Mythologies, myths and legends of the world
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In current usage, "mythology" generally refers to the collection of myths of a group of people. For example, Greek mythology, Roman mythology, mythology Celtic and mythology Hittite all describe the set of myths told among these cultures.
Mythology can also refer to the study of myths and mythologies.
Myth is a folk genre made up of stories that play a fundamental role in a society, such as founding tales or origin myths. Since the term is widely used to imply that a story is not objectively true, identifying a story as a myth can be very controversial.
Many followers of religions consider the stories of their own religions to be the truth and therefore object to this characterization which they consider appropriate for the stories of other religions (which is quite contradictory in itself).
As such, some scholars refer to all religious accounts as "myths" for practical reasons, such as to avoid devaluing a particular tradition because cultures interpret each other differently.
Other scholars avoid using this term altogether and instead use different terms like "sacred history", "holy history", or simply "history" to avoid giving pejorative connotations to any sacred narrative. We can also speak of folklore or written tradition. These texts as well as the legends are considered as true accounts of their distant past, often romanticized.
In particular, the Creation texts are set in a primordial time when the world had not reached its later form. Other texts explain how the customs, institutions and taboos of a society were established and sanctified. There is a complex relationship between the recitation of myths and the performance of rituals.
The main characters in mythology are usually non-humans, such as gods, demigods, and other supernatural characters. Others also include humans, animals, or combinations. Stories of ordinary humans, though often rulers of some type, are usually contained in legends. The site contains both types of texts.
A legend is a genre of folklore that consists of a narrative depicting human actions, considered or perceived, by both the storyteller and the listeners, to have taken place in human history. Stories of this kind can demonstrate human values and possess certain qualities that give the tale a verisimilitude.
Many legendary texts operate in the realm of uncertainty, never being entirely believed by participants, but also never being resolutely questioned. Lhe Brothers Grimm defined the legend as “a historically grounded folk tale”. A byproduct of the 'concern for human beings' is the long list of legendary creatures, leaving no 'resolved doubt' that the legends are 'historically embedded'.
Folklore is the whole culture shared by a particular group of people; it encompasses the traditions common to that culture, subculture or group. This includes oral traditions such as tales, legends, proverbs and jokes.
They include material culture, ranging from traditional building styles to handmade toys common to the group. Folklore also includes customary traditions, actions for popular beliefs, forms and rituals of celebrations such as Christmas and weddings, folk dances and initiation rites.
Each of them, alone or in combination, is considered a folk artifact or a traditional cultural expression. Just as essential as the form, folklore also encompasses the transmission of these artifacts from one region to another or from one generation to another.
A festival is an event usually celebrated by a community and centered on a characteristic aspect of that community and its religion or cultures. It is often marked as a local or national holiday, mela or eid.
A festival constitutes typical cases of glocalization, as well as the high culture-low culture interrelation. Besides religion and folklore, an important origin is agricultural. Food is such a vital resource that many festivals are associated with harvest time.
Religious commemoration and thanksgiving for good harvests intertwine with events that take place in the fall, such as Halloween in the northern hemisphere and Easter in the south.
Festivals have long been important in human culture and are found in virtually every culture. The importance of the holidays, until now, is found in the private and the public; secular and religious life. Companies greek and ancient Romans relied heavily on festivals, both communal and administrative.
The Saturnalia probably had an influence on Christmas and Carnival. Celebration of social occasions, religion and nature were common. Specific festivals have centuries-old histories and festivals in general have developed over recent centuries – some traditional festivals in Ghana, for example, predate European colonization in the 15th century.
Many festivals have religious origins and blend cultural and religious significance with traditional activities. The most important religious holidays such as Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, Diwali, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha serve to mark the year. Others, such as harvest festivals, celebrate the change of seasons.
Events of historical significance, such as significant military victories or other nation-building events, also provide impetus for a festival. An early example is the festival established by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses III celebrating his victory over the Libyans. In many countries, royal festivals commemorate dynastic events just as agricultural festivals relate to harvests. Festivals are often commemorated annually.
