
At that time, there were Brittany, two holy apostles, friends of God... Kaourintin, first bishop of Quimper (St-Corentin) and Saint-Guénolé, first abbot of Landévennec... Often they had preached the faith in Is, and admonished the king on criminal acts, injustices , the crimes that were committed at the young girl's palace.



They were laughed at, and the king, weakened by age, no longer had enough authority to stop the disorders of the big city. God got tired when he saw this hardening and made known to the angel of Brittany, his friend Guénolé that, without delay, the city would be flooded by the waters. Guénolé, mounted on horseback, ran to the city of Is with the thought of stopping the wrath of God ... But the time of pity had passed, when the saint arrived around midnight, the locks were open and the sea was rising. a terrible noise rolling over the inhabitants, over the houses and the palaces.

Guénolé on horseback, is followed by Gralon. The old man, still a good father, despite his daughter's disorders, takes without the knowledge of the holy abbot, the great culprit on the back of his battle bidet. The waves of the sea were coming on them, quivering, they were about to be swallowed up, when a voice rang out: Gralon, Gralon, if you don't want to perish, get rid of the demon that you carry behind you.

The warning was from Guénolé, the angel of Brittany.

Ha Guenolé enn eur grena
Ha gri: Gralon toll an diaoul-ez
Divar daillard da hin kane:

Immediately the waves stopped and we saw the punishment of heaven.

Guénolé could only save Gralon… On the way, we can still see the trace of the horse's hoof on the rock, where the abbots of Landévennec, before taking their charge, come to pray and recognize Gralon as the founder of the monastery.

Ahès, the bad girl, was changed into Mari-Morgan (who sings on the sea, or sea foam) half woman and half fish, when it is moonlight, we can still hear her singing on the ruins of the sunken city .

Her eyes are like two stars, her hair is the color of gold, her neck and soft breasts are as white as snow, her melodious voice charms and lulls to sleep. The sailors of the country, when they hear it, say to themselves with fear: let's move away, Ahes is out of his palace, bad weather is near, and if we delay, we will be thrown on the rocks, to sleep our last. sleep.

Like Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon, It is no more, and the waves roll over its ruins. At sunrise, Gralon and Guénolé climbed the Menez-Hom mountain, Gralon cast a look of pity behind him.

Where Is was, all you could see was the sea; he throws himself on his knees to thank God and the virgin: getting up, he saw on the sunset, Rûmen-Goulou or Men-ru-ar-Goulou, on this stone we made human sacrifices: each month, a little child 'we tore from the udder.

With eyes bathed in tears, raised to the sky, Gralon said to his friend: on this reddened stone dedicated to a barbarian God, I would build a church, in honor of the virgin, and there, where we pour blood in honor of Teutates, the mother of the true God will pour out her graces on the Bretons.

He was faithful to his word ... The pagan priests rebelled when they saw the temple destroyed. The king defeated them near Argol, at the head of the converted Bretons. His prayer ended, the king followed Guénolé to Landévennec, an abbey he had built. He had already given his Quimper palace to Saint Corentin. In place of this palace is the beautiful cathedral. Gralon spent the rest of his days at Landévennec, in the most austere penance ... He often went with his friend to Rumengol, itron-varia-romedd-ol… Our Lady of any remedy.

The virgin appeared to him, and the rumor spread throughout Brittany. He died in the arms of Guénolé, at his Landévennec abbey, which he had founded.

He commended his soul to God, saying with confidence: Itron Varia Rumengol, mirit ouzin na zin da Gall… Madame Marie de Rumengol, cast your eyes on me so that I don't go to a loss.

This death has been around for a long time, and the Bretons who are people of faith and heart, remember their old king and his friend Guénolé.

If they knew better the history of their beautiful country when they come to Trinity Sunday, forgiveness of Rumengol, we see the bay of Douarnenez, Menez-Hom, Landévennec, the high and miraculous chapel, they would say tears to the eyes :

Bras ar burzudou a zo bet
Bars an amzer treinenet:

Great miracles have been
in times gone by.

Many differ in opinion, not on the existence of the city of Is, but on its location.

No one could shake these people's convictions, and let many people be illusions that the etymology of the word Paris is par-et-is, that is to say, equal to Is.

A baoué e confondet Is
Neus quet cavet by da Paris.

King Breton had his tomb in Landévennec, in the abbey itself… his memory was perpetuated for a long time. For a long time we saw the two friends walking at night in the cloisters and on the terraces of the abbey, talking about the things of God… don't we see them yet?

Poetry had seized the image of these two shadows that one could see from afar, walking, conversing slowly, at the time of great festivals, that announced great events.

Lavar din ar Belek?
Parrès Landévennec
At lein è di,
A vel roas e balé
Gralon to Guénolé
In abbati.

It was always the priests who saw them, seems to say the Breton poet. The French translation does not say so.

Tell me, if we find out
When Landévennec opens
His great forgiveness,
The shadow Augustus and darling
From Guénolé who prays
With Gralon.

It was therefore always at times of feasts and solemnities that we saw them walking and praying.