
Jesus went to the vicious horse, cut off one of its feet, put his foot in the vise, and quietly shut it down. When he was done, he loosened the foot and put it back in place.

And he did the same for each foot without the horse making resistance. Having thus operated, he left the forge. The marshal, amazed, had not said a word. But Jesus was hardly in the street when the Marshal set about taking advantage of the lesson. He goes to the first unshod horse, cuts off its foot, clamps it in the vise, then tries to glue it back to the leg. He could not come to the end, the foot did not want to hold and the horse was losing all its blood.

- " Master ! master ! cried the marshal, I was wrong, come to my aid ”.
Jesus retraced his steps, readjusted the foot to the bleeding leg and said to the marshal:
- "You would do well to remove the sign which is at your door".