There are many types of festivals around the world and most countries celebrate significant events or traditions with traditional cultural events and activities. Most result in the consumption of specially prepared food (showing the connection to 'feasting') and bring people together. Festivals are also strongly associated with national holidays. Lists of national festivals are published to facilitate participation.
Among many religions, a feast is a set of celebrations in honor of God or gods. A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable. Most religions have holidays that recur every year and some, such as Passover, Easter and Eid al-Adha, are moveable holidays, that is, those that are determined either by lunar cycles or agriculture, or by the calendar in force at the time.
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Library of General Books
- Larousse junior of Mythology
- History of religions: Beliefs around the world
- The Great Civilizations: Egyptians – Greeks – Romans – Mayas – Gauls – Vikings
- Mythologies of the world – Notebook
- Mythologies of the world
- Monsters
- Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, 75th Anniversary Illustrated Edition
- Classical Mythology A to Z
- The Extraordinary Book of Fantastic Creatures
- The little Larousse illustrated with legends and myths
Library of Books on the Mythologies of the African Continent
Books on African Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Ancient Africa: A Captivating Guide to Ancient African Civilizations
- Tales of the wise men of Africa
- African Myths & Legends
Bantu Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Koi-san mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Niger-Congo mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti
- The Akan, Other Africans and The Sirius Star System
- The ancient kingdom of Dahomey, mores, religion, history
- Tales and legends of Benin
- Children of the Benin Kingdom
- water god
- Sacred Symbols of the Dogon
- Efik Moonlight Tales, Calabar Nigeria
- The Timbuktu Chronicles, 1493-1599
- Ancient West African Kingdoms
- There is no small quarrel
- Fulani initiation tales
- Legend of the Walking Dead: Igbo Mythologies
- Yoruba Proverbs
- Forest of A Thousand Daemons
- Yoruba Legends (Forgotten Books)
- The Lost History of the Little People
- Tales and legends in Serer country
Books on North African Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- One Thousand and One Nights, Volume 1
- One Thousand and One Nights, Volume 2
- One Thousand and One Nights, Volume 3
- The Penguin Book of Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt
- Tales of Berber sages
- Tales and legends of Tunisia
- The Last Storytellers: Tales from the Heart of Morocco
Sahara Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Mesopotamian / Semitic Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Mesopotamia: Writing, Reason and the Gods
- The oldest religion: In Mesopotamia
- In the beginning were the gods
- History Begins in Sumer
- Stories from Ancient Canaan
- Carthage: And the Punic World
- Military history of the Punic Wars
- The Legend of Carthage
- Mesopotamia: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Mesopotamia History and Civilizations
Library of Books on the Mythologies of the North American Continent
Books on North American Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Algic mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Chi-mewinzha: Ojibwe Stories from Leech Lake
- The Legend of Sleeping Bear
- The Heart of Everything That Is: The Untold Story of Red Cloud, An American Legend
- The Legend of Bigfoot: Leaving His Mark on the World
- The Crow's Tale: A Lenni Lenape Native American Legend
- The Algonquin Legends of New England
- Tales from Maliseet Country
- Wyandot Folk Lore
- The First Fire: Stories Of The Cherokee, Kickapoo, Kiowa, And Tigua
- Forgotten Tales of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Books on Athabaskan Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- How Raven Got His Crooked Nose: An Alaskan Dena'ina Fable
- Diné Bahane': The Navajo Creation Story
- Walking the Land, Feeding the Fire: Knowledge and Stewardship Among the Tlicho Dene
- Tales from the Dena: Indian Stories from the Tanana, Koyukuk, and Yukon Rivers
- How the Stars Fell into the Sky: A Navajo Legend
- Apache Legends & Lore of Southern New Mexico: From the Sacred Mountain
