Dabeiba's gold

The Spanish were looking for the great treasures of the temple dedicated to the goddess Dabaibe or Dabeiba, who, according to fame, had a lot of gold. The conqueror Vasco Núñez de Balboa, the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean, knew of the existence of the treasure of Dabeibe thanks to his beloved Anayansi, the daughter of the cacique Careta of the Urabá region. According to the beautiful native Anayansi, Dabeibe was a gigantic temple all made of gold, decorated with pearls and stones, and dedicated to the worship of the stars.


Dabeiba's gold

It was guarded and defended by fierce and invincible priests and warriors, and located in the heart of the mountain. These lagoons and swamps were surrounded by crocodiles and winged serpents, and in the atmosphere there were enormous vampires and thick clouds of voracious insects of all kinds. At the top of the mountain, we could see an immense sea from which people came to bring rich offerings for the temple, people with strange languages and customs.

According to the beliefs of the Katio Indians of Antioquia and Choco, Dabeiba was a beautiful woman who taught them how to cultivate the land, make cloth and build huts, as well as all kinds of trades and jobs necessary for life and leisure. This beautiful woman became the goddess Dabeiba, who educated them in the art of making exquisite rugs and baskets, as well as ceramics and body dyes. Dabeiba encouraged them to dye their teeth with a rod called " eightoque », which gives a black and shiny color.

The tradition of the Kkatio Indians says that their ancestors were lucky enough to see this beautiful woman full of supernatural qualities appear among them, and rightly so in the plains extending east of the Atrato River, Dabaibe or Dabeiba. .

According to legend, the god Caragabi needed the goddess Dabeiba in the cycle, so the beautiful woman climbed to the top of Cerro León and from there went up to her father's house. The Katio Indians remember that they saw her ascend and that she was lost in the clouds, becoming the goddess of the Antioquian Indians.

From there she presided over phenomena of nature such as rain, lightning, earthquakes, hurricanes and storms. When it rains and the earth shakes, or when there are winds and storms, it is because Dabeiba wants good for the fields and she wants them to remember it.