
The origin of the people Kazakh is complex. It has its origins in the peoples turkish and tribes mongolian medieval. here is Legend of the Dombra.

Legend of Dombra

Legend of the Dombra

In ancient times, two giant brothers lived in the Altai Highlands. The younger brother had dombra and he really liked to play it. He forgot everything in the world when he started playing the dombra. The older brother was proud and vain. Once he wanted to become famous and decided to build a bridge across the fast and cold river. He started collecting stones and building the bridge. And the younger brother continued to play the dombra.

So the days passed. The younger brother didn't help the older one, he just played his favorite instrument. The older brother got angry; he snatched the dombra from his brother's hands and smashed it against the rock. The magnificent instrument broke and the music stopped, but on the stone the imprint remained. Many years have passed. People found this stamp and started making new dombras, and the music, which had been silent for a long time, sounded again.