here is the book which is called Irish Bible History, or the Book of Invasions.
ToggleIrish biblical history
§1. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.
§2. He first created the shapeless mass, and the light of angels. He created the firmament. He created the lands and the seas. He created the Sun and the Moon and the stars in Heaven. He created the birds and the reptiles. He created beasts in general, and Adam to rule them. Then God rested from the fulfillment of his new Creation.
§3. He gave the regency of Heaven to Lucifer, with the nine orders of the Angels of Heaven. He gave the regency of Earth to Adam. Lucifer sinned, so that he was the head of a third of the Angels. The King confined him with a third of the Angels in his company, in Hell. And God said to the Enemy of Heaven: gathered in this place, let us confound their advice.
§4. Then Lucifer envied Adam, because he was sure that he would be entrusted with the regency of Heaven. So he came in the form of a serpent, and persuaded Eve to sin, by eating the apple of the forbidden tree. After that Adam was cast out of Paradise.
§5. Then the Lord came to them and said to Adam: From the earth he was created, and to the earth he will return. He will not get satisfaction without hard work. He also said to the woman: in sorrow you will father your sons and your daughters.
§6. Adam's offspring sinned, it was the work of the eldest son of Adam, Cain cursed him, who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and envy, with the bone of a camel, as men say. cultivated. Thus began the murders of the world.
§7. As for Seth, one of the three sons of Adam, from him were born all the men of the whole world. Noah son of Lamech f. Methuselah f. Enoch f. Iared f. Malalahel f. Cainan f. Enos f. Seth f. Adam. For it was Noah who was the second Adam, from whom all the men of the world were born. Because the Flood drowned the whole of the descendants of Adam, except Noah and his three sons, Shem, Ham, Iafeth, and their four wives Coba, Olla, Oliva, Olivana. Then when God brought the Flood to the whole world, no one escaped the Flood except the people of that ark - Noah and his three sons, and Noah's wife, the sons' wives.
So says the poet,
A crew that a winter death did not submit
Noah, there was no loophole in the hero,
A horror story was made clear with haste
Shem, Ham, and Iafeth.
Women without spot, of great excellence,
Beyond the Flood without extinction,
Coba, vigorous was the white swan,
Olla, Oliva, Olivana.
§8. So Shem settled in Asia, Ham in Africa, Iafeth in Europe. Shem settled in pleasant Asia; Ham and his offspring in Africa, the noble Iafeth and his sons, it was they who settled in Europe. Shem had thirty sons, including Arfaxad, Assur, and Persius. Ham had thirty sons, including Chus and Chanaan. Iafeth had fifteen sons, including Dannai, Gregus, Hispanius, Gomer. Or else Shem had twenty-seven sons.
Thirty beautiful sons, a brilliant fact,
They sprang from Ham, son of Noah
Twenty-seven of Shem,
And fifteen from Iafeth.
§9. Iafeth had the northern part of Asia - Asia Minor,Armenia, Media, the Peoples of Scythia – and from him descend the inhabitants of all Europe.
Grecus son of Iafeth, eponym of the Great Greece, Little Greece and Alexander's Greece. Espanus f. Iafeth, from whom the Hispani descend. Gomer son of Iafeth had two sons, Emoth and Ibath. Emoth, from him descend the people of the north of the world. Ibath had two sons, Bodb and Baath. Bodb, who had a son, Dohe. Elinus son of Dohe had three sons, Airmen, Negua, Isacon. As for Airmen, he had five sons, Gutus, Cebidus, Uiligothus, Burgundus, Longbardus. Negua had three sons, Saxus, Boarus, Uandalus. Isaacon, moreover, one of the three sons of Elenus, had four sons, Romanus, Francus, Britus, Albanus.
It was Albanus who first took Albania, with his children, and after him is named Alba: so that he led his brother across the sea of Icht, and from him descend the Albins of Lazio in Italy.
§10. Magog, son of Iafeth, of his descendants are the peoples who came into Ireland before the Goidels: namely Partholon f. will be f. Sru f. Esru f. Bimbend f. Aitech f. Magog f. Iafeth and Nemed f. Agnomain f. pamp f. Tat f. will be f. Sru, and the descendants of Nemed, the Gaileoin, the Fir Domnann, the Fir Bolg and the Tuatha Dé Danann.
So says the poet:
Magog, son of Iafeth, we are sure
From his offspring:
One of them was Partholon de Banba
Decent was his achievement.
One of them was the noble Nemed, son of Agnomain, unique;
Of them were Ghent and Genand, Sengand, the free Slaine.
The numerous descendants of Elada,
One of them was Bres, no lie, son of Elada.
Weapons expert, son of Delbáeth son of Net.
Son of Inda, f. Allda - who was Tat's son, f. Tabam f. of Enda, f. Baath, Ibath the pleasant. Son of Bethach f. Iardan f. Nemed grandson of Paimp: Pamp f. Tat f. Will be f. Sru f. Braiment the White. De Braiment f. Aithecht, f. Magog, of great renown: there happened in their time a combined apparition on a Plain.
§11. Baath, one of the two sons of Ibath f. Gomer f. Iafeth, of him are the Goidels and the people of Scythians. He had a son, the eminent and noble man whose name was Feinus Farsaid. It was he who was one of the sixty-two leaders who went to build the Tower of Nimrod, from which the tongues were dispersed. Also, Nimrod himself was the son of Cush f. Ham f. Noah. It was this Feinius who brought back to the Peoples the languages of the Tower, and it was he who had the great school, teaching the multiplicity of languages.
§12. But Feinius had two sons: Nenual, whom he left behind in the principality of Scythia; Nel, the other son, was born in La Tour. Now he was a master of all tongues; therefore they came on behalf of Pharaoh, to teach him the multiplicity of tongues. But Feinius passed from Asia to Scythia, where he had gone for the construction of the Tower, so that he died in the principality of the Scythians, at the end of forty years, and passed the command to his son, Nenual .
§13. Forty-two years after the construction of the tower, Ninus f. Belus took the kingship of the world. For no one other than him had tried to exercise authority over the peoples or to bring the multitude of nations under one reign, nor to subject them to taxes and tributes.
Before this time there had been chiefs, the one who was the noblest and the most in favor in the community, it was he who was the first adviser of every man: who was to avoid all injustice and uphold all justice. There had been no attempt to invade or dominate other nations.