ToggleYakut-Sakha-Dolgan Mythology
According to mythology Yakut, the universe consists of three worlds, which formed after the long war between the tribes of Uluu Toion (“toion” means “chief” in the Yakut language), Ürüng Aiyy Toion and the leader of evil spirits Arsan Duolai .
The end of the world was approaching. Then the opposing sides stopped the battle and arranged to divide the universe into three separate worlds. The upper world was given to the tribes of Ürüng Aiyy Toion and Uluu Toion, the middle - to humanity and the underworld - to the tribes of Arsan Duolai.
According to the worldview of the Yakut people, the upper world consists of several layers. The 3rd, 7th and 9th heavens are mentioned in the myths. They are located one above the other. The highest sky is considered the habitat of the tribe of Ürüng Aiyy Toion. The other layers are inhabited by other deities led by Uluu Toion. The upper world was considered the cold place.
According to one version, the lovable deities created the earth very beautiful and smooth, but the evil spirit trampled and scratched it - this is why rivers, lakes and mountains occurred. After the creation of the earth, Ürüng Aiyy Toion created the human being. He made the statues of the people, placed them in the stone house and told the keeper not to let the evil spirit in. But he bribed the guard, entered the house and strafed the statues. Having seen this, Ürüng Aiyy Toion cast the guardian into the dog and turned the statues over. Since that time people have been angry and unpredictable.
The underworld is described as the dark earth barely lit by the sun and moon gouged. The whole world is covered in bogs on which ugly iron trees grow.
The Dolganes form a people whose fundamental origin is found to be Tungus. The Dolganes speak Dolgane, a dialect mainly from the Yakut language (sakha). Most of the Dolganes live in the Krasnoyarsk Krai in Russia. They are called Dolganes, Tya kihi or Haka (долган, тыа киhи, hака).