Here is the so-called Nemed part of the Book of Invasions.
§39. Now Ireland was deserted thereafter, for a time of thirty years after Partholon, until the arrival of Nemed f. Agnomain of Greeks of Scythia, with its four chiefs. Forty-four ships he had on the Caspian Sea for a year and a half, but only his ship reached Ireland. These are the four chiefs, Starn, Iarbonel the seer, Annind, and Fergus the red-sided: they were the four sons of Nemed.
§40. There were four lake gushes in Nemed's time: Loch Cal at Ui Niallain, Loch Munremair at Luigne, Loch Dairbrech, Loch Annind at Meath. When his grave was dug and was buried, there the lake sprang up on the earth.
§41. It was Nemed who won the battle of Ros Fraechain against Ghent and Sengand, two kings of the Fomoraig, and both were killed there. Two royal forts were dug by Nemed in Ireland, Raith Chimbaith in Semne, Raith Chindeich in Ui Niallain. The four sons of Matan Munremar dug out Raith Cindeich in one day: that is, Boc, Roboc, Ruibne, and Rotan. They were killed in the morning at Daire Lige by Nemed, lest they get better by digging.
§42. Twelve plains were cleared by Nemed in Ireland: Mag Cera, Mag Eba, Mag Cuile Tolaid, and Mag Luirg in Connachta: Mag Seired in Tethba; Mag Tochair at Tir Eogain; Mag Selmne at Araide; Mag Macha in Airgialla; Mag Muirthemne in Brega; Mag Bernsa in Laighne; Leccmag and Mag Moda in Mumu.
§43. He won three battles against the Fomoraig: the battle of Badbgna in Connachta, that of Cnamros in Laigne, that of Murbolg in Dal Riada. After that, Nemed died of the plague in Oilean Arda Nemid in Ui Liathain.
§44. Nemed's offspring suffered great oppression after their time in Ireland at the hands of More, f. Dela and de Conand f. Febar [eponymous from the Tower of Conand, today called Toirinis Cetne. Inside stood the great fleet of Fomoraig]. Two-thirds of the offspring, wheat and milk of the people of Ireland were to be brought each Samain to Mag Cetne. Anger and sadness gripped the men of Ireland at the burden of the tax. They all left to fight against the Fomoraig. They had three champions, Semul f. Iarbonel the soothsayer f. Nemed, Erglan f. Beoan f. Starn f. Nemed, Fergus with the red flank f. Nemed. Thirty thousand on the sea, thirty thousand more on land, they stormed the tower. Conand and his descendants fell.
§45. Now, after this capture, More son of Dela fell on them, along with the crews and sixty ships, and they fell into mutual carnage. The sea covered the people of Ireland, and none managed to escape, so severe was the battle: none except a ship, in which there were thirty warriors. They set out, leaving Ireland, fleeing disease and the tax: Bethach died in Ireland of the plague; his ten wives survived him for twenty-three years. Ibath and his son Baath set out for the north of the world. Matach and Erglan and Iartach, the three sons of Beoan, set out for Dobar and Iardobar north of Alba.
§46. Semeon went to the lands of the Greeks. His descendants increased there until they numbered in the thousands. Slavery was imposed on them by the Greeks; they had to carry the clay over harsh mountains so that they became flowery plains. Afterwards they were weary of their bondage, and they fled, five thousand of them, and made ships out of their sacks: [or, as the Book of Druim Snechta, they stole the pinasses of the king of Greece to board it]. Thereafter they returned to Ireland, their land of origin: this was at the end of two hundred and thirty years after Nemed. These were their five leaders, Ghent, Genand, Rudraige, Sengand and Slaine.
§47. As for the red-sided Fergus and his son, Britain Mael, from whom all the Bretons of the world, they took Moin Conain and filled with their descendants the great island, the Isle of Brittany: until Hengist and Horsa, the two sons of Guictglis, Kings of the Ancient Saxons, came to conquer them: and they drove the Britons beyond the borders of the island. Such are the adventures of the descendants of Nemed after the capture of Conand's Tower:
So says the historian,
The great Ireland that the Gaels administer,
I recount some of his cases:
Great captains armed with spears took her,
Of the proud race of Adam.
Of Adam the very harmonious, the ruthless,
At the Flood, a tumult that was prepared,
No one warmed his very mighty house
Except Cessair with the fifty virgins.
Except Bith and Ladru - let us relate -
Fintan, with the darkness of the earth no man found it,
Who revealed the majesty of Ireland,
Before the time of the Flood.
After the Flood in secret three hundred years,
Whoever tells it,
He who was brilliantly crowned for his exploits,
Partholon son of Sera, came.
Notwithstanding any majestic psalm,
The people of Partholon the sinner -
Death was the whole of his household,
On the Old Plain, over the course of a week.
Sixty years without growth,
Without a guard it was darkness,
Desert every corner of the proud sea;
Nobody took it except Nemed.
Nemed with the rage of them all,
With provision for shackles and value,
He possessed the land against the armies of war,
After the destruction of the other troops.
He used to conquer without risk,
Nemed, with pride and intelligence:
Agnomain's son with arrogance,
Although his troop was small, it was majestic.
Starn, who fell by the hand of Mac Faebuir,
Iarbonel the soothsayer, who was happy,
Ainnind with leather shackles
Were the three poisonous leaders of Nemed.
Nemed who paid them in terms of guarantee,
There was a scourge of fire and a sentence of death;
In his time, with a great roaring noise,
There was a gush — four lakes.
Loch Munremair, a pleasant sea,
Strong fury on the broad banks;
Loch Dairbrech above a king's hedge
Loch Cal and Loch Ainnind.