- Two Old Women: An Alaskan Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival
Aztec-Ute Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- The Cahuilla Indians
- Pueblo Gods And Myths
- The Zunis: Self-Portrayals
- Arrow to the Sun: A Pueblo Indian Tale
- Native American Animal Stories
- Legends of the Northern Paiute
- Myths And Legends Of The Pacific Northwest: Especially Of Washington And Oregon
- The Journey of Tai-me
- Apache Legends & Lore of Southern New Mexico: From the Sacred Mountain
- The Legend of the Bluebonnet
- The Lost History of Aztec & Maya
- Ute Legends
Hokane Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Mount Shasta's Forgotten History & Legends
- Havasupai Legends: Religion and Mythology of the Indians of the Grand Canyon
- Pomo Indian Myths and Some of their Sacred Meanings
- Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest
- The Inland Whale: Nine Stories Retold from California Indian Legends
Inuit Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Iroquois Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- The Legends of the Iroquois
- Skywoman – A Symphonic Odyssey Of Iroquois Legends
- The Song of Hiawatha
- Legends, Traditions and Laws, of the Iroquois, or Six Nations
- Legends of the Iroquois
Books on Muskogean Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Cherokee Mythology: Captivating Myths and Legends of a Native American Tribe
- Cherokee Myths and Legends: Thirty Tales Retold
- Choctaw Tales
- Legends of the Seminoles
- Indian Creek Chronicles
- Myths and Traditions of the Arikara Indians
- Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales
- Native American Legends of the Southeast
- Aunt Mary, Tell Me a Story: A Collection of Cherokee Legends & Tales
Books on Penutian Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Heroes and Heroines in Tlingit Haida Legend
- Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narratives
- How a Mountain Was Made: Stories
- Two Bear Cubs: A Miwok Legend from California's Yosemite Valley
- The Ohlone Way: Indian Life in the San Francisco-Monterey Bay Area
- Hear Me, My Chiefs! Nez Perce History and Legend
Books on Salish Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Tsawalk: A Nuu-chah-nulth Worldview
- Kwakiutl Legends: as told to Pamela Whitaker by Chief James Wallas
- Honne, the Spirit of the Chehalis
- Haboo: Native American Stories from Puget Sound
- Salish Myths and Legends: One People's Stories
- Folk-Tales of the Coast Salish
Sioux Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Folklore of the Winnebago Tribe
- Myths of the Sacred Tree
- Legends of the Kaw: The Folk-Lore of the Indians of the Kansas River Valley
- Traditions of the Osage
- American Indian Stories and Old Indian Legends
- Stories of the Sioux
Library of Books on the Mythologies of the South American Continent
Books on South American Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Andean Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- The Fabulous Discovery of the Lost City of the Incas: The Discovery of Machu Picchu
- Aztecs and Incas: History of the Conquest of Mexico, History of the Conquest of Peru
Only in English:
- Inca Mythology: Captivating Inca Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures
- Mesoamerican Mythology
Chibchan mythology books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Tales of the Taino Gods
- The Invisible Hunters: A Legend from the Miskito Indians of Nicaragua
- Trisba & Sula: A Miskitu Folktale from Nicaragua
Books on Macro-Carib mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Macro-Jê mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Macro-Panoan Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Macro-Tucanoan Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Maya Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Library of Books on the Mythologies of the European Continent
Books on European Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Anatolian mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- Tales from Asia Minor
- The Hittites
- Our Ancestors the Thracians: Ideological Uses of Antiquity in Southeastern Europe
Only in English:
- Phrygia: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Phrygian
- Ancient Middle East
- Warriors of Anatolia
- Ancient Anatolia
- From Hittite to Homer
Balkan Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- Greece and the Balkans
- The Romance of Alexander.: The life and deeds of Alexander of Macedon.
