ToggleKarib-Warao mythology
The Mythology Karib-Warao bring together the following peoples of Central America and the West Indies: Kali'nas, Galibi, Karib, Kalinagos, Caribbean, Akawaio, Arawak, Warao
The Kali'nas (formerly Galibis Where Karib) are an Amerindian ethnic group that can be found in several countries of the Caribbean coast of South America. They are of the Caribbean language and culture.
The Kalinagos, Caribbean, Karibs Where Caribs, are Amerindian populations originating from the north of Venezuela who migrated to the Caribbean islands towards the end of the 9the century of our era. The international name of "Caribbean" was definitively assigned to them after the arrival of Europeans in the New World.
The Akawaio are an important subgroup of the Kapon ethnic group (Karib subgroup) spread over the territories of Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela and living around Mount Roraima.
Cannibal originates from an Arawak term, caniba, deformation of cariba, a word by which the Indians Caribbean of the Lesser Antilles were self-appointed. In their mouths and in their language, the word meant, it seems, "bold", "brave man". On the other hand, for the Arawaks from Cuba, (Greater Antilles), victims of repeated and bloody incursions by their enemies Carib, who kept going up from island to island, always further north, the term cariba carried an extremely negative connotation.
The Warao are a large Native American ethnic group of nearly 30,000 people, spread across the coastal territories of Venezuela and Guyana. The Warao speak Warao which is an agglutinating language.
The term Warao in Warao language would mean according to anthropologists specializing in Amerindian language Wa : "Man / navigator" and Rao : "Boat / canoe" or Wa : "Man / inhabitant and Rao : "Swamp / lagoon".