Here is the story of the candlestick of Saint Savior. In the past, eight or nine hundred years ago, Mendive, it is said, only had the two houses of LOHIBARRIA and MIKELABERROA. One day, Lohibarria's valet went after some cows to Galharbeko-Potcha. While he was wandering here and there, in a cave he saw a wild lady. She had just polished the candlestick which is now in the chapel of Saint-Sauveur, and was busy combing her hair with a gold comb.
ToggleThe holy savior candlestick
The candlestick shone like the sun, and the servant asked the wild lady for it. The wild lady refused. But by dint of prayers and supplications, the valet finally obtained the beautiful candlestick, and he left. It did not take long for the wild lady to realize that the valet intended the candlestick for Saint-Sauveur. He is already heading towards the chapel. Screaming loudly, she sets off in pursuit.
At the same moment, the savage lord** appeared on a height. He ran, he jumped. The valet thought he was lost forever. Nevertheless, exhausted, he reached Saint-Sauveur and began to shout:
– “Saint-Sauveur, it’s for you that I have it! Please have pity on me! »
And now, of its own accord, the bell of Saint-Sauveur suddenly rings loudly. The wild lady and the wild lord stopped, frozen at the same moment. And the wild lord cried to the servant:
– “It helps you, I assure you, that this cursed cowbell has started ringing at full speed… But, be careful, the first time I find you sober! »
A few days later, the valet was again in the mountain; the day before he had threshed the wheat. Suddenly, at a bend in the path, the wild lord stands. Terrified, convinced that this time he's done with it, the valet scratches his head... And now, between his fingers, there are three or four grains of wheat, clinging to his hair since the day before... crack, he puts them in his mouth to break the fast... and the wild lord disappears never to reappear again.
But never again did the valet venture into the mountain on an empty stomach. Lohibarria's valet disposed of the candlestick, according to his promises. He took it to the church of Saint-Sauveur, and it can still be seen there today. But it is certainly not beautiful like it used to be! The Spanish having twice burned the chapel, it became completely black, and completely black it remained.
The inhabitants of Mendive then wanted to transport him to the village. But they were never able to descend it lower than the Haritzkurucheta pass (oak cross). On more than one occasion, they tried it, by harnessing two pairs of cows together. But it was in vain... And, since then, he is still up there, in the Saint-Sauveur chapel, and he will always stay.
*this is the basa jauna, the wife of the basa jaun see below)
** Basa Jaun (a half-man, half-animal being covered in hair)