Yazidi prayer

the Book black Yazidi (here the main Yezidi prayer) is one of two books written in the style of a sacred book of Yazidis in their native language Kurmanji (northern Kurdish), the other being the Yezidi Book of Revelations (or Revelation). 

main yezidi prayer

The main Yazidi prayer

Amen, Amen, Amen!
Through Šams-ad-Dîn,
Fahr ad-Din, Nasir-ad-Din,
Sajad ad-Din, Šeiḫ Sin (Husein),
Šeiḫ Bakr, Ḳâdir ar-Raḥmân.
Lord, you are gracious, you are merciful;
You are God, King of kings and lands,
King of joy and happiness,
King of good possession (eternal life).
From all eternity you are eternal.
You are the seat of luck (happiness) and life;
You are the lord of grace and luck.
You are the king of jinns and humans,
King of holy (holy) men,
Lord of terror and praise,
The abode of religious duty and praise,
Worthy of praise and thanks.
Lord! Protector in travels,
Ruler of the moon and darkness,
God of sun and fire,
God of the Great Throne,
Lord of goodness.
Lord! Nobody knows how you are.
You have no beauty; you don't have a size.
You have no way out; you don't have a number.
Lord! judge of kings and beggars,
Judge of society and of the world,
You revealed Adam's repentance.
Lord, you have no home; you have no money;
You don't have wings, you don't have feathers;
You have no voice, you have no color.
You have made us lucky and satisfied.
You created Jesus and Mary.
Lord, you are merciful,
Merciful, faithful.
You are Lord; I am nothingness.
I am a fallen sinner,
A sinner by you remembered.
You have led us from darkness to light.
Lord! My sin and my guilt,
Take them and remove them.
O God, O God, O God, Amen!