- Our Ancestors the Thracians: Ideological Uses of Antiquity in Southeastern Europe
- Balkan legends
- The Veneti
Only in English:
- Albanian Folktales and Legends
- Thracian Magic: Past & Present
- Croatian Tales of Long Ago
- Serbian Fairy Tales
- The Illyrians
- The Dacian War
- Armies of the Thracians and Dacians, 500 BC to Ad 150: History, Organization and Equipment
- History of Romania
Books on Baltic Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Curious Countries: The Mystery Animals of Scandinavia and the Baltic States
- Wonder Tales from Baltic Wizards
- Latvian Folktales
Books on Celtic Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
- Contes integrales – My most beautiful legends of the Middle Ages
- Medieval legends: Arthur – Perceval – Tristan & Iseult – Mélusine
- Celtic Stories – Legends and Wonderful Tales from Ireland, Scotland, Britain and Wales
- The legend of King Arthur illustrated
- Tales and legends of Ireland
In French :
- Keltoi – Legends of the Early Celts
- The mythology of the Celtic world
- Tales and legends of the Celtic countries
- Celtic Myths: The White Goddess
- On the road to the most beautiful Celtic legends
- The Legend of King Arthur – Complete Version
- The Four Branches of the "Mabinogi" and other medieval Welsh tales
- The Legend of the City of Ys: (from old texts)
- Four Scottish Folk Tales: Four Scottish Folk Tales
- The Gauls: Myths and Legends
- Tales and legends of Ireland
- The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology
Only in English:
- celtic fairy tales
- Cornish Folk Tales
- An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Castle Legends
- Welsh Legends and Myths
- Exploring the Magic of Welsh Legend & Lore
- The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man
- The Mammoth Book of Celtic Myths and Legends
- The Lost Tomb of King Arthur
- Celtic Mythology: Dive Into The Depths Of Ancient Celtic Folklore
- Irish Folk and Fairy Tales
- Celtic Mythology: A Concise Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs
- Ireland's Immortals: A History of the Gods of Irish Myth
- Scottish Myths & Legends
- The Book of Celtic Myths
Books on Fennic Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- The Folk-Tales Of The Magyars Collected By Kriza
- Lightbringers of the North: Secrets of the Occult Tradition of Finland
- The Nenets' Song
- God Wears Many Skins: Myth and Folklore of the Sami People
- Kalevala: The Epic of the Finnish People
books on greek mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
- Mythology The Greek heroes: Helen – Theseus – Ulysses – Hercules
- Mythology The Greek gods: Athena – Hermes – Persephone – Zeus
- The Iliad – Volume 01: The apple of discord
- The Iliad – Volume 02: The War of the Gods
- The Iliad – Volume 03: The Fall of Troy
- Icarus with golden wings
- Thésé's soap operae
- Greek Mythology – The Complete
- Illustrated Greek Myths
In French :
- The Theogony, Works and Days and other poems
- Sparta
- Dionysus
- Shiva and Dionysus: The Religion of Nature and Eros, From Prehistory to the Future
- Tales and Legends: The Heroes of Ancient Greece
- The twelve labors of Hercules
- The most beautiful stories of Greek mythology
- Tales and legends of Greek mythology
Only in English:
- The Song of Achilles: A Novel
- mythos
- troy
- Thebes: The Forgotten City of Ancient Greece
- The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries
- Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold
- Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold
- The Greek Myths: The Complete and Definitive Edition
- Treasury of Greek Mythology: Classic Stories of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes & Monsters
- D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
- The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry
Norse mythology books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- Norse Mythology: A Journey to Discover Viking Mythology
- Northern Tales
- viking mythology
- The 100 legends of Norse mythology
- Norse Mythology: From the Origins of the Universe to Ragnarok
- Norse Mythology: The Best Book on Viking Mythology
- Tales and Legends: The Vikings
- The Edda: Tales of Norse Mythology
Only in English:
- Encyclopedia of Norse and Germanic Folklore, Mythology, and Magic
- Dictionary of Northern Mythology
- Gods and Myths of Northern Europe
- The Saga of the Volsungs: With the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok
- An Illustrated Treasury of Swedish Folk and Fairy Tales
- Encyclopedia of Norse and Germanic Folklore, Mythology, and Magic
- Dictionary of Northern Mythology
- The Poetic Edda
Books on Roman mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- History of the Etruscans
- Tales and Legends of the Birth of Rome
- Tales and Legends: Ovid's Metamorphoses
- Tales and legends: The heroes of ancient Rome
- Tales and Legends: The Birth of Rome
- A day in ancient Rome: In the footsteps of a Roman, in the capital of the most powerful of empires
- SPQR. History of ancient Rome
- Roman myths
- Romulus, Twin and King: Facts of a Legend