Vigorously were dug by his army
Two strong strong and sturdy,
Raith Cindeich where he bestowed arms,
Raith Cimbaeith in Semne.
Unearthed by him, it was a journey of pleasure,
Twelve plains of beautiful extent,
Mag Cera in Connachta of the Mists,
Mag Moda and Mag Eba.
The strong Mag Tochair was cleansed,
Leemag of the great plain of Muma,
Mag Bernsa with a mystery of graces,
Mag Cuile Tolad, Mag Lughad.
Mag Sered from the drying up of a river,
Mag Semne of a clear color,
Mag Luirg with a dark side,
Mag Muirthemne, Mag Macha.
The troubles - a job of telling them -
That he talked to the warriors of Formoria with great acuteness;
The battle of the enormous Morbole of great acuity the battle of Badgna,
And the battle of Cnamros.
In the territory of Liathan not far from Muma,
The dark lord of massacres died of the plague:
With the rude company of clean weed
To Oilean Arda Nemid.
They were not safe from oppression -
The offspring that Nemed begat -
At the hands of hard-bodied Conaing
And in the hands of More son of Dela.
Two-thirds of their beautiful children,
It was not generous against military weakness -
A tax that lasted through the ages of the world -
Two-thirds of wheat and milk.
Towards the harsh Mag Cetna of arms,
Over Eas Ruaid with wonderful salmon,
He was prepared without help,
Against a feast for them, every day before Samain.
Semeon son of happy Iardan,
Pure and generous Fergus, an effort of pride,
Erglan son of the warlike Beoan,
Were the three freed for their armies.
The army of Ireland with its troops came -
It was progression his power -
A unit of bloody warriors,
Head west to capture the Conaing Tower.
Conaing's tower with many loots
From a union of crimes of hundreds of plunder,
A fortress of the assembly of this art
From the rage of the Formoras of the sea.
The men of Ireland after his capture,
With the great value of the routes before them,
Of these, news of loss,
None escaped except thirty of Nemed's children.
They were not at peace with their inheritance,
This army with great despair value;
Of the thirty noble warriors,
Each chief set off.
In the land of the Greeks, the rest of the troop
Left Semeon, it was a happy road:
With wisdom on the main division
Fergus went to Moin Conain.
Britan Mael son of a prince
Freely number of trips on waterways,
Son of Lethderg of Leemag
From him are the Britons of the world.
Bethach in the footsteps of fame
Died in Ireland according to the truth:
His ten women behind him,
Thereafter, for a period of twenty-three years.
Hundreds sprang from Semeon,
The Greeks thought them to be a large legion:
They were not accepted by the warriors
But were enslaved by the Greeks.
Such was the order of the chiefs,
Carrying round bags — it wasn't risky
With clay fame on a rocky mountain
So that it was a plain rich in flowers and flocks.
They left without a traitorous contract
On the very dark wrathful sea,
Out of the captivity of harsh patronage
With ships and with bags.
These were their glorious names,
Kings, fiery, with agility,
Gann, Genann with a choice of men from good divisions,
Rudraige, Sengann, Slanga.
Semeon's offspring from a rank of spearmen,
A feat of pure will for purity of actions;
The Galioins, men of very few orders,
The Fir Bolg and the Fir Domnann.
Two hundred years, whoever relates it,
After Nemed, shining his brave exploits,
Before the Fir Bolg who took the beautiful land of Ireland,
From the hollow of the ocean.
Their navigation, their measurements, remain;
They divided into five, without religion -
Without cheating for their thin-flanked clan -
The pleasant Ireland, from Uisnech.
Let us give thanks to Christ so virtuous
Who calmed the strongest waves;
To him the world and his offspring,
To him each territory, to him is Ireland.
Courageously Capturing Conaing Tower
Against Conaing the great, son of Faebar:
The men of Ireland took part,
Three brilliant chefs with them.
Erglan son of Beoan f. Starn,
Semeon son of bitter Iardan,
The warrior of the plains went into exile,
Nemed's son, Fergus Lethderg.
Sixty thousand the brilliant crew
On land and on water,
This is the number that left the land,
The children of Nemed, to go for the capture.
Torinis, tower island,
The Fortress of Conaing f. Faebar;
By Fergus himself, in valiant combat,
Conaing f. Faebar fell.
More f. Dela came there,
It was to help Conaing:
Conaing fell before,
More learned the serious news.
Sixty ships on the sea was the number
With which More f. Dela came;
They met before they reached land,
The children of Nemed with great power.
The men of all Ireland in battle,
After the arrival of the Fomoraig,
The tide drowned them all,
With the exception of three times ten men.
Erglan, Matach, Iartacht the noble,
The three sons of Beoan f. Starn,
White her belt, Bethach, Britan after the battle,
Baath the Glorious, and Ibath.
Bechach, Bethach, Bronal, Pal,
Goirthigorn, German, Glasa,
Ceran, Gobran, Gothiam the pure,
Gam, Dam, Ding and Deal.
Semeon, Fortecht, the brilliant Gosten,
Grimaig, Guillius cleverly,
Taman, Turrue, and Glas,
Feb, and Feran the curly.
Three tens in pleasant journey
Then left Ireland:
In three they divided
After the capture of the Conaing tower in the west.
The third of Bethach the victorious,
Harmonious reputation, from Toirinis to Boinn:
It was he who died in Inis Fail,
Two years after Britan.
The third of Semeon son of Erglan the noble
To Belach Conglais with horror;
Britan's third, Ua Flaind says so,
From there to Conaing Tower.
Israel's children on the road
At this time, outside of Egypt;
And the children of Gaedel Glas,
Were traveling to Scythia.
O sweet Christ, with beautiful appearance,
O King, provider of the haven of Paradise,
In your heavens, famous place,
O King of the world, may you choose me!