
Here is the feat of Scythes, son of Heracles.

Scythes, son of Hercules

Scythes, son of Hercules

When the hero Heracles had mated with the monster Echidna, the latter gave birth to three boys. Then came the moment for Heracles to continue his journey. But on the day of departure, Echidna asked her lover what she should do with their children, once they reached the age of man. Heracles took one of his two bows and his harness which he gave to Echidna. He added that whoever of the three succeeded in positioning the harness and bending the bow as he himself did, would become the king of the country. The other two brothers would then have to go into exile.

Arrived at the age of man, Echidna gathered his three children, Agathyrsos, Gelonos and Scythes. The test could then begin. Only Scythes managed to pass both tests. As Hercules demanded, Echidna gave supreme power to the victor, while his two other children went into exile. At that time, he gave his name to this region and its people.