- Discovering Basque mythology
- Marco Polo
- Fiabe italiane – Italian tales, bilingual edition
- Tales and Legends: Legends of Corsica
- The tales of Provence
- Legends and tales of Provence
- Fantastic Beings in Provence: Fairies, Witches, Goblins
- Frederic Mistral Tales of Provence
- The most beautiful tales of the Pyrenees
- Tales, stories and legends from the countries of France
- Beliefs, myths and legends of the countries of France
- Tales and legends from the regions of France
- Tales and legends of Spain
- Legends and Tales of Portugal
- Tales from Portugal
- Tales from the Alhambra
Only in English:
- Sardinia: Island of Myths, Giants and Magic
- Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People
- Ancient Rome: An Enthralling Overview of Roman History, Starting From the Romulus and Remus Myth
- Roman Empire: Rise & The Fall
- Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People
- Tales of the Alhambra
Books on Slavic Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- Mythology and religion of the pagan Slavs
- Collection of Slavic Tales and Legends: Stories, Folklore, Fairy Tales, Demons, Monsters, Gods, Mythology, Wild Hunt, Baba Yaga, Creation of the World, Creatures of Slavic Myth
- Tales of the Slavic sages
- Polish Tales: Maciek and Wojtek
- Croatia: Potik's journey and other tales
- Russian tales
- Russian tales
- Russian tales
- Russian myths
- Russian folk tales T1.: Translated from Russian by Lise Gruel-Apert
- Russian Folk Tales: Volume 2
- Afanasiev's Russian Tales: The Firebird
Only in English:
- Myths and Folk-tales of the Russians, Western Slavs, and the Magyars
- Russian Fairy Tales
- Slavic Witchcraft: Old World Conjuring Spells and Folklore
- Ukrainian Folktales: The collection of folktales from the Ukraine consists of one book with 27 folktales
Library of Books on the Mythologies of the Far East Continent
Far Eastern Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Chinese mythology books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Korean Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Korean Mythology: Captivating Myths, Legends, and Folktales from Korea
- Korean Children's Favorite Stories: Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales
- The Nine Cloud Dream
Japanese mythology books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- Tales and Legends: The Samurai
- Japanese Tales
- Tales and legends of Japan
- Yokai Dictionary
- Japanese fables and legends
- Japan ghost stories
- Spirits & Creatures of Japan
Only in English:
Mongol Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Tibet Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Library of Books on the Mythologies of the Oceania Continent
Oceanian Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Aboriginal mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Austro-Asian mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Austronesian Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Filipino Children's Favorite Stories: Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales
- Philippine Myths, Legends, and Folktales
- Filipino Ghost Stories: Spine-Tingling Tales of Supernatural Encounters and Hauntings
Oceanic Islands Mythology Books
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- Tahitian mythology for everyone: Maui, Hiro, Hina and company
- Hiro and Hina: Walks in the heart of the legends of Bora-Bora and other islands
- Tahitian myths
Only in English:
- Pele, Volcano Goddess of Hawai'i
- The Maori: The History and Legacy of New Zealand's Indigenous People
Library of Books on the Mythologies of the Orient Continent
books on oriental mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
Books on Dravidian Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- The Secret of Nagas (Tamil)
- Tales of India
- The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version Of The Indian Epic
- The Rig Veda
books on indian mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Ramayana: Divine Loophole
- Tales of India
- Classic Tales from India: How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head and Other Stories
- Seasons of Splendor: Tales, Myths and Legends of India
- The Illustrated Mahabharata: The Definitive Guide to India's Greatest Epic
Books on Mesopotamia Mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
Only in English:
- Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Creation Epic
- Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary
- Inanna
- Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others
Books on Persian-Caucasian mythology
Comics / Illustrated:
In French :
- The Gathas: The Sublime Book of Zarathustra
- One Thousand and One Nights, Volume 1
- One Thousand and One Nights, Volume 2
- One Thousand and One Nights, Volume 3
- Mani and the Manichaean tradition
- The Gardens of Light
- Iran, a 4000 year history
- The Book of Heroes
- The Book of Dede Korkut in the language of the Oghuz people
- 15 tales from Armenia
- Tales from Armenia: Epic, folk tales and legends
- The Armenian legend of David of Sassoun
Only in English: