Marie-Morgane and the city of Is

When the sea was calm, the holy man Guénolé, served by old Gradlon, wanted to say a mass for the salvation of the submerged city. As he raised the chalice, sparkling waters arose, the white torso of a girl with copper hair, one arm raised in the sky. A heavy tail of blue scales terminated its body. It was Ahès-Dahut, now Marie-Morgane.

Ahès-Dahut la Marie-Morgane

Ahès-Dahut la Marie-Morgane

Guénolé's hand trembled so strongly that the precious chalice escaped him and broke on the rocks. Mass was not consumed, Is remains cursed and Morgana mermaid. Each time Ahès shows up, a terrible storm is very close to bursting.

One day, the skipper Porzmoger had his boat anchored in the bay. When he wanted to raise the anchor, he could not manage to unhook it. He undressed and let himself slide along the rope.

The anchor was hooked into the branches of a golden cross at the top of a church. Bells rattled, and he sank down the side of the tower. Through a window without stained glass, he entered an illuminated nave where a fervent crowd thronged, and leaning against the altar, a priest was waiting for Porzmoger.

The sacristan begging presented the sailor with a large dish piled up with gold coins with curious marks: "For the dear departed". Porzmoger did not have a farthing, he shook his shoulders, so the priest opened his arms and began to sing: "Dominum vobiscum". Then a great moan rose from the nave, where the assistants became livid corpses and white skeletons.

The princess came to the fisherman: "Couldn't you answer and cum spirit tuo, Porzmoger!" You would have saved us all. "

Instantly, he recognized Marie-Morgane, and knew that he was in Is. He only had time to go up by the rope of the bells and the anchor rope. No sooner had he severed the rope and hoisted the sail, than the fantastic storm of the siren was already digging the waves around him.

And the city of Is is still waiting for the redemption mass to end